WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1922 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ee ------ ~To instantly relieve tired, Sore, swollen and tender feet. ~--To stop excessive perspira- tion aud ease the pain of Corns, Bunions and Callouses, USE THE "BEST" Foot Powder -- ee ---- IS"THE MONTH OF ~This is an ideal combination of Anti-Chafe and Foot-bath Powder, --In large Sprinkler ting -23c, Weddings Since very early times a Wed- ding Ring has been bestowed L. T, BEST Prescription Druggist Open Sundays Phone 59 upon the bride, and it is still a very important part of the wedding ceremony. We have a very complete stock of DR. BELL'S SHAVING CREAM Brushes up quickly; creamy lather and retains its moisture Wedding Rings in Meat Store Opp. YM.C.A. Phone 1268J TO-MORROW'S SPECIALS 25-30c, 500 Picnic Hams for week-end. Prompt Delivery : PLAIN GOLD CHASED GOLD WHITE GOLD and PLATINUM SMITH BROS. LIMITED ESTAELISHED 1840 KING STREET, KINGSTON DR. S. E. PORTER Corner Alfred and Johnson Streets Phone 1072F, Gas Water Heaters Many times during the day you may wish a little hot water. If you had a Gas Water Heater connected to the Range Boiler it would be convenient to get hot water when you wanted it. You would not be inconvenienced by carrying kettles and pots, Stack or Gurney Gas Water Heaters .........0. Installed . . . . ...$20.00 veneieeaa $30.00 'Lake Views Win From Verona TWO 00D CANES TUESDAY EVENING and Civil Service Bow to Retailers. The local fans had the choice of | two basebal) games Field on Tuesday evening, when the large and the Junior diamenis were occupied by teams in the Inter- | County and Mercantile leagues re- | spectively. The best game of the two | | Was that played between the Retail- ers and Civil Service, when the form- er won by the close score of 4 to 3. The county fixture 'Was a one-sided contest, with Lake Views winning by 11 to 1. Good crowds attended both games, which were of seven innings €ach, The Mercantile game wag fin- ished about half an hour before the Gther, Lake Views 11, Verona 1. The visiting Verona team was swamped after the second innings, when the locals jumped into the léad by crossing the plate three times in their half of the third. From that time on the game was on ice. Verona Scored once in the first innings, but were held tight for the remaining six innings, though they collected at least one safe hit in every innings except the seventh. The Lake View lads were puzlzed for the opening frame, but soon found their stride, and clouted the old ball far and wide at will. Alded by errors they began to pile up a high score, though good fielding kept the rune within reasonable bounds. The visitors were weak at the bat, and at no time showed the poiish of their opponents, The big innings was the sixth, when four runs resulted from an equal number of safe hits. Trues- dale was far from effective, while the local twirler was in top form. The latter pitched all varieties, and his slow ball was a real puzzle to thc batters, R. H 1000000-- 1 7 Lake Views ...... .003314x--11 12 Verona--Burnett, ¢; Truesdale, p; Craig, 1b; McMullen, 8s; E. Trues- dale, 2b; Merrill, cf; Fred. Revelle, 3b; Martin, If; Floyd Revelle, rf; H. Revelle, rf, Lake Views--Purvis, 1b; Com- beau, ss; McCullough, If; Rice, 3b; Beswick, cf; Watts, 2b; Meredith, p: Elomley, rf; Briceland, ¢; Bird, 2b. Umpire--Fraser Smith, Retailers Win. In the best game of the Mercantile League played this year, the Retail- €rs nosed out a victory over the Civil Service by 4 to 3 in a splendid con- test at the Cricket Field on Tuesday evening. For a time it looked like the Civil Service as winners, bu* after trailing until the last half of the third, the Retailers scored three times, and took the lead with one run to the good. No more scoring was made during the remainder of the game. McWilllams and Huntor, the opposing pitchers were on their met- tle all the time, and a real game of ball was dished up for the fans, With a single and two doubles, the Civil Service team scored three runs in the opening stanza, but their spurt | « was