~~ ) JUNE THURSDAY, 20, 1022. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning and Repairing. Also Organ Work. All work guaranteed. PETER D. BROWN 12 Markland St. Phone 2307m. Kingston and Vicinity -- DR.A.W. WINNEIT! DENTAL SURGEON. y hnson and Wellington Sone. " 2a Phone 303 Lumber Bargains We still havea quantity of 1" T. and G. used Pine and 2" used rough Hemlock and Pine, which we are selling at very low prices S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Weiiingtos Strects, KINGS10N, Out. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415. : Lawn Social and Dance, | tor a time resided at Ottawa. The : \ ; 3 In Fair's grove, Glenburnie, Fri-| funeral was held in Renfrew on |®léctric motor, which operates the 1} | emer f BUILDING PD day, June 30th dancing 8.30 to 12.30 Tuesday under Masonic auspices. [' elding pete of the Jnéstise . The ° {Standard time er ------ i -------- {copper wire is soon heated re 0 | | il - ol 1 ' FOR CHOICE i REPAIRS OK ALTERATIONS? | Lady to Be in Charge. jens Welded io the stes! alls, MEATS | Estimates given by | A Orchestra on Boat, | A former Watertown, N.Y., gir! The foreign orchestra which visit-| Miss Hazel Vincent, will have charge | . ) . : and 0. Aykroyd & Son led Kingston a couple of weeks ago | of the office of the Canada Steamship| Emma Paviismenl, wile ot the late 21 Main Street. Phowe 1670. | has for about a week been travelling lines at Alexandria Bay, N.Y., this. V. Beech, Consecon sake, passed ---- {on the Cape Vincent boat. summer. She has been for the past |2Way at the home of her daughter, i | two summers secretary to the man. |MPs. Herbert McDonald, Orono, on A. Holling, of Montreal, {June 17th, at the age of seventy-four years, She had been in her usual Called by Death. FIRST QUALITY WESTERN BEEF Engaged as Teacher, Miss Helen Marshall, Smith's Falls, REMEMBER If you want dobing done, don't n us, but if you want first-class ager, Dr. S who was in charge of the office here | TRY B. V. McGeein 2&2 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 1182 For moviag of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, | PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF | EVERY DESCRIPTION ingston Transfer Co. 'hone 377. Evenings 2231. 153 WELLINGTON STREET Dr. Waugh Dentist | | 106 Wellington St. Phone 236 PHONE 291 | For Furniture or Baggage Transfer. | rifig with motor truck or horse drawing i vehicles, Motor Cars amd Livery of | any kind in connection. Saddle Horses | a speciality. Fre-war prices, | rINKLE & CO, | 120 Clarence Street. Kingston, Ont, | WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street. Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res., 1137, | Choicest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by us. BOCTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 1388 FOR SALE A beautiful island in Lough- boro Lake .......... $75.00 |! W. H. GODWIN & SON || Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brock Street Phone 424 SEASONABLE FRUITS and FRESH VEGETABLES Pineapples, Strawberries, To- matoes, and all the good things in Spring Vegetables. BON MARCHE GROCERY Cor. King ard Earl Streets Ei Phone 1844. . FOR SALE Military Tents -- Bells and Marquees--at reduced prices. Also new Camp Cots and Chairs. * IL. Cohen & Co. 275 Ontario St. Phones 836, 837 ing, then telephone 2080J. for and decorating is our /. H. FRANCIS 35 SIXTH ST, Phone 2090. DR. H. A. STEWART Dental Surgeon Wishes to announce that he has resumed his practice, cor. Wel- lington and Princess Streets. Phone 2092. Dr. H. A. Stewart Corner Prince 4 Children' HAIR CUTTING y One of our specialties! Our Motto: "Cleanliness and Civility," and we try to live ap to It in every way, Frank Robb's BARBER PARLOR 185 WELLINGTON STREET (Next to Bank of Nova Scotia) OGLIVIE'S Insurance and Brokerage Office EE -------------------- AGENT FOR : EXCELSIOR LIFE, ROYAL EX- CHANGE; FIRE, SICKNESS AND ACCIDENT, BURGLARY. G. HUNTER OGILVIE 151 Wellington Street | I store during the week and in- spect our splendid range of--- Nyal's Talcum Powder There is an odor and shade to suit every taste: rose, violet, }li- lac, mayflower, nylotis, nysis, and one specially prepared for baby's use. Price 25c., 