Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Jun 1922, p. 14

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mi els to Tomei yet I H THE PEOPLE'S F ORUI UM = CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: Flist irsertion, 1c & word. Zach con- secutive insertion thereafter, halt cent a word. Minlmum charge for one insertion, 26c; three insertiona 50 cents. The above rates are for cash only, when charged they are double HELP WANTED. COOK WANTED. ' APPLY BOX 8-30, {Whig Office. a GIRL FOR GROCERY STORE. AP- ply Box X-31, Whig Office Eaters co iit -- GIRLS OVER 16 YEARS OF AG A ply Dominkn Textile Co, Catara- qui street, city, TWO FIRST CLASS CARPENTERS, one first class tinsmith. Apply Mc- Kelvey & Birch. WANTED, A MAID FOR GENERAL housework; family of two. Apply between 7 and 8. Evening at 170 Barrie Street. MONEY AT HOME, $15 te $00 MAKE weekly for your spare time writing show cards for us. No can- vassing. We instruct and Supply ou with work. West-Angus Lata Service, 17 Colborne Bld, To- ronto. WE WANT Aa RELIABLE SALES agent for each unrepresented coun- or territory. Exclusive selling Hanis: ood pay to energetic rep- resentatives. Our agency is valu- able. Write Peluam Nursery Co. Toronto. Ont. SALESMEN WANTED, WITH CAR OR rig preferred. to call on [farmers | Positions permanent. Good in-| come, paid. weekly. Give age, past | experience and references in first) letter. Apply E. R. McClellan, Graphic Arts Building, Toronto, Ont. RE-SALE MEN WANTED TO INTRO- duce to the home In conjunction with establshed dealers an electric | washing machine, widely advertls- | ed, well-known and of proved ef-| fiolenoy, on a llberal salary and; commission basis. Applicants must | be able to furnish references and a | clean past record. Apply Box V-30, Whig Office. | | WANTED GENERAL | a ------ WANTED TO RENT, SKIFF, FOR ONE | or more months, Apply Box P-§,| Whig Office. MEN'S HAIR CUT, 20c.; BOYS cut 15c.; Shaving, 10c. G Curzon, 23 Brock Street. BXPERIENCED COOK DESIRES PO-| sition as cook, or cook general in a] emall family. Apply 170 Bagot St GET IT REPAIRED--LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired; saws filed; knives and scissors ground. Drop a card to G. W. Bateman, 27 Upper William street. TRUCK LEAVING KINGSTON FOR TO- ronto Monday, June 5th; would take load reasonably to Oshawa or To- ronto. Apply 1566 Frontenac Street or phone 1783J. ¢ MAN DESIRES WORK AS CARETAK- er for building; was formerly em- ployed by R. J. Rodger, jeweller, excellent references. Apply 136 Colborne Street, or phone 638J. HAIR | . OW. LAWN MOWERS GROUND PROPER- ly, carpet sweepers repaired. Wiil call at your home. W. Kelly, 3587 King street West, formerly 47 El- lerbeck Street. Phone 2047w. MERS FOR SHOE REPAIRING work done quickly and neatly, Rubber Heels put on while you wait. Your patronage solicited. Workmanship guaranteed. Goodwin, Charles Street, near Montreal Street. . POSITION WANTED. WANTED POSITION AS NURSE AND nurse housemaid, by two Scotch girls: references. Apply Box W-31, hig Office. LEGAL & SMITH, BARRIS. solicitors, 79 Clarence ston.-- A. B. Cunning- 'yr'l M. Smith, OUNNINGHAM * ters and Street, Kin ham, K.C; AMBROSE SHEA, 8.A, BARRISTER and Solicitor. Law office, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money to loan. Phone 1999. CIVIL ENGINEERING. PLANS_SURVEYS--ESTIMATES --- 8. Scott, BA, B. Mem. Eng. Inst. 134 Earl Street. Phone 647. CARPENTERING "REN YOU WANT THE CARPENTE e James Selby, Con factor. 31 1 AUTO PAINTING. AUTOMOBILE PAINTING AN FIN- ishin ng specialty. Also Plano and Furniture Polishing. 