THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1oza. enn -- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ow Wholesome sweets for childre A Business Coupe OF STeeL Dodge Brothers offer to' the business public of America an entirely new principle in Coupe body construction. 'From framework to window mouldings the body is built of steel. It is the first all.steel closed car ever marketed. This design anticipates every possible requirement of commercial travel. It ineures unusual quietness -- unusual grace--unusual stamina. It has made it possible ALBERT L.. CLOUGH Lditor Motor Service Bureau Review' of Reviewd Wading Cars Too Often Phe Other Extreme Is More Usual, But Both Batremes Are Bad | TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING is often as bad as not enough and : us baked-on enamel Oo LD=Ts ME Home Maoe this is true in the matter of washing cars, it being a fact that the finish to give the Coupe that same lustro ha 1 of many cars is prematurely destroyed and an expensive repainting job finish for which Dodge Brothers open cars have ong thus necessitated too early simply because of unnecessarily frequent been famous. A M D § E Ss washing. Even when the cleaning process is performed in the Son approved manner, with the greatest regard for the durability of the The upholst is of genuine leather -- leather that will t 1 limi h operations Pho stery is of g . eath finish, there is a well defined limit as to the number of such ope! wash and wear. 'The seat is 'wide and comiartable. i AOI | Ror is aie dames with severe supine aries 424, ¥en the Ceriig CT He i oot sulin PPI CRANE ERE Hi WIN 'WH | the indiscriminate use of strong soap, the best finish will survive but a car is equipped with a heater, dome light, window levers, . I mam | limited number of such ordeals. Just as clothing will outlast but a ! ang cd number of washings, even when the gentlest methods are used, windshield cleaner, cord tires, Yale door locks, and every and a very much smaller number when laundry machinery and strong i wner', fort ii o o Soap-powders are employed, so it is with motor car finish, especially other appointment necessary to the owner's comfo We Have a Lunch That You Will Like [| totic soos, sk & mio merc suid "Sect snd protection. A special club dish, changed daily, a cup of our de- licious Tea or Coffee and a tasty dessert, is sufficient lunch for anyone. THE VICTORIA CAFE which might have been kept looking well for two or even three years, JEWLY LEE, Manager. 354 KING STREET Built inside and out to withstand the wear and tear of everyday use, it retains the same lightness and beauty of line which you are accustomed to look for in Dodge Brothers cars. if moderation in the use of water--and sosp--had been practiced. Many motorists, who can afford it, have their cars washed every day they are used, whether they need cleaning or not, and their varnish coats and even the color coats thus become deteriorated very early. This is not intended as a plea for sunning dirty cars. Mud that dries onto body finish will permanently spot and finally destroy it and should be washed off promptly, but a little road dust has very slight injurious effect. The idea that it is here intended to convey is that the finish of a car is something that in time will be removed by washing and that there is, in the matter of washing, a "golden mean," that will keep it in present- able appearance and still not unduly shorten its life. It is the Business Coupe which business people the world over have been expecting--from Dodge Brothers, TELEPHONE 762. sn tbs FOR SALE CENTRE STREET--Brick Bung- alow, 4 bedrooms, sun porch, eleo- tric light, gas, hardwood floors: good lot BEVERLEY STREET -- P. B. Bungalow, 5 bedrooms, hot water heating, electric light, gas, hard- ELECTRIC STARTER ores to remain quiet. Sometimes, unless the clamp nuts are tightened in the right order ana by the right Amounts the rim gets out of line with the wheel and has an insecure bearing on the felloe band, so that it can "work" slightly. Bent bolts, with battered threads, may not tighten properly and thus lead to squeaking. Coating the inside of the rim and the band with flake graphite, mixed in gasoline, will MARCUS OBERNDORFFER ~ _.. 