Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jun 1922, p. 9

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THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1922. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. STOMACH TORTURED? | ON DUTY AMID THE SCORPIONS | TRY YEAST | The International Sunday School Lesson for July 2 Is] But Be Sure Is lronieed Yous! , |... siiel, Tho Watchman of Tore crmmett ri oti ait], | You can't give your job the best that's in you, if you suffer with indigestion, If it did not sound ea bit frrever-) sultant calamity is worse than fam- | dyspepsia or other distressing stomach | ent we might call this Lesson |ine, pestilence or locusts. Dire is] ailments. The thing to do,if youwant | "God's Commencement Address To [the day for religion's professional to feel in tip-top condition, with never ja Prophet." In the person of this |ministers when the command of the| a thought of stomach trouble, is to try [man Ezekiel, we see summoned to {Lord comes, as it came to Deekiel, | Ironized Yeast. Simply take two tab- |stand, like a graduating class re- ("Prophesy against the prophets of lets with each meal. In all probability |ceiving the direct address of the Israel. " you will notice highly beneficial results | speaker, all the preachers and| When he was summoned to his within the first 24 hours. teachers and editors .and statesmen |life work, this aristocratic Jew, ot | Yeast, as everyone knows, contains | of our time. Everybody who speaks | priestly lineage, who was in exile in | certain elements which have a wonder- | tg his world and to his day herein |a colony of his countrymen along ful effect on the functioning of our |,earns the qualifications for the or-lone of the canals near Babylon (I stomachs, and in toning up the system. |g.qo High and low, veteran ana have seen the courses of those an- But Ironized Yeast embodies the new |; ateur, conscientious ana care-|cient canals still criss-crossing low- scientific process of ironization which less, all whose work 1s instruction, [er Mesopotamia), was told plainly' FREE At Your Dealers This Week A 10-Day Tube of Pepso- dent. Present the coupon today. Watch the delight- ful effects for ten days, thea decide if you always want them. 4, I makes yeast just doubly effective. For- get stomach troubles and keep yourself 100% efficient. Get Ironized Yeast to- are called, in the words of Jehovah | to Ezeklel,--"Son of man, stand up- |on they feet, and I will speak unto mission, He was _prom'ised brierg and thorns, instead of luxury, "and thou that he was being called to no easy -/ ; ! f SX day. To try it free simply mail post- card for famous 3-Day Test. Address Harold F. Ritchie & Co., Ltd., Dept. 86, "2oronts.Ironized Yeast isrecommended and guaranteed by all good dealers. tl a DR. MARTEL'S FEMALE PILLS FOR WOMEN'S AILMENTS 25 years standard for Delayed and Painful Menstruation. Sealed tin package only, all druggists or direct by mail. Price $2.00. Knickerbocker Remedy Co., 71 E. Front St, To- ronto. dost dwell among scofpions."" A pre- sent-day prophet could name some of the scorpions, and describe their sting! Relentlessly and vividly, all the dif- ficulties of his task were laid before Ezekiel, That is God's way. He ap- peals to the herole in us, rather than to the love of ease and safety. It Is a poor fashion to recruit candidates for the Gospel ministry by promieing them good salaries, assured positions and a comfortable pension at the end, Ezek'el's "call" portrayea cme difficulties and the dangers of his work: but God sald, significantly, "And then, whether they hear, or whether they will forbear (for they are a rebellious house), yet shall they know that there hath been a prophet among them." thee." That is a summons to bring rhe most cynical and routine-ridden up standing. With the word 'itself sweeps in the consciousness that it the Lord Almighty ever speaks to anybody on this earth it must be, first, to mothers, and then to the men and women who teach their times-- the preachers, the writers, the stares- i men and the instructors of youth. By the nature of their office, these are | God's first assistants, the relayers of His word to the world. And the highest recognition and reward of such work, its crown of fadelesd laurel, is that it is direct service of the will of the living God. To be among those to whom the Lord epeaks 'is great enough honor for both earth and heaven, "Slacker" Prophets Every worker with words, by voice Flier Runs Into Ditch; or pen, should have a solemn sessign {with himself in the light of this LAYV- Twe Are Fatally Injured ine appeal and of humanity's unique . needs. Ezekiel's call fits us every Lincoln, N.B., June 28.