Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Jun 1922, p. 13

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WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1022, The Wonders of Wireless WHAT MAY TO-MORROW BRING, 3 French Strother in th 2 Sanaa The art of wireless, on its nical side, is advancing so that even experts find it {; to keep abreast of its daily advance. { ~The dreams of twenty years are re- | alized overnight, and the possibili- | ties of yesterday were accomplished a half an hour ago. What tomor- row may be?---Why, anything you | can stretch your imagination to con- ! ceive may be in your hands next | weak. A receiving set to carry about | on your person'---it's as good as | done, now--you will soon have it in | the form of a cane. Your automo- bile equipped to send and receive?--- it's already been done--in a few weeks it 'will be less clumsy and any- body can buy it. And so it goes. possible The Essence of Wireless, "Wireless is the sending and ra- ceiving of electromagnetic waves through the ether. That sounds for- bidding, but wait a bit. Just think of the ether as space and vou will come close enough to the facts for all practical purposes. Remember- ing only that space includes the in- terstices between the molecules that 1 tech- | through your eyes rapidly | fee] | are electromagnetic waves, at such a | e World's Work. i And when you | heat from a stove, these again | number of vibrations per second that | they are below the range of your | vieion and are perceptible to yoar | senses only through your sense of feeling or touch. But both light and beat are exactly the same thing, namely, electromagnetic waves. The | only difference between them is that | the length of the waves are different. | "The wave-length of light is al- | moet jnconcelvably short--about one | fifty-thousandth of an inch. The | wave-length of heat is longer--about | one ten-thousandth of an inch. Now, wireless is exactly the same thing as light and heat, except that its wave- length {is immensely longer--any- where from 100 feet to 20 miles. agp ---- Sorting the Wave-Lengths, "The discovery of wireless, then, amounts to this:__Man has discover- ed that he can artificially create dis- turbances in the ether which are per- lodic in character and of such great wave-length that they can be dis- ! tinguished (mechanically) above the | multitude of shorter heat-waves and ART Rg LTT Sew A RW \\ SO a \ W Ey Sy \\ Ny NR \ a TN make up the atoms of matter--so that space includes your own body | Mght-waves, and so he can use them and the brick walls and the earth |to signal to other men anywhere on ana everything else that is tangible, | the earth. In practice, this signal- | as well as that more familiar intan- | ling takes the mechanical forms of | gible space between the sun and the ! reproducing human speech (the wire- | less telephone) or human rappings | on a piece of (the wireless Ty AL \\ ay Rx Rn TY \ ANY earth, "Wireless, then, is metal of electromagnetic ether, But netic waves? turbances travelling or epace. Q man's control waves in the |telegraph.) | what are electromag- | "The great variety of wave-lengths | Briefly, (they are dis | that can be used In wireless is what | through ether | gives it its vast possibilities for use | , fulness. These wave-lengths vary in RTT \ ERA Wo A AQ aL) RR AN \ AY 3 "When you see sunlight, you see electromagnetic waves, at such a number of vibrations per second that present practice from approximately 200 feet up to 20 miles. By mechani- cal means, too complicated for de- | scription here, men have been able AREY to 'tune' their reqeiving instruments 80 that they will détect only the ether | wave that is 600 feet long, or 1,500 they are perceptible to your 'senses H AND RAILWAY feet long or two miles long, or what- | ever other length they may choose VL SYSTEM AGENCY FOR ALL [tor the moment. By this tuning pro- {cess the 'wireless ear' becomes deaf OCEAN STEAMSHIP |to all other waves, even though my- "| rlads of other waves are at the same LINES me, Shel ------ : ERessi { ar 0 asciug 183} time, She hi We face our own difeult-] It fs wise to strive for perfection] You cannot envy, despise or hate Mr. Gleniza laughoc on merrily | a ore comes less need to com- Touma, but folly to expect it of another without giving him somé& of that all his eight legs shook. | Staers, your time. "Sorry I can't oblige