124 Clarence 8t., Kingston, | lubricate the parts and tend to eliminate noise. If you can seat wood floors; good lot .....$5.200 - = | C. J. A. writes: The starter 1 tel: d » your rims accurately an tightly There $a Great Fraternity motor of my car turns the engine | y Kingston Agencies {all around, we believe they wil) Limited efD Pp Boat Owners over rapidly, but as soon as Iinot move relatively to the wheels switch on the ignition, the engine and thus will not squeak. It should 7 Clarence Street - Phone 703 Ali Over the World! chokes, almost stops and turns over not be forgotten that wheels them- v VED 4,000 of these Boats are in by jerks. As soon as I throw off | selves sometimes squeak from use from Muskoka to Killarny the ignition, the engine is again looseness of the spokes in the hub --from Vancouver to Rangoon turned over rapidly. The engine | flanges, oocasioned by the wood --And all the owners are linked cranks all right by hand. How do ; drying out, particularly when the with that universal! bond SATIS- . You account for this? wood has lacked paint to protect, it. | FACTION, Heres quoting Eli Answer: One possible theory is { ymolicited Te originals can that when you crank with the elec- sh | "It is the best small beat I have tric starter, you have the Ignition | By ; 1 over seen" too far advanced and that when . "Particularly goed for fishin, firing occurs, the engine kioks back, The Special Poliey ' nr ISSUED BY THR EXCELSIOR Boat is very economically and slowing down the speed. When couldn't got .anether, I You crank by hand, you retard the INS. LIFE Cco'Y SOLL BY would never sell my old boat at any spark fully, for safety's sake, and H.D. WIGHTMAN price." that then the explosions act in the 151 WELLINGTON ST. "1 do not believe there is a boat direction of rotation, causing start. ae Built to iy Je wirkid We ing to take place normally. IS THIS A VALVE NOISE? charm." Noe il eT J. M. G. asks: Can the tapping a "My daughter operates and ru Fs HrEls 3QVEAR sound that 1 hear when my car is * it without any difficulty what - F. asks: at can 0 to | climbing a on high be i There's no doubt about it. A Dis. stop the squeaking of the rear caused by a poorly ar Some of the attractive features of a appearing Propeller Boat owner has heel Yeasens for being enthusiastic. esis Ly Se aqieh 1 HR TR DISAPPEARme PROPELLER Bie ree rd 7 the demouns. hase: 1 'make about ne Briscoe Light-Weight Touring Car . AGENCY FOR ALL Answer: If these rims are|same amount of sound irrespective BO TS theung out of thefr true shape, [of the load on the engine, but this which we are now offering: -- A ] they will not h A strongly built Car with seven Inch frame. | OCEAN STEAMSHIP A quiet-running motor, Low Gas consumption. LINES Non glare lens. Smart pleasing body lines. Easy riding and comfort due to lon springs. A price several hundred dollars below its actual value in the automobile market. CRT ave a full bearing |is much more noticeable when an High Guarantee 3 DISAPPEARING PROPELLER BOAT Co. Led on the felloe band and will con- | engine fs running lightly loaded L Premlum B 92 King St. W., Toronto, Ont, tinue to squeak. Moreover, if they | and therefore rather silently than ow ® ; ES USA Wein Si. Bagee N are not mounted true on the) when it is working hard and nee- wheels, tA%y cannot be expected | essarily less quietly, i FEATURES } te 20 = Ey = = If you own a summer cottage or spend -- Your vacations by the water, you should certainly