WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1022, : ; : THE DAILY BRITISH WHICG. NO | --S-- emmy | CORN S There are many arti- With the new method cles in our store, treatment of Corns vou which you may not : Corns san vid feet of Corns know or may have instantly. forgotten, that we 10 Cents : Cut this ad. out and pres- carry and which are a ent at Best's Drug Store little different from i i ! ® and you Wi poo His our regular stock of : re rn treat- Fugrapiese oom Watches, Jewelry, ment. etc. A few of them me, ce ic a grade Ladies' ff' | . | BARGAIN DAY ' DR. BELL'S SHAVING CREAM or Gentlemen's Brushes up quickly; creamy lather Umbrellas. and retains its motsture Ml -- Walkin g Canes WON'T BE STAGE NAPOLEON. . ; J 'rl . |! | Bernard M. Baruch, noted American financier and at - e i --Waternian Foun- [|| one time one of the spectacular plungers on Wall street, has | ® ' i : | turned down the offer of a position in the theatre warld sim- | tain Pens, all styles | ilar to that now held by Wil Hays in the movies, that of su- | ; . preme director, guide, counsellor, and friend. He is too busy Here are some real hot bargains for Thursday shoppers : d as it is, he declares, Mr. Baruch has made a close study of | --real values every one, an | economies of recent vears and is friendly to the growing de- ea ore R | mands of the farmers for self-expression. : $ OP YMCA. Thos tuass --Safety Razors, PRT var serene , REPORT In St. George's Cathedral on Tuesday | From 9 to 1 oO clock 9 | S GIVEN 10 SYNOD evening, at § o'clock, the members | : Tomorrow S | SMITH BROS of Synod meeting in St. George's : -- Hall and forming in a procession led IP DIS( OUN ] Specials eo ||| Several Received and Adopted [by Rev. w. E. Kidd, and the cathe- ; LIMITE at Session Tuesday After dral choir, and passing along Wel- . I) D noon lington, Johnson and King streets T ' v to the main door of the Qeebedral, S AMPS ESTABLISHED 1840 The Tessdey mmm: Where the choir took up fhe music ° the Synod of Ta oruoon session of | ,1aved on the organ and entered | was given Over ow of Ontario singing the processional hymn, The r . . or ey 10 the fe lourey 1a itis aapond! BY the lay Shop in the morning and save 15% on all your regular ceiving of reports, The session open- J : . i delegates, lined the aisle and the a ut 2.30 o'clock, and adjournment Bishop of the diocese passed through . cash purchases. w +s 'me + +2 fOr 2Bc, yas Jeached at 5.30, the members to his throne, preceded by the choir, Sy ME a supper in the school TOOM | the dean ang chancellor, Rev, A. H I. + +..2 for 29¢. of St. James' churlh, tendered the . a y. 8 Creegan bearing the e iscopal staff, 2 for 20¢, DR. S. E. PORTER delegates by the city clergy and laity, and followed he his opal the \ This was a most enjoyable event 9 eS --rrreee. -- 3 2 . canon f th Prompt Delivery Corner Alfred and Johnson Streets The Synod passed a resolution, Cos 3 Toh a su Dean Phone 1072F, e - Li, ] aT, | Canon Austin Smith, Preceutor of Sy- 1 e Se , nod, sang the service; Canon Arm- ag st h sims That in distributing the mission Dong ead the first and Rew BL Regular 35¢c. to 60c. a yard --Eversharp Pencils KING STREET, KINGSTON RE : ; Dumbrille the second lesson. givings fund, exclusive of special ap- Bishop of the Diocese delivered his peal for northwest missions, the sums harge, whic 3 WHY DO PAINTERS USE [[ltemiarer sini he fi? wid Ss san le Price 19c yd. - for diocesean needs, and that the sum ; » a ® ---------- of $7,000 be paid to the M. §, C. WELLINGTON