i THE DAILY Re ---- : | work, of lectures on anatomy and | {allied subjects. i | Another feature will Le the course {in folk dancing, interpretative danc-! {ing and ball room dancing by Miss | { Gladys Dickson, Toronto. The class | {will be an attractive ene, the music! THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1922. BRITISH WHIG. SUMMER rrr le ------ RR ---- MOTOR CAR INDUSTRY MAY LOCATE IN KINGSTON p Latest and Most Popular Summer Fiction THE SECRET PLACES OF THE HEART H. G. WELLS THE VENEERINGS SIR HARRY JOHNSTON LUCRETIA LOMBARD KATHLEEN NORRIS THE VANISHING POINT ...........: CONINSBY DAWSON THE PRAIRIE CHILD ARTHUR STRINGER THE RUSTLE OF SILK CASINO HAMILTON MR. PROHACK ARNOLD BENNETT THE DEVIL DRIVES E. W. BAVI BIG PETER ARCHIBALD MARSHALL MAN SEGI WILLIAM MacLEOD RAINE .+.. CHARLES G. NORRIS FOR SALH R. Uglow & Co. 'Hoped That Arrangements Can | Be Made to 8ecure Bir- mingham Motors Ltd. { | Kingston will secure an importan {new 'industry providing certain fin {ancial and other arrangements can be made satisfactorily. The industry Is that of Birmingham Motors, Ltd., builders and designers of the "Birm- Ingham Flexible Axle 6," which is regarded as the world's easiest riding car. Negotiations have been going on for some time for, the location of this new industry in Kingston, and ft is hoped that the necessary arrange- ments can be made for the securing of the plant. The headquarters of the plant are at Jamestown, N.Y. and city clerk, Dr. W. W. Sands and William Peters, chairman of the civie industries com- mittee recently made an inspection t "THE GIFT SHOP" Wedding Gift Suggestions in Silver. FATIGUE Do you feel weary and have pains in head and | neck after using your) eyes ? If so, you will| find your eyesight | needs help -- and drugs | will not cure, but only| make the defect ed Consult; In price ranging from $1.00 up to $5600 we can help you. CABINETS OF SILVER SILVER SERVICES ENTREE DISHES, FLOWER BASKETS CASSEROLES, ete. egistered 140 Wellington St. Opp. Post Office | Now Is The Time to decorate your Lawns and Cemetery lots with our Cement Flower Vases. Three varieties to choose from. Kimnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100 Princess Street, Kingston Dr. PARLORS 183 PRINCESS ST, KINGSTON Kingston Jement Products H. F. NORMAN, Manager OFFICE: 69 Patrick Street Phone 780w. {f you eat too much you haven't 3 great deal of room to preach tem- perance. The crowded stomach is as destructive as the booze-addled brain. od PH We specialize on Painless Extraction, Latest Pyorrhea Treatment and X-Ray work. 3 ~3 TT™ For June Weddings You cannot get more useful and pleasing gifts than COALPORT CHINA SEs dl of the company's plant at Peterbo.n, and made a thorough investigation into the company's activities, and bave reported most favorably. The company is incorporated under a Do- minjon charter, : The Whig is carrying an advertise- ment giving all the particulars ip regard to what is needed to get 'this industry started in Kingston. The authoried capital of the com- pany is placed at $3,000,000 divided Into 300,000 shares at $10 each. It l¢ predicted that the 'company will develop into one of the largest indus- trial concerns in Canada. It is of interest to note that one of the stock cars of the company was recently given a test. It waj-driven 86,000 miles in all kinds ot Senihe and over all kinds of roads, and fol- lowing this long trip the car was just as good as ever, | If the necessary arrangements can be made, the company will purchase tke Frontenac Moulding Company's Building, as it is believed that this building will be suitable for a start In this industry. If the arrange- ments are put through, the company hopes to start work at once, and will have three hundred men employed :n the first six months, and at least donble that amount inside of a year. The money subscribed will remain in Kingston for the building of the cars. The company has opened a temporary office with the Automo- tive Equipment Company, at 109 Brook street, where subscriptions can be placed and where the plans for establishing the industry will be ex- rlained. A number of subscription lists are being circulated for signa- tures. SEVERAL FEATURES ADDED To Queen's Summer School Programme -- Physical Training and Dancing. Through the director and staff of the school, several new features have been added to the already ex- tensive programme of the Queen's summer school, which will open next Monday and will attract several hun- dred teachers of the dominion here for the five weeks' course. The athletic and physical side of the life and studies of the studertis is one that takes the attention of the staff of the school, who state that one of the troubles faced is tha' many of the students want to work too hard and hence the athletic side of the course is stressed. That tle teachers should want to spend much of their time in study is natural, as in the majority of cases they are ri- sponsible for the payment