8hop Queen Street, rear of Abernethy's Shoe : Store, 'or drop a card to $9 Barrack CARPET CLEANING, HM. MILNE, ELECTRIC VACUUM AND Carpet Cleaning, Laying and Sew- ing; Hyslop and leveland Bi- cycies. Phone 542, 372 Bagot St. MEDICAL. ROBINSON, t. Hours bx Brad 2 a «4 ~ pm. 7-85.30 pm. Fhone 1648 " anne, et Dine Me BAe ; am, 2-4 pm, 7-85.30 S86. P pm. Phone TO LxT. BRICK HOUSE, FACING CITY PARK, Apply King & Smythe, 71-73 Clar- ence Street. GARAGES; RENT REASONABLE, AP- BY Kingston Apartments, Ltd. 69 rock Btreet. hone 237 ' UNFURNISHED FLAT, FOR LIGHT housekeeping; every convenience; central. Apply 168 Division St. LODGE ROOMS ON KING STREET, formerly gosupleq by the LO.O.F, Apply to Cunningham and Smith. FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; all improvemenis; centrall wet ed. Apply 243 University A FURNISHED FLAT, COMFORTABLE and convenient, with balcony, elec- Ie light, gas for cooking. Phone HOUSE ON JOHNSON STREET, POS. session July lst; rent $46 monthly, | Apply H. W. Watts, 98 Frontenac | Street. LARGE STONE HOUSE TO RENT MAY / 1st. For particulars apply at Gil- | bert's Grocery, 194 Barrie Street. Phone 254. JUNE 1st, A FOUR ROOMED apartment; all conveniences; hot water heating, Apply to White's Insurance Agency. THREE OR FOUR rooms, on bath room flat; for light housekeeping; light and phone." Phone 2043J. FT. in good condition, with sail, two! double paddles, two singles and chairs. Apply Phone 2379%w. FOR SUMMER, TENT SPACE AT 'Robinson's Point," Front road; al- #0 four large unfurnished rooms. Mills Company, 79 (®larence Street. LARGE DOUBLE FRONT ROOM, FUR- nished; suitable for 2 gentlemen in down town section; 3 minutes walk from Princess Street. Apply Box J-30, Whig. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN dry, x Taome and spaces; your own lock and key. Frost's City torage, 299- ig Queen St. Phone 26 es. 989w. RENT AT 60 QUEEN near Harkness Butcher Shop, a number of single garages. Rent reasonable. Apply 185. Queen St. or phone 988w. FURNISHED, LARGE, FRONT ROOM, electric light; half block from car- line. Apply 313 University Avenue or phone 852w. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH RUNNING water in each room; all modern conveniences; good locality, 406 Johnson street. Phone 997J. UNFURNISHED 16 TO STREET, BRICK HOUSE ON ORDNANCE ST. near Barrie Street, with garage. Possession July 1st, ly 32 John street, or phone 228) FURNISHED, housekeeping, bathroom floor; gas, hone, handy to college. No oh- Tan to a small child. Apply 384 Alfred Street. ONE LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, $5.00 monthly; three unfurnished rooms, $7.00 monthly; use of kitchen and gas stove by arrangement. Apply 323 Montreal street. TWO OR THREE ROOMS ON BATH. room flat; furnished for light housekeeping; newly decorated; gas for cooking and electric Mght. 'Also front balcony. Apply 380 Alfred St. AIRY, COMFORTABLE, STONE HOUSE eight large rooms, fireplaces, back verandah, trees, grounds back and front, furnace, gas, three piece bathroom. Apply 38 Clarence St. APARTMENT OF FIVE ROOMS, hardwood floors, electric light, gag range, refrigerator, fireplace, tiled bathroom. Apply Kingston Apart- Jieats Ltd. 69 Brock Street,. Phone A FIVE AND A SEVEN ROOMED furnished summer cottage, at East- view Park. Also for sale fine waterfront lots and modern bunga- low. Apply J. D. Boyd, R. R. No. 1, Kingston. HOUSE TO RENT Seven roomed frame _house on Nelson street, all Improvements, good garden with fruit trees and berry bushes. A real comfortable home. Rent hk Odie month. Apply Box R-30, Whig Office or phone 11. AGENTS WANTED SALARY 21 WEEKLY, EX SES adv not to canvass but tRavel and appoint local representatives. State age and qualifications. Ex- rience un ry. Winst 0., Dept. G., Toronto. AGENTS--GET IN A PROFITABLE all year commission business of your own. Every property owner needs some of our nine hundred varieties of hardy Red Tag trees and plants. No capital needed. Somgleta e nipmewt and instruc- tion free. rite Dominton Nurser- ies, Montreal ENERGETIC, RELIABLE, RE. sponsible man, preferabl with large acquaintance, both business and social, to handle an ol estab- lished product, In continual use by % of the population. Stead income kT good profits. A Quick seller to both the retail stores and feusumer. Address: Mr. West, 16 Street, Toronto. