THURSDAY, JUNE 8. 1022 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG.. = eee "errr ---------- EE -------- DRAW. WIWETT === | Kingston and Vicinity Phoae 303 Streets ! Wi Is | ' gl - { and Bo € { Parks Looking Their Best. [ter which the happy couple left by|pointment of Caps. A. C. Casselman Wehave several drums or barrels of Tar- = { The. various eity parks are look- the might train for thelf home in ito the 4th Husvars, and be will be via, which makes an ideal Roof Paint. - = i Relieved {ine their best just now, and are a Toronto. . |second-in-command of the syuadron f ¢ ite play-ground for the chil-| ---- Prescott. Capt. Casselman sery- \ FOR CHOICE || You can relish your meals without fear | {270rite plays | Sil Ter peg fan Can iyas wen} As this was purchased at a low figure, MEATS | ! { The season at the Thousand Is-{3),2 is now practicing law 'po Pres- the price is away down. | p-- | New American Dollar, [lands has opened. It promises one ott. He was a suctessful tandidate | | and { ; » booki h i ini ect: 1 = 4 ! |sample of the new American silver | rence river. The bookings at the ho-/} ce dominion elections, but | |dollar on Wednesday from a friend |tels show a marked increase over| upon receiving a government . ap- S ANGI IN & CO QUALITY i [last season and the summer tourists |pointment, resigned his seat ia fay- . » Dr. W. A. McCarthy received alot the best keasons on the St. Law-|f; tituency of Grenvilie, in| across the line. FIRST : 3 be travelling earlier. The f Ex-Premier Meighan. . WESTERN BEEF { } -------- seem to be tra g e &jor of Ex-Premier Meighan | Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wernnngton | { a 3 | d headach Farmers Enthusiastic. island residents have been coming ---- as Streets, KINGS10N, Ont. Uffice Phon 66. Factory : f : i h N, " t - (for-the last ten days and nearly all! e C | TRY dizziness and sallow skin are relieved, The local farmers are very enthus- | Lg Welligion Fasmer Dice. ' : Plone 1415. Snail Pil -- Small Dose --Small Price | ja5tic over their prospects for a rec-|of the summer colony has arrived at a | or] 8 y I | William Tripp, a farmer who lived - 2 t veather [thelr summer homes, | 27a crop his geusoN, if (le weatne? mp ---- {alone on his farm at Cold Creek, | = --_-- J 4 : le. rE ---- | F Waits Yomains favorah Florence May Miller Dead. | three miles west of Wellington, was | tee Public Park For Tourists. A sad death occurred in the Cot- |found to be seriously ill on Sunday, | HOTPOINT APPLIANCES : i ) 6 MeC *h had him sent to! ill acquire four acres|tage Hospitai, Pembroke, on 26th [8nd Dr. McCulloch ; ; : at Ganannaue Ye bi on the bank May when Florence May, youngest [the County hospital, Picton. Mr For Wedding Gifts. The tastefully, useful present. See of the St. Lawrence River, and con-|daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles | Tripp dled suddenly in the hospital | "THE ELECTRIC SHOP" | Monday night. He leaves two broth- | a em |ers: Charles Tripp, Hillier, and Sey- | F. GRACE Phone 1545 113 Brock Street -- B. V. McGeein i PIANO TUNING | | | 282 PRINCESS STREET we ! er D, BRO [vert it into a public park for the|Miller, Pembroke, passed away in her PHONE 1182 33 Hurkiand Sv. Phony ~ free use of tourist parties. It will be|eighteenth year, On May 10th Mis | Sey: equipped with modern conveniences Miller had been operated on for ap- | mour Tripp, in the northwest, and eas ~--r------ te a i "wp ~ a ' 1 { 9 [tor the use of visitors. pendicitis and had been recovering One sister, Mrs. Thomas Hardy, | 3 , For moviag of | * satisfactorily, She developed what | Wellington. 