FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1922, A REE y Summer Suggestions | FOR THE YOUNG MAN such as Light Homespun Suits $25.00 and $30.00. Flannel Trousers in White, White with hair line stripe; also plain greys, $5 and $7.50 Outing Shirts with collar attached -- light fanand white ................$2.50 Straw Hats . .......... $2.50 and $3.00 George VanHorne's Phone 362w. 213 Princess Street. -- THE DAILY BRITISH W MEAN THEFT COMMITTED ~ ATTHE RAC. BAL Thirty-Three Cushions Taken 'From "8itting Out" Places. { A mean theft was committed at the Royal Miltary College on Monday right, while the ball was in progress, {when some person or persons made | oft 'with thirty-three cushions. The jcushions had been used for the "sit- ting out" places along the water- {front. In addition to the cushions, a {dozen or more blankets were alsa | taken, The matter was reported to the ipolice and Sergt. Marshall Arm- |strang, Detective James Cotter and | Constable Vernon Campbell conduct- led an investigation, with the result that twenty-three of the cushions and a half dozen or so of the miss- ing blankets have been recovered. press "THE GIFT SHOP" W. D. GRAHAM, R.0.|| Wedding Gift | | Lately in charge of the| Suggestinos | in Silver Optical Department in R. J. RODGER'S ||f . | In price ranging from $1.00 up - Jewelry Store, is now [fil to $500 we can help you. orinected with this of-| CABINETS OF SILVER SILVER SERVICES ENTREE DISHES, FLOWER BASKETS ITS CASSEROLES, ete. DY LAID Registered Optometrist | 140 Wellingtor St. Opp. Post Office Now Is The Time to decorate your Lawns and Cemetery lots with our Cement Flower Vases. Three varieties to choose from. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100 Princess Street, Kingston | | | | | { DENTAL PARLORS 183 PRINCESS ST, KINGSTON Kingston Sement Products H. F. NORMAN, Manager OFFICE: 69 Patrick Street | Phone 780w. en. Prejudice is the child of ignor- ance, Love can . neither be bought nor sold, Its only price is love. We specialize on Painless Extraction, Latest Pyorrhea Treatment and X-Ray work. For June Weddings You cannot get more useful and pleasing gifts than COALPORT CHINA CROWN DERBY ORIFLAMME WARE CUT, GLASS DINNER SETS TEA SETS. Our stock is complete and prices reasonable, 'Robertson's Limited 73 Prinéess St. WOMEN'S SMART OXFORDS _ AND STRAP PUMPS 7 White Canvas, in one, two and three straps. Also Laced Oxfords, made with flat and medium Cuban heels, canvas cover- ed and enamelled. ' Blea t the Fopola: two toned ords wide strap and buckle White Canvas: ith Patent Tips, Sad. The police are still working on the case, and while no steps have been | taken to prosecute the guilty par- {tles, it is understood that charges {will be laid if the stolen property is not returned, | From what the Whig has been able | to learn of the affair, it appears that [the cushions and blankets were stol- {en from along the wharf and taken | |away in a boat. | While the ball was in progress, a | large number of people were out on {the harbor in small boats, and the {police sure had some work in tracing | the matter. | As is the usual custom' for the | June ball, cushions are collected {from various homes around the city. [1t was a very easy matter for a per- {blankets while the festivities were fon and it was a most difficult matter [for the college authorities to keep a strict watch on them. RESERVED DECISION. [In Case Before Judge Madden on | Thursday. Judge Madden reserved decision in | the suit for damages for trespass and cutting trees which was before the [county court on Thursday. The case | started at noon and three hours' evi- | dence was taken. The plaintiff, Ar- | thur Henderson, Pttsburgh, had his |case presented by J. L. Whiting. | K.C., who pointed out that the plain- [tiff had the paper title to the land, { which had been shown to be of a | poor character and had a number of | trees removed. He stated that the claim of $500 for damages was rea- sonable as this was the only source of wood on the farm. The defend- ant, George Galloway, was repre- sented by W. B. Carroll, K.C., Gan- anoque, who maintaineq that the land was open and the damages were unreasonable as there was very little wood removed and that of little value. ---- WATTS-PORTER NUPTIALS Pretty Wedding at Anglican Church Merrickville, on Wednesday A very pretty wedding was sol- emnized at the Anglican church, Merrickville, on Wednesday noon, June 21st, whed Miss Erma Annie Porter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Porter of Oxford station be- came the bride of Stanley Herbert Watts, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Watts, Athens. Rev, Dovall, pastor of English church was the of- ficlating