Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jun 1922, p. 16

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FOUNDED 1847. Excursion, Outing, Golf, Tennis or what- ever you have on the bill will require gooa- looking, comfortable clothes and toggery. HIGH-GRADE HABERDASHERY SHIRTS You'll be wanting a | Bathing Suit very Collar attached; ex- soon now. All styles. | cellent for sport wear $1.25 to $4.50 $200t0 3350 |... rme----m---- COUNTRY ed BATHING SUITS | OUTING | TROUSERS STRAW HATS | Plain Grey and pure Best English make. White Flannel Look well and oh, so $7.50 to $8.00 comfortable. | Stripe Flannels $2.50 to $4.50 $7.50 White and Khaki a te Duck ' HOSIERY ee Silk Hose, Lisle and| Underwear Cashmere in summer Forsythe and Hatch- weights, plain and|way, no button Com- fancy. binations. 50¢..up. | $1.50 Suit, QUIXLIDE New NECKWEAR . . . . $1.50 Agents in Kingston for Jaeger Goods. Livingston's 75-79 Brock Street "If off your route it pays to walk" {| ANDERSON BROTHERS Limited Phones 458--459. Wholesale 1767. Strawberries Strawberries For Prestrving--For the Table Every day this week will be Berry Day. De- liveries daily from the best berry producing districts. SUGAR HAS ADVANCED, but is still at a reasonable mark for preserving. Special quotation on Sugar with Strawber- ries. : LUNCH BASKET SPECIALTIES: Beverages -- Gurds' Ginger Ale, Ginger Beer, Cream Soda, Dry Ginger Ale. Dalton's Concentrated, Cherry Ade, Lemonade, Grape Punch, Orangeade. Grape Juice, Lime Juice, Raspberry Vinegar. ! Splendid assortment of Sandwich Meats and Pastes. Pickles, Salad Dressing, Catsup, Sauces, Cooked, Roast and Jellied Meats--all machine sliced. 1,000 Ibs. DAIRY BUTTER --fresh made ...... ...........30c.perlb, ' | i D ARRIED FIVE TIMES | A INSURANCE nN IN SIXTY-NINE YEARS By Judge Lavell Against Lon- Chicago Man Neglects to Go don 'Life Company and Through Divorce Court | William Walters. | Meantime. | Judge Lavell has given judgment Chicago, Jur 21 --Jixty-nine | in the first division court, county of years old and married to five women | Frontenac, in the ca »f Burtch vs. | without the for ity of divorce, { The London Life '~ance Company Thomas Worland smiled with relief and William Walter rd in this| when Judge.McKinley sent him to | court some ti ago, a claim for the Penitentiary on a sentence of {commission on an insurance policy.) from one to five years Worland The judgment follows cheered up perceptibly when sen- | "The insurance contract which tence was passed, probably because | forms the basis of part of the claim two of his wives advanced to the! fn this section was made between bar -of justice arm in arm. | Henry and the insurance company Worland was. first sent to the and not between Henry and Walters, penitentiary in 1917 on a charge of | the latter not acting In his personal bigamy. He admits he "has a way" but his representative capacity. | with women and they cannot resist | Burtch relies upon his written agree- him, some even going to the extreme | {ment with the company under which of kidnapping him. o'l he is entitled to receive a commis- After getting out he married Olive | |slon on policies 'issued from appli-! Helth and Tillie Carlington, both of | cations secured by" him. Chicago, in rapid succession. It was | "In this case 1 have not the slight- | hig fourth wife who tripped him | lest doubt that he did secure the ap- this time. | plication, even though it was not io | signed jand delivered in his pres-| FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE { ence, but in the presence of the sup-| ; |erintendent of company who knew! Epidemic Breaks Out Worse Than Burtch had procured Henry's prom-| Ever in Britain i Ise to sign it, and who undertook to| J,ondon, June 21 Foot and mouth | isee that Burtch would receive the | disease has again broken out among | | commission. {animals in this country, this being | "The qualififcation as to the pay- the worst outbreak vet reported to | iment of premium cannot be invok- the board of agriculture. The peak | ed. No cash at all was pald the| nag occurred in the Derbyshire area, | superintendent at the time the Pol-| where over 100 animals, have been | | icy was issued. Henry was a credit-| certified affected by the disease. | | jor of the company and allowed his | Slaughtering has begun with a view | {account to be applied on the prem-| to preventing the spread of the in-| lum to that extent and gave notes 10 | fection, and urgent restrictions have | | the company for tie balance, and Yet! been issued to the same end. A | | [the company, knowing this, paid the | fresh outbreak among pigs is FOPOTt~ {commission to Walters thus recog-|eq from Birmingham. {nizing that actual receipt of the Pré-. In March last, when it was thought | | |mium by the agent was not a sine (he disease was about stamped out, | {que non as long as the premium Was | the board of agriculture estimated | {in fact pald--as it was in this in-| that the cost of overcoming the foot | | stance to Walters. {and mouth disease outbreak was.