1 Srefetetuing T, FURNITURE, SAFES, siliti t which a | REIGH appeared to be tonsilitls, but wh | JONE LEE, Manager i | { F R KS i EB ' Recruits Doing Well. = | PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? rm g after proved to he lock Jaw. which, Engagements Announced. EVERY DESCRIPTION Estimates given by The P.W.O.R. presented a very | The engagement is announced 5t |} Most Up-ie-Date + fine appearance during their inspec- | caused her death. Reatnuraut 3 . s ------ Amy Gertrude, daughter of the late Kingston Transfer Co. 0. Aykroyd & Son jHon OR the cricket Seld on Tuesday | Charles A. and Mr. Wooc, Toronto, Bacelltnt service. vhone 377. Kvealugs 2231. 2! Main Street. Phove 1670. | *VeT INE. The younger 'recruits are| Address at Unveillng Ceremony. [io Jotn Toll, sen ot hcp 153 WELLINGTON STREET A aan owe 1070, coming along splendidly now, and At Kemptville, on Saturday, a sig- | Menis at all hours. | before long will be able to take their | nifics . ; Cuppagé, Bath, Ont, the wedd ng to! om -- ym im} El taelr (nificant ceremony, the unveiling of a a. rc , = ] : wf z DAVID SCOTT | place with the veterans. statue to the dead soldiers of |!ake place quistly June 20th : Reasousble prices. r=) etl Or and, ' ., Plumber , S jow-| Mr. and Mrs. John Keane, Strat. | Y h -- emptville, Oxford and South Gow D * Waugh Plumbing and Gas Work a spec- | | The Season's Best, Kempty) place. Right Hon. Arthur fofd, announce the engagement of | Dentist {11 a0. Al work guaranteed, Ad. Our made-to-measure suitings for Meighan made an address after thej!heir druphter, Ruth, to Jer. Hume) Everything of the Beat In well selected and carefully prepared food. dress 143 Frontenac Street. {men are of the best of English cloth. | ceremony. The statue is of grey | et Clayton Wotan, 1 2 Ay vv 331 KING STREET. Private Phone 655. 106 Wellington St. Phone 256 Phone 1277. Our range of blue and black serges, | granite and about thirteen feet 1p} o.008t son of Mato and Mrs. J. hi KINGSTON, ONT. CAN, Public Phone 527 : blue stripes, plain greys and colored | height, consisting of two flat sides, | Wo!fraim, Colborne, Ont., the map| worsted are of the best material that { embodying the roll of- honor, sur- | Tidge to take )lace on June 28th. 2 PHONE 291 money can buy, Prices from $39 to | mounted by the figure of a Canadian | = Fu $45 a sult, Prevost,'Bregk street. |soldier. Close on three thousand! High School By-Law Defeated, Ba, Transfer. : r : | ie hot 8 truck Er orse a ¥ people witnessed the unveiling. {| The by-law to raise the sum of | vehicles. Motor Cars amd Livery of Safe, Gananoque Girl Wed. ---- aa | $40 000 for the re-building of the | aay kind in commection. Saddle Horses p The home of Mrs. A. H. McCool, Giles-Windover Wedding. {Athens high school was defeated on | a specialty. Fre-war prices. " Toronto, was the scene of a quiet A quiet wedding took place at the | Monday by a mjority of 107. Al-| FINKLE & CO. ) wedding on Baturday, when her sis-| home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter E.|though the ratepayers of Athens car- | Windover, Frankford, on June . 