-- Two per-| ; sons may die and many are said 2 pe | O08 like a custom-made Soak. We Injured as the result of wrecking of have preity much ri suie Felrasiony the Chicago-Rock Island flier. The sort of folk to deal w as 9; a) train went into a ditch fifteen miles a far more serious nation and Ae | east of here at Alvo.. The engineer ternational situation. ; We do not and fiteman were probably fatally need to go to the cundiform or heiro- injured. glyphic inscriptions of 600 B.C., to learn the striking parallellam be- tween Ezekiel's day and our own. This Lesson fits a national anniver- sary as {f designed for it alone. Just as there are nowadays rene- gade newspapers, "slacker"' preach- deposits. They gum the teeth, get be- tween the teeth, and often ferment and form acids. It multiplies the alkalinity of the éaliva. That is Nature's neutralizer for acids which cause decay. Thus every use gives multiplied power to these two great tooth-protects ing agents in the mouth. He Will Say "Fight those film-coats on your teeth" Film constantly breeds germs. They, with tartar, are the chief cause of pyor- rhea. Thums most tooth troubles are now traced to film, How to fight it daily Dental science has now found two effective film combatants. Able author- ities have proved them by many careful tests, A new tooth paste has been perfected, to comply with five modern require- ments. The name is Pepsodent. These two great film combatants are em- bodied in it. : Careful people of some forty races now employ it daily, largely by dental advice. You will also do so when you know how much it does, Brings other effects Pepsodent brings two other effects which authorities now desire. It multiplies the starch digestant in the saliva. That is there to digest starch Made in Canada Pepsadéand The New-Day Dentifrice a Now advised by leading dentists nearly all the world over All druggists supply the large tubes. Present the coupon this week to L. T. BEST, Leading dentists, nearly all the world over, now urge a new method of teeth cleaning. Millions of people already employ it. You see the results every- where today, in whiter, cleaner teeth. This is for those who don't know it as yet. We offer a ten-day test. You will then see the unique results and de- cide what they mean to you. i The war on film One great object is to fight the film on teeth. You can feel it nows--a vis- cous film. It clings to teeth, gets be- tween the teeth and stays. And it forms the basis for dingy, dangerous coats. Ordinary tooth pastes do not effec- tively combat it. So millions of teeth brushed daily still discolor and decay. Trained In A Troubled Time As yet, no new world leader has emerged from the war or from the international crisis that has! followed it. This is one of tne dis- appointments of our day. We ex- pected a finer breed of captains for all walks of life to come out of that fiery furnace. There is still time, of course; but ecanners of the hor- izon are frankly disappointed be- cause from the severest ordeal of his- tory have come men and women who mostly seem bent upon trivial- | ity, sensuality, materialism and small | selfishness, Where are the | graver For beauty's sake Film removal means prettier teeth, Film-coats make teeth dingy. So lover of glistening teeth should combag that film daily. 4 The results will delight you and cone vince you. Present the coupon for the 10-Day Tube. Start its use tonight. Note how clean the teeth feel after using. Mark the absence of the viscous film. See how teeth whiten as the film- coats disappear. The normal alkaline mouth, following every use, is most refreshing. See and feel these results for ten days. 'Then look at your teeth in your mirror. Then you will know what this new method means to you and yours. Cut "out the coupon so you won't forget, McParlahd Re-Elected LI T. U. President Indianapolis, June 27.--John Me- Parland of New York City was re-| elected President of the Internation-/ers unillumined teachers and per- al Typographical Union by a major-|fidious statesmen, so when Judah ity of 4,583 over Walter W. Barrett, | fell there were false prophets who of Chicago, his only opponent, ac-|{Saw their position only as a means cording to voting returns announced | to popularity and personal comfort. to-day. Ag ever, the unworthy watchmen on Geo. W. Howard, Winnipeg, Man. [the walls were largely responsible was elected delegate to the Trades| for the downfall of the nation. It and Labor Congress of Canada. the prophets fail the people, the re- heroes | and prophets and holy men who were to give up our new woriar Probably our waikng 1s premr- ture; it was not until the very worst possible seemed to have come to pass that Ezekiel, in the land of