83c. and 50c. M. R. McColl PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Cor. Clergy and Princess Sts. SOLID COMFORT To accomplish what is called "solid comfort" your eyes have a prominent part. Without "eye-comfort" your whole being is usually "out of whack." And it is an easy matter to have com- fortable eyes. CONSULT: R. ARTHEY, RO. OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN 143 PRINCESS STREET HOW TO KEEP COOL Get a REFRIGERATOR. We have them at: $12, $15, $20, $23, $25, $30, $35. HAMMOCKS $3.50, $4, $4.50, $5 and $7.00 W.H. Cockburn &Co. Cor. Princess and Wellington Streets Phone 216. ll | in the neighborhood of $15.000. | Godden takes possession in a short || ments, || yours and the advertisers. {teacher of English and history, at a salary of $1,800, has been engaged by Ingersoll Collegiate Institute, 'Finishes Work in Slip. Frontenac Dredging Com- y's dredge has finished cleaning {out the slips about the James Swift s Company's wharf, and left for Belle- {ville where it will be employed on {the Belleville bridge. To Take Motion Pictures. | H. M. Blake, Toronto, Is in King- {ston In the interest of the Motion Picture Bureau, Province of Ontario. | The historic spots about the city are {being caught and will be put into {films for the benefit of future gener- ations. Our Summer Attraction. Offers- parents a good opportunity | to outfit their boy at a very low cost {Boy's suit, khaki pants, khaki i shirts, waists, underwear, jerseys, {swimming suits, etc, everything to |make the boy happy. | Brock street. | Built at Garden Island. | The steamer India of the Canada | Steamship Lines, Ltd., which was sunk in the Welland canal a week |ago, it is now thought will be a total |loss. She was a wooden vessel 225 |teet long, 37 feet beam and was built in 1899 by the Calvin company |of Garden Island. | Women Read Ads. The woman who knows merchan- dise value reads the advertisements {with special interest. They mean {something very definite and tangible !to her. Many a well informed wo- {man has gained her first knowledge | | | | {of values through studying the ad- | vertisements. | Voting Money to Streets. A by-law was passed at the Leeds and Grenville ® county council de- signating certain sums of money to certain designated streets as follows: Athens, $5,000; Merrickville, $8,- 000; Newboro, 2,500; Westport, $3,000; Cardinal, $3,000; Ganano- | que, $3,000. Real Estate Transfer, Charles Godden, Stirling, has pur: | chased the fine farm of E. E. Cassan, East Seymour, together with the sea- son's crop, stock, etc., the price being Mr. time and Mr. Cassan, In the Quiet of Your Home. Study the classified advertise- The easy, business-like way to find the property that will suit you ll | best is to read the classified columns. i] | Select several that "look good" then In this way you and energy--- Also you investigate them. will .conserve time will find what you want. Hosmer Elected Trustee. At a special meeting of Mackay Companies, held at' New York, elscted a trustee to succeed the late George W. Ward. Mr. Hosmer has for years been interested in Mackay, and was understood to have been a heavy purchaser of the stock prior to and during its recent spurt of activ- ity on the New York, Montreal and Toronto markets, The Late W. M. Dickson. The death occurred at Renfrew, on Sunday ef W. M. Dickson, for many years prior to his superannuation some time ago, station agent for the C.P.R. The late W. M. Dickson was among the oldest employees of the road, and had always been regarded as highly efficient. With the travel- ling public he was very popular. He was in his sevemty-sixth year, and Prevost, | | it is under- | il | stood, will remove to Campbeliford. Charles R. Hosmer of 'Montreal was | for the past four summers. General Elmsley Inspects Camp. At Peterboro, Brigadier-General Elmsley, general officer commanding Military District Number Three, in- sjrected the camp of the Third Prince of Wales Dragoons. He was pleased with the showing of the cavalry in their drills and the arrangements of the camp met with satisfaction. He complimented the officers on their work and the discipline of the men sm Sar -------------- Removing to Yarker, The Cobourg World says: Citizens