WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1022, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. DRAW. WINNEIT DENTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnson and Wellington FOR CHOICE MEATS and FIRST QUALITY WESTERN BEEF TRY B. V. McGeein 282 PRINCESS STREET | PHONE 1182 | { SOAs gu tft gE tata | For moving of i FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, | NOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF | PIANOS VERY DESCRIPTION | Kingston Transfer Co. Dr. Waugh Dentist | | Phone 256 106 Wellington St. PHONE 291 For Furniture or Baggage Transfer. rite with motor truck or horse drawing vehicles. Motor Cars and Livery ot} any kind in connection, Saddle Horses a specialty. Fre-war prices, FINKLE & CO. 120 Clarence Street. Kingston, Ont, | WATTS People's . Florist 177 Wellington street, Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding to order. Phone 1763. Res,, 1137, W. R McRae & Co. I -------- COAL Cholicest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by us, BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 188 FOR SALE A beautiful island in Lough. boro Lake .......... $75.00 HEALTH MESSAGE || 10 THE WORLD Take "Fruit-a-tives" And Make Yourself Well "Fruit-a-tives", the marvellous medi ine made from fruit juices and tonics, is the most beneficial medicinal agent that has ever been given to mankind. Just as oranges, apples, figs and prunes are nature's own medicine, so "Fruit-a-tives"'--made from these fruit Juices--but concentrated and intensified--is the greatest Stomach and Liver Medicine, the greatest Kidney and Bladder Medicine --the greatest Blood Purifier--the greateht remedy Jor Head. aches, Constipation, Indigestion, Nervous. ness and Bad Complexion--in the world, To be well, take '"'Fruit-a-tives" 50¢ a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 250. At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. rn pm, Real Estate and Insurance 80 Brock Street Phone 424 SEASONABLE FRUITS and FRESH VEGETABLES Pineapples, Strawberries, To- matoes, and all the good things in Spring Vegetables. BON MARCHE GROCERY pr 275 Ontario St. Phones 830, 83+ PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning and Repairing. Also Organ Work. All work guaranteed. PETER D. BROWN 12 Markland St. Phone 2397m, THE NEW F THERAPIGN No 3 THERAPION No.3 i. No. 2 for Blood & Skin Diseases. No. 3 for Ohronfo Woaknesses BOLD BYLEADING CHEMISTS. PRICE IN ENGLAND 3. DR LECLERCMed Co. HaverstockRd..N ws. SEE TRADE MARKED WORD 'TMERAPION 15 ON BRIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED TO GENUINE PACKETS. CH REMEDY, BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son 21 Main Street. } BOOO0OON Phowe 1670. Victorian Order of Nurses. Tag Day, Saturday, June 31d. You should watch the ads of your merchant just as surely as you watch {for announcements of your favorite {film star's coming. | { | | 1 | Watch Advertisements. { Passed Final Examination. It was his final, not his first, exami- nation that W. J. Gilbert passed at {the Dental College, Toronto, It was la printer's error or bad writing that {caused the mistake. Dr. Gilbert will {1ikely locate in Toronto, | | Our merchants are the sort who jcarry a good stock. If they tell you {in an ad. of a special bargain, you can depend upon it--it is a ba gain. f | Can Depend on Merchants, | Recovered His Canoe. { Rev. Father O'Gorman, Prescott, |1s pleased over the recovery of his jcanoe, valued at $100, which was {stolen recently from Prescott. Walter | Holliss, Ogdensburg, N.Y., while fish- {ing down the river, found the craft, -------- Visiting at Camden East. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Gallagher jand little son, and Mrs. J. 8S. Galla- |gher, Harrowsmith, and Mrs. F. D. Knapp and little Gwendolyn, King- {ston, were recent visitors at James [Filaners, Camden East, | ---------- | Queen's Girls as Waitresses. | Several Queen's | will probably be seen 6n the steamers {Kingston and Toronto this summer | |as some of the co-eds have decided to spend the summer months en these boats, acting as waitresses. --------ei------------ The Season's Best, Our madé-to-measure sultings for men are of the best of English cloth. | Our range of blue and black serges, blue stripes, plain greys and colored | worsted are of the best material that money can buy. Prices from $39 to |$45 a sult, Prevost, Brock street. ---------- Resigned His Charge. Rev. W. H. Wallace, pastor of Vie- |toria avenue Baptist church, Belle- ville, for the past four years, has an- i. nounced his resignation to take ef- In Centre of Shopping and Business District 250 ROOMS ARE, €. WINNETT THOMPSON, MAN'G. DIR, Briskly rubbed in at the Sore spot, Absorbine, Jr will take out the pain and stiffness quickly, and re- Store the muscles to their normal, healthy condition. Absorbine, clean and wholesome and leaves no oily residue, $135 a bottle at mest druggists' "W. F. YOUNG, Ine, ~ 344 St. Paul St., Montreal LS 1 ved h Fn = E==3 osquit Lotion Our Mosquito lotion will keep away these pests. é Apply freely on face, arms, etc, and enjoy peace and com- fort. This is the mosquito season! 