PECs ge & Tele- Tw. Editor of Women's Page, phone 229; Private phone * The beautiful lawns and rooms. of Mrs. Frank . Somerville's home in Portsmouth were thrown open Tues- day afternoon and evening for a tea and entertainment under the aus- | pices of the Portsmouth C.W.L. The guests began to arrive at three o'elock and remained until alatehour in the evening. Mrs. Coady met ihe visitors at the gate and received their contributions. A very attractive home-made table, which disposed of its entire stock in a short time, was attended to by Mrs. J. Lawless and Almost Unbelievable You can hardly realize the wonderful im. Send | 5c. for Trial Sige FERD. T. HOPKINS & SON Montreal SUGAR During the past two weeks Sugar has made three advances in price and the market is very firm. Get in your supply NOW before further ad- vance. We are quoting SUGAR at 50c. LESS than present wholesale cost. Berries Order your berries now as the home grown are coming in daily. Oranges Very choice, sweet 29¢c. Dozen Robinson's Stores "Stores of Better Value" Cor. Princess and Barrie. Cor. Montreal and Rag- lan Road. : GROCERTERIA.: 175 Princess Street S---------- > ~ ] > You "=Need Milk BARNUM' FOR'THE JUNE BRIDE Come in and choose your wedding cake, : Almond Icing if you wish. | T. PF poured | {Mrs. Thomas McGuire. Mrs. {Burke and Mrs. F Somerville {tea and presided over the inside | itables, assisted by several young {ladles of the league. During the nt. | ternoon, and later in the evening by | {request, five little children, stars of | the Kirmess held in Kingston owe | [time ago, danced on the lawn under | {the direction of Miss Frances Devlin, | who accompanied them at the piano, The little cast was made up of Biily | | Laird, Marguerite Lemnron, Alma | Lemmon, Hilda Laird and Dorotiay | | Laird, All were in fancy costumes (and Master Laird appeared in ful] {highland regalia, also delighting the | vilstors with Several solos. The ladies | realized, besides a very enjoyabla day, quite a considerable sum to aid {in the prosecution of their good work, | S - LJ . The Royal Military College Clup (lunched at the Frontenac Club on Tuesday, Col. Caldwell, Ottawa, pre- slding. The subject under discussion was the Memorial Arch to be erected {in memory of the sons of the Royal { Military College, fallen in the great | war. i * . . Macgillivray; who re- Havergals College, --To= was one of the Royal Military | Miss Mary turned from {ronto, on Monday, | debutantes at { College ball Mrs. J. C. Ponstord will entertain {the members of St. John's Woman's Parish association at the Warden's | residence on Thursday. : - * - the * + a | | The Yacht Club. Tea this after. | noon, and the dance to-night, are two of to-days social events. | . . . | The graduating class of the 'Royal | Military College will dine togethar ptonight in the mess room. * *. . | merry little the cadets | There were several | farewell tea parties for fon Tuesday afternoon, | . . * Mrs. W. Pp. Bridger, has gone to Port Hope mer. months, Miss Mildred Horsey, who is with her uncle and aunt, Rev, A, O Cooke and Miss Cooke, St. Mark's | rectory, Barriefield, will leave ror Cressy on Friday taking Miss Con- stance Webster with her for a visit Mr. and Mrs. Lovel Mickles, who were in town for the ball, have re- turned to Montreal. Miss Mollie Cartwright has return- ed to "The Maples" from Ottawa, Miss Birks, who was with Mra, Philip Du Moulin, Sydenham street, for the ball, has returned to Mont- real. Barriefield, for the sum- * * . Mrs. G. Hunter Ogilvie and Miss Mary Ogilvie, Gore street, leave on Friday for Victoria, B.C., to visit Mrs. Crowe Baker. Mrs, A. D. Durnford, Miss Grath, Miss Vardon Roes and Muriel Smith, who were in for the closing and ball at the al Military College, returned Montreal on Tuesday. Miss Marion Ogilvie, Gore street and Miss Marguerite McLemont, will leave for Quebec on Monday. Mrs. Rae, who is a visitor ip town for the graduation of cadet Rae, will Jeave for Quebec on Wed- nesday. Mec- Miss town Roy- to | Prof. Dorland will return t Mrs. MacPhail and Miss Katharine MacPhail, King-street, are the guests of the former's sister, Mrs. Philip Gilbert, Toronto. Mrs. Austin Gillies has sailed for Canada, having been in England for the last two months. | Prof. and Mrs. A. G. Dorland, who {have been in London, Ont., are now {at their summer home at Wellington, 0 London, for the July summer school, at which he will be one of the lecturers. Ex-Cadets Haines, Belson and Hel- liwell, who were in town for the big ball, have returned to Toronto and London. Miss Honor Tett, with Dr. and Mrs "The Chestnuts," * Newboro, was R. J. Gardiner, for the ball, . * Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Montgomery, Port Arthur, are the guests of Mrs, C. H. Boyes, Alfred street. Mr. and Mrs. George Graham, who motored from Belleville for the military college ball, were with Major and Mrs. James Hamilton, Brock street. Mrs. F. A. Walsh, Aberdeen ava- nue, has returned from a visit to Dr. and Mrs: Gerald