of their CROWN DERBY, ORIFCAMME WARE CUT GLASS DINNER SETS TEA SETS. Our stock is complete and prices reasonable, fees and hence are directly inmterest- ed that they pass the examinations. With the majority of the winter stu- dents the opposite is true, as many are being sent by their parents. This year in addition to the Grade B. training course, which was given by the Militia department last year, & part of the grade A certificate course, a much more advanced study will be given by Militia department instructors. This course will re- quire three hours a day while the Grade B course, which requires one hour, will also be given. While this Grade A course will not give the cer- tificate to satisfy the department of education requirements for certifi- cate to qualify the teachers wishing to give physical instruction in Col- obertson's Limited 73 Princess St. WHITE CANVAS FOOTWEAR WOMEN'S SMART OXFORDS : AND STRAP PUMPS ~ White Canvas, in one, two and three straps. Also Laced Oxfords, made with flat and medium Cuban heels, canvas cover- ed and enamelled. : Also the popular two-toned Sport Ox legiates, the course is practically he same consisting, besides the physical NeW | fectious diseases. | being supplied by Miss Dickson's sis- | [ ter. ISOLATION BUILDING Of the Kingston General Hos- | pital May Be Started Next Month. | means A further meeting of the isolation { hospital building committee was held Wednesday when the plans of | the proposed building were further !discussed. The architect, Mr. Lee, | Toronto, was present and the com- mittee hopes that the plans made will progress so that the tenders may be called for, contracts awarded and the building started before the last week of July. It is hoped that the roof will be on so that inside work may be done next winter, The plans for the building indicate that it will be a very fine structure, fully equipped for the handling of infectious disease, according to the 'latest and best methods. Before out- lining the nature of the building Drs. A. E. Ross and W. T. Con- nell made an inspection of some of the most modern of the isolation hos- pitals in the larger centres of Can- ada and the United States, and their report was considered by the com- mittee in the preparation of the plans. . The building of the hospital is not to exceed the sum of $150,000 which was voted by the city council |and the committee hope to be able to keep within the estimate. The hospital will be built of King- ston limestone and will be on the site almost opposite the new central heating plant, for the General Hos- pital and Queen's university, which is now in the process of construction. The building will be in the shape of a wide U with the base of the figure 125 feet long and the wings forty feet long. The base of the U will be parallel to King street and the wings extend towards the street. The buildiing will be set well back from the street line, the end of 'the wings being 35 feet back. The front of the main part of the structure will then be in all about 75 feet from the line. The central part of the main sec- tion will be three storeys high while the wings will be two storeys in height. The two floors will be used for wards, semi-private and private rooms for the various types of in- The sections are also planned so that they are con- nected by doors which may be clos- ed and thus isolate different parts of the building. The basement of the main building will be used for kit- chens, nurses and helps dining rooms, and help's quarters. The third floor of this part of the build- ing' will be devoted to nurse's quart- ers. On the first floor of the main building will be the administrative offices for the doctors and office staff. There will be two entrances, one at thé front of the building, the main entrance, and one at the rear, the receiving entrance, through which the patients will be received and near which the elevator will be sit- uated. A driveway will connect the rear entrance with King street. Presentation and Address. A pleasant evening was spent at the Methodist parsonage at Maberly when members of the church and Ladies' Aid gathered to spend a soc- fal evening with Rev. and Mrs. Smith, before their departure from Maberly. An address was read and a beautiful chair presented after which refreshments were d. Mr. Smith made a few fitting remarks be- fore parting. Rev. and Mrs. Smith and family leave for their home at Crow Lake where Mr. Smith intends to take a year's rest on account of i{ll<health. Gave a Kitchen Shower. A kitchen shower was held last Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Charles Quick, Division street, for the bride and groom, Mr. ani Mrs. Joseph Ryder. The evening was spent in games and music after which dainty refreshments were served. The bride and groom re- ceived many useful kitchen utensils which were much appreciated. FOOTWEAR BAREFOOT SANDALS for Kiddies RUNNING SHOES for Boys OUTING SHOES and PLAY SHOES for Boys . .....