DRAW. WINNETT TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 1922. i DENTAL SURGEON, Corner of Johnsom and Wellington | Streets Phone 363 | FOR CHOICE MEATS and L FIRST QUALITY WESTERN BEEF TRY TE re -- - -- EE ---- s ER, jon, and dred ailments when Carter's tittle Liver will | | | i THE D AILY BRITISH WHIG. . To Attend the Union. {vary | Brantford, annual to attend the meeting of the Congregational Union, | | Opens Medical Practice. { Dr. OF. Beamish, late of Hamil- | {ton, has purchased the medical prac- tice at Kemptville of the late Dr. C. | of which he is one of the three A. Rugby and has taken up residence = that village. | New Photo Studio. C. H. Boyes, photographer, is now | located in new studio, corner of Princess and Sydenham streets. All B. V. McGeein PRINCESS STREET PHONE 1182 PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning and Repairing. Also Organ Work, All work guaranteed. PETER b. BROWN 2 Markland St. Phone 2397m, [work done by most modern electric {light' system. Photos taken in the {evenings by appointments. Sale Still Going On, The sale of ladies' trimmed hats For moviag ot IGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CANTAGE and STORAGE OF | EVERY DESCRIPTION | Kingston Transfer Co. 'hone 377. Evenings 2231. ry WELLINGTON STREET (ing on at Corrigan's. Hats up to $6.50 for $3.95, the rest up to $13, {and remnants of ginghams still go- BUILDING ? 21 Main Street. for $4.95; ginghams, 18c a yard. --Corrigan's, REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son Phone 1670. a The Season's Best, Our made-to-measure suitings for {Our range of blue and black serges, Dr. Waugh 106 Wellington St. Phone 2356 PHONE 291 Furniture or Baggage Transfer. | rol with motor truck or horse drawing | vehicles. Motor Cara and Livery of any kind in connection. Saddle Horses | & specialty. FPre-war prices, | | | | | blue stripes, plain greys and colored [worsted are of the best material that {money can buy, YULCANIZING | rk re, [345 a suit, Prevost, Brock street, | -- | ning, Rey ing, Tire Suffered a Stroke, Following Saturday morning ses- Paingug, Just Re wove Im {sion of the Montreal conference Rev, nd; rvice, ™ Tua and Acveshories, Barry Pierce of this city suffered a {slight stroke, Mr. Pierce had taken ANDERSON"S |part in the discussions before the VULCANIZING SHOP {conference and it ig thought the exer- tion was too much for him, He hag O'RIELLY BROS., PROPS. 236 Ontario Street Cheese Boards. EINKLE & CO, | 120 Clarence Street. Kingston, Ont, WATTS People's * Florist 177 Wellington street. Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res,, 1137, | | | l Napanee, 1,200 at 13¢ to 13 1-186¢. Campbeliford, 540 at 12 3-3¢. Picton, 1,105 at 12 13-16c to 12 7-8ec. [ Perth, 558 at 12 7-8¢ to 12 3-4ec. Iroquois, 835 at 12 5-8e¢. Belleville, 1,233 at 13 1-8e. St. Hyacinthe, Que., 100 at 12 3-8c. been superannuated for sixteen years, -------------- ex FOR SCALDS." cuts AND "BRUISES, FOR COLDS. COUGHS AND BRON CHIAL AFFLICTIONS, * FOR ® STIFP MUSCLES, SPRAINS AND STRAINS AND NUMEROUS OTHER AILMENTS COMMON TO MAN AND BEAST, THERE #8 NOTHING SUPERIOR TO THAT OLD TBIED AND RELIABLE REMEDY, D® THOMAS' ---------- Awarded Thayer Fellowship, Announcement has been made that Hartley M. Thomas, M.A, of Queen's University, has been awarded the Thayer Fellowship 4n Harvard Uni- versity. Mr. Thomas is a gon of Rev. ECLECTRIC O | ston, and Js at present on the nipeg. | . | 8 Rev. A. F. Brown, pastor of Cal- | There are five King Congregational church, left for |Oshawa and three w men are of the best of English cloth. y | | | Kingston and Vicinity the Ponies, W. Frizell and A. Morris. ou players with h Cobourg. To Attend a Re-Union. George Duggan, Northport, has left for a few weeks' visit to Denver to visit old friends and attend a grand Masonic reuniofl of the lodge sur- viving charter members. Mr. Duggan went to Denver from Prince Edward county fifty-seven years ago, and after | returned | many years in that city about ten years ago. Invaded by Germans, Mrs. Joseph, of Montreal, speaking at a women's political meeting, quot- ed a case from Kingston, her home town, to show the manner in whica the Canadian industrial market had been invaded by Germans. The loco- motive works there had tendered for some work