you," he ! --- to without interfering with the ama- Sr RL ilise but 3 se, teurs in 'Brooklyn who want to talk [know where my wife is, | She has! On very short wave-lengths to New | been gone ever so long and I'm wore York. : Dotty's Discovery {ried almost to death for fear some- One day while Dotty was visiting | thing has happened to her. ' At the Speed of Light. {her aunt Betty who lives in Cali-| Just then Mrs. Ctealza crawiey "It 1s known that the electromag- | fornia, she wae sitting out in the |around a tiny hill and invited the netic waves in wireless travel at ex- | Yard under a tree dreaming. Sudden- | guests into the house. actly the speed of light, and that |Iv the grasses not far from he be-| Dotty noticed the tiny doorway once set in motion, they proceed |8an to tremble, and slowly a tiny | was made of dirt held together by without pause or diminution end- Place of the sod lifted and a funny {thick strong webs, lessly through infinite epace. It foi- | little face peered out, "You see, we don't epin webs to [tows then, that when Mary Garden Startled, Dotty sprang to her feet | catch our food like the spiders in | Sings Carmen in the Chicago opera | nd as quick as a wink the tiny lid|the East," she laughed. "We use | house and her voice is broadeasted. |9vopped and the funny face disap-|our webs to strengthen our houses. ' | not only do the farmers' wives in re- |Peared. - | Dotty noticed how ¢lean the place | \ motest Illinois hear her voice within Oh, dear, I wonder who in th. |was, and the hall which seemed to at least a foot long, was 7 A ---------- at s---------------------- tt n,n, |time disturbing space. It is a result [ot this power of selection. that great stations, like the new one at Port Special attention given your family Jefferson, Long Island, can send out or friends going to or returning from byeg messages in long wave-lengths, ths O14 Country that can be heard around the world, For information and rates apply J. P. HANLEY, GP, and T A.G.T. Ry. Kingston, Ont Open day and night 'PHONE 99 A Pott. TRANSATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS St. Lawrence Re ute, Season 1922 Sailing Lists Acw Ready C. 8. Kirkpatrick Agent - . 38 Clarence Street WY JAI SAILINGS FROM MONTREAL AND QUEBEC June 30---Montealm Liverpool July l--Metagama Glasgow July 3--Scotian ~----~8outhampton, Glasgow. July 5--Minnedosa Antwerp. July 5--Empress of India*--Liverpool duly 11 mpress of France*-- Cher- ourg, Southampton, Hamburg. July 14--Moatrose .,.. Liverpool July 16--Tunisian July 18--Empresg of Brita n*--Liver- poo July 19---Melita Southampton, Antwerp. July 25--Empress of Scotland*--Cher- ourg, Southampton, Hamburg, July 23---Montcalm Liverpool July 20--Metagama . Glasgow Aug. 2---Minnedosa Southampton, . Antwerp. Aug. 3--Empress of India * ---- Cher. 'bourg, Southampton Aug $§--KEmpress of France * ~~Cher- ourg, Southampton, Hamburg Aug. 11--Montrose Aug. 12--Tunislan ., .. Aug. 16---~Empress of Britain *, pool Aug. 16---Melita--Southampton, werp. & tiny fraction of a second, but that [World that could have been," | be the electromagnetic waves which (mused Nutty. "And where in the smooth as glass. Dotty was sorry make this possible arrive at the sun (Worl? did he go, anyway?" when she heard her aunt calling her. | Dotty ran her hands over the soft| 'Come again," Mr. Cteniza call- eight minutes later. Twenty-seven | | minutes later they arrive at Jupiter, | 8rasses, but nowhere could she find |ed after her. "I'll not shut the door | the tiny door that had lifted a few |in your face next time." 'and if there were people like us liv- ing there, equipped with sufficiently | Seconds before. As if by magie, the yt sensitive apparatus, they would hear | door liad disapeared from &izht and wasn't the slightest trace nt] TE her voice with equal distinctness and | there been. This vem DATES OF FALL FAIRS. fl pleasure. where it hag "Nor do the waves stop there. On- Dotty. | ward for ever they proceed through infinite space. --eey Southampton, «e+....Sept, 18-21 { Almonte ns Arden The Coming Wonder. "There is scarcely any longer room for doubt that the wireless telephone, when it comes into its own, will pro- foundly modify our everyday life, for better or worse. "There will be plenty of people who will say that it will be for the worse; that the march of invention which is bringing even this latest wonder---as our news columng show