mr TT -- | 14 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, a | THE JUNIOR BRITISH WIC Toe | | sromis | RIGCESE MITTLE var Ie Tek. some ad] RADIO, EXPLAINED [. THE SWIMMING CLASS--LESSON Vv | THE SHORT STORY, JR. | | INSTRUCTOR NEW YORK. Y.M.C.A. RADIO ScHooL especially when it 1S our shingle stain. It makes wood shingles last y al much longer and therefore your ee Thi Juin VY 4 roof is- better and costs you less By JACK GIHON 18 water at the edge of the pool, so | Fhe Man Who Taught One Thousand | 'P8t You can asuppart yourselt with ~ee w-- ERRY PARKA SIMPLE DETECTION IN A VACUUM TUBE CIRCUIT. | YZ intai ar ovis. Tauein one Fo your hands. Whprst: your in | - ? oi CAREY (Continued) WV, to maintain. Qur Stains, varnishes out behind You, stags moving them ¥ i H t i 3 week ow to Swim back and forth; the hips straient oo We It has been pointed out that | potential), is positive, a grid cur- ; and paints are used by those who ------ | retaxaa: the ankies limber, and the when an alternat'ng (or oscilla- | rent flows, which damps the sig- know. The crawl, used by practically every Pi movement coming. solely trom pane tory) signal voltage is applied to | nal energy and decreases the Deed swimmer, and lovicen upon by Tacaiees. £5 ot bend ihe ¥hess 108 ! He ent away, put a tube whose normal grid poten- | sharpness of tuning. It would be a i Xperts as the only Io cal racing . A €iC "fe gO aule { t urr; - - stroke, is naturally Appealing to most | The feet should never be opened more Back into jai lal 1s zero, the Plate e Frent de Sood plan, therefore, to never al 1 SE 4g 1 © young swimmers. The erat ia | than 12 inches from the heel to toe, again. creases more on the average than low the grid to become positive. present perfection of all swimming | When you do 1 correctly, your feet | I been there onoe It increases. 'The result, then, dur- | Suppose that a certain normal reg- | Lg) Strokes, and many instructors declare | Shouid "be churning the water, not a before, 'yor ing a train of damped oscillations | ative potential is applied to the pp 2 % C 0 » Splashing! it. The crawl swimmer 1 know- In the antenna is ~ne pulse of cur- 8rid by a grid battery. The plate 1) 1X 34 K 3 ui iavie little Fake behind him, They caught me rent reduction in the plate circuit, | current has a certain value de- | L¢ | tn -- 8 1042 . } Somer ing. like that of ga powerfu] I ated bain ca of ik oy ip1s lead | This pulse of reduction ~llows the pending upon filament current, 3 : > { . e at, - i 8 | You feel like ror was goa. diapbragms of the telephone re- | Plate potential and this normal VICTORIA 10 KING CLK 3 After you have practiced it holding y . ceivers to oe released and at- negative grid potential. This cin our pupport, point your arms above | But all the fellows in our gang tracted and makes one click. If | pe called the normal plate current. | AT Senet { Your head, lie flat in the water, face Had been to Jail, you see, rR | buried, and try to progress, And used to boast about jt, too, thers are 1000 wave Uaioe per Then sscume hat the signal voit- Sag of that until you have mastered It. you [the leg drive alone. Then gradually A-lookin' down on me { | #8e applied to the grid is at no NEW SKIFFS and FISHING BOATS THE RICHT PRICE 0 fAnnot consider yourself a good swim- | take a couple of strokes, and a couple time greater than the normal neg- This tim i i / wr. more Cop oui ma, °F fom ing ative grid potential. Whe the ap. FOR SALE It is the most diMcult of all strokes, : The Tea! digicuity of the crawl ig In A sort of