$2.50 WHITE CANVAS SHOES for Ladies . . . . . . . $3.00 to $5.00 WHITE CANVAS SHOES, rubber soles for girls $1.50 to $2 $1.25 to $1.75 ter ene sss. 31.50 to $2.50 a CHAUTAUQUA SEASON TICKETS may be procured here. This is the last week that the season tickets are sold. ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE DALY'S GOOD TEA has a record of satisfied customers all over Canada for over 75 years. The unchanging geod quality gets new cus- tomers and keeps them. Get your sup- »ly from-- MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE Tired, Aching Feet Painful Corns and PROMPT RELIEF Make your poor tired feet happy to- night by rubbing on a little soothing, cooling Geero Wormwood Balm, It penetrates at once, and oh! how cool and fine your feet will feel. It takes all the soreness out of a stinging, burning corn or bunion at once, mak- ing walking a rea] joy. And {t is so easy and pleasant to use. No painful cutting or burning of flesh, no fussing with bungling rags, acid liquids or sticky plasters. in, and go to bed--and in the morning your feet will fit your shoes: At all druggists. Be sure and get Geero Wormwood Balm. PUNCTUALITY 15 easily obtained by bringing Your WATCH to L. C. HEMSLEY 149 Sydenham St. Just off Princess Watchmaker from R. J. Rodger Just rub a little right TRY MAGNESIA FOR STOMACH TROUBLE It Neutralizes Stomach Acidity, Pre- vents Food Fermentation, Sour, Gassy Stomach and Acid Indigestion. + Doubtless if you are a sufferer from indigestion, you have al- ready tried pepsin, pancreatin, char- and you know these things will not cure your trouble--in some cases do not even give relief. But before giving up hope and de- ciding you are a chronic dyspeptic Just try the effect of a little bisurated magnesia--not the ordinary commer- cial carbonate, citrate or milk, but the pure bisurated mag- nesia which you can obtain from practically any druggist in either powdered or tablet form. * Take a teaspoonful of the powder or two compressed tablets with a little water after your next meal, and see what a difference this makes, It will inktantly neutralize the dang- erous, harmful acid in the stomach, which now causes your food to fer- ment and sour, making gas, wind, flatulence, heartburn and the bloated or heavy, lumpy feeling that seems to follow most everything you eat. You will find that provided you take a little bisurated magnesia im- mediately after a meal, you can eat almost anything and enjoy it without any danger of pain or discomfort to follow and moreover, the continued use of the bisurated magnesia can- not injure the stomach in any way as long as there are any symptoms of acid indigestion. ~r OG hier of Viscount Jellicoe | coal, drugs and various digestive aids | | | | | | This Store Specializes in Home Outfits The selection of the home outfits has such an important bearing upon the future happiness and contentment of every young couple. The First Furniture should be selected with m re than usual care, because it is your initial investment together. Let your choice be such that when the golden wedding rolls around your Furniture will still be with you. 7 Our Staff and long experience are at your servica. James Reid, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER PHONE 147 FOR AMBULANCE, 7 It's A Real Pleasure To be able to call Masoud's, order what pastry you desire and know that you are sure of "the best in town." Our electric bak- ery is a modern plant. Phone your order in to-day. " EAT MASOUD'S ICE CREAM 'The dessert that's never deserted" Cio. Masoud 238 Princess Street Phone 980. THE ARTIST'S PIANO One often wonders what Mozart. Chopin and other of the immortals would have accomplished if their composi- tions had been composed of such wonderful Pianos as the WEBER What deeper thoughts and imaginations, would have found light through the medium of it's wohderful tone. t therefore briags to our mind the possibility and the SEportunities or those who are making a life study of sic {f they but own a Weber Plano. Sold on easy terms of payment. The above photograph shows Hon. Luey Jellicoe (right) dau C Governor-General of New Zealand, her uncle, Maj. H. R. Cayzer, M.P. for South Ports- mouth (centre), and Mrs. Cayzer (left). Major Cayzer is Lady Jellicoe's brother. Miss Jellicoe is passing through Canada on her way home to England for three month's holiday, after spending two years in New Zealand. She likes Banff the best of any place in Canada visited so far. "I think Banff is simply heavenly," she said, when interviewed. She said she was prepared for Canada's torrid heat last week from what her father had told her ~ about it: Canada was hotter than even New Zealand. The party was charmed with the. beauties of Niagara district and found a visit to the Falls and the adventure of visiting the cave of the winds in face of a drenching spray, quite exhilarating. fords and wide strap and buckle Slip White Canvas with Patent Tips, Stays, ' SHOE STORE and ILI IW I IIT ITT TT TILT ErT)