Denyes, Shannon- ville, Mrs. J. Pennington Macpherson, and Miss Jessie Macpherson, who were the guests of the former's dau- ghter, Mrs. Kenneth Fenwick, have returned to Ottawa. Mrs. Fergus O'Connor, Bari street, and her family, have gone to their cottage above Macdonald's Cove. Mrs. Ernest Hubbell, who was with | BAKERY THE DAILY BRIVISH | . ; Laura. A Kirkman =: - | { | Light, or Convalescent, Diet for the | Invalid. {in the "Light" or "Convalescent" | Diet of the invalid, in most cases of | {lilness. Of course one's family doc- tor should be consulted before pre- | paring them for the particular case fn hand. Cereal Pudding: jcold, cooked cereal, One cup of any ! |cup sugar, one-fourth {and one-half teaspoon of Scald the milk. Mix thé Sugar, egg, salt, and cereal together, then add the hot milk. Flavor with the vanil- la (raisins, chopped figs, stoned dates | or any cooked fruit may also be i@dd- {ed if desired) and turn the mixture |into a buttered baking dish. Set the . [dish in a pan of hot water and place shorely you lift it right oft with fing fa 0 ager Mier and Date Your druggist sells a tiny bottle | Until "set," or firm, in the middle, of "Freezone" for a faw cents, suffi- | Serve hot. cient to remove every hard corn. soft Chop Broiled in Paper: Dus! the corn, or corn between the toes, and chop with salt and pepper and fold the calluses, without soreness or rt completely in a piece of thick Jet- ritation. !ter-paper which you have spread rrr ERY With butter. The edges of General Hubbell has returned to Ot- the paper should be pressed together tawa, . tightly, so that no Juices can escape. Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little "Freezone" on an aching corn, In- stantly that corn stops hurting, then The following dishes are included | | I | three cups of | |scalded sweet milk, one egg, one-half | per. teaspoon salt | vanilla. | desired), Ex-Cadet George Patterson, who | Broil carefully, taking care that the was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. J | Paper does not catch fire. A chop Vair, Glenburnie, for the events at three-fourths of an inch thick will the Royal Military College, returned I cook in this way in five minutes, but to Toronto today. an inch-thick chop will require eight 3 r minutes Col: G. H. Hunter Ogilvie, Gore] potat Soup: Scald two thirds of a street, is in Superior with his bro- cup of sweet milk with a small slice ther, Dr, Ogilvie. | 0f onion, then remove the onion and Sir John and Lady -Alrd, Moho, mix the milk with one-fourth cup of were with Dr. and' Mrs. D. E. Mun- hot mashed cooked potatoes. Melt dell, Barrie street, for the week-end | one-half tablespoon of butter, add to have returned to Toronto. , | it one-half tablespoon of flour, one- General Sir Frederick and Lady | fourth teaspoon of salt and a few Loomis, who were guests at the grains each of pepper and celery salt, Commandant's Quarters, Royal Mil-| {pen combine this with the hot milk- itary College, have -returred Lo and-potate mixture. Bring all'to the Montreal. [boiling point, strain, and serve. It Dr. C. A. Seager, Provost Of | it is desired to enrich this soup still Trinity College, who was the guest | nore, Just| before serving pour the of the Dean of Ontario has returned pg soup on to beaten egg-yolks, cr to Toronto. {on to one whole egg well beaten. Miss Ruby Buell, Clarence -street | Cream of Pea Soup: Put one-third left on the noon train on Monday | rn for Halifax where 'she will be the! guest of her brother for the sum- | mer mouths. | What the Editor Hears i Miss Hazelle Ashley returned home to-day after spending some | time with Miss Olive Bryant, Gan-| anoque, That some of the older people who Dr. Thomas S. Duncan, associate] were guests at the June ball thought professor of Greek and Latin, Wash-| there was excitement enough with- ington University, St. Louis, Mo., | Out the slide in the gymnasium gal- Mrs. Duncan and their infant son,|lery. The track is all very well for are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R.|boys in running shoes, but for ladies Breakenridge, Westport. [in high heeled shoes, who regard their dancing days as over, but like TE read vv to watch the entrancing scene, well Roman Meal Kept You Fit [out of the way, it is a bit too streny- | ous, during cold weather. Why .8top it now? It is more needed in hot weather be- cause it is the only "non- acid," "blood cooling" cereal sold. Very delicious. rough the hot spell Xi I Be ivy fit for the coming cold spell. Continue using Roman Meal. It alds digestion, positively That the Yacht Club members are | making preparations for a fine re- | atta this year. With the dinghy | fleet and the visiting yachts, the | sight will be beautiful and interest- | ing. | -_-- | That the soldier patients in the hospitals enjoy motor drives during | this fine weather. | That Dr. Stowe Gullen, Tpronto, {and Miss Carmichael, Halifax, are _ _-- WHIGC. Cl N Ca pe cup of well-cooked peas into a sauce- pan 'with one-fourth cup of cold water and bring to the boiling point, then let