clergyman. The young coup- le were unattended. The church was beautifully decorated with daisies and roses, The bride was beautifully gowned in a dress of white ¢ilk with hat to match. After the ceremony a buffet luncheon was served at the home of the bride's parents which was decorated with ferns and roses. The young couple left by train ror Ottawa and other points. When they return they will reside at Bishop Mills, where the groom is a prosper- ous cheese maker. All their friends Join in 'wishing Mr. and Mrs. Watts a happy and prosperous journey through life. ------------ To ENQUIRE INTO CAUSE Of the Deaths of Two in Portsmouth Penitentiary Sir Lomer Gouin, minister of Justice, stated in the House of Com- mons that an inquiry would be made into the deaths of two inmates of the Portsmouth penitentiary through drinking shellac which contained wood alcohol. The gvernment, Sir Lomer added, had not considered tne institution of a commission to invest- igate the whole problem of prison reform. -------- Largest Yacht On Lake The yacht Oriple IV, owned by Geo. H. Gooderham, of Toronto commodore of the R.C.Y.C. which went aground off Amherst Island, is the largest yacht on Lake Ontario, measuring 65 feet on the water line and her mast, towering 105 feet is the tallest of any boat on the great lakes. Her owner paid $65,000 for the Oriole, and last winter laid out an additional $14,000 in reuniting and repairs, ---- Chautauqua brings to your very door the best speakers, the best mus- ic, the best entertainers, ete., that money can secure. It is undenomina- tional and non-political; purely ed- ucational and en . Season tickets can be bought now, but will tot be sold after the big tent is pitch The assassination ot General Wil- S00 may be the first blow by the ex- Of "war to the bitter end" in Ireland. Season tickets for Kingston's first Chautauqua are now Daughters of the Empire and at the The threatened United States rail- way strike may be avoided. {down town stores, (son _to get away. with cushions and--master-tn tiie Grand Lodge of Bri:- on sale by the! HIG. or -- | IS WON ! Ho He Was Chosen Deputy Grand | | Master of the Orange Order. | | rine The Grand Orange Lodge of Brit- {ish America concluded its annual | {session at midnight, Thursday, after | the announcement of the results of | | the election of officers. A resolution | was passed expressing strong con- | |demnation of the assassination of | | Field Marshal Wilson by Sinn Fela. | 'ers in London, and extending sym- |Pathy to his widow. in her bereave- | ment. A second resolution was jadopted expressing the attitude of the grand lodge toward the political | | developments in Ireland. The sym- | {pathy and support of the Order is | {extended to every loyal Irishman, while the Lloyd George policy In! Ireland is severely condemned. It is {regarded as a surrender to the Sinn Fein, the agitators and gunmen | [at should not have been made. | | Votes of thanks were passed to | {the local committee that provided {for the entertainment of the dele- | gates, the mayor of Kingston and the vas Shoes, | The announcement of the election White Dressings PRETTY WHITE 'SHOES Ladies' White One, Canvas Sport Oxfords--white rubber soles and heels--tfimmed with black kid . . . deste an os + $3.50 trades eneaina. 150, 25¢., and 35¢, ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE Two and Three Strap Fine Can- canvas covered heels. Special at . , . .$3.50 results brought great applause, While the retirement of Most Wor- |shipful Grand Master Hocken, after {three years of strenuous work, is keenly regretted on all sides, the | members are greatly pleased with his {successor, Hon W. D. McPherson. | who assumed the gavel at this stags of the proceedings. ---- = | | press, | | Japan, DALY'S GOOD TEA Buy a pound. convinced. For sale at No better Tea at any price. Black and Ask your friends who drink Make it yourself and be MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE Hon. Dr. J. W. Edwards was elect- {ed deputy grand master and occupies [the unique position of Grand Master [of Ontario' East apd deputy grand PUNCTUALITY is easily obtained by bringing your WATCH to L. C. HEMSLEY 149 Sydenham St. Just off Princess Watchmaker from R. J. Rodger {ish America. There were three nomi- {nations for the office, and the an- nouncement of the result brought I prolonged applause for the new de- | puty grand master. W. J, Lee, To- |ronto, was re-elected grand secre- {tary. The other officers are: Treas- urer, Captain J. W. Thompson, |M.P.P.,, Toronto: chaplain, Rey. | Ward-White; lecturer, WwW. H. C. { Armstrong, Saskatoon: director of | ceremonies, Lt.