nice and sunny ak sada, plied voltage is positive the po- but the speed it develops, its grace | '6Arning how to combine the arm acs ? | tential of the grid becomes less and its general utility put it on such | movement and leg drive into a smooth | A74 Quiet as a tomb negative (Bemaiy minus a cer- H. KNAPP, BARRIEFIELD 4 high plane as to make it well worth | stroke. It is a matter of practice, | A desk was 'cross one end of it, l | tain "positive), and th late enr- | any difficulty you might have in mas. | alone. Arms ang legs work Independ- At which there sat a guy on 1 x Pos e), a @ plate c¢ tering it. ently, you can use a fast flutter | With &rayish hair and funny smile, iN r- rent increases a certain amount The stroke consists of an abbrevi- kek and BERN arm movement, or] And rane his eye. 2bove ite Normal yalue, Waeu the ated double everarm movement, very | vice versa, You wish. No two per- a "yy applied voltage is negative the po- Similar to that of the trudgeon, ex. | sons swim ihn crawl exactly alike, | 10° 2 faye, Judge, I brought the tential of the grid fs increasingly Plalned last week, and a peculiar leg | and you will get a style of YOUr OWR| And then he Degative and the plate current is reduced below its normal value, drive learned from the Ratives of the | with practice. While I was South Sea Islands. In swimming the crawl, keep flat i ' . o The only difference between the | on your face, and do not jet your Whi watchin . During tach cycle of signal yout f HT BY THE PRESENCE OF WORMS, n and the crawl arm move. eo S BUY he tells me how he 11 help x. age (applied) there is, then, a flue- \ AND RESTORE THE CHILD TO NORMAL MEALTH s that In the crawl the arms Hopd &et a chanct once more: a A tuation of plate current above and . are bent at the eibows a trifle mors 3 UY ldn't think they ought to treat # J | below the-hormal value, By refer- NO NARCOTICS --p than in the trudgeon, and they come , -- : Me like they did before. fen ring to the drawing it will be LEASANT As SUGAR down in the water alternately at the Sma 5 - cr | He talked 80 sort of friendly-like, TY . noted, however, that the increase sides, rather than in front of the . S -- - | Ard kind of took my part, PE east} 0 i bead. - makal | ANd when I thousht of what I done ip Tree ITEEA of plate current is greater than The leg drive is radically different -- RT I didn't feel half so smart PE m any other stroke, however, ana Then when he'd talked a while like <: {| the characteristic ourve. There r y STREET--Brick Bung. fro 3 ; is known as the flutter kick, It is a body roll. Breathe every other stroke, that, : | 1, then, a Dulse of average plate Co OF CANADA , 4 bedrooms, sun porch, elec- 1+ i . beat it quick, left alone in there, for a trick, Plots Cument the decrease due to the shape of continuous up and down alternate { the same as in the trudgeon, excep: | I1® smiles, so sort of queer, : current above normal value for tric light, hardwood foo, thrash of tho legs from the knee | when you are sprinting, when you [ANd reaches in his desk and says, | each wave train, and the response good lot : ch. 96,500 down take breath only every four or 'si He hoya Sn. Just look here." L ¢| In the telephone receivers depends BEVERLEY STREET -- p. To learn the log @rive, Us fat in| stroke. 