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING JANES HARRIS, tractor. 1678 ELECTRICAL CON- Couper St. Phone KINDLING AND HARD WOOD-- IN GOOD DRY SOLD BY THE CONDITION. CART LOAD. James Swift & Co., Limited 3 ERYTHING YON THREE ROOMS FOR FOUND DOOR KEY, ON' CORNER OF Montreal and Ondnance streets. Owner may have same at 208 Sydenham St. PAIR OF CURLING TONGS, ON Princess, between Montreal and Bagot. Owner may have same at 326 Montreal Street. AUTOMOBILE CRANK, ON George street. Owner may | have same at 41 George St. ROSARY ON. SYDENHAM ST. Owner may have same at 43 Main street or phone 1965F. ONE PAIR OF GLOVES AND one riding crop left in auto. Owner may have same at C, H. Hall's, §6 Brock Street. | | 'suitable |= electric VARNISHED CEDAR CANOE son BROOCH, RED CORAL, i | FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. TISED FREE Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the owher may do so by reporting the facts (0 The British Whig. The adver- tisement will be printed in this column free of charge. "Found articles" does not in- clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, etc. Those, If lost, may ad- vertised for fa the "Lost column NEAR | park, or King Street Re- | City Return to Whig Office. ward, EVENING, MAY Sist, WHITE F black ring around top © reward for return to Street. GPCI PROSPER OED LOST Princess set with pearls and a sapphire. Valued as a keep- sake. Reward for return to 43 Division street or Whig Office. CPP FPPPPPRIPIEEEY Gold Bar Pin, dk ddd bd PPP PPEP PTE IEEE LOST (Fynepoint) on Tuesday between the Collegiate and Grant Hall. Reward for re- turn to 33 Division street or the Whig Office. idbihdbad badd a Silver Pencil 1 rertsteer Chr bebi ete ltapadsspsar FOR SALE. UPRIGHT PIANO, EXCELLENT CON- dition. Apply $2 Lower Union St, or phone 399%w. 15 RHODE ISLAND RED HENS, ALSO Bantam Hens. Will be sold cheap to quick buyer. Apply 517 Albert Street. | | FOR SALE E. W. MULLIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Ph 530w. SEE DISPLAY AD. ON PAGE TWO. | 1cE CREAM WAGON, ALSO POP CORN 45d peanut wagon. Apply 56 Bay A TYPEWRITER, "ROYAL" IN GOOD | condition, Box U-30, Whig | fice. | QUANTITY OF HARD AND SOFT brick. Apply 143 Nelson street. Phone 618 or phone 1381J. HAVE YOU A CAR YOU WOULD LIKE to trade for a good 8% investment? Write Box A-29, Whig Office. PURE WHITE OSTRICH FEATHER Boa. Price $8.00. Has never been Apply 46 L. Rideau Street. Apply worn. LADY'S BICYOLE, NEARLY NEW, IN first class running order. Apply P. V. Bedore, 274 Nelson street, or phone 1746J. FIVE HOUND PUPS, ONE MONTH old, black and tan; $6.00 for dogs; $4.00 for bitches: best for fox and deer; dam is a pure bred Scotch deer hound. Sat- isfaction guaranteed. Apply George Guild, R. R. 3, Mallorytown. 112 ACRES FARM, 70 ACRES TILL- able, crop all in, spring in pasture, bank barn 76 by 4%: large drive | house and machine building. Splen- did 8 room house, hog pen and hen house. Owner died and estate must | be wound up. For quick sale $6. 