FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1922, DR.A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON, jellington t Johnson and We : Bere Phone 363 a Po ma FOR CHOICE MEATS and FIRST QUALITY WESTERN BEEF TRY | | B. V. McGeein PRINCESS STREET PHONE 1182 2e2 For moviag of FREIGHT, FU TURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. Phone 377. enlngs 2231 183 WE OF | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ee ---------- | | Yeast No "Fad" , Say Scientists ton and Vicinity [Fe The greatest scientific minds agree that yeast is one of the most important med- ical discoveries. No method of banish- ing skin eruptions or building health has yet been found which can equal it, This is because yeast contains certain vital elements which are lacking in the modern diet. Already millions of peo- ple have secured amazing benefits from yeast. Recently, however, a new proc- ess has been discovered, called "iron- ization," through which people are se- } curing benefits from yeast in just half | the usual time. This process, embodied only in Ironized Yeast, helps to imme- diately convert the vital yeast elements into firm tissue and rich pure blood. If weak, thin or run-down --or if troubled with pimples, blackheads or boils, it will pay you to try Ironized Yeast at once. To try Ironized Yeast entirely free simply mail postcard for Famous 3-Day Lawn Social and Dance, i In Fair's grove, Glenburnie, Fri- {day, June 30th dancing 8.30 to 12.3) | Standard time Haying Operations. Many of the farmers of this dis- trict expect to start haying opera- tlons within the next few days, and a bumper crop is assured. | | | Improved, Since Dredging. | The large slip between the C.S.L. greatly improved since the dredging of last week. | ------ To Start the Paving. Market and Johnson streets will be FREE Test. Address Harold F. Ritchie |Started very soon, as the blocks are ZE Test. s \ je | & Co, Ltd., Dept. 87, Toronto. Ironized j already piled handy to the job. Yeast is recommended and guaranteed by all good dealers, A Watertown Colonel Coming. Among- the visitors from Water. town on Dominion Day will be Col- onel L. Lloyd, DS.0O., president Na- tional Council, British Great War Veterans of America. mm ~------ PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning and Repairing. Also Organ Work. All work guaranteed. FPETER D. BROWN 12 Markland St. Phone 2397m. Our Summer Attraction. Offers parents a good opportunity to outfit their boy at a very low cost. Boy's suit, khaki pants, khaki Dr. Waugh Dentist 1068 Wellington St. Phone 256 shirts, waists, underwear, jerseys, swimming sujts, etc., everything to make the boy happy. Prevost, Brock street. { EE ---- eT -- me BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by Anxious Over the '"Probs." PHONE 291 For Furniture or Baggage Transfer. rig with motor truck or horse drawing vehicles. any kind in connection. Saddle Horses a aspecinity. Fre-war prices, FINKLE & CO. 120 Clarence Street. | WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street. Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res., 1187, ~~ Motor Cars and Livery of| Kingston, Ont, 0. Aykroyd & Son The baseball fans are not the only | 21 Main Street. Phowe 1670. |0nes who are looking for sunny wea- ! ther, as this is picnic time as well, and the Sunday school youngsters are equally anxious concerning the | "probs." REMEMBER If you want dobing done, don't call on us, but if you want first-class decorating, then telephone 2090J. for ainting and decorating is our usiness. W. H, FRANCIS 35 SIXTH ST. Phone 2000J. " Here From New York. Miss Gertrude Armstrong, Naw day noon, and is visiting her father Police Sergeant Marshall Armstrong. Miss Armstrong is a nurse in one of the big hosiptals in New York. rt Ar sins =. Dominion Meat Store Opp. Y.M.C.A. Phone 1268J Saturday's Specials CREAMERY BUTTER ... 38c¢. Will Make The Address. Brig.-Gen, Hughes, Ottawa, will be in Napanee on Saturday and de- {liver an address at the decoration service at the Monument. Mr. and Mrs. {Deroche will entertain Hughes during his visit. County WwW. Pp, General W. R McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOOK, FI RRR, Morris-Crawford Wedding. On June 25th at the rectory, ( [rying Place, Rev. W. J. Grattan {united in marriage Ruby Geraldine {Crawford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Crawford, to Samuel Dawson Mor- Iris, both of Bloomfield. RED ROSE TEA PURE LARD .... HAMBURG 'ar- A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF GENUINE SPRING LAMB AT LOW PRICES, Oliver-Bagely Wedding. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bagley, Carrying Place, was the {scene of a pretty wedding on Juna {26th when their daughter, Mabel | Pearl, became the bride of Walter |G. Oliver. The bride was given away | | | | | | Prompt Delivery BELMONT Iby her father, the bridesmaid being | 1 {Letters to the Editor Not a Good Impression. Kingston, June 28.