WEDNESDAY, JUNE 38, 1023 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. -------------- ee ------------------ 7 To) MRED HERE ON MONA mem | 3 Of Stations in the Bay of Quinte { 3 i Conference. i An Interesting Wedding Event The following are the changes | in 8t. Mary's Cathedral-- | (ung in the final draft of stations: | Very H Couple. Belleville District--Belleville--- > } fy Wappy P ince: street, Rev. Dr, A. Brown, | 4 | St. Mary's Cathedral was, on Mon-|Sydney--Rev. W. E, Homey. | Jt at ptt . Napanee District__Napanee--Trin- | day morning, June 26th, the scene { of a very pretty wedding when|ity, Rev. A. H. Foster, Secretary of | {Catharine Cecilia, only daughter of |Conference. Morven--Rev. W. Mer- | BAREFOOT SANDALS for Kiddies . .$1:25%0 $1.75 rick. Newburg--Rev. George Nickle. Our showing of Bathing Suits this season is very {Capt. and Mrs. Anthony Rochfort, P. Dick Bath | \ {Division street, was united in mar-|Odessa--Rev. S. F. On, ath ; NNING ES 50 complete. All pure wool, with the latest stripes. Colors {riage to Matthew J. Danaher, eld-[--Rev. A. C. Hoffman. Roblin--Rev. RU SHO for Boys. . ress rane $1.50 to $2. - i -1C. J. Wilson. Black, Grey, Blue and Heather. This line retails at $4.50. Rai Ms. 33a Mie, Davi Daw C Prete District--Bloomfield--Rev. | OUTING SHOES and PLAY SHOES for Boys sewien . $2.50 We are showing the new two-piece suit, plain white Jer- James. Promptly at eight o'clock the |G. C. R. McQuade, C ofe-Rey. | WH ES 3 00 sey and plain black trunk, with wide belt. Price ..8$6.00. bride entered the cathedral on the vo alee bisheict Pop: Hore ITE CANVAS SHO for Ladies "seus . $3.00 to $5. e * arm of her brother, William, under owma Wh i : ...$1.50 up the strains of Lohergrin's wedding --Rev. J. W. Baird. Roseleaf--Rev. | WHITE CANVAS SHOES, rubber soles'for girls $1.50 to $2 Ie march, prettily attired in a gown of = Waleh eR a: ! Jooke, v. . O - gray canton crepe with silver lace Rudtel for one year. 7 9 and crystal trimmimg, with gray Whithy Distifet--Myrtle: and Con . George VanHorne S iid hat a = a BHR H. Latter, CHAUTAUQUA SEASON TICKETS may be procured here. This is the last week . assisted by Miss Catherine Ledford| Cannington Dietrict-- Little Brit that the season tickets are sold. 2 213 Princess Street. becomingly gowned in a dress of |ain--Rev. E. McCutcheon. Rev. G. ; one We gly g a dre J black satin with Paisley trimmings |R. Clare, President of Conference, === X with a picture hat to match a r-|left without a station for ome year. 2p ® melon ad OB Vicor Re Rov I. bd ried red roses. The groomsman was ' ¢ ah ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE the groom Ik. Tanton. Duneford--J. R, Trum- y pour Bobcaygeon--A C. Hie. Good- | erham---J. W, Ogden, with out sta- "THE GIFT SHOP" , i tion at own request. bride's parents where a reception was Peterboro District .__ Peterboro. ------------ ------ | _ ww | held for about fifty guests. Mr. and 4 ki For that "tired feeling" use FATIGUE Mrs. Danaher left on the noon train, {Mark Siva) Gee B. RO a T 8 . = . " - | = DALY'S GOOD TEA | Other lines from ....evvssvevimrns After the ceremony the bridal party returned to the home of the * . -- amid showers of confetti, for Toronto . r --_. -- Do you feel weary and Wedding Gift Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Oswego, gick, AE i OT ho : mo = -- h ains in head and| ° N.Y. for a honeymoon at the con- Ja Phaijton eet on you will find it healthful and invigorat- e i y ' ing. It will "Vim? to Be ave p Suggestions clusion of which Mr, and Mrs. Dan a ML nti ine Jeu Put "Vim" into you. ay tte a neck after using your | aher will rteside at 593 La Salle Madoc District--Thomasburg--a. WAHOOD'S DRUG STORE 11! * > Road, Montreal. The bride travelled , | : Tre 2 ~-- eyes ? If so, you will in Silver In a sult of navy blue with Lude|C. Grant. Dlofaton] Mibiing THE NEW FRENGH NNT -- 1 | Queenshoro--E, find