ex- ile, heard his call and began Mis work. Our immediate concern is to thrust the urgency of our own cay, as a summons to noblest service, in- to the consciousness of youth, First let them know how grave and ap- parently insoluble. from the stand- point of etatecraft, are the present perplexities of the world, Then help them to hear the clear voice of the Lord calling for prophets, who by lip and life shall speak the adequate word for our troubled time. There are a hundred possible wrong ways of considering this great Lesson of Ezekiel, God's watchman on the walls of Judah; but the worst way of all is to deal with it merely 42s a historical incident dated in the sixth century before Christ, and loc- ated 'in the neighborhood of old Babylon, in Mesopotamia, down near the present city of Bagdad. If the story does not mean sométhing, and mean it tremendously, to this year of our Lord, 1922, it does not mean anything worth bothering about, The Divine call to Ezekiel is a divine call to ardent young manhood and wo- manhood in the here and now to ser- ve God and our own nation and gen- eration, It is a ringing summons to interpet the everyday life of which We are a part in terms of its spirit- ual significance. This clear-eyed Hebrew prophet of long ago saw through the delusions of heredity and Jingoism and fatalism that obsessed his day as well as ours; and he came clear with the tremendous word of individual moral responsibility, "The soul that sinneth, it shall die." This same simple positive note is lacking from contemporaneous popular teaching, Film absorbs stains, making white teeth cloudy. Film is the basis of tar- tar. It holds food substance which fer- ments and forms acids. It holds the acids in contact with the teeth to cause decay. a ---- 10-DAY . TUBE FREE 124 Princess 8t. ° Present this coupo: with your name and in, to any store nam It is good for a 10-Day Tube MAHOOD DRUG CO., Limited, Pepsodent. Princess and Bagot Sts. Your Name M. R. McOOLL, Opp. 8t. Andrew's Church T. H. SARGENT. ------------] ------ phrase to intimate that man bas any iniquity; but his blood. will I re-| watchman upon the walls of hig na- other than an animal nature; not a quire at thine hand. tion. - gleam of heroism, sacrifice, idealism v "Yet if thou warn the wicked .Copyright, 1922, by The Ellis attend the sitting of the privy coun or spirituality. and he turn not from his iniquity; Service.) cil. This book is an extreme type of but thou has delivered thy soul, . i "popular" literature: it reveals how and he shall die in his iniquity. Trip of Inspection. 5 those writers who shculd lead may "Again, when a righteous man G.T.R. Privy Council Appeal. Brockville, June 28.--Forty fas really mislead, and become corrup-[ doth turn from his righteousness,| Ottawa, June 28.--When the ap-!mars of Renfréw county, under the ters of the people against whom| and commit iniquity, and I lay a |Peal of the Grand Trunk Rallway direction of A. C. H. Winter, distrief every true prophet of the ~writing| stumbling-block before him, he [shareholders agaimst the award of agricultural representative at Rene craft should cry out fearlessly shall die; because thou has not (the board of arbitration is argued |frew, visited the Avondale and On. given him warning, he shall die |before the Privy Council in England tario hospital farms here today om in his sin, and his righteousness about July 10th, the Canadian gov- trip of inspection and then proceed: which he hath done shall not be |rnment will be represented by E.|ed to the Kemptville agricultural L. Newcombe, deputy minister of remembered; but his blood will 1 school. require at thine hand. pn" The Best Tea is the Cheapest in the end. "Nevertheless If thou warn the CHASE & SANBORN'S ILLIA ASE UR TT TT 4 oN WITH TH AY i TTT Glaxo Saves Baby Lives _ Every year when the hot weather comes along thousands of Babies die because impure and tainted milk has laid them open to the attacks of that most deadly complaint-- "summer diarrhoea." Experience in England has proved the life- saving power of Glaxo; for example, in 1911 there was a terrible epidemic of "summer diarrhoea" and Babies died on all sides, but nearly all the Glaxo Babies esca d, The Medical Officer of Health for erham, England, in his Annual Report, says: -- "During the month of 8 ber 240 Babies under one year were fed on o and only one 0 Dit Sis io mortally sate of 4 le 1 nt on Glaxo (about 160). 