10M a funny Sling-shot thing, Ht upon the wave train frequency. Assurance in force now more Bungalow, § bedrooms, hot water and worn; In the previous article the tube heating, electric light, gas, harq. "T've kept this thing," he says t : tham ...... ; > "Sincedlong 'foFe yom md ig Second there are 1,000 clicks or Was seen to operate actually as a . . $500,000,000.00 wood floors; good lot ces 85.200 ANSWER To I hit a window, just like you. vibrations of the receiver dia- rectifier. In the present case, how- . . 3 A kid, and kind of wig _ phragms each second, which pro- | ever, there is no rectification, since , st YESTERDAYS : Toi me att 0 ja) for be : duces a certain musical tone. Start- | there is at no time any grid cw- J. L. ABELL on encies : - ou" he smiled, ing and stopping of the wave trains | rent flowing. Due to the pulses of strict Agent . ly Puzzie 15 eI Bi "Pou what atime . at the transmitter then produces | plate current being in only one di- 237 Bagot Sreet. Phone 704 Limited n And you could sea that he was just starting and stopping of the mu- | rection, there is, however, appar- . . BACON A boy himse!f at heart sical buzzes in the telephones, and ent rectification of the alternations PoTaToes MARION sewed the name And--well, I've chucked the gang for signaling can be accomplished in | above and below the normal plate : A good; her Jovorite author in this I'm back, in school again, a telegraphic code. | current value, and the effect In the \ 0 When the grid potential, with re- | telephone receivers is practicaily quil : WHAT 1S IT ? And Wore uch friends, &x= geet 8pect to the filament (actual grid | the same, : WE BUY AND SELL A Mast glad I aracked thas Dama, ' | A Herald Sun Feature, VICTORY . : jasiy | ---- reer ADA BONDS J yhey butter ................ .3%}usy, bated, tin -. $28.00 to $29.0 AN ana all kin} a q . da of Stocks and Bond KINGSTON RETAIL Eggs, fresh, dozen .. sree 33 Hay, loose, ton ... 9 | 1% ; ta lied ks onds a Oleomargarine Corn, yellow, feed, bush 3) Montreal Tramway and Power, MARKET PRICES] |checce -20[Corn, car lots 4 7 | By RALPH BROWN, RADIO ENGINEER Quebec Railway, "he Vegetables. t, $4.25 to $4.65 Ragen, Je 170, | ole, 3 bunches Cll ks wks| A LOW POWER TELEPHONE TRANSMITTING SET, ST. PAUL Cabbage, for 3 lbs. Oats, western ,......... -65 to .60 The radio telephone transmit- | below this stabilizer are tws This stock sold at 117 before Lettuce, for 3 Straw, baled, ceo. $16 to $13 ter illustrated is of low power, but switches, one being a plate induct- the war. It is now around 26. -6| Straw, loose, $14 bas covered some very remarkable auce control and the other a wave The President of the road recent- Potatoes, bag .23 | Wheat, local $1.15 to $1.25 sending ranges. It can be success- | length switch, The wave length ly reported traffic 20% heavier Fruit. Potatoes, new, 1b, . fully used on an antenna baring Switch bas seven Joint, Sad auy this year than last and prospects y 3 'ea & capacity of .00025 to .002 micro- | one o Seven wave len of heavy business, Bananas, doz. ' : a? iatoes, ; In ... SiCed, I. ......." ". 12 to 15| farzds and resistance up to 50 | 160 and 325 meters may be used Grape fruit . . Cel for 3 lols. 3p Tre | ohms. Any type of 5 watt vacuum | for transmission. To the left of Lemons, dozen . it se . elery, for 2 "#3 [Tels 1p, ud tubes may be used, and the plate | these two switches there is a A McKINNON & Co Oranges, dos. ......... -30 to .70 2 voltages may be anywhere from | transmission control switch, This . . | is provides for buzzer, modulated, tel- Cor. King and Brock St Dairy Products. ree -75 [Haddoch, fresh, 1b. egraph transmission, straight, con- Tous The Latest Development in Electric Creamery butter, 1b. ,.. 