your eyesight | Betty hat to match. Among the out- Monteagle__W. Hoare, Hybla (R.R | ofitown guests present were Mrs. |. a ON No. needs help -- and druge) In price ranging from $1.00 up {Neil Keeliher and Miss Elizabeth Mc-| N°: 1» BX 32). ON No.2 : | Ip you. Carthy, Oswego, N.Y., Miss Gladys ure but on to $500 we can he | N.Y... , will not ¢ ' yi | Danaher, David Danaher and Will- SEA SLED EQUIPPED * Skin Diseases, No.3 fo Chromic Wen rod d make the defect worse. | [iam J. Rochefort, Montreal. i $0LD BY LEADING CHEMISTS. PRICE IN ENGLAND. Bu. C It: CABINETS OF SILVER | ---- Seventy Miles an Hour Speed Of New | six TRADE MARKED. Wamp anes ny Londen onsu : SILVER SERVICES | Strawberries Plentiful. N « BRIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED TO GENUINE PACKETS. oh Craft, be There was a large supply of straw-| J. Claude Ellis, manager of Con- aaa ENTREE DISHES, berries on the market Tuesday and yention Bl, Mauna Bu, Wi (AMP MEETINGS Al YARKER ° ° ° a ow ye gts This Store Specializes the prices prevailing were from 18 FLOWER BASKETS cents for the ordinary varieties and [this summer in the line of a motor (from 25 to 30 cents for the fancy boat. Mr. Ellis has recently pur- The Standard Church Takes ES: CASSEROLES, etc. ) as led which has alread : : GMT SPECIELS " berries. When the market openod, | chased a sea sled whic S already as BI 4 iH 25 cents was asked but as ro sup- | @rrived at the river and has ordered a Fifty Year Lease on the mn ome u S plies continued to arrive from Napa-|tWo 300 horse power "Flat" engines Site. "Registered Optometrist | 140 Wellington St. = Opp. Post Office nee, the price dropped to 20 cents for | to fetal In ame Allvigs ser . : The selection of the home outfits has such an Important bearing upon . y single boxes and to 18 cents by-the [speed is not known yet, motor boa ; «| the future happiness and contentment of every young couple. ear eIre Yarker, June 26.--A telephone dozen or crate. Most of the berries! experts say it will do better than i ; came from Wolfe Island and Napa- seventy miles per hour. Mr. Ellis message from Gananoque, Sunday Bh a rs nd le rae I, ote than uyunl po f JEWELERS nee, few being raised about Kingz-| Will-pilot his boat and he hag obtain- | evening, brought the sad news of the that when the golden wedding rolls around your Furniture will still be with * Now Is e me 100 Princess Street, Kingston [ff (ton for commegcial purposes. The |ed the services of "Ben" Wilbur, drowning of Garfield Gilbert and the | you. demand, however, Is always keen, |known as the best gas engine exper: | sympathy of the entire community Our Staff and long experience are at your service, to decorate your Lawns and and there is a good opening for the |On the river as engineer. The boat goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert in Cemetery lots with our Cement |" cnn = cultivation of strawberries in large | Will carry fifteen passengers. After their sad bereavement. Garfield was ® Flower Vases. Three varieties quantities without materially af-|Labor Day he will take the boat to [born here and was well known. ames el to choose from. fecting the prevailing prices. This | Detroit for an indefinite time before The Standard church camp meet- 9 : was asserted by dealers on the mark- xing it to Miami, Fla., for the|ings have closed and the members THE LEADING + UNDERTAKER et, who have to depend upon sup-| winter season. of the denomination say that taey N ILANCE Kingston Sement Products plies from outside points. Thursday ee are the most successful, from a spirit- PHONE 141 FOR AMBULANCE. H. F. NORMAN, Manager ENTAL Is expected to be the last day for Ma ual point of view, that they have D BOLDT CASTLE TO BE OPENED ever attended. Yarker has been OFFICE: 69 Patrick Street large quantities and no reduction in Phone 780w. PARLORS prices is expected unless the market Public May I Heart