short lived' he Retailers got across thé home phate once in this inrings, AN went well until the third, when the Retailers collected five safe clouts off Hunter and tal- lied three times. Umpire Shangrow might just as well have called the game right there. ° During the remaining four innings, the Civil Service boys collected two Lits, and the Retailers three, The teams worked well together, and in spite of the handicap of a poor dia- at the Cricket | (Paddlers again, while U. of T. should Glamond. | R. Hi {Civi] Services 3000000--3 6 |Ketailers 1030000--4¢ 11 | Civil Service--Holland, 2b; Wood- | house, 3b; Hubbard, 1f; Gilchrist, of; |Angrov ; Williams, 1b; Martin, c; {Ifunter, p; Bushie rf, | Retailers---Morris, 2b; Robinson, {ss; Pound, c: McWilliams, p; Gourd. |ier, 1b; Ball, 3b; Day, If; Davies, cf; tStone, rk Umpire__Shangrow, Plumbers, | ---- KINGSTON EAGER TO ENTER O.R.F.U. | Ed Elliott, Ex-intermediate Star, Confers With Sec- retary McKee. The Toronto Globe says: King- ston is clamoring for admission to the Ontario Rugby Football Union senior series. The Limestones, who | made a great reputation for themsel- ves, and then dropped out many | years ago, are back again, ang yes- | terday Ed. Elliott, prominent in In-| tercollegiate football tem years ago, | was in the city interviewing Sects | tary Harry McKee relative to the venture. Mr. McKee was unable to! state definitely what the O.R.F.U.| stand will be, but the matter wil] be | taken up in a few days by the Exe- cutive. Owing to the fact that the O.R.F. U. has already formed its senior cir- cuit with University of Toront,| Parkdale, St. Brigids and Hamilton Rowing Club admitted, it ig not | thought probable that Kingston will be admitted, but the suggestion may be made that the Limestones play in the intermediate series. Kingston belieyes that the difficulty can be overcome by grouping St. Brigids | with the Limestones and playing a | double schedule, However, this so- lution would only cause other ob- stacles and St. Brigids might not look with favor 'on the suggestion. Mr. Elliott stated that he- realized that the opposition will be formid- able, it being almost assured that the O.R.F.U. will place the strong- est teams in their history on the] field this fall. Everyone of the | Parkdale champions will be with the | be a factor in the race. Hamilton Rowing Club claims a powerful Iine- up while Coach Quilty has strength- ened the Ottawa Irishmen al] 'down the line. So Kingston will have to furnish a good team to make a show- ing in that select 'company, Stewart Robinson, (who played with 'Royal Military College and Ot- tawa before the war), Colonel Con- stantine of RMC. Billy Bearance of the old Limestones and Ed Elliott are some of the men behind the easterners, Elliott has announced that he will play again. There are many graduates from Queen's resid- ing in the Limestone City, and they are enthusiastic about the venture and have signified their intention of} chasing the pigskin again, Ernie Sliter, one of the greatest outside wings Queen's every produced, will, owing to injuries received overseas. play no more, but he will likely have an active interest in the team being a candidate for an executive posi- tion. He played with T.R. and AA, in 1913, Stuart Rayside, famous Queen's player, the late Chaucer Elliott, pro- minent coach, |] ' Metcalfe, | Asseltine, Kennedy and others learn- | ed the game with the old Lime- | stones. Time has not affected stones. Time has not effaced their deeds of by-gone days and the new team will have a glorious tradition to urge them on. The O.R.F.U. idea is to open the doors to all who wish to learn the fall pastime. The officers will make a strong effort to satisfy the latest applicant. ---- Jo that dished up on the senior | o FEE i / TOMORROW AT STEACY REBUILDING SALE cash purchases, From9to1 O'clock Treble Discount Stamps YOU SAVE 159, A wonderful saving opportunity for thrifty shoppers. Shop early in the day and save 15% on all your regular ra] New Voile Blouses from $1.48 to 3.50 50 doz. charming new Voile Blouses with Organdy and lace trims--all white and with colored trimmings--exceptional values in every case--all the latest styles; in sizes 34 to 44. CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES From resses; years. cee... 15¢c. to $2.48 A complete showing of new Gingham and Chambray in a wonderful range of colors and styles. e sizes range from 2 to | 4 CREAM WOOL. JERSEY SUITS Priced at... ...... . $11.95 12 only, All Wool Cream Jersey Suits: in sizes 36 to 42. These smart Tuxedo Suite sell regularly at $20.00 each, While they last ..... ..