3s Bran, ton Halibut, 1b. tinuous wave telegraphy or tele- We are correspondents of Washing Machines --Washes, Rinses, phony. There is one position of Po and Wringer Dries Without Use Dairy butter .30 [Bhorts $30 to $32 Kippers, pair f EP . eRe . a > the switch for each, and selection of Wringer, 'a . Buckwheat, bush, .... 30 | Perch, Ib \ 5 p is quickly made. Terminals for a Bryant Bros. Limited -- Pike, Ib. ; microphose and for a key are lo- MONTREAL . . cated below the gwitches. The ur! @ ectric ] ' B switch at the lower left is a rheo- : | ro) k § stat control. There are eigit points , od | 74 Princess Street. Phone 423. When You Require ha nthe witch, and' ine current | iL Tu UU tteead | 1 Princo treet. pone a one -- 5 p carrying capacity of the rheostat ay 1 9 en _-- is five amperes. Ample regulation a Letter of re 1t tras 20 is thus provided for, whether six ° A : eight or ten volts are required for 5 he | the filaments. ; We shall be pleased Beet: 20 to 509 volts, limited. only by 4 Two tubes may be used if de- BUILDER OF to furnish that con- Porterhouse steak: 1p, 32 In the upper left hand cormgr | sired and will Increase the range SMALL BOATS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION yesience, | Bona, steak, 1b... 07" 26] there is a ratio Ten amteats roe. | memiamen. | Tie uissiuse | Boiling cuts, 1b 10 ors which Judicales Jutenna am- | filters are used the plate potential SKIFFS AND CANOES | Western carcase, cwt, sees.a 15 pere, and a shunt, which may be | can be furnished from a direct cur- IN STOCK AND FOR SALE THE | Western hinds, cwt 18 » ts up to two rent dynamo of proper voltage. STAN DARD A BANK fos, 10] on Hl lowe Surtents piu twa | rent 4 panel is of formica, with a ALSO DISAPPEARING PROPELLER MOTOR BOATS Pork: ircuit when the antenna re- grain finish: metal parts are all im: ota roasts, 1b .,. 30 i of ig dg beside the | highly nickel plated and the case LA SALLE CAUSEWAY PHONE 707 x : dark quartered oak, . - | Rib roasts, 1b, 30 meter is a high frequency huzzer, | is of heavy, Kingston Branch, J F. Rowland, Manager | pork chops, 1» enya Sotusied, | with 2"rebted Gateh, "Toe Jetter: | E, ees ¢ ves are desire 8 [ Hogs, live weight, cwt .. 15 Sontintous aves Fh osu Pog Voit Tos nin ee ith ee [Fogs. dressed, ew: |... taseveai20 there is a grid control, which acts { which provides easy access to the Bacon, breakfast as a stabilizer. The scale provides | interior. All terminals are plainly Spring lamb: for accurate adjustment to prede- | marked for quick and easy connec- S Carcase, dressed .. $8.00 to $10.00 termined position, Immediately | tion. Froats, 1b, quarter "ve 4 25 IY Va FOR UNE BRIDES | Hinds, 1b, quarter 20 Will readers interested in these radio articles kindly communicate | Les. ib. .. +26 with the editor by mail? | "olins, Ib . 0" rrr ee Chops, . 30 | oq. $1 67 Clarence Street - Phone 703 18 25; Port Hope, $1; St. Thomas, | London, 45 to 54; Peterboro, 45: Pretty Electric Table Lamps, Boudoir Veal ls. ,.... . veevvrn...10|%1.75 to $2; Woodstock, $1.60. on aiots, 3; Si Thomas, 65 to Lamps, Electric Irons, Toasters, Curl- 5 cesasrei 1 sasage meat Ib, 1) Tose Hay. a ing Tongs, Percolators, Vacuum Belleville, $26 to $27; Brantford, Barley. . . . Tides and Wout. $16 to $18; Chatham, $13; Hamil'| Belleville, 65 to 70; Brantford, Cleaners, Grills, Washing Machines. . Wool, vais. 1 5 When you bring Wed Javached 12 to i ton, $18 to $20; Kingston, $28;'65; Cobourg, 70: Chatham, 43 to i London, $15 to $18; Peterboro, $2648; Hamilton, 65 to 75; Kingston, yourbusiness problem ool, rejects pach LLL Yale |; $25: port Bones Son op Thomas | 75; London, 72: Peterboro, 65: H Ww NEWMAN ELECTRIC C0 to The Bank of Toronto Lamb and sheep skins, up to .. 