PERSONALS. | BRANDRAM HENDERSON PAINT? of Income poi Ted? Soluce " tas 2,400 yards of Snow White Nainsook and Lawns -- mill at MALVY AALINDL o: Hitween the M.5.C.c. and towarde tr Be. Bak LD Cult ends--in lengths measuring 1 to 6 yards. We secured this lot di- Pe rope ie Overirawn bulante." | ype, Do May 29a former rect from one of the best known converters in the United States. ---- Sr Lee The report on stipends to the mis ! . It 18 the only Paint used and sold by gen- sionary clergy was adopted, one ony his Dice tu the ii ? While they last eles ein ie mist Nea rier. Sale Price 19c¢. Yard change being made, that of giving the ing the past week. Dr. and ogni | uine' Painters, and it has the guarantee on missionary at Mayiooth an' addition. 1 hE, P48 week. Dr. 4nd Mra. Mor every quart. al $150, increasing the amount from N.Y. on Tuesday last, after spend. . Sila 5 $850 to $1,000. Ing a few days here with his ts. : 1 When you have any painting done sist rants 5. Mivsiouacion, His brother, Carroll, 1 te, New Woo pes ew 0 e aists that the Painters use Brandram Henderson The report of the committee on |! Hubert Webster, of the Associat. # . * ged stipends ¢ fesionar ed Fruit Growers, Toronto, was home B. & H. Ready Mixed Paint, and you will , [(j7ipeees stipends of wm ded thy |Uring the week. Thoma Jacer 9 5 Thurs $ 1 48 « ' went to Calif 1 bri h have a guaranteed Paint. following grants: ae Se aa aus ti tol Thurs. 8. , . Amherst Island, $300; Bancroft, for burial. Andrew M. Pettingill re- B. & H. English Paint colors . $5.00 per gal. $550; Bannockburn, $400; Coe Hil, turned home from California last (Regular $22.50 values) (Regular $2.25 values) $700; Edwardsburg, $200; Fronte- Saturday, Mrs, Lang, Woodstock, is | $1 40 per qt nac N., $720; Loughboro, $570: Mar- . . N., ; » $570; ) h ¢ . | = . mora, $420; Marysburg, $550; May- on evans es Flares, A lirge! 6 only, Novelty Brushed 15 doz. fine Voile Waists White Bar ae Nie eens .$5.25 per gal. nooth, $600; Parham, $600: Pitts- vices here on Sunday, Rev. Gordner Wool Capes for Summer with Peter Pan and Square burgh, $400; Selby $600; Shannon- i. 0 er gt. pd 2 is ge. | Phillips was in attendance. Mrs. | . per q age. 3400: Sharbor Lake," sso, [PRU Rosbeoy, ures. Mis. wear--in the new Heather Collars; lace trimmed; sizes ' ' . . Tweed, $350; Westport, $500; Wolfe . Special Greens and Reds $5.75 per gal. | Twesd 250. Total, $8,760. winter in New Jersey with her son, ures. Regular g . $ returned home this week, Mrs. K. p mx er qt Special grants at the discretion of . Codes. Ps ] 34 to 44. Reg. $2.25 values. . P qc, the Bishop -- Ernesttown $100: Morden is slowly recovering from a values. : i Iness. Mrs. George Raymond . Bloomfield, $100; Oxford Mills, $54; | recent il , : Rishop's Special, $500. Total, $9,. |OtaWa, is the guest of her niece, Mrs. | Sale Price ......... $8.95 Sale Price . . . .. .... $1.48 514 : : " "7" |P. A. Greer, Consecon street. Frod ' y - |A. Cory, Frankford, was the guest ? Rev. J. H. H. Coleman, the secre of A. M. Osborne recently, Mrs; J. tary, presented a report of the com- |" mittee on the spiritual development | Vllington Grier will reside at the MEN'S FORSYTHE SHIRTS, $1.49. new hotel on the lake in future. Mrs. . ~ Te ep nglican Forwand Movement, Wilson, Toronto, is the guest of her * 50 doz. fine Percale Shirts in a broad range of new patterns: The report showed that in accordance Nath The PIOpSAL Wade BY the som. |4UiH, Mrs. P. Panes, Co., at with soft French Cuffs; all sizes from 14 to 17. Regular mittee appointed in 1920, for the de- . . yelopment of the spiritual side of tho | Vest Lake shipped two large steel $200values ............... Sale Price $1.49 Anglican Forward movement, the drums to their new place of business, | Bishop arranged for the holding of Mrs. J. Sice is very ill, and is under | the care'of Miss Tiel, Lake Shore | parochial missions throughout the Road. Mr. Shoats, West Lake, who WHITE BATH TOWELS, 69c.