have learned with much regret that Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Leonard and fam- | ily expect to remove to Yarker about {the first of July. Mr. Leonard has | been stationed at Yarker for some months now, but usually spent the {week-end here, so that he was still regarded as on& of our citizens. They | have now, however, decided to take up residence at Yarker, and' their {removal is generally regretted. Welding Electrical Connections. An electric machine |the connections which have {made between each section of |the new tracks being laid on [street and Ontario street street railway company; | quite an interest. } by | JULY RELEASE Popular Dance Records 473 4535 4508 4534 4537 4514 4525 Kicky Koo «Romany Love Lovey Dove ' In the Little Red Schoolhouse Gypsy Love Song Three O'Clock in the Morning Boo Hoo Hpo | | i f Vocal Recoras That Tumble Down Shack In Athlone 4531 Time After Time 452) ] Alabamy Mamay 4529 British Pluck March The Sun Record Co., 210 for welding [lawyer to be | parchment never rail of [into practice, as I then trained for | Brock | the ministry. When You and I Were Young Lovesick Blues Instrumental Records 476 Rose, Shamrock and Thistle 476 DEALERS EV {good health when stricken with a |stroke and died in a few hours. She |leaves two children, Mrs. Herbert McDonald, Orono, and W. K. Beech, {B.A., M.A, Vancouver, and one |granddaughter, Mrs. Oscar Rolph, Orono; one sister, Mrs. Gardiner | Phillips, Wellington; two brothers, Wiliam Parliament, Oshawa and | Peter Parliament, Northside Conse- | {con Lake. Interment took place in {the family plot at Consecon ceme- | | tery, i ---------------- Farewell to Ministry. Rev. Dr. S. J. Shorey, Napanee, |in bidding farewell to the delegates las an active minister in the Bay of | Quinte Methodist conference, said [that after fifty years he was retiring {from the same church (Napanee) in {which he had been converted, frowa {which he had first gone out into the ministry, and in which he had been | the pastor for two different terms. | He said he had never been farther | | west than Toronto In all his pastor. | ates, and only in Toronto during his |sojourn at Sherbourne street Metho- | | dist church. "I first trained as a | but after receiving my | put my training | Often when I am dis- the | couraged with my work I think that | Is creating maybe I would have made a better | The car has an | " {lawyer than a minister," | "APEX 10 Inch Double Sided Phonograph Records Lovable Eyes Coo Coo Suez Kitten on the Eyes Black Eyed Blues Stumbling No Use Crying Maggie Blues 45338 4538 ERYWHERE Adelaide West, Toronto. msi, i ------ -------- --amma | prepaid. S88 Princess Street. Get the Habit: "For Records Try Treadgold's First» We have the Record whem you want ft, Mall ma wasypy, * Treadgold Sporting Goods Co. All mail orders Telephone 329, The Song Shop, All the Latest Apex Records Can Be Had at Our Store 216 Princess St. When You Think of Music Think Of Us. Nissi Bone THE A. B. C. WASHER " Let us loan you one free for next washday. "THE ELECTRIC SHOP" Phone 1545 F. GRACE -------- 115 Brock Street ~---------- en JONE LEE, Manager Most Up-to-Date Restaurant Excellent service. Meals at all hours. Reasonable prices, 1 331 KING STREET. KINGSTON, ONT, CAN. , The coolest spot in town, where only the best in w ully prepared food is serv Public Phone 527 ell selected and care- e Phone 655, FURS INSURED AND STORED Gourdier's BROCK STREET; The only thing in a "74 Suit for a boy who is ZZ They are "Made to wear where others tear" TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) SWEATERS in Wool, Silk and Silk and Wool; Tuxedo and Pullover styles; many novelties not shown else- where. Priced from ......$2.75 up BATHING SUITS in Wool and Cot- ton for Men, Women, Boys and Girls --all the new styles. BATHING CAPS, best quality Rub- ber; a big variety of colors from 25¢ up MIDDY BLOUSES with detachable Flannel and Serge Collars; in all sizes. GINGHAM and MUSLIN DRESSES --all the newest of this season's styles from............$1.25 upto $4.50 x LY W.N.Linton & Co. : The new' var memorial monumeh: at Kitchene:, 'decorated after its recent unveiling WM by Liemtenant Governor Cockshl - ; Phone 191. gm 1 The Waldron Store.