Island nade a permanent camp by the Is flooded and this is hardly probh- ie +1 lg in oH anc (Standard church and ground has a ------------ ~ : ummer. . Cc : 188 PRINCESS ST, KINGSTON |able. Visitors and tourists will be glad [ooh ited from R. Curl for fifty TTT Sometimes a girl marries a man Eh to learn that the officers of the | .. = It 1s the intention to erect a for no other reason than the fact | We specialize on Painless Extraction, Married at Inverary. # od | Thousand Islands Estates Company barn and a cottage and also drill a that she has an idea that he doesn't | Latest Pyorrhes Treatment and| A quiet wedding was solemniz well, have announced that the Boldt Castle The #tage running from Verona by want to marry her. X-Ray work. at"the Standard church parsonage, y ttn oie 3 |Inverary, at 11.30 a.m. on June 21st, | OD Heart Island will be open to way of Yarker is doing a good busi- {EE -- eee | BY Rev. D. W. Parks, when Reta | them this summer at a nominal fee. |... (n freight and passengers. It : Cronkright, youngest daughter of [A ferry will start shortly from the Is the intention of some of the King- SERVICE-- Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Cronkright, South ; 1housand Island House and the ston wholesale grocers to run motor Fredericksburg, was married to|Crossmon wharves at Alexandria trucks to the village to deliver the The one great factor of any business now is the service it renders Bay to take those desiring to visit freight. to the public. that--and more. Daily hundreds of King- ® Allan D., eon of Mr. and Mrs. Byard ' Farks. After a two weeks motor trip | 2nd inspect the Castle to Heart Is- M. C. Dunn in his trip to Yarker r dairy renders to them they will reside at the home of the |1and. Hitherto, visits were possiple by motor car said that he never tary he least by any means fs the process that | | groom at Deseronto. only by permit. The grounds on better prospects for crops than there ing the dairy. ' Heart Island are in perfect condition. is this year. Mrs. A. McArthur is It is first Pasteurized, Clarified, Bottled in Sterilized Bottles to insure itati Work on New Dairy School. EE -- having a fine monument erected in | °° tation lo the Steatest extent, and then tomes the delivery, The ground for the site of the Harry Boyle Here. riemory of her husband and daugh- us up to-day and give us a trial, You'll be satisfied, new dairy school was laid out on Harry Boyle, Montreal, is in the |ter. The Ladies' Aid held a lawn Tuesday under the direction of Will- : We ; social here Thursday, when sports PRICE'S DAIRY You cannot get more useful and city visiting his old friends. He was fam Newlands and Sons, who have formerly the popular wine clerk of | Vere added to the programme. pleasing gifts than been appointed supervising archi- the British American hotel in the |Messrss. Johne and Winter are the tects, H. W. Watts, contractor, has old days. He is now manager of an | tWO young men stationed here for the already a number of men employed establishment in Montreal and re- {Standard church. . COALPORT CHINA In clearing away the debris of the|. Camp meetings are the drawing ports receipts amounting to $300 mp burned building and no time will be per hour over the. bar ae Saturday | cards at the village on Sunday. The CROWN DERBY lost In pushing the work on the new last for the sale of real beer. It is |Free Methodist camp meetings at building forward. but a small place of business, but the | Harrowsmith drew a great many Sund d th ttend t th ORIFLAMME WARE igh Boost Prtees Erte, phenomenal amount of business done Ray wud iy endance a e is due to some extent to drought in The high school entrance examina- Ontario and other provine To judge by the looks of the ceme- an p es, How stand In, Spugtdiall Weline- ------ tary in Yarker it needs a cleaning y Ting. 8 year about one out of weeds and shrubs, Some few DINNER SETS hundred and sixty pupils are writ- Bank of Nova Scotia Bonds. lots are nicely kept but many are in ing while about ome hundred and| A bond issue of the town of Pem- |, neglected state. School will close TEA SETS. twenty scholars were promoted to [broke to the amount : of $34,012, |p 000 on Wednesday. The C.N.R. the collegiate standing on their bearing interest at 5 1-2 per cent., |} ave reduced' the operating staff at year's record. The presiding officers [and repayable in ten annual instal. the station here, The C.N.R. station at these examinations are J. R.