-- di wherever it was deemed ad- recently purchased Tara Hall , on : ple bY he NE vomie, fo Sopsul ected here in the near future, Mr. 25 doz. extra heavy, large sized White Terry Towels of . [and Mrs, Nichol, Toronto, are the | "a . . De ocr ew YL Synod, sues guests of the former's mother Mrs. British manufacture. Special value at $1. . . Sale Prige 69c¢. massions Melvin Cronk. Dr. McCullough has parishes in the diocese. 8 o purchased a residence on the corner a on part, bi He Of Main and West streets. Mr. and | TABLE NAPKINS, $3.50 DOZEN--- . i 1u. tuudg lor loeal 3occseat Wot ny Ble sland, were 50 dozen White Damask Table Napkins--size 20x20. All reeds, total cash or , 2 loca ocesean noads was given as [oh Mr aud Mrs. Thomas Nash, and hew patterns ..................Sale Price $3.50 dozen $42,920.84, Concerning monies yet ' MT. and Mrs. Chamieriaia, Miss to be collected and assigned to this Jary HeCallonsh oo ais west 10 Sigeete. He Smite Mtvmmented at Toronto. J. BE. Cronk is a busy | SILK HOSE, 69¢. P AIR-- . : . ; Jewnihese due With his gardens and 23 doz. Black and White Silk Stockings in all the wanted equally between the mission, widows Tos » o . : : C 3 Funds, iso (hat any Delmon pa ove ~ sizes--a special value at 85c¢. a pair . ... . . . Sale Price 69c. We invite I your inspection tunds, also that any balausy ey aver Boy Burglar for "Pen." of our Spring display of to the diocese from A boy burglar is coming to the head rters for expense co vpn, acount, 30 Sia Th cui of Pemteniary. i tn Har ic, sa ITALIAN LISLE HOSE, 45c. PAIR-- cloths, Linoigums, Curtains, ing rimigoy ogg oud PRED fide, was caught 180 pairs of fine Mercer-Lisle Stockings. The colors are an amount between $1,000 and §$2.- b Y a police officer in the act of rob- . . . Blinds, Rugs, Lamp Shades, Nod. ti th report | PHI es Sttieet 18 the ast v1 The Black, Brown and Navy. Sizes 81 to 10. Sale Price 45c¢. pair Cushions-- in fact, every. The following ¢ A he was | accused belongs to Hamilton, When of the executive captured he had a complete set of . thing to make your home ate : ha A bo suai op $927.04 being | burglars tools in his possession. NEW GINGHAMS, 25c. YARD - ive duiplus, incoleiaf the Clergy... burning or aching feet can Just received 1,000 yards of new domestic Ginghams, in a Trust Fund for 1921, be paid to the 1 tly relieved b It : Hest fhive, senior mek 0y the list of (bo. Instantly rel rr we aguiting broad assortment of patterns and colors -- full 27 inches PIANOS, VICTROLAS, VICTOR RECORDS, McLAGAN expectants, as follows: at rnethy's S| . « e Abe y's Shoe Store on Thurs- || . PHONOGRAPHS and WHITE SEWING MACHINES Rev. NG Suerte, le; Rev. R.[%1 Shersethrs Show Store on wide........ . i ierian. . «Sale Phice 25¢. yard W. Jrvine, 3400; Rev. i. 0. | ""A man can make a good bluff by! . Rev. WW. G. Swarao be added. sq the | 10OKIRE wise 420 Keeping als cers list of annuitants from the 1st Janu- | SBut ary, 1922." The executive committee's recom- mendation that the rent of the Synod: office be $500 per annum, was also adopted, Annual Synod Service. The annual synod service was held