$11.95 50 New Silk Taffeta Dresses Regular $25.00 to $50.00. THURSDAY LESS 33 1-39. McKelvey & Birch, Limit General Contractors, Heating Specialists, Steam Fitters and Plumbers, Jobbers of Plumbers' and Gas-Fitters' Supplies, Stoves, Tools, Otis, Or repriced from . ... ... . . $16.67 to $33.34. mond played as good ball, or better, . > Mercantile Players Take Notice! When "Stufry" McInnes, of Cleve- land, formerly of the Red Sox, made an error Saturday in the game with Detroit, he completed a new flelding Comfort Baby's Skin With Cuticura Soap record of 167 consecutive errorless And Fragrant Talcum A Tr Tale a Are The run began May 30th, 1921, - after he dropped a ball thrown wide tc him. That was his only error last £%ason, and he had played 119 games thereafter in°1921, and 48 errorless games this year, until the failure of someone to cover third base Baturday left that bag unprotected when he threw. McInnes has handled 1,631 ut ts and 94 assists perfectly, a Parts supplied. Saws Aled, kaives, P ov uclasors and edge ¢ Sround. total of 1,625 chances, hi mm ------ ui Kenan or ea 2 roa Oil's Lubricating Value. rag. lowers sharpened and re- A simple method to test the purity TNATiS ropaivabse Pole Anyiaing of oil is to place a drop of the fluid on a clean, white blotter. If the J. M. PATRICK drop disappears over night and 149 Sydenham Stree: Kingston leaves no stain, the oil is quite free Phone Seve. of carbon. A stain shows there is a certain amount of free carbon in the oil, which would later be left in the engine. Fluidity of ofl may be ascertained by placing a small bottle of oil out-doors on a | cold day. After a short time turn the bottle upside down Quickly and note the rise of bubbles. If the bubbles rise quickly, the oil will flow at the existing temperature. If the bubbles do "not rise, the ofl is too thick for use. MEN'S OUTING SHIRTS, $1.79. > 60 only, Men's Sport Shirts in white, with Collars attached: in sizes 144 to 16} ..... sie sven evn. Thursday $1.79 BOYS' BATHING SUITS, 49c. EACH-. 120 Boys' Cotton Jersey Bathing Suits--Zimmer-knit brand --all colors. Regular 90c. . eres vvoo.... Thursday 49, SILK STOCKINGS, '69c. PAIR 25 dozen Black and White Silk Stockings with reinforced lisle garter top. All sizes. Reg. 85¢. a pair. - Thursday 69c¢. NEW DROP-STITCH SILK HOSE, 95¢. PAIR 18 dozen new Drop-Stitch Silk Stockings; in colors white, and cordovan; all sizes: regular $1.50 values, Re meine ie ene es ae Thursday 95¢. pair in cold weather g MEN'S BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS and DRAWERS, 69c. EA. 25 dozen Men's Natural Bal briggan Shirts and Drawers -- both long and short sleeves and legs; sold everywhere at 5c. a garment . sete eevee... Thursday 69c, each WOMEN'S VESTS, 25c. EACH--- 20 dozen Swiss Ribbed Cotton Vests in sleeveless and short sleeve styles, Special values at 35c. each. : 1 eruceie ere a inline tate dre adit id SR HT Te FAVORED Thursday 25¢. eacy 'S =. Limited Sewing Machines, Phonographs, Guns, Rifiey repaired and refitted, black, "Wle'e 0 0's s;0 0 You will enjoy your Summer Home or Cot- tage ever so much more if you have ft equipped with com. fortable and service able Summer Furpi. ture, ~Vaseline- CARBOLATED VERY efficient f antiseptic when 'used as a first-aid dressing for cuts, scratches, bruises, in- sect bites, etc. Keep a tube in the house " - See our stock of PORCH CHAIRS in Old Hickory, Sea _ Grass, Rattan, Wicker, Fibre and Rush. RUGS to fit any size of room fin Fibre, Klearflax, Jute and ht Summory" CRETONNES to" match for of profit. 1000 was spent on