simmer for ten minutes. Rub the peas through a sieve, and thicken this puree with one-fourth tablespoon of butter melted and inix- ed to a paste with three-fourth table- | spoon of flour. . Add two-thirds cup | of sweet milk scalded, one-eighth | teaspoon of salt and a dash of pep- Strain and serve (this soup may also be served with uncooked egg, it Cream of Celery Soup: Break one | stalk of celery into small pieces and | ound these in a mortar. Add them | to two-thirds of a cup of sweet milk | and cook the mixture in the top of | a double boiler for 20 minutes. Then | thicken with one-half tablespoon of | butter melted and mixed to a paste | with three-fourth tablespoon of flour, | and season with salt and pepper to | taste. Add one-fourth cup of cream, | strain, and serve. Other foods included in Convales- cent Diet are: baked potatoes, ice | cream, junket, custards, fresh spin- | ach, young peas, rice well boiled, | eggs in all forms (éxcept hard-boil- ! ed), thinly-cut dry toast, fruits, toed der broiled steak (small portion), and cereals of all kinds, Tomorrow--Some Knitting tions for Readers. Direc- All inquirfes waddresscd to Miss Kirkman in care of the "Efficient Housekeeping" department will pe GIRLS! LEMON JUICE BLEACHES FRECKLES Squeeze the juice of two lemons i" to a bottle containing three ounces of Orchard White, which any drug store will supply for a few cents, shake | well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan bleach, and complexion whitener | Massage this sweetly fragrant | lemon lotion into the face, neck, arms | and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes bleach out and | how clear, soft and rosy-white the | skin becomes. le I Pei etn rr ein arate angi ' 1 WERFESDAY, JUNE 21, 1022. Tea is so delicious and refreshing -- You certainly must try it. na i = OA tA Att tsps nh SUGGESTIVE PRESENTS FOR JUNE BRIDES Pretty Electric Table Lamps, Boudoir Lamps, Electric Irons, Toasters, Curl- ing Tongs, Percolators, Vacuum Cleaners, Grills, Washing Machines, H. W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC 0. Phone 441. : 167 Princess Street AA cm, em mn, a ---- a The Man in Overalls | Depends Upon Bread For hard work there is nothing so sustaining and stimulat- ing ag-- MALTANA BREAD It makes muscle, and for brain work it lating and strengthening. MALTANA BREAD is made from whole wheat flour, and is not only healthier byt has that dalicious "home made" taste. Try a loaf to-day. LACKIE'S 18 equally stimy- ------- A rt Stil Guicker reply is desired, a stamped and self-addressed envelope must be enclosed with the question---Tha wditor, answered in these columns in thel turn. This requires. considérable time, however, owing to the great 2umber received, So #f a personal or Had Your Iron Today? rw y ik relieves constipation, keeps you fit. {the nominees for the presidency of the National Council of Women, now | in session at Port Arthur, That nervous people who had gone to bed before the fireworks were set- off on the Fort Hill on Monday even- ing for the benefit of the guests at the June ball were much elarmed .and thought some calamity had hap- { pened. GROCERS | | | | That the home coming of the Prince of Wales has revived the | rumor of 'hig engagement to Lady Rachael Cavendish, for whom a ball is being given in honor of her birth- day by the Duchess of Devonshire, which the Prince will attend. 1 To-morrow's HOROSCOPE By Genevieve Kemble THURSDAY, JUNE 28nd, Although the sidereal operations thie day point to the breaking up of long-thwarting obstacles and congest- ed conditions, yet there are certain portents of deferred hopes. The fin- aneial outlooks not satisfactory, and the outlay of money may be hazard- ous, either for speculation or invest- ment. There is some promise of ad- vancement or recognition for those in the employment of others if they are qualified. It is a time for mak. ing plans for future substantial pro- gress, Those whose birthday it is have a recast of breaking up of old ob- Stacles and crystalized conditions, but the prospect for immediate fin- ancial remedies is not . Those in the employment of others may meet with some advancement or recognition. Avoid all money risks. A child born on this day will be steady and industrious, but may be inclined to fritter away its earnings through extravagance unless care- fully trained in thrift, The class flied advertisements are valuable summer sid wister. Delicio 2 us Hot-Day Lunch Best lunch is two packages of Little Sug. Maid Raisins and a glass of milk, Tastes good when you're hungry, Nourishes yet keeps you cool. Raisin's 75 per cent fruit sugar is in prac- tically predigested form, furnishing 1560 calories of energizing nutriment per' pound. Doesn't tax digestion so doesn't Lieat the blood, yet energizes almost immediately. Big men eat little lunches to conserve their thinking power. Don't overeat and lag behind the leaders. Get two packages f "Little Sun-Maids now, Pp Beso Little Sun-Maj Between-Meal Raisins 5c Everywhere --in Little Red Packages