| "I find that Burtch, as agent of about £1,000,000. | the company, did everything to €n- | ----, j title him to the remuneration fixed | Appointed Bank Manager | by his agreement. If, in any detail, | Hastings, June 21----E. B. Laing, | {be falled--and he did not in any es-| accountant of the Bank of Toronto | | sential fail---it was because of the | here, has been transferred to the |action of the company through its | managership of the Bethany branch | representative and it cannot esc ape of the bank. Mr. Laing came here | Hability by now repudiating or at-! from Colborne in 1919. He was an | tempting to avoid the responsibility ardent sportsman and held a place |of his acts in this connection. The on the intercounty baseball team. evidence makes it clear that wide He was presented with a cut glass [powers were given their superintend- | water set by members of the team, {ent in practice and policy. All mat-| of which he was secretary. | ters affecting the local office and sub-| ----------t tm {agents were dealt with wholly [# # #224 + 42242309 | through that o cer and if by his|# - | misconduct of the affairs of the + RENDERED HOMELESS $ | |company so entrusted to him loss BY GREAT FLOODS + | is occasioned to any person---and no! + S-- » less to a sub-agent--the company | Sofia, Bulgaria, June 21. | must be held responsible. |#% --Ten thousand persons have "And Walters is responsible not{+% been rendered homeless by {merely as an agent of the company. # devastating floods which in- + | He is personally liable for having | undated suburban districts of 4 { wrongfully procured and retained | Sofia, following torrential + | for his own use monies which he not|{% rains on Monday and Tues- + only knew belonged to the plaintitf (4% day. No loss of life has been + but which he had undertaken to pay | # reported. + over to him in due course and as|% * | eestui que trust an action may be (P+ PSH PEPP 2 PPS EES properly brought by the trust funds.| ~~ [| 'There will be judgment against | DAILY MEMORANDUM. {both defendants for the amount| ginal meeting of Kingston Poultry {claimed for commission, being | Association to-morrow night. [$69.13 and costs, including the ET ------------------------------------ costs of the first trial, | | "As to the damages claimed for| wrongfully detaining the letter from | tio 5 Hi 3 HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR properly revented | delivery of it and is able in dam-| MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. ages for so doing. The evidence on | this point is meagre and unsatisfac- | BORN. tory. 1 cannot with any exactness) BLAKE--In Barriefield, on June 21st, Or assurance fix the / amount but | 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Blake, a upon fhe whole I think $10 is a fair | ------ a ; i nd reasonable sum and 1 girect| MARRIED. | judgment for ainat } the defend that amount against | o7 A RKE---STORMS--At Kingston, qn| efendant Walters alone in ad- | June 21st, 1922, by Rev. J. A. Wad- [dition to the sum above awarded." | dell, Laura Ellen, daughter of Mr.| 21 - and Mrs. Joseph Storms, Harrow-| - Hn { smith, to Goldwin B.. son of Mr. and| THE STOCK MARKET, | Mrs. William J. Clarke, Godfrey, | Ont. ---- i y Ci | 'LIE FOOD--! {ingston, June; Reported by McKinnon & Co., Royal | 2 YE 12, by Rev JA. Wadden, | Bank Building, Market street | Vera Marion Wood to Charles H.|{ ---- . Jaylie, both of this city. | V / < HAWKINS --UORNELIUS--In Kingston, | NEW YORK STOCKS, on June 20th, 1922, in St. Paul's June 21st, 2 p.m. church, by Rev. Canon Fitzgerald, | 114 Hazel Cornelius to Reginald Hawk- | I ins, both of thig city. i *+e004.115% | Toronto and Guelph papers please copy ! 