3rd.!rled the measure by a comfortable | ter, Effie Mildred, daughter of Mr. | 120 Clarence Street. Kingston, Ont, and Mrs. Willlam Plato, Gananoque, [when their eldest daughter, Kate | majority, the reverse was the case became the bride of William Gar- Marguérite, was married to William [in the surrounding country. The] Child 9 field Jamieson, Brussels. A. J. Giles, Phm. B., son of Mrs. A. [result of the poll was ' 1 ren's eee A. Giles. The bride, given away by | ---- For Against | INS URED AND WA S HAIR CUTTING Opened An Office. -- J her father, looked charming in a| Athens No. 7 27 . One of our specialties! The Western Union Telegraph wedding dress of silk crepe and wore | Athens No. 2 0 3 y company have opened their summer | the customary veil and orange blos-| Glen Eibe f | People S Our Motto: 'Cleanliness and Biotfice at Thousand Island Park, |soms. The wedding march was play- | Fortune's 5 | ED ° Tivily, 55a we Uy wu Wve wp LINY Mr. H. G. MoGonesal, Washes. by Miss Helen Windover, sister | Wight's 5} Florist Yo. 1t In every way, ington, who spends his summers at|of the bride. | 177 Wellington street, 9 the park, is in charge of the office, ------ Fresh flowers and plants daily Frank Robb S which is located in Mr. McGonegal's Appointed to 4th Hussars. Funeral designs, and wedding BARBER PARLOR store. The current issue of the Canada The 16-inch guns on the Maryland | ® 9 , bouquets to order. Phone 1763. 185 WELLINGTON STREET Gazette contains notice of the ap-|cost $65,000 each. e et x Engagement Announced. re-------- An mms min | . 3 N | Res., 1137, (Next to Bank of Nova Scotia) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Craig, "Erin- | dale," Brockville, announce the en- J . gagement of their only daughter, \ : » . Kathleen 'Marie, to Charles Fletcher BROCK STREET, LLERS 0 | Swayze, jr., son of C. F. Swayze, M. |L.A., and Mrs. Swayze, Niagara Falls Ont., the marriage to take place the OWDERS latter part of June. . Mrs. William Cave Dies. HAVE A WARM PLACE IN THE HEARTS Mary Ann Cave, wife of William OF MOTHERS FOR THEY HAVE PROVED THAT THEY ARE ONE OF THE MOST Cave, dled on Tuesday at her home ET ND SERCHUIAL REMEDIES jin Ameliasburgh township. She had y t CI been {ll since the first part of the i cli ab ) ! ARE SWEET AND EASILY TAKEN AND QUICKLY ERADICATE THESE WRETCHED | | month of February. Mrs. Cave was e) lL -~ eliciocu s . PARASITES FROM THE SYSTEM. |n daughter of the late George Carn- |rite and was born in Ameliasburgh A y CONTAIN No NAREDYICS] [Fite sod mas bora i In >2 and lib. cartons | mu W. R McRae & Ca meni, . The vote of the PrOPEILY OWNErS Of paar eepenmcnoam so cn =n. rnin per imamsamsaiees eo Prescott, taken on June 6th, re the -- RE gi uits or 0oys GOLDEN LION BLOCK. DR. H. A. STEWART bullding of a permanent road on Some of the attractive features of a King street between East street to| Dental Surgeon the western limits of th » af _° : tata. sulted a majority of 3 against tnel|| |B Light Weight Tourin ( | . 'majority of 8 against th Wishes to announce building of the road. "The yoru 1scoe " €ig 0 8 ar . that he has resumed [fj{5tood 53 votes tor and 134 against. which we are now offering :-- 'Made To Wear Where his practice, cor. Wel- : - A strongly built Car with seven inch frame, | " P y He Is Doing Nicely. 8 Others Tear I lington and Princess Master Harry Moore, son of Mr. - A quiet-running motor. i and Mrs. Roy Moore, Napanee, who . Low Gas consumption. . fl Streets. Phone 2092. for the past 'three weeks has been . Non glare lens. P Dr H. A Stewart seriously ill with pneumenia, was .. Smart pleasing body lines. . Cormer_Princess "and Wellington [If | PFOUShE to. the Kingston General - Easy riding and comfort due to long springs. hosiptal on Sunday where he undes- 3 ROY 7 ils n went an operation for pleurtsy. Lai. . A price several hundred dollars below its actual . Choleust Suaitly of Seraston re est. report is that he is doing nicely. | value in the automobile market. | TWEDI )EI ! 