3] died, which yields wn ro fant mo! ity rate of 232 per 1,000 births." Guard your Baby against er dangers b ving ne milk thay is Frag oly es 10k, the milk that has saved thousands of Baby dS Crete teil istics sens nas ante THY = LR [ Address Out-of-town residents mail this coupon to The should Pepsodent Company, 191 George Street, Toronto, On al tube will be sent by mail b Only ome tube to a family, Brit.sa Whig, Kingston, Ont. SAGtALLRscNNIINI LIN sc sss sents nasneadel LUTHTHITST [11 v LIT] pi THAR US Justice, and W. N, Tilley, K.C. Me, Newcombe has left for London te No~ el [Pat HAL Le HTR [HT | IT) LUTTE HL I PET Are Novelists Prophets? In modern times, it is claimed, the office of prophet, which once was the exclusive function of the preach- er-patriot, has been unsurped by the novelist and the dramatist. We must look to literature rather than to the pulpit for the master words of in- terpretation, warning and guidance, say the critics. According to this belief, Ezekiel to-day wouid be a Blood On The Preacher's Head Some years ago it became my journalistic duty to investigate a hor- rible lynching in a church-going Pennsylvania town and some profes- gional religious leaders, defenders of the lynchers and apologiste for the lynching, professed to be hurt be- cause I pointed out that there was blood on the doorsteps of the church- es of the community. They could not LS LIT righteous man that the righteous ein not, and he doth not sin, he shall surely live, because he 1s warned; also thou bas delivered thy soul." Doesn't that send shivers down WL TOT HTE < =) TTT Te LI _-~ "best seller'" among the fictionists, instead of a soul-burdened preacher resorting to sensational devices to at- tract attention to his message. Dur- see it--though the truth was made tlear twenty-five hundred years ago, In God's solemn warning to Ezekiel, wltich we to-day study. Here are the the spine of the preacher in whose congregation the political gangsters the industrial oppressors, the finan- 5 cfal pirates and the labor-ynion-law- SEAL BRAND ing the Victorian era the English- Speaking world did have great auth- ors who filled a prophet-role. But who can recall any such at the pre- sent time? ; Novelists to-day are panderers, , | rather than prophets. There is apparently no depth of salacity, permitted by even our lax laws, to which the "popular" writ- er will not descend in order to create a market. Without reading much of it, 1 have had a suspicion that the present vogue of South Sea Is- land literature was #imply because of its sheer sex appeal. Recently, a travel-acquaintance who is one of the most popular of continental Eu- ropean authors, sent me an English translation of his latest book, a South Sea Island story I read it} through--and then felt as if I need-| ed to be put through a disinfecting process, like a Chinese or Russion| famine refugee. It is a rotten book. | From beginning to end it wallows shamelessly in the sensuality of] these primitive savages, picturing as enviable the reversion of an English adventurer to the stark Jungle level. There is never a line of Light or 1ift in the whole volume; not a smgre breakers sit complacent and comfor- table In the lynching to which I have alluded, a case witich has none of the usual grounds for mob-vio- lence, one ingenuous argument for the acquittal of the murderers was that they were Sunday School memn- bers! I wonder what the responsibil- ity of their Sunday School teacher is, by Eszelfiel standards? And how about the newspaper editor who soft- pedals upon the great moral samoti- ties, for political or prudential rea- sons? It is terrible to contemplate the possibility of a prophet's appear- ing before the great Judge with blood on his head or hands. Never- theless, that is the clear responssofl- ity that goes with every sort of pro- Phetic office. Ezekiel dwelt amid the scorpions, and was bothered by the briers; he knew all the lesser discomforts of the prophet's office; but he was guiljless of all men's blood. Like Paul, he could call all who knew him to witness that he had not failed to declare the whole counsel of God. words: . "Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore hear tie word at my mouth, and give them warning from me. "When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speak- est to warn the wiched from his wicked way, to save hie life; the same wicked man shall die in his ELEY LUTTE CHASE & SANBORN, Montreal . ry EE A S\N. SUGGESTIVE PRESENTS FOR JUNE BRIDES Pretty Electric Table Lamps, Boudoir Lamps, Electric Irons, Toasters, Curl- og Tongs, _Percolators, Vacuum Cleaners, Grills, Washing Machines. __ 4 tant Mothers, without "Before Baby Comes," if they state by is pelos | GLAXO, Dept. (L), 3 10-18 McCaul St, Toronto, Ont. Gentlemen: Please send fi the 136-page GLAXO BABY BOOK and other mother-helps 5a offer. = TTT UT Q > LHTRTITITTT oi ra | et hl ee < HiT * p-- g we) ey TT ES TT w-- J SYUETH U PTTP Ir

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