- THE DAILY BRITISH J TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1922, WHIG. Kingston and Vicinity \ {she moved, following her marriage, Ano Tuning and Repairing. Also Organ Work. All work guaranteed. PETER D. BROWN 12 Markland St. . Phone 2307Tm. DR.A.W. WINNETT [Fiano Toni DENTAL SURGEON. Johnson and Wellington Corner of A Welligtod Wood Split Pulleys A large stock of many sizes of pulleys with Bushings. Streets re A A Nt T " Special Process Of Welding | Buttons, Ltd. will itself purchase a = eet tam -- ILDING 9 | The new streetcar tracks are be- site for the new button factory to be to Mallorytown. There she Ras ii BU ® ing welded by a special process, and |erected. In this way, the town gets a [since resided for a "period of well FCR CHOICE KEPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? [2 number of mechanics, with the as- site which it will require for a publi: {over half a century. Predeceased by Estimates given by | sistance of a "bonding car," started service very soon and the company | her husband twenty-three years ago, | MEATS [the work on Monday afternoon. Snes by "He Vherewithal or She Mrs Stack is sure ved 2 fYe ous purchase of a site for its new button {and one daughter, as, Ma = and - 0. Aykroyd & Son | |factory. There also is obviated the town; Miss Margaret Stack, Elmira, 2! Main Street, o 4670. necessity of taking a vote of the peu-|{N.Y.; William, Frank and George Can furnish to power users on short notice. At The Stadium The grounds at the George Rich- |ardson stadium are receiving splen- ple. did attention this summer, ana the | field will be in great shape for the] |opening game in the fall, | A pretty wedding was solemnizel | | in {in St. James' church, Tweed, on WwW. H. FRANCIS i Entrance Examinations : {June 21st, when Stella Mabel Ar-| 25 SIXTH ST. Phone 2000J. (| The -matriculation examinations buckle, eldesst daughter of Mr. and {concluded Tuesday and the entrance (Mrs, James Arbuckle, Tweed, was |examinations start Wednesday to united in marriage to Henry Fres- {continue until Friday. This com- man, Meaford, son of Mr. and Mrs, | |pletes the departmental examina-| George Freeman, Meaford. After the [tions for the year, |ceremony, Mr. and Mrs, Freeman | ------ {left for a visit in Kingston. It is Engagement Announced. | their intention to reside in Meaford, The engagement of Miss Jean where the groom holds a lucrative AGENT FOR {Rose, eldest daughter of Inspector position. jand Mrs. R. C. Rose, of Carleton | | Place, to Reginald E. Dowsett, B.A, | CHANGE, FIRE, SICKNESS AND ||¢ Toronto, is announced, the mar- | ACCIDENT, BURGLARY. riage will take place this month, Kingston Tr. ansfer Co. G. HUNTER OGILVIE Kvenings 2231. ¢ 151 Wellington Street S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Weinngton Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 06. Factory Phone 1415. { Vancouver, B.C.; and Michael B. Stack, Brockville. There are also two surviving sisters, Mrs. John Henrahen, Elmira, FIRST QUALITY WESTERN BEEF TRY B. V. McGeein 262 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 1182 REMEMBER If you want dobing done, don't call on us, but If you want first-class ng, then telephone 2090]. for and deccrating is our At Hymen's Altar, N.Y.,, and Mrs. O'Connor, Binghampton, N.Y. ~~~ Doing Fine Business. | The Black Donald Mines Company | near Calabogie, report the best; month's business that they have had THE A. B. C WASHER for over a year. The mill is running | Let us loan you one free for next washday. night and day shifts and the sales! for the graphite produced have in-/ "THE ELECTRIC SHOP" creased both in the United States] F. GRACE Phono 1545 115 Brock Street and in Canada. Generidl Manager Bunting's two sons, students in an | American college, are speding : their vacation with their parents at the {family cottage at White Fish Lake | and Mrs. Bunting's mother, Mrs. | Baddie, Florence, Alabama, is also | a visitor there, ee ms Sc --~ OGLIVIE'S Insurance and Brokerage Office ---------------------------------------- ~---- ee = : For moving of REIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, | PLANGS. CARTAGE awd STORAGE OF | EVERY DESCRIPTION A Regretied Death, Hillier people were shocked to hear of the death of Miss Lulu { Crippen. Miss Crippen has been ail- Our Summer Attraction. {ing for some time with heart trouble Offers parents a good opportunity and other complications, yet her {to outfit their boy at a very low cost. /death came unexpectedly. There are | Boy's suit, khaki pants, khaki|few in the neighborhood who will {shirts, waists, underwear, jerseys, be more missed than she. She was {swimming suits, etc, everything to jan active member of Christ church imake the boy happy. Prevost, guild, being first vice-president of Brock street, |that society. Her funeral was on | Thursday at her late home and pro- EXCELSIOR LIFE, ROYAL EX- JONE LEE, Manager Most Up-to-Date Restaurant -- ---------- GTON STREET "hone 377. Excellent service. 153 WELLIN | Meals at all hours. CANADIAN PACIFIC. Reasonable prices. The coolest spot in town, where only the best in well serecred and care- fully prepared food is served. 331 KING STREET. KINGSTON, ONT, CAN, | "Trans-Canada Limited" --Quickest Train Across the Continent. | The "Trans-Canada Limited | leaves Toronto Union Station dally | at 9 p.m. (standard time), arriving | Winnipeg 10.15 second morning (37 hours), Calgary 10.05 a.m. third morning (61 hours), Vancouver 10 a.m. fourth morning, 8 hours). Carries latest improved equipment. Full particulars ~ and reservations City Ticket Office, 180 Wellington st, 'Dr. Waugh Dentist FOR SALE CENTRE STREET--Brick Bung- alow, 4 bedrooms, sun porch, elec- tric light, gas, hardwood floors; good lot BEVERLEY STREET -- P. B. Bungalow, § bedrooms, hot water heating, electric light, gas, hard- wood floors; good lot Kingston Agencies Private Phone 655. Phone 250 * Public Phone 327 106 Wellington Bt. To Reside in Watertown | ceeded to Picton for interment. Mrs. Kenneth Bishop, Wateriown, | mre N.Y., who has been visiting Mrs. . Collins, Ellice street, returned last : + y ! ' r burglarizing the Charles G. Monday taking her little son, Dou-| For Sy on Calumet Island, ald, back with her. They intend | ross from Clayton, one of the fin- making their home fin that city in| : est summer places among the Limited {ns future, Thousand Islands, and stealing 1,- Phone 703 | To Do Post-Graduate Work 100 bottles of choice wines and lig- | Dr. William McNeely, just gradu- | UTS: most of which had been stored i , id : ._ |there a quarter of a century ago by jated from Queen 5, ler! for New| ihe former cigarette king, Lawrence jyork on Wednesday - in quest ot! Glickner, Watertown, N.Y., was | more perfect knowledge in his PIO-1sound guilty. A note written to | fession, acquirable by a year's POSt-| i kner by Peggy Miner or Lina {graduation in one of the great hos- | Hammond agg#he is also known and pitals. | delivered to him on the morning be- RE {fore the crime was committed, drop- Piston Bloomiela Thoroughinre, ped out of his pocket at the Emory ing ait signs along the Pieton-Bloom. [S3stle 33d led io his arrest later, |SSRTSCHely ge¥NSC, Nas attenied bY {field road. It is understood this | \ Ris Was discovered by Mr. Ivey and |- Leon Dano the following morning as|N-S., and Miss Hazel Gray, Yar-| road will be made into a provincial} v i I v-| mouth, N.S. 'She is the daughter of EN DuiaaLy. Taken AnD | highway and all buildings and ences | th¥ iE © OE John Phalen, Ph.B., Caledonia, | PARASITES FROM THE SYSTEM. {will be moved back along each side |, + ore the jury | N.S, is highly cultured and popular ~ | forty-three feet from the centre of | : sin social circles. Mr. Heartz is a| CONTAIN NO NARCOTICS {the road. grandson of Rev. Dr. Heartz, of Am- | | The Late Mrs. James Stack. herst, N.S..and is connected with the! The death of Mrs. James Stack |Shawinigan engineering company. | occurred Friday at the residence of |Rev. R, C. Tait, of Morven, formerly | {her son, Thomas Stack, Mallory-|of Brunswick street Methodist | town. Mrs, Stack had been ill for (church, Halifax, N.S., and Rev. Dr. a a a i A A A ery FURS INSURED AND | | STORED Gourdier's BROCK STREET Was Found Guilty, PHONE 291 For Furniture or Baggage Trasafer. rifig with motor truck or horse drawing wehicles. Motor Cars and Livery of %ny kind in commection. Saddle Horses | an specialty. Pre-war prices, | FINKLE & CO. 120 Clarence Street. Kingston, Ont, WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street. Fresh flowers and plants daily | Funeral designs, and wedding | bouquets to order. Phone 1763. || Res., 1187. | 1 | | 67 Clarence Street | | | | | | | Phalen-Heartz Wedding. | A marriage of interest was sol-| emnized at Napanee, June 21st, in| Grace Methodist Church, the con-| tracting parties being Miss Dorothy | P. Phalen, M.A., (formerly teacher | of mathematics at Branksome Hall, | Toronto), and Richard E. Heartz, | Shawinigan Falls. Miss Phalen, | handsomely gowned, was attended by LLERSWO Powpers | | § HAVE A"WARM PLACE IN THE HEARTS | | OF MOTHERS FOR THEY HAVE PROVED | } | THAT THEY ARE ONE OF THE MCST EFFICIENT AND BENEFICIAL REMEDIES THAT CAN BE GIVEN TO A CHILD. THEY | The Cost. When you use too little space in [then your advertisements costs too DR. H. A. STEWART Dental Surgeon Wishes to announce S===S5% this, the best advertising medium. | {much, . It is like a collar that is sev- | eral sizes too small for your neck-- lit looks awkward and is not ade- | quate, Advertising pays well enough | {when you pay well enough tor "ad- | the last two years. Born in the county Clare, Ireland, ninety years ago, she came to America with her parents when four years of age and settled at St. Alban's Vt., whence | Heartz, Amherst, N.S., officiated. Af-| Sr ter the ceremony the wedding party | proceeded to the Campbell House, | and enjoyed a beautifully prepared | luncheon. that he has resumed his practice, cor. Wel- lington and Princess Streets. Phone 2092. Dr. H. A. Stewart Cormer Princess and Wellington ee inate Cildre n's HAIR CUTTING One of our specialties! Our Motte: "Cleanliness and Civility," and we try to live up to it in every way. Frank Robb's BARBER PARLOR 185 WELLINGTON STREET (Next to Bank of Nova Scotia) vertising. Cut Down High Hill Travellers on the provincial high- way have been commenting on the | great improvement made in the road east of Napanee. The high hill has been cut down so that there is very little perceptible rise. The job en- | tailed an immense amount of work | whtich certainly shows for itself. | W. R McRae & Co COAL Choicest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by us. BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 1388 Saturday's Celebration The plans for the Watertown War | Veterans' celebration here on Sat-| urday are going ahead splendidly, and it is expectel that both the Waubic and Brockville will be used to bring the excursion party to Kingston. A special train is being run from Watertown to Cape Vin- cent, where the boat will be taken. -- ee Judge Scott's First Jury Case. In addressing the jury in a slander case in the county court, in Perth, Judge Scott said that in his eight or nine years in this county it was the first occasion he had the advantage or assistance of a jury at a trial, a record which would hardly be paral- leled by. any other county in the province of Ontario. The only thing in a Suit for a boy wh&is They are "Made to wear where others tear" TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) (SPIRIN WARNING! Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not get- ting Aspirin at all. Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for . Colds You are invited to visit our store during the week and in- spect our splendid range of-- Nyal's Talcum Powder There is an odor and shade to [i suit every taste: rose, violet, 1i- [i Clear Tracks. The business tracks have been cleared, signals are up to go ahead. lac, mayflower, nylotis, nysis, [li | 1922 is rewarding, even at this early ll date, men who had foresight and and one specially prepared for [| baby's 8 pes > bo 85c¢. |i have been forging ahead. The year d 50c. ji * fits still young. The opportunity is an il still yours. Buyers are no longer M R M ll {| fearful, they are looking for good ° . cCo IH things. Tell them about yours in our PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST ad column. Clergy and Princess Sts. Phone 82. Headache Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets--Also bottles of 24 and 100--Druggists. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono- aceticacldester of Salicyllcacld. While it is well known that Aspirin 'means Bayer manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tablets of Bayer Company will be stamped with thelr general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross." WITH EIFTY-THREE MILLIONS of business in force; with over sixteen millions of new business issued and revived; with a decreased lapse ratio; with an increased interest rate; with a decreased expense rate; with liberal agency contracts and unlimited opportunities; we believe that the new agent will recognize at 2 THE DOMINION LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY HAS A SPECIAL ATTRACTION. There are several excellent openings in the Kingston Branch of this rapidly developing and solidly secure Company, for capable men who are anxious to succeed. Previous experience not essential. For agency appointments apply to: v ARCH THOMSON, BRANCH MANAGER, Box 232, Kingston, Ont. Office: 56 Brock St. ~ GRAVES BROS. All work giyen our personal careful attention. HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE 211 Princess Street Phone 332 Rheumatism FOR SALE A beautiful island in Lough- boro Lake .......... $75.00 | | | J 8 Vacation Needs SWEATERS in Wool, Silk and Silk and Wool; Tuxedo and Pullover styles; many novelties not shown else- where. Priced from ......$2.75 up BATHING SUITS in Wool and Cot- ton for Men, Women, Boys and Girls --all the new styles. BATHING CAPS, best quality Rub- ber; a big variety of colors from 25¢ up MIDDY BLOUSES with detachable Flannel and Serge Collars; in all sizes. GINGHAM and MUSLIN DRESSES --all the newest of this season's styles : from............$1.25 up to $4.50 I W. N. Linton & Co. ly Phone 191. * The Waldron Store. {i EN a W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brock Street Phone 424 | | | Son. Hospitable Home Closed. : i Byron Palmer, who has been ill | for a year, died at his home on ! Pleasant Bay, Prince Edward coun- ty. The funeral was held on Wed- nesday. Interment took place in the family plot at Picton. His wife died March 9th, 1921. Mr. and Mrs. Pal- mer will be long remembered as their home was one of the most hos- pitable in the community. SEASONABLE FRUITS and FRESH VEGETABLES Pineapples, Strawberries, To- matoes, and all the good things in Spring Vegetables. 'BON MARCHE GROCERY Cor, Rag and Earl Streets one 1844. A ---------- FOR SALE Military Tents ---- Bells and Also new Camp Cots and Chairs. : 1. Cohen &Co. || 273 Ontario St. Phones 836, 837 Cheese Sales. Belleville, 2,281 at 18 7-8c to 18 15-16c. Cornwall, 1,265 at 18 1-8¢ to 18 3-8e. Vankleek Hill, 873 at 18¢ to 18 1-8e, Victoriavile, Que, 9-16c. London, 370 boarded, bid. no sales. 3 = Hyacinthe, Que, 400 at ~4c. Phone 68. 1,500 at 17 To accomplish what is called "solid 16 3-4c comfort" your eyes have a prominent | part. | Without "eye-comfort" your whole I being is usually "out of whack." { And it {s an easy matter to have com- | tortable eyes. CONSULT: R.-ARTHEY, RO. OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN 143 PRINCESS STREET 18 -------------- 'Town Buys Site. At a special meeting of tha Smith's Falls town council a resoin- tion was passed to purchase the site of the Northern Buttons, Ltd., for a filtration pldnt in 'connection witn the waterworks The towa will pay $5,000 fot. the property in consideration of which the Northern H