74 | meee | | DIED. ANDERSON--At Napanee, on June 17th, Bridget Ellen Anderson, widow of] the late Thomas Anderson, CAULFIELD---In London, at the resi- + dence of her daughter, Mrs. Arthur | O'Rourke, Mary Sasey, dow of Gul (1a | the late Thomas Caulfield. | ult States Steel Funeral (private) from the parlors of| | Sinclair Oil 41; | 1. Ronan, Thursday morning, to St N. Y. Central | Mary's Cathedral, where solemn re- N | quiem mass will be sung at § o'- New Haven g pip for the happy repose of her soul. i . | Friends and acquaintances respectfully Royal Dutch 3 invited to attend the Mass. Reading 3 McNEILL--At Napanee, on June 19th, Southern Pac. Teresa McNeill. Rep. I. & 8S. WILSON---At Napanee, on June 15th, Studebaker Mrs. Frank Wilson, aged 62 years WILSON---At Camden, on June 19th, Union Pacific % | Ethelbert Wilson, aged i4 years. U. 8S. Steel 0 CANADIAN STOCKS. JAMES REID Brazilian " The Old Firm of Undectakers Can Cem.ent 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET Bell Tel. .... sive ss sn HOV Phone 147 for Ambulance Difference In' Cabinet io JBERY 3 RED. Winnipeg, June 21--A report fis incess published in the Manitoba Free Press Plone 333,230 Fy See that a divigion exists in the Morris M. P. KEYES cabinet as to the date of the provin- Undertaker and Emoal aer. cial elections. It is said that Hon. Undertaking Parlors 228 Princess St. Edward Brown, provincial treasurer, Ambulance Phone 1839. is desirous of delaying the polling date, the reason assigned being that JOHN CORNELIUS he "feels there is a gradual growth Undertaker und Embalmer of public opinion in rural districts in Parlors: 274 Princess Street. favor of the Liberal candidates." Ambulance Phone 599. Other members of the cabinet, it is ~ said, want the election held about I. RONAN mid-July. Undertaker and Embalmer Babe Ruth Chicago, June 21--Babe Ruth pre- mier swatsman of the American Lea- Bue, was suspended for three days by President Ban Johnson following an altercation with Umpire Dineen at Cleveland. | ---- He that nothing questioneth noth- | ing learneth, | x ia DAlLZY BRITISH WHIG. JLAIDLAV & SON LIMITED KINGSTON'S FAVORITE SHOPPING PLACE Phones 754-755. Established 187 9. SUMMERTIME. NEEDS CHARMING, NEW, ATTRACTIVE - MODERATE PRICES PREVAIL 4+ «.. LONG SILK | § i LONG Sn Smart Gingham Dresses $1.75t0$2.25 | | at $5.95 Fine, sheer, Silk Gloves | Checks, Plaids and Plain that always prose nt a dressy | . Colors--dainty new appearance when short styles sleeves are in vogue--"Kay- ! When it perta to the matter of ser" make--16 and 18 but- | summer argn and distinction, ton lengths. ! the fashionabfy y 18 woman and miss almost inva aly admits a pre- Navy, Grey, Black, | Joreree for cool, sp, Gingham Mastic White | And small wonder! For who ' . would not be intrigued at the lovely new models that are among the most recent. additions. to-our-4dresg-aepart= ment. , As delightful as summer's day many attractive color combi- nations Refreshing short sleeves, fancy collar effect, sashes, hemstitch- ing and organdie trimmings are among the prominent style features and trimmings. The newer colors are: -- eee eee Blue, Mauve, Green, Black, Red, Pink. FANCY CLOCKED SILK HOSE To complete the summer costumes these fancy Clocked Silk Stoc kings, in four new fashionable colors. All Sizes In stock AT $2.25 PAIR Brown, Grey, Black, White. 2 1 BLOUSES Ap Wa -- For Vacation 5 © GABERDINE | jugs' $2.00 These White Gaberdine Skirts have that air of correct- ness one always associates with the better sport apparel It is a matter of unerring cut and skilful fitting, and the best of material, Smart Patterned | SKIRTS { The popular Peter Pan Blouses these ars | made from a fine quality White Voile have In daring new colors. { small, round collar, long sleeves, tucked in The pretty colorings and at- | 1ront and trimmed with fine Val Lace tractive patterns as shown in 'these Skirts is the work of ex- pert designers. Many variations in Checks and Stripes that are so popular for Summer, ana | neat fittis collar, lace trimmed, These the colorings are entirely new -- { Blouses have short sleeves different from other years --- | all are remarkably low priced. | $2 7 5 Ae ecpscnene ! . Plain tailored Blouses gre always in de- mand--especially when a Suit is to be worn Made from fine quality Voile, embroidered in front 1d trimmed with lace Have a Store Hours: | 3 deliveries daily. | 9.00 to 5.30 Se ir A Me ein mA i, BOY SCOUT BOOTS THE SENSIBLE SUMMER BOOT FOR BOYS Brown Elk Soft Leather Boot -- Elk sole, flexible and light we ght. An ideal Boot for Summer and Fall wear. Once buy these Shoes and you won't bother with Rubber Shoes. SIZE Iit013] ... SIZE 1to 5} .. LOCKETT'S

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