43 |$18 to $20; Woodstock $17. Port Hope, 95; St. Thomas, 75 to . . . : * 4% pa 85; Woodstock, 70. . you can be assured of Horse hides ..... ." 7' 'g300 Wheat, Phone 441, : 167 Princess Street as a ready and sympa- Tallow, Fendared t+vsss Bc per Ip Belleville, $1.20; Brantford, Why She Gut Ie She Got It. Ginsen, ++ +.%9 per lb. . . $1.20; Cobourg, $1.05: Chatham, Two beggar women met on the rm thetic understanding, Beeswax, clear *ereeeee 30c per Ib, $1.35; Hamilton, $1.45; Kingston, street the other day. "Fine coat EE Nas uy NA oS oA A a $1.15 to $1.25; London, $1.35 to|you've got there. Where did you 3 We have daily experi- GENERAL TRADE, 31.40; Peterboro, $1.30; Port Hope land Iter sary ine first one. "Or ence with ch ---- $1.40; St. Thomas, $1.40; Wood-| Mrs, Golde gave it to me," said the many su Butter, stock, $1.30. second beggar woman. "Is that 80°? problems which enables : Religie, 35 to 36; Brantford, -- . I've begged at. Mrs. Gobsa Golde's a 5 to 38; Cobourg, 33; Chatham, 23 Oats. hundred times, and then she never us to be of service to the to 30; Hamilton, 40 to 45; Kingston, Belleville, 65; Brantford, 52; /gave me a cent. How did you bor' 49; London, 30 to 33; Peter: | Cobourg, 50; Chatham, 40 to 45; | work her?" "Well, you see," said rhe European Plan Dining Room dors, 28 to 30; In Hope, 30; st. Hamilton, 47 to 50; Kingston, 55; [first woman, stroking her new coat omas, to ; Woodstock, 35 complacently. "I didn't tel her I 3 y sin nn, : to 42. . 5 . was begging for myself, but I pre- Service De Luxe We invite your confid- ---- Diet Not E tended I was begging for the poor ence and assure you of the Eas. In Keeping Healthy = . Belleville, 25 to 26; Brantford, Co-operation which your ? 33 to 35; Cobourg, 27; Chatham, 26 Your table may be loaded with Matrimonial Shrinkage. problem requires, # sos 5: Hamilton, 35 to 38; Kingston | food digest" y wholesome, yet | It Was a well-known writer of 30; London, 27 to 33; Peterboro, 30; [you don't get strong. What's ihe verse, to whom a lady sald: Port Hope, 24; St. Thomas, 28 1o|trouble? The liver is lazy, stomach 1 have just seen ydur wife for the first time since your: marriage; Consult our nearest 30; Woodstock, 30 to 35. is overloaded, the bowels are not ac. Branch Manager. . -- tive. Relief is quickly supplied by [but I had supposed she was a taller Dr. Hamilton' hf hort . Be eo oh sus Fils. Tuey when 1 saw her aap OTST than 141 King E. Phone 1743 Reserves §7 25; Cobourg, 40; Hamilton, 35. oertalnly," sald the writer, sol- +000,000 "- Kingston 35; London, 28 to 35: po; 2 pari ih De maa ulate rw has married and set. MC. FENWICK, Prop. . erboro, 30 to 35: Port Hope, 30; st. don't have indigestion or constipat > p Thomas, 30 to 35; Woodstock, 30 to ed headaches, they EE ------ ; OF 35. over, mee dh Paging Doggie. smooth run er. The hotel manager jumped on a ' : and stimulate your being bell-boy for whistling in the lobby. BRANCHES KINGSTON LYNDHURST Potatoes, Bag. Belleville, $1.65 to $1.75: Brant Shats of lethargy "Don't you know that it is against ford, '$1.70; Cobourg, $1.25; Cha- ton's Pi which the 'rules for. an employee to, whistle 'tham, $1.40 to $1.60; Hamilton, good looks, rits, while 'on duty?" he demanded ee ------ $1.75 to $2; Kingston, $1.40; Lon- sternly. 3 the boy. "I'm paging Mrs. | Rich's Ji is well to take counsel of one' or Catarrhozo, a don, $1.65 to $1.85; Peterboro, treal, "Ain't whistling, sir," protested | d 1 s loriow, &