write for a copy of our descrip- tive folder with full details, showing beats in natural colors. § lilustration: | Special attention given your family ; jor friends going to or returning from Premium $130.20, Guarantees | E\ | to return In Cash in 21 years | == | $2500.00 or $3,000.00 paid-up 1 | EL fshsbout ont Scar Canvas Conca insurance, : | the Old Country, ~N oe Keeping The Engine From Stalling ° Leep The Engine Turning Briskly And Don't Load It Too Suddenly STALLING OF ITS ENGINE, when a car is in traffic, is not only annoying to all concerned, causes irritating delay and calls forth wither Ing expressisns from the trafic cop, but it involves some collision danger, If it happens to an unskilled operator, especially on a steep grade. The ANGLIN BROS. ttkelthood of its occurring can be greatly reduced by carrying out the Bay Street, Kingston, Ont. "PHONE 99. | rrr following suggestions: Set the kand throttle so that the engine will idle at a brisk speed, considerably higher than it is ordinarily allowed to Sag oe nn = : a % TRANSATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS idle. This will keep enough energy stored in the flywheel to help in -- St. Lawrence Haute, Season 1923 For information and rates apply te | J. P. HANLEY, G.P. and T.AGT. Ry. Kingston, Ont. Open day and night. Hot Summer Evenings are most enjoyably spent when out for a paddle on the water, CANOES and BOATS for hire. Quick and efficient service. A. C. KNAPP LA SALLE CAUSEWAY PHONE 767 A A rt Eta Cr rr nm 'oe ® gE nN = DIg. variety of Geraniums = See our choice variety of Potted Geraniums and other Plants. = = accelerating the car. If there is a dashboard carburetor adjustment, set Salling Lists New Ready if in a moment of confusion, the clutch is Jet in, with the emergency engage It gently, speeding up the engine somewhat before letting it in. All high grade automobile engines manufactured in this LYNN SRN but slip into second speed. mentioned are: ! Montreal to Glasgow f to about 2 amperes, which will be Cadillac LaFayette Rolls Royce . **July 14|Aug. 11] 8 ies wire from the lamps and that of Franklin Marmon Stutz vy 14lAug. 11]Sept. 8 Saturnia vod omasar, the one of them which In fact, 847% of all the manufacturers of pleasure cars PORE cari Bagh Beautify your lawn and home with our plants. ° y ept. Tyrrhenia : ° » OC. 8. Kirkpatriek the mixture somewhat richer than would be used on the open road. Vi in Rely upon the footbrake rather than the emergency to hold the car, for Absolute E dence Favor Agent - - 38 Clarence Street * brake still set, the engine will probably stall. Keep the cluteh in such a of Ground Cylinders condition that it is free from any "grabbing" tendency and always @ J) N A | = D If the car bas come to rest, never try to start on any gear but low and country as well as in Europe have their cylinder bores finfsh- If it is very much slowed down, do not attempt to accelerate on high, ed by grinding. [me of the American cars that might be Tt IXY |} - . Is - | Peerless PRESERVING BODY FINISH |The two lamps connected in mul. Apperson Hudson tiple will limit the current flowing Brewster Kissel . Plerce Arrow | *June 27 ' Tyrrhenia the charging current that the bat- Cunningham Lincoln Standard | { | tery receives. If the end of the Dorris Locomobile Stevens Duryea June 30(July 28/Aug. "se assandra **Calls at Moville (Ireland) the wire from the other side of the Mercer Templar circuit and held slightly apart in Jaan Packard Winton * en route to Liverpool a a aio Pp iy Montreal to Liverpool gives of ° ore gas is - tive and should be connected to use engines with ground cylinder bores, and 91% of the com- Aus. 13/Bept. 23(0ct. 21 ..Albania mercial motors. are ground. Heald Machines are used ox- Sept. 16/Oct. 14|Nov. 11 -Ausonia Nipdow Boxes ang Hanging Baskets made up to your order { W. K. seks Is the - cinstraly 