today--within the reach of thou- sands adds nothing to man's . happi- tess and much to his labor and sor- Tow. At every age in the procession these voices are heard; opposing the Steam train, opposing the motor, op- roaing the aeroplane. Liverpool| "We cannot envisage the world : Glasgow [Of the future; but jt is a folly to Southampton, | decline to recognize that the world | I saw it as plain as plain can be," has a future, and a cowardice to!she laughed. "Now if I was back disparage the arms put into our home, I'd just wish for Squeedee hands to meet it simply because they |and he'd mighty soon make that lit- are new and untried." tle elfin open his doors for me." "High-ho!" laughed a merry voice and Dotty turned around to find the very elfin she was wistiing for, sitt- ing at her side. "Hello, Dotty! So the little keeper of the tiny man- hole didn't answer when you kuock- ed, eh?" "Oh, Squeedee! Do you know who Ht was?" asked Dotty, all excited . "And was it really and truly a pyg- my? Come to think of it, the little door did lift up just like the man- hole out in front of our house at home. Who was it, Sqeedee? I'm Bancroft Belleville . . Bommanville , Brockville Centreville Cobden Cornwall Delta Demorestville Frankford Frankwville Inverary ..Glasgow «+..8ept. 11.13 Sept. 30, Sept, 21-22 Sept. 12 Sept. 21-22 SEPT. 19-23 Glasgow Liver matches, cigarette ARELESSNESS with smudges, railwa Lanark Lansdowne Lombardy London (Western Fair) .. Sept. 9-16 Maberly Sept. 28-27 Madoc 3-4 Ant. 14-15 Aug. 18--Victorjan +++. Liverpool Aug. 22----Empress of Scotland *--Cher- ourg, Southampton, Hamburg, "Weil, well, Mr. Cteniza!* "I know I saw fomething--why, Aug. 25--Montcalm Aug. 26--Metagama . Aug. 30--Minnedosa Antwerp. * From Quebec only. Apply to Local Agents, ori-- H. B. Beaumont, Gen. Agt, Pass. Dept it King St. BE, Torento Adelaide 2105 > Ere When we cast off an old prejud- Canadian Pacific Railway oe Agents | ice we are apt to take on a new one. Hereare {vical cases picked at random from 1 D O N ' T last year's Fire Rangers' reports: DON'T take any chances with . The ers on the Ombabika to PF. canoe fire in Ontario's forests. of gp 10 N'T had been Merrickville Morrisburg . fang route in the far north on July 4th miles long by 4 wide which fire since their previous trip. Sept. 11-13 Ottawa (Central Canada) Sept, 8-18 »" portage was the cause. A ctor on the Montreal River started ul burned over 4,800 acres in Bags Parham Sept. 13-14 1,000,000 feet of and 9,000 and which requived Tne sud § for Sept. 2-4 of fishermen camped on Sound, were r ..Bept. 19-22 Sept. 19-22 Parry a fire on July 1 which 2,000,000 J uly 10 burned over 25 started a fire on June dreadfully interested.' Indians smo! moose meat Oct, 5-8 25s bien ishing mae 1,700 acres of young jack "I'll make a bargain with you. Show me where his doorway %s and -- -Sept. 26-27 I'll introduce you to the little gent- re Careless jrappers on May 7th caused a fire in H. leman," laughed Sqeedee. On Saturday :n the township of Jomushin, which burned over 2,280 acres, half of it Alice, death claimed an oli rag: young white pine. i The best way to fight forest fires is to prevent them. Dotty tried her best to find the dent in the person of Mrs. Patrick . . Ontario Forestry Branch exact spot that had lifted out of the O'Meara. Born in the County of Toronto, One, ground but she had to give it up as a Wexford, Ireland, on March 25th bad job. She looked so disappointed 1836, She came to Cangda in 1848 Parliament Buildings - Renfrew Shannonville Stella Stirling .. ble for acres and DON'T build yout camp 8 against 'rotien log or He ran his foot over the ground | until he found the place, then he cineca. She was married in 18654 and Tapped three times, and The grasses quivered and the tiny lid once more raised and the funny When the owner Saw who it was that had rapped on is doorway, he crawled out ang shook hands with the olin, . Cteniga'™ 'Well, well, Mr, Squeedee exclaimed "You certain- Of ten children, seven survive, Brockville people were startled on Sunday by the announcement of the death of John Walsh, aged sixty-nine, a retired marine-engin- eer of Cleveland, taken ;i} during the night while visiting at the home of his sister-in-law, Mrs, James Me Carney, in Prescott. ° that Squeedee had to laigh at her. and lived in Renirew county ever -------- Save Ontario'

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