30c Bottle M. R. McColl PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Cor. Clergy and Princess Sts. Phone 82. Bilious Attacks When 3 Jou are.c re lubricant produced If tom. annoying [i associated | [charge of the hew hospital. | [mer has lately been acting as t; fect at the end of June. He will oec- cupy the pulpit for the last time on June 25th. ---------------------- Rev. Dr. Chown Coming, Rev. Dr. Chown, general superin- Canada, will arrive in the city Friday afternoon to attend the Montreal Conference and preach thé Sermon at the ordination service in Sydenham Street church Sunday morning at 10.30 o'clock. -------- Pays to Finish Articles, The representative of the Ontario department of agriculture in Lennox and Addington writes: "Farmers are beginning to realize that it pays to finish their veal calves in Al condi- tion, as buyers are very discriminat- ing in this respect and refuse to ac- cept unfinished calves at any price." -- Calling for Tenders, Elsewhere in to-day's issue appears an advertisement calling for tenders for all the work with the exception of the heating, plumbing and electric wiring for the erection of the new dairy schoo] building in Kingston. The plans for the new building are now on file at the local office of the Department of Agriculture, 22 Mar- ket street,, -------- Revisits His old City. Dr. A. Bdmond Burrows, Church avenue, Montreal, was agyvisitor in Kingston on Tuesday having come here to see his niece, Miss Lucy Wad- dell, Earl street, who recently under- went an operation, Dr, Burrows is the brother of Mrs. John Waddell, He graduated at Queen's University fir- teen years ago and had not visited this city in twelve years. His old- time friends were glad to see him, -- By Auto From California, Mrs. C. L. Duncan and husband ar- rived in Kingston on Saturday night from Los Angeles, Calit,, for an ex- tended visit to her mother, Mrs. Wm. Moore, 4 Lower Quebec street. Mr. and Mrs. Dungan made the trip by automobile, traveling a little over 4,000 miles, making the trip in three weeks. On their way they stopped over at Windsor for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. James Gough, formerly of Kingston. ™ Repairing Passageway. The passageway between the Em- pire wing and the main part of the General Hospital is being repaired, the floor being raised. The new ser. vice building, which is attached to the main building by a Passageway running into that between the Em- pire wing and the main part of the hospital, is also being put in com- munication with the main parts a She aalidiug openings into the corri- Appointed Resident Physician. Dr. Leo. J. Palmer, a graduate in Queen's medical faculty in 1920, has been appointed resident physician at erintendent of the State Hospital at Ogdensburg with whom Dr. Palmer was formerly will have Dr. Pal- c to the unit of naval militia at Oswego. -------------- The Late R. J. W. Barker, The late R. J. WwW. Barker, who Passed away in Ottawa lust week, was ow of the late E, J. Bar- . University girls | tendent of the Methodist church in | ! | ker, founder of the Whig, being a grandson of the late Dr. Robert Bar- ker who for some years was a drug- gist in Brighton. The late R. J. Bar- ker was a graduate of the Ontario School of Pharmacy, a Mason of long |standing, and a director of 'the Ro- tary Club, Toronto, where he resid- ed. The body was buried in Mount JE tenmunt cemetery. > { Conditions of the Crops. Spring grains are making rapid growth; some describe it as Ppheno- {menal. Oat fields especially are in most promising condition. Some mangels and other roots are up and are looking well. The prospects for early potatoes are also encouraging, as the weather has been very favor- able for all spring crops. A number speak enthusiastically of the prospects of fruit. Apples as a rule are heavily set, more especially the