000. Apply J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock Street, "city. Antique Furniture Something new arriving every week in old period Furniture. LESSES ANTIQUE SHOP 507 Princess Street Phone 1045w. CHIROPRACTIC WM. A. MARCELIlsS, D.C, Ph. C, Cor- ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 2nd floor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingston, Ont. Consultation free. Teleptions 822J). Hours § to 12 ara. 1 to § p.m! DR. GEORGE F, LUUY, DR. JENNIE A, Lucy, Chiropractic Specialists and Graduate Nurse, 239 Bagot street. between Princess and Brock. Tele- hone 943w. Hours 9 to 12 a.m, 1 to , and 7 to p.m. Spinal andlysis and consultation free. Residential cails by appointment. WE ARE WRECKING A FORD TOUR- Ing car and have many used parts for zale. Palmer, corner Bagot and Queen. MILITARY TRNTS, BELL AND quees; also new camp eots chairs. Apply 1. Cohen & Co, Ontario Street. FORD TON TRUCK, IN FIRST CLASS condition; stake sides; cheap for quick sale. Palmer, corner Bagot and Queen streets. SECOND-HAND DAYTON COMPUTING scale, 30 1b. capacity; slightly used. Price reasonable. 118 Col- borne Street, Kingston. MOTOR BOAT, 24 FEET BY § FEET ¢", two cylinders, 4 cycle, Regal en- ine, reversing wheel; goo sea- Eon $200. Apply A. H Warwick, 39 Division Street. HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF ~ good seconl-hand furniture and stoves. Any person having stoves and furniture to dispose of, wg will rices. J. Thompson, treet. Phone 1600w. MAR- and 275 ay highest $33 Princess Sp. A WALL SHOW CASE MADE FOR cigars and tobacco; quartered oak; oclgarette drawers, etc, in first class condition. Apply Frank Robbs, 186 Wellington Street. PARTIES WANTING ROUGH LUM- ber and shingles will do well to call at the new lumber yard on Sonceasion street before buying. W. H. Talbot, 8 St. Catherine St. GOING TO BE SOLD AT A BARGAIN, Motor-Bicyecle outfit; new model Bri -Stratton Motor Wheel; new Double Bar Indian Bicycle; guaran- teed first class shape. Treadgold's. MATTRESSES FOR SALE, OR MADE to your order, any size, any quan- tity, lowest factory prices. Also renovating. Frontenac Mattress Bn ny, 377 King Street. Phone 1 3 THREE BEST KINDS EVERBEARING lants--Americus, Pro- os Suberb--plant them now. $3.00 per 180. Apply 8, Mc- Cormack, pt Collingwood Street, Kingston. MOTORCYCLES, ONE TWIN INDIAN, 138+ one Indian with side car, 180: one Indian Power po Side 186, TWO STOREY SUMMER COTTAGE, furnished, on Sydenham Lake; ele- gant location; good boat house and t, garage and stable. Water psd in the house. Owner moving Lo Price complete $1200.00. Ap- . K. Carroll Agency, 66 Brock i. city. STOVE WOOD, SPLIT, $2.30 % CORD; of spilt, $2.25 % cord; a, $10.00 ton, last year's price. Cinders for roadways and garages $1.00 oart load; Clinkers for conerete work, 50c. cart load, all dellvered. Saw- dust $2.00 cart . Phone 1611m, W. C. Bruton. Yard: 244 University Avenue. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING FOR PAINTING AND PAPERHANG- ing get my prices; complete line of Wall Paper. Special prices this Inonth; workmansh) guaranteed. R. Lyons, 314 Barrio Street. Prone 358w. PAINTING, PAPERHANGING, DECO- ra ting, glazing, hardwood floor fin- ishing, etc, first class work, rea- sonable prices. Wallpaper samples. Estimates submitted. A. Mounteer, 203 Alfred Streat. Phone $56m. UPHOLSTERING. OR DROP A CARD TO W, J. Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot St. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. holstering and general repairing. Leave orders at or drop a card to 104 Clergy street COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR- der in all popular shapes and sizea. Upholstering and repairing done. E. J. Goodridge, 244 Unlversity Avenue. Phone 1833J. CALL F. PERSONAL dam and sire the | || LLOYD-HODGINS WEDDING {The Event Took Place in St. George's Cathedral on Thursday Afternoon. On Thursday at 3 p.m. in St. George's cathedral. the marriage was | solemnized of Kathleen, daughter of | C. C. Hodgins, Clergy street, and Herbert Thomas Lloyd, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lloyd, Mattawa, the Dean of Ontario offi- clating, assisted by Rev. W. E. Kidd. The altar was decked with white 1I- lac, and as the bride entered the church on the arm of her father, | Wagner's "Bridal March" from