'u owers always on and. | . . : 8 re any con- . cay i coction, soap or liquid of any kind SPOKES RUB ON BRAKE Automo'dle owners we have one of these Heald Cylinder worth using on the body finish of PARTS & car to prolong its life and to defer the need of repainting? I try to keep my car out of the direct Ground Cylinders is a selling point with many cars. July 1lAug. 6(Sept. 9 . Antonia . STORE: Corner Wellington and Brock Streets. Phone 770. sun and protected from the ele- CONSERVATO S: 68 e ments as much as possible. July 22|Aug. 26|Sept. 28 +«.Andanis ® ® RIES: 68 Centre Street. Phone 1114). i r : Automotive Grinders eg | oi a iain Aa ay Lr - A Ar at, - EN Td . ba recommended for this purpose ol Ra treme care In washing, the avold- | the spokes of the rear wheels of my ditions, are the best safeguards for wheels, I cannot find play R. M. CAMPBELL, A Ne Ata tam sr sparingly at not too frequent in- and we have only-a moderate de- Xs FOR To = ance of unnecessarily 'frequent car, apparently by their touching body finish. enough In the axle shafts te let tervals and thorughly rubbed off, Corner of Queen and Wellington Streets. are promptl gree of faith in the value of this C. F. F. writes: There is quite a ROUS CURATIVE QUALITIES, washings and, as you say, protec- | the center anchor pins of the brake mt: theses parts rub the bearings CHARGING FROM HOUSE WIRING tive batt the negative battery post. Montreal to Plymouth, Cherbourg Grinding Mxchines, and can guarantee first class work. and London = P.C. LAWSON. THE LEADING FLORIST N. Y. to Queenstown an July 6jAug. 3(Sept. 7 . July 13{Aug. 17 (Sept. 14 . July 20{Aug. 81{8ept, 28 . NY, Cherbourg a Southampton June 27\July 18/Aug. 15 ... Mauretania July 4Aug. 1jAug 22 Aquitania July 1ljAug. 8. Berengaria N.Y. Ply, Cherbourg and Hambourg July 1'Aug. 3(Bept, 9 Saxonim July 29|Aug. 31{0ct. 5 Caronia Boston -- Liverpool -- Queenstown July 26/Aug. 23({Sept. 20 Samaria N. Y., to Glasgow (via Moville) HOT DAYS and HOUSEWORK ----are exceptionally hard on the wives. Why not dine ly 22(Aug. 19|Sept. 18 . out this evening and give "wifie" a treat. Our service Bobs. soe®; > embls and culsine are unexcelled. | Sept. 2 -+..City of London BOSTON TO LONDONDERRY ROYAL CAFE 157 Princess St. oy y Wnilion AND Sdstow Ee is the only preparation that can . i | y : a . wim x DS THOMAS® EC {reatment. The exercise of ex- | deep groove worn on the inside of tion from unfavorable outside cop- ! bands, but upon jacking up the as new. What do you seem as good think Sade this? ble : It seems hardly possi { that there is sufclent end-play present to enable the wheel to move inward enough to take up the large clearance, which exists be. tween the parts that you think rub together. We suggest that you put SYRUP oF TAR & [|= ~ Ol ta ¥ =< JA i =¥ mr N.Y. te MEDITERRANEAN July § (Cruise) .Cameronia Oct. 268 (Cruise) ... «.Tuscania Nov. 25 (Cruise) -.Beythia GRAVESBROS. |: | Ei ® Feb. 10 (Cruise) cessssdisnas,Caronia PLUMBING, TINSMITHING, STEAM HEATING, HOT \ WATER NEATING THE ROBERT REFORDCO., Lines 7 i ion. of the SUDDIY Creal a ve ide All work given our personal careful attentio WEING Sens T° the meputive fo # the sateny, : HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE TORONIO: ON. interest to The luck of.a fool Is proverbial, on Phone 332 t Tuck ; 'While fishing on the river Ma Jie measuring forty inches long and melo t we you Hayes Bear. 3 Mueky wan lle, D. A. Hogan landed a weighing thirteen pounds. : : 1H W. K. writes: I am told that I can recharge my six-volt 'battery by taking current from direct | thrust current house service, t ough two one hundred watt Is this correct? Answer: Yes. One should be absolutely sure that the circuit used carries direct and not alt current and tha fe negative side bs § HTT Por rates of freight 'and further Particulars apply 0 oat nance or Hil