early varieties. On well sprayed orchards the prospects were never better, Homer Tennant Dead. At Lyn, the death occurred, Sa'- urday, of Homer Tennant, at the ag» of fifty-eight years. He was born in {the Front of Yonge and for some {time followed farming, later operat- {Ing a hotel at Mallorytown. He led a retired life during the past ten years, during which he resided in Lyn. Surviving are his wife, and ono daughter, Miss Vera. Two brothers and a sister also .mourn, namely: Messrs. Robert Tennant, Lyn: Wil- | Ham Tennant, Moose Jaw, Sask., and Mrs. Jacob Warren, Junetown. He was a Presbyterian, -- Prison Population High, There are 856 {inmates in the Portsmouth penitentiary, and the re- gular cell accommodation being over- taxed, it was necessary for the auth- orities to double up a large number of the cells by constructing a parti- tion through the centre with a door graph. Kingston and Vicinity FLORIDA. This huge Loggerhead Turtle was caught on Sarasota Beach, Sarasota, Florida, by 'R. B. Curry, Note the many eggs which Curry is which he extracted from the turtle. ] Iplacea in it so that two men might | occupy one cell and still be separat- ed. By continuing to double up the cells available in this matter it is estimated that 900 men might be | housed. No new cell dormitories are | now in course of erection as all stone workers are engaged in building the | new power house, | | World Shortage in Tea Results in Higher Prices. 1819 and 1920 increased production and shipping facilities re- enormous quantities of | every market of | |the world. , A consequent drop iu | | price was the result. To stabilize the | situation, the tea growers of Ceylon | |and India agreed to curtail produc-! tion 20% in 1921. Since that time | | the demand has been constantly in-| creasing and the price rising. The! recent reduction\of duty on tea en-| | tering England has further increased | | the demand, and the price is expect- {ed to rise accordingly. | | During the | i greatly | unlimited sulted in | tea reaching | George W. Weese is Dead. | One of'Ameliasburg's well known | {residents in the person of George W. | | Weese passed away on Wednesday { 'after being in ill-health for some | |time, Deceased was sixty-six years | |of age and was born in the township of Ameliasburg where he had resid- | {ed all his life. He was a son of the late James C. Weese: In religion de- = |ceased was a Methodist. Mr. Weese | was for some time a member of the | { township council and always took an | interest in municipal matters. Al widow and three daughters, Mrs, Ray Roblin, Mrs, Carl Redner and Miss | Irene all of Ameliasburg survive, An | aged mother, ninety-one years of age, | three brothers and one sister are 1iv- | ing. The brothers are Wm. D., Belle- | ville; John G. and J. F., Ameliasburg. The sister js Mrs. Allison, Amelias- burg. ------ Square Timber Two carloads of Douglas Fir Timber now on the way from the Coast. . Sizes 10 x 10 up to 16x16; lengths up to 40 feet. May be sawn again to order, S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Weinngtos Streets, KINGS10N, Ont. Office Phone 686. Factory Phone 1418. HOLIDAY SHOES Buy your Canvas Shoes for the holiday now and be prepared. We have a most complete range of Men's Canvas Shoes, in high or low cut, ite or Brown, with either Leather or Rubber Soles and Heels. Prices 3 from iy een. 08t, 5348 The latest is White Canvas with Brown tfiminings......, ..... cree... .$348 JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231]. 70 Brock Street FURS INSURED AND STORED Gourdier's BROCK STREET i Nee Suits for Boys === ----ETT ey "Made To Wear Where Others Tear" The HEAD OFFICES J. B. LAMB Agencles in all principal HEPREAFYTATIVES: . A Kiang and Brock S London Life Insurance Gompany "Policies Good as Gold" LONDON, CANADA cities H. APPLETO 417 PRINCESS STREET Phone $T8w. - DELCO LIGHTING for your Sum- mer home. See ! F. GRACRH . Phone 1545 115 Brock Street | - seen in the photo- | holding and | The right management will get 1000 eggs from each hen. The right management will get 1000 cents from each $7.00. ly RN TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel)' Sweater Coats in 'Wool and Silk We are showing many novelties as well as the staple styles in Women's Sweaters--all this season's newest de- signs in Pullovers and Tuxedos. Priced from ................... $2.75 9p Boys' and Girls' All Wool Jersey 'Suits and Dresses for ages two to six years--very pretty and serviceable, W. N. Linton & Co. Phene 191.