'S ou = . a { )S | || Placed on Superannuation List. ANGLIN BR ° | 131 Pri St. rincess BOOTH . e Yard Ph 183' 1} | M. MacKinnon, Renfrew, who has Grove Inn ong fl spent the best years of his lite, Bay Street, Kingston, Ont. I [twenty-four altogether, in the mail Es te tA SS----L Stat as ! : ye "Princess Pat" Hair Nets [fl {service of the government, has re- - . (One door below Randolph Hotel) have become a necessity to [f{celved word from Ottawa that he has been placed on the superannuai- i) every lady, Made fn every [| ed list, to date from Feb. 1st last. : v 7 FOR SALE i] shade from black to auburn, fine only reason for Mr. MacKia- J | ON AND 4 } even gray and white. || non's retirement is failing health. i We have every shade in stock ii VEE pe NTREAL STO IXCHANGE MEMBERS: MONTREAL STOCK EXCHANGE 4 beautiful Island. 1a Lough. and would be pleased to supply Granted Incorporation. TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE boro Lake .......... $75.00 your requirements. | A dominion charter has been H. GODWIN & SON | Make this store your conveni- fii| granted to Northern Buttons, Limit 171 St. James Street W. H. | ence. il led, with a capital of $300,000 and % TY ) Real Estate and Insurance | M R McC 1] Hl | chief place of business at Smith's MONTREAL SPORT AND NOVEL Il {| Falls. The incorporators are mem- : 89 Brock Street Phone 424 ||| a \ © 0 : | PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST bers of an Ottawa legal firm. This Halifax, N. 8. Moncton, N.B, Sydaey, N. S. ji company has been formed to take Sherbrooke St. Johas, Nfid. = Cor. Clergy and Driucom Sts. ll /over the business of the Internation. : ; Direct Wire Connections. wea ers an Phone al Button Co. in Smith's Falls, . i Broken Arm by Motor. SEASONABLE FRUITS =r DY Dlevile, was -- sm Pullovers and FRESH VEGETABLES ir myn: Tos. moter ED aah ls Gamal Leavens suffered a broken arm, this Pineapples, Strawberries, To- IHN hy being determined after an X-ray ex- iT Swi" | n WY H . : ¥ matoes, and all the good things amination in the office of Dr. Mc- 31 R SNE [ENTS Rs We are showing many new styles in Spring Vegetables. 8 i Creary. Mr. Leavens is eighty-four \ : -- : 2 . I | years of age. 1 V/A AR IB in these popular garments, in all wool, BON MARCHE GROCERY i 8 Green-Panter Wedding. ] D&A . ' : : Cor. King ana Earl streets ! The marriage took place quietly at a ay Silk and Silk Mohair--plain and fancy. : 4 Christ church, Belleville, on Satur- " ; ' . . day, of Miss Eva Mae Panter, daugh- A Priced very attractively from ter of the late John Panter, and Lorne Foote Green, superintendent , of the government labor bureau at FOR SALE | 4 Bek EERIE EY Real Good Soap | $2.75 up S------------ Military Tents -- Bells and 3 3 : po. Whitnall-Stone Wedding. es \ A i gg rien. | poAlTTed Whitnal, of the. Methodist A. Rig Bar of Good Soap Bright, solid gozp " Also pew Cam and || yas Latest' Development tn Eiectric GA ens nO Miss EL oy ne lathering and cleansi ities | Chairs. | Washlag Machines --Washes, Rinses, rn Sunsua vay - wid for the family og and Bo Tua hes, 1 W. N. Linton & Co. I vier inger Dries WHROUE Uke! porye of the Bride's sister, Mrs. Jos- of Wringer. IL. Cohen & Co. ie eph Munden, Ganinogue, by the For use in washing machines shave or slice Phone 191. The Waldron Store. wu 275 Ontario St. Phones 836, 837 > Rev. D. Mick, pastor of Grace ® portion of the '* SURPRISE" bar direct i church. A wedding supper was ser- ' to the machise-- It will do fine work, | v4 Princess Stress Pease ¢oo.lV0d 10 8 fow immediate friends, af- -