-Col. T. A. Kidd, | Kingston; auditors, J. F. Harper, | Hamilton, J. Ww. Benson, Toronto: | deputy secretary, J. Easton, Winni- { peg; deputy treasurer, G. B. Mec- Ready, Winnipeg. Winnipeg was chosen ag the next place of meeting. -------- Travel West By Boat. Ordered 'to Winnipeg this week? | Turn this necessary journey into a short vaaction--travel west on a Northern Navigation great lakes lin- er. You'll enjoy the warm, sunny | days, 'on the water, the luxurious | comfort and the delicious meals | served on the '"'Noronie," '"Hamonic" {and "Huronic." Any Canadian Na- [tional-Grand Trunk ticket agent wiil [route you by lake and rail upon re- quest, MADE TERRIBLE GASH, Clayton Bongard was Victim of a Serious Accident. Bongard's, June 20.--Clayton Bon- gard was the victim of a painful ac- cident. While operating a lathe the line shaft gave way striking him on the head inflicting a terrible gash, ten stitches being required to close the wound. H. Van Vlack and C. Hughes, Waupoos, narrowly escaped serious injury when their car became un- manageable and turned turtle. Mr. Van Vlack was badly hurt about the head and face, while Mr. Hughes suf- fered painful injury to his shoulder and limbs. Both are under the doc- tor's care. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Slater accompanied by Mrs. Albro, Cressy, were recent guests at Allan Harri- son's. Mrs. D. T. McCormick, Picton, is visiting friends in thie vicinity. Mrs. James Norton, Cressy, is very ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Pringle, 8. @. Thurston, Picton, is renewing acquaintances here, C. 'B. Pierce, wife and family, spent Sun- day last with friends in Picton. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Hicks, Mr. McQuoid and J. H, Harrison were recent visi- tors at C. McCornock's, . ------------------ If there should be a profit from Chautauqua, July 1st to 7th, it will | be used by the Rotary Club in com- It could be There- munity welfare work. used to no better purpose. fore support 'it. Someone said, "Half our know- ledge we must snatch,' Often our Information about bargains must be gotten at a glance, Merchants now that and are making their ads more and more readable. Act upon them without delay. The bodies of sixteen non-unfon men found in a woods near Herrin, Ills. Other bodies found spread over an area of fifteen miles, -r ---------- There will be a Junior Chautauqua every morning during the week' July 1st to 7th. A season ticket costs $1.35 and admits to every perform- ance, including the big pagent on the afternoon of the last day, All the time you are sure of is now. ERI Store Closed Wednesday Afternoons. MARTIN'S Phone 597. 272 Princess Street Few Doors West of Public Utilities. You're Safe as to Quality and Price When : Buy Here ~ Cooked Meats These Meats are all prepared under government inspection. We have a large variety to choose from, either Roast, Boiled, Baked or Jellied Meats. BACON and HAMS TEA Back Bacon (unsmoked) Finest Ceylon Black Tea machine sliced .40c. Ib.| now selling for 45c. Ib. Green Roll. Bacon, e very. best quality slicad .... ...28c.1b.| Teaatalow price. HAMS ' . PEAS Best Sugar Cured Hams|Extra choice Canned (mild cured). Special Peas -- splendid value value ........ Ib. 15¢.Can BEEF, SPRING LAMB, VEAL, PORK Martin's Quality The Best : We sell at the lowest market prices Y A. MARTIN, Limited {Successors fo Wm. Davies Co., Ltd.) You sleeping porches. Folding Camp |) |B i A il EAN | SAY LIRINC] ) The Good Old Summer Time Live out-of-doors--get sunshine and fresh air. Hammo Couches, Lawn Swings and Porch Chairs, Porch shades for verandahs and All 'sizes. Cots, Camp Chairs and Boat Seats, James Reid, Phone 147 for Service. The Leading Undertaker, la | | | | | AL TI TTT TITY REL TTT TTT 238 Princess Street MASCUD'S | ELECTRIC BAKERY Our modern Electric Bakery not only insures even baking of our pastry, but it gives it a flavor and crispe ness that has met with favorable comment and liking og every hand. } ! SPECIAL RHUBARB PIES Baked the Electric Way. Just the thing for | dessert at the dinner table to-morrow. | Geo. Masoud Phone 980. A CONTINUAL EXHIBITION CANADIAN PIANOS WEBER, HEINTZMAN & CO. AND . LINDSAY Tone being a quality which ohe cannot carry from one store to another, we have, to facilitate your pur- chase, selected for our stock the three recognized high- est grade Pianos in Canada, and in so doing have add- ed a service / cannot be obtained elsewhere. Side by sidé they stand, each a valuable asset to the world of music, and although you can select with every confidence from such an assembly, and although the instruments are so high in quality, the prices will be found to compare very favorably with Pianos of a lower grade. ' SOLD ON EASY TERMS WLLL CITT TTT Oiled re