at cost prices so as te get the plant going, and the "tender had been German offer had been received at $18 less per ton, and the order went to Germany, and 900 Canadians were cut of work. Was on the Potomac. Referring to the despatch Washington to the British Whig, Friday last, telling of the arrival British warships in the Potomac river on that day, and stating that not since 1814 had a British warship been there, John W. Marsh, who re- | sides at 64 Elm street, states that | a British warship was in the Potomas in 1862. boy on the frigate Immortalite sent | staff of the Wesleylan College, Win- | Mr. Thomas' mother is at | [omen almost accepted when a | "Trent affair" to ! the delivery of Mason and Stidel, Confederate commissioners, |She was a war frigate carrying fifty- {one guns and the first vessel in the British navy to be armed wih rifle | |guns. Her mission was successful | and Mason -and Stidel Were handed {over at Providence. Mr. Marsh sery- | ed seven years in the navy and upon | finishing his service came to Canada to live and has resided here ever since, | [to-America in the Presentation of Picture, The session of the Bible school at | | the conference church, Sunday, was | |an open one and was marked by the ! {Tresentation of a picture of the late | Rev. James Elliott, D.D., a former | | pastor of the church, by Rev. S. D. | {Chown, D.D., LL.D, and an address | on missions in Ching by Rev. R. B. |McAmmond. Dr, Chown in making | |the presentation of the picture, which | Was one of his own collection, stated | {istry that he had been influenced to {take up the Methodist ministry as his life work. T. Mills and Dr. W. G. An- | glin also spoke referring to pastorate of the late Dr. Elliott some forty-five |years ago. {siides, told of the great work being Eingdom. T. PF. Harrison, Cobourg, for many years superintendent of the school also spoke and congratulated the school on its success and its Mr. Marsh was a first-class {choice of C. 8. Anglin as superinten- | dent. that it was through Dr. Elliott's min- | The picture was given | from |in memory of the late Abraham Shaw. { on |Rev. McAmmond brought a live mes- | of [sage from China and, | | | | { | | { illustrated by | {Gone in China in the advancing of the | Wood Silos For ensilage, there is nothing better than the Wood Silo. See us before buying. We can save you money. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wetingtos » KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1418, HOLIDAY SHOES Buy your Canvas Shoes for the holiday now and be prepared. We have a most complete range of Men's Canvas Shoes, in high or low cut, White or Brown, with either Leather or Rubber Soles and Heels. Prices from . . ....$1.98 to $3.48 The latest is White Canvas with Brown , trimmings rade sae wine, or: $3.48 JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231]. 70 Brock Street { -. f | FURS INSURED AND STORED Gourdier's BROCK STREET | Ernest Thomas, formerly of King- | | | | [present in Kingston. WARNING! Unless you see the name "Bayer" ting Aspirin, at all. Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by T Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Dental Surgeon Wishes to announce | that he has resumed 7 ---- Sowards' New Steamer Arrives, Captain John Doyle reached King- ston on Monday in command of the steamer Brantford, newly acquired by the Sowards Coal Company in Montreal. The vessel will go inte the on tablets, you are not get- | his practice, cor. Wel- lington and Princess Streets. Phone 2092. Dr. H. A. Stewart Cormer Princess and Wellington | | coal trade between Oswego and King- | |ston for the balance of the season. The Brantford is a vessel of 1,000 tons and was formerly owned by the Brantford Steamship Company. ------ Made an Orangeman. We are equipped to make any repairs to above pencils. We carry a supply of parts. Prompt service, J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston, pastor at Inverary, was the preacher at the annual church parade of the Inverary Orange Lodge on Sunday evening, and at the close of the ser- vice the officers of the lodge waited upon him and presented him with a certificate of honorary membership in the lodge, as an expression of their hearty appreciation of his sermon on the occasion, e------------------------ Former Officer Fined. On a charge of having liquor in an illegal place Frank Stick, Brockville, former inspector under the O.T.A. ap- peared before Magistrate Page on Tuesday morning last and was fined Choicest quality of Shanon Coal. No other kind sold by us. BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 FOR SALE A beautiful island in Lough- boro Lake .......... $75.00 W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brock Street Phone 424 SEASONABLE FRUITS and FRESH VEGETABLES Pineapples, Strawberries, To- matoes, and all the good things in Spring Vegetables. BON MARCHE GROCERY Cor. King and Earl Streets + Phone 1844. rr -------- FOR SALE Military Tents -- Bells and - Marquees--at reduced prices. Also mew Camp Cots and Chain, : I. Cohen & Co. | £73 Ontario St. Phones 836, 837 | The Latest Development in Washing Machines ----Washes, Bolly and Wringer Dries Without Use of Wringer, 74 Prin HAIR NETS "Princess Pat" Hair Nets have become a necessity to every lady. Made in every [f shade from black to auburn, even gray and white. We have every shade in stock and would be pleased to supply your requirements, Make 'this store your conveni- ence. M. R. McColl PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Cor. Clergy and Princess Sts, Phone 82. Burke Electric Co. Street. Eleetrie Rinses, Phone 423. $200 and $8.45 costs. Inspector Plumb, Prescott, who laid the infor- nation against Stick, confiscated 12 | bottles of whiskey and four bottles of beer, which the accused had in his | | possession at Maitland, after leaving a train at that point. Was Officer of the Day. Col. Hugh C. Walkem was the of- ficer in charge at the races of the {| Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club at Montreal on Saturday. Col. Walkem || Was the owner of the yawl "Owlet" | last season, and on several occasions acted as officer of the day for the {club races, and the members of the Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club were take charge of the racing yachts on ll | the King's Birthday. A -------- Gift to E. P. Jenkins. At Sydenham street Bible school Sunday afternoon E. P. Jenkins, who for seven years was superintendent of the school and this year retired was Presented with a club bag and an ad- dress expressing the regard in which Mr. Jenkins is held by the school. T. Mills on behalf of the teachers. officers and puptls read the address and Miss H. L. Chown made the pre- sentation. Mr. Jenkins made a happy reply thanking the school its remembrance and the assistance which they have given him in the work. ---------------------- Given a Gold Watch. Bert Booth, the popular Kingston manager of the Oshawa baseball team Was - presented with a gold wrist watch on the field before the game at Cobourg on Saturday, as an ex- pression of regard from the members of his team. The two teams, Oshawa and Cobourg, are composed of former Kingston star players and in the game 6n Saturday Derry and Galla- gher fought a pitchers' duel. The game attracted a number of King- ston fans and amoag those who went were Joe Daley, former manager of Rev. Arthur Shorten, Methodist | | || fortunate in securing his consent tc | millions for ® Colds Toothache Earache Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Rheumatism Neuritis Pain, Pain Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets--Also bottles of 24 and 100--Druggists. Aspirin is the trade mark aceticacidester of Salicylicacid. manufacture, to will be stamped with their general trade While it § wy an It "melts in your @ssist the public against imitations, the Tablets (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono- is well known that Aspirin means Bayer of Bayer Compan mark, the "Bayer Crogs," y a mouth" and the gum in ¢ center remains to brighten teeth and and throat. There are the other "After friends to choose from, aid digestion, soothe mouth WRIGLEY too: Nt in tt KLOTHKLA Suits for Boys "Made To Wear Where Others Tear" ee TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) Underwear FOR THE WARM WEATHER We have a big variety of all the best makes and styles for Men, Women and Children in separate garments and combinations, Cot- ton, Lisle and Silk and the prices - are very reasonable, W. N. Linton & Co- Phone 191. The Waldron Store.