Lo- {hengrin was played by the cathedral |organist, R. R, F. Harvey. The bride's charming gown was of pale pink georgette and she wore a large black hat, her bouquet of | ophelia roses making another note of pink. She was preceded by her little niece, Margaret Otton, Wood- stock, who wore white organdie. The bride was met at the Chancel steps by her waiting bridegroom. Mendelssohn's wedding march rang forth its joyous music from the or- gan as the party came from the ves- ry. The wedding breakfast at the {home of the bride was a bright little | gathering, at which only the family (and a few friends cf the bride were present. The wedding cake, set in | pink tulle, and decked with some of the pink sweet peas which adorn- | ed the rooms, was the attractive cen- |tre of the bride's table, from which [the buffet refreshments were serv- | ed. { "Mr. ana Mrs. Lloyd left on the af- {ternoon train for Ottawa, the bride [travelling in a tailored suit of navy | tricotine and wearing a silk hat of | Mary blue. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd will { make their home in Mattawa where the bridegroom has been since his return from overseas with Queen's Ambulance. | The ushers were Charles Hodgins, [brother of the bride, and Clayton } Moore, Hartington. The out-of-town | guests' were, Mrs. McCallum, Cal- | gary. aunt of the bride, Mrs. George | Otton, Woodstock, Mrs. Frederick | Smith, Winnipeg, and Mrs. John | Stirling, Peterboro, sisters of the | bride, and Jerrold Lloyd, Ottawa, brother of the groom. The Late Mrs. Hannah Moore, Hannah Abbott, widov- of the late John Moore, of this city, passed away at Detroit. Mich., on May 29th. She was born in Kingston eighty- seven years ago. The remains were brought to Kingston on Wednesday and the funeral took place on Thurs- day afternoon from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. W. Bruce, 97 Victoria street, to Cataraqui cem- etery, under the direction of 8. S. Corbett, undertaker. Rev. Mr. Dun- can officiated and the pall bearers were members of the family, . Sur- viving are five sons, Thomas, King- ston; John, Gananoque; David, Wa- tertown, N.Y.; William and Alexan- der, Detroit; and two daughters, Mrs. William Bruce, Kingston, and Mrs, Perry, Syracuse, N.Y. Bank Clearings. Total bank clearings at Kingston for the week ending, June 1st, 1922, $594,745.65; previous week, $510,- 480.42; week, 1921, $721,650.14. British military will guard the Ul- ster frontier, AUCTION SALE Ford car and household effects Satur MAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. marks, skin cancers, scars, etc., re- moved perm: ntly. Satisfactor glasses fitted furnished after othars have falled. Goltre femoved. 85 Jere iherienss. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, ¥ Ear, Nose. PEL Skin. 268 Bagot Street. Phone 301. FINANCIAL FARM MORT- Apply MONEY TO LOAN ON gages; three to five years. C. Snider, Lyndhurst. MRS. H. 5. CRUMLEY, FIRE, AUTO. mobile and Casualty EY 420 Ear] street. Phone 1752M. STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCE agents; established In 1560; only FRONTENAC Loan AND INVE ment Societ. ». Nod, KG. vi ie. President resident, Sity FY) farm Bropertioa Tunitipa an aunt ebentures; mort nova, investment bondi for hla: aes osits received and interest R. C. Cartwright, manager, 3 Clar- ence street, Kingston. oney issued o DENTAL. OFFICR DR. A. B. KNAPP, 653w. 268 ar DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 159 Wellington street, corner of Brock. DENTIST. Sireet, Phone DR. NM PERT P. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 rincess Street. Phone 1880. Open oranceas by appointment. DR. AYKROYD, banish ed ctice at Prats over Bani BR Briony 8 LS BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE. FOR BALE. ROOMS each; B. and C.; electric light a one eo building ana $3400---FRAME s mooms; and C; elegurie ie lights; eas, SEVERAL FARMS FOR SALE "n, $ BARN; B. y terms. 