|ments, has been awarded to the agent will remove his family here . . Stuart, J. F. Quinn, Miss C. Lovick | Bank of Nova Scotia at 98.45 at a t Port Hope next week. Our stock is complete and prices and E. O. Sliter. cost ta the municipality of 5.32 Por! | acre wie no erin ok the Moth. ------ cent, Other bids were the follow- ; h, Sunday night, owing to reasonable, Chautauqua at Ottawa. ing: Gairdner, Clarke & Co., 97.75; ig Shure, 8 di A Tn or 3 The Chautauqua is being held at|Housser, Wood & Co., 97.43; Muni-[, During camp meeting here Ottawa this week and both the Otta-|cipal Bankers Corp., 97.85; Canada there was only one accident when a wa newspapers have words of praise | Bond Corporation, 97.12, and Wood, horse amd an auto collided. There ® ® : ) for the entertainments being given.|Gundy & Co., 97.11. was damages to both but no one was The newspapers state that the pro- ees hurt, Some of the stores here will gramme is one of very high merit] There are No doors an evil-doer close on Wednesday afternoons dur- and should be witnessed by all who can bolt to keep out self-condemna- ing July and August. can possibly attend. tion. Donald R. Johnson and Maud Bry- 73 Princess St. "ey ant, who were married in Kingston, June 24th, motored to the home of :, Mr. and Mrs, Holland, where a wel- | Canary Cheer. S Pe atients ding supper was awaiting them. The Commercial house, and the residences of J. C. Connolly and Alf. 8 prominent- Martin have been painted recently. It's A Real Pleasure rien od a | sages Wo denham Lake. Annie and Hat- ot Reconstruc: |i Fay wars Bom To "tow dare PRIDE OF POSSESSION is i : Mrs. J. W. Clyment ren v : To be able to call Masoud's, 'order what Bis rr |e Bot en ad aren THE FAMILY INSTRUNRNY } | [Rome of Bor pArente Gere. Ber THE WEBER PIANQ_ The attractions of the Chautauqua Of absolute necessity is a Plano in the home, sapecial- pastry you desire and know that you are key. The i 4 f tion of will take a number of people to King- ly where a family is concerned. It enhances the value of 8 of thel tin to : 0 electric bak- ering ! 208 The wool oF July 1st-Tth. Tome, in addition to creating a desire for things beaut!- ery is a modern plant. Phone your order in canary pref | (sthod aid : y. i world 'Times may be hard and all that, Sug but judging by the large number of i citizens who were noticed paying their taxes at the city hall on Tues- . EAT MASOUD'S ICE CREAM fo huve "an oid] [08 Bt "0, SI [heir taxer a the lly hull vp You "The nded. § At one time ' »e around the city. that's never deserted keeps Mick-}, ; Ty atturnons, woven Seay od proof] in carriages were parked outside the collector's office while the mothers yore ua the inside paying out their = WW. IND S Geo. Masoud Tr : str nen ongs. : Sole in for Weber Planos ' . asou while 0 - Had an Enjoyable TAP a 121 PRINCESS STREET, KINGSTON i » making on i Mr. and Mrs. J. H. h r- 238 Princess Street - . . Phone 980. Thich 0 i boro, and formeny of Kingston, heve| | TO I TT Ena ansnsnEa LE LILI IIT] Never before was music more necessary and never bes. fore was there such an opportunity of procuring an ine strument of such high quality at a price within the reach o i See, hear and play our Weber Planos. Sold on easy terms. LI In yt " SARTRE LY EL TO ITI] returned from Los Angeles, Cal, and report a very enjoyable trip, P v