17} w SW RANE BUNGALOW; 5 ROOMS, #000_FOR A PAIR OF THREE Roo. ed frame houses; central. A snap. 4 Wf LARGE $1230--FRAME garden; north BUNGALOW, 7 ROOM fcors throu out; built ms, u, book cases an rrors, and electri Jigat. SatEaey tn tubs and hot was in cellar, fruit trees ot shrubs; a a home at a \ SES TO RENT ROOMING HOUSE, 18 Rovks, ALL IM provements; ce central AUTO AND CARRIAGE PAINTING. VETERINARY, DR. H. MURPHY, B.V.Se, VETERIN- -ary Surgeon, 630 Princess St, King- ston, Ont. CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. DRIS. coll, 23 John Street. day on Square, 10 o'clock. BEDFORD, Phone 1721. The Auctioneer Auction Sale Friday, June 20d, 130 pm, 15 Montreal Street Household furniture, bedroom sets, parlor furniture, dining room furni- ture, kitchen furniture and utensils, glassware, crockery, garden tools and hose, and a host of other household ef- fects. BEDFORD, Phone 1721, The Auctioneer THE HUMAN MACHINE The most wonderful of all machines, needs constant inspection and ad- justment to ki in fine condition and add to its life. OSTEOPATHY adjusts the bony framework of the body, frees the nerves from impinge ment, stretches and relaxes the con- tracted ligament nd muscles and brings the life-giving blood to every part of the Lr we Sot "HEALTH WITHO DRUG! DRS. ROBERT and oii ASH! 204 King between Earl & Gore Paarl A fe Ww ------------ W. KENT MACNEE Bank of Commerce Bullding, Brock and Sickn Representing Only Reliable Companies. the world than simple humanity. DOROTHY DALTON ALLENGE" A Guarantee of Excellent Entertainment. Crammed With Stirring Action -- A Tale of the Great Wild Reaches of the Cattle Country. Starts To-day STRAND t you want dobing done, don't call on us, but if you want first-class decorating, then telephone 2090J. for painting and decorating Is our business. W. H. FRANCIS 35 SIXTH ST. Phone 20000. ITS A SHAME AR Shame That We nly Have This Pic= fan For Three Days. IT'S SOME PICTURE Plumbing and Gas Work a spect falty., All work guaranteed. Ad- dress 145 Frontenac Street. Phone 1277. mt PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING and PLAYER PIANO ADJUSTING NORMAN H. BUTCHER 27 PINE STREET PHONE 1819w Dominion Taxi Service PHONE 116 24 Hour Day Service VULCANIZING Relining, Retreading, Tire Painting, Rust Removed from Rims and Painted; Tire Service, Tires, Tubes and Accessories. ANDERSON'S VULCANIZING SHOP O'RIELLY BROS., PROPS. 236 Ontario Street From The Saturday Even- ing Post Story "THE CROSS PULL" It Just Teems With Thrills and Romance. The Utmost in the Drama of the Backwoods, With STRONGHEART The Wonder Doa Will Thrill You. A -- No Advance in Prices. A-L:L-E-N TO-DAY An occasional look at your boy's room may explain why he is on the street so much, There is nothing more divine in King Streets. Phone 701 or 1337). General Insurance Age Automobile, Fire, Plate Glass 'Burglar, ney Acoldent. ry, ete. Titi RECITAL Advanced Pupils of Grace Clough in MEMORIAL HALL THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 1st 1922 8.15 o'clock Admission ...... ........ 35 and 50 cents HORSE RACES BASEBALL MILITARY SPORTS MONDAY, JUNE 5th FAIR GROUNDS, 2 P.M. RINTING Of Every Description. PHONE 243 BRITISH WIG PUBLISHING CO', Limited + BATEMANS, REAL ESTATE _ "100 Wellington Street $100,000000 MORTGAGE MONEY Available for loans on Apartment ouses, Hotels, Office Buildings and ther high-grade properties. Gotham Mortgage Co., 565 Fifth Avenue, New In spite of the tax we are still able to supply CIGARS at PRICES THAT WILL SUIT Ue most ¢oonge JACK ELDER ony; ulitle ¥vlittise York. OXY-WELDING CARBON BURNING Bishop Machine Shop KING. AND QUEEN STREETS

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