-- (To the Edi- COAL Choicest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by us. & CO. BOOTH Grove Inn Yard Phone 188 FOR SALE A beautiful island in Lough- boro Lake ..,....... $75.00 W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brock Street Phone 424 SEASONABLE FRUITS jtor): What will our American com- |rades think of this grand old city of jours and its citizens on the occasion |of the visit of the Watertown British | Great War Veterans and the mayor of | Watertown on Dominion Day? They [win find that the slogan of King- DINING AND TEA ROOM Why not dine here where Quality and Service Is {wharf and the Locomotive works is t The work on the paving on Brock, | York, arrived in the city on Thurs-| I.O.D.E. ; * ' | Miss. Mary Bandy. The ceremony | Was performed by the rector, Rev. | W. J. Gratton, in the presence of {many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver {motored to Belleville en route for {New York where the honeymoon is being spent. Very Fine Strawberries. Mrs. John Hall, Wolfe Island, {trought a box of exceptionally large [strawberries into the Whig office at jroon Thursday and presented them 0 the staff She remarked that there would be plenty of berries for at least two weeks yet. Women Read Ads, The woman who knows merchan- {dise value reads the advertisements with special intergst. |something very definite and tangible [to her. Many a well informed wo- man has gained her first knowledge of values through studying the ad- vertisements. { Col. H. J. Dawson To Speak. Col. Herbert J. Dowson, C.M.G ., D.S.0., will be the special speaker at the weekly luncheon of the Kiw- Club in the Hotel Frontenac p.m. Tuesday next. His sub- will be "Education in the Collamer C. Folger 1s the anis at 1 ject Army." booster, oT Get Special Attention. At the meeting of the National | Council of Women at Fort William {a letter was read from Miss E. I Mowat, Kingston, regarding unsatis- factory conditions in the home for | the aged in the province of Ontario. i {It was decided that the provincial presidents should give this matter special attention, Died at Brownville, N.Y., Roswell T. Rose, best . known ag "Tobe" Rose, aged sixty years, a well {known reside7t of Brownville, N.Y. passed away Monday night. Deceas- led was born in Cressy, Ont., the son |of Jacob and Sarah Shepherd Rose. | He was a barber by profession. One | brother, Frederick Rose, resides at Waupoos, Ont, i | Object to the Roosters. Many residents complain of the |erowing of roosters at the early {morning hours and feel that the [noise at such an unseasonable time constitutes a nuisance that should be eliminated. The keeping of poultry | within the city limits is regarded as la great privilege, but the roosters, lit is claimed, are not a necessity. Has Left for Shanghai, G. A. Rolf Emery, of the Commer- cial Intellingence Service, of the de- partment of trade and commerce, Ottawa, and son of Mrs. G. F. Emery, Bagot street, has left Vancouver, B.C. on the 8.8. Empress of Canada, [to take up his duties at Shanghai, as | assistant to Dr. J. W. Ross, Canad- lian Trade Commissioner, In the Quiet of Your Home. Study. the classified advertise: nuents. The easy, business-like way to find the property that will suit you, best is to read the classified cclumns.'| Select several that "look good" then | investigate them. In this way you will conserve time and energy-- yours and the advertisers. Also vou will ind what you want. \ ------ree eae Talked of For Reeve. Having served the city of King-| ston one year as mayor, residents of the township of Kingston think that Ald. C. J. Graham, who is also al member of the township council, | will soon be big enough to become | jreeve of Frontenac's premier town- | ship, and they are boosting him for | They mean [that position, in view of reports that | | the present reeve may retire at the | end of the year. They say they will | run "Christy" on the electric power! platform. Are Coming to Kingston, Captain William E. Poucher, Com- | modore James Parker, John F. Otis, { Fi. J. Burke, A. Ruska, J. E. O'Keefe, | {Pete Flanigan and Harold Dietz, | {0Oswego, in the auxiliary yacht; the | "Mego," will leave Saturday and go | {down the lake to Cape Vincent and | over to Kingston to enter the "Me- | |g0"" in a race. The party will go {down the St. Lawrence to Brockville {and then back home. The "Mego" {18 complete in every detail. When | |there is sufficient wind the sails can |be used and in dead calm the gaso- | line engine will kick her along. She | {is beautifully finished and equipped. a | Nearly every day the Kingston | police receive reports about auto- Two Cars Stolen. | | mobiles being stolen from various | On Thursday, a report was | a car being stolen | | places | received about | from Toronto and another one from | ! Belleville. In each case the number | of the car and a description is given. | | From time to time the local polica | pick up stolen cars. | Constable Lesslie Armstrong made a {fine catch, when he corralied a stol- en car on Princess street and the driver is now serving a term as a re- | |sult of his trial which took place in | | Toronto. Prosperity at Carleton Place, W. J. Porter, a former resident of | Kingston, being a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Porter, 136 Bagot | | street, who is in the city attending | [the funeral of his brother, the late | | Morley Porter, speaks very highly of | {the industrial and business activities | {of Carleton Place, his present home. | {"The population now is 4,500," he | sald, "and we have a number of the | essential industries, all of which are working full time. Consequently | there is no unemployment. We have | 8 machine shop, foundry, woollen mills and railway shops. The base- | ball team is making a high record in | the district and all are town boys] who are employed there." | | | | LIVES OF ABORIGINES, {An Archaeologist Makes Discoveries in Ontario. ~ London, Ont., June 29.--Excava- |tions made during the past two | months at the buried Indian fort on | the farm of R. Lawson, Lot 20, Con- {cession 4, London Township, have | enabled W. Wintonburg, archaeolo- | gist, of Ottawa, to reconstruct the | | {lives of the aborigines of 300 years | ago, better than from observations |at any other historical site in the Supreme? Home Style Cooking Lunch 12 to 2 p.m. Dinner 6 to 8 p.m. A. Tierney, Prop. WILL ANSWER ANY WOMAN Montreal Woman Finds Health by Taking Lydia E. Pi 's Vege- table Compound Montreal, Quebec.--"I was a suf | ferer for three years, mot able to do and FRESH VEGETABLES Pineapples, Strawberries, To- matoes, and all the good things in Spring Vegetables. BON MARCHE GROCERY Cer. Rg ard Earl Streets home 1544. my housework. My husband was | discouraged, for I was no better and | had had the doctor all this time and | nothing helped me. I was always sleepy, had no appetite and suffered | With way left side. My mother in | England recommended Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound be- | cause it had helped my sister, so I | have been taking it. I am now able | to do my housework and I can not praise your medicine too highly as ! I have great hopes for the future. I FOR SALE Military Tents -- Bells and Marquees--at reduced prices. Also new Camp Cots and Chairs, IL. Cohen & Co. 275 Ontario St. Phones 836, 83> will tell anyone who writes to me | what good it has done me."--Mas. E. | Masson, St. Henry P. O., Montreal. | For nea years Lydia E. | PE eats Compound has | been women just as it try It is a woman's m: ne for women's ailments, and ean be taken in safety by any woman. Give sorrow words. The grief that {does not speak whispers to the o'er fraught heart and bids it break. Shantung has an area of 56,000 square miles. ' | i } i : i { i | | WHO WRITES | province of Ontario, The attention iston "merchants is: Business 2 lof the museum department of the | usual," Dominion Day or not. ~ | government was first attracted to | this site, cited as the headquarters | three cenuries ago of the Attawan- | darons, an unwarlike tribe, by Dr. S. | Wolverton, of the city, who had long { taken an interest in it historically | and who had a collection of relics from the spot, Ar AAA AAA AA EXCURSION In order that everyone may be happy on the holiday, there will be An excursion te Jenkins' Store on Saturday to give everyone a chance of seeing and purchasing s lovely Ties, Caps and Outing Apparel. Everybody invited. Tickets FREE, | | J | al ~---- tn Should the Kingston branch of the {G.W.V.A., accompanied by the mayor | of Kingston, ever visit Watertown on the 4th of July (even if it did hap- | pen to fall on a Saturday) would the | | Watertown merchants adopt the { |same slogan? i F. GRACE It is thought that the impression | THE A. B. C. WASHER Let us loan you one free for next washday. "THE ELECTRIC SHOP" Phono 1543 115 Brock Street taken away by our American cousins | on this occasion will hardly bear com- | | parison with those gained by a visit | a city in the United States on to any city son vim sone hTe terms "Dominion Day" to a | Canadian and "Independence Day' | to an American should be synony- mous. Most Up-to-Date Restaurant Excellent service, Meals at all hours. Yours very truly, --THE GREAT WAR VETERA) ASSOCIATION, Kingston Branch. --N. TURNER, Sec.-Treas. D.R.A. AND LEAGUE UNITE. Reasonable prices. | The coolest spot in town, where only : fully prepared 331 KING STREET. KINGSTON, ONT, CAN. Hew Cnpland Gafe the best fn well selected and care. food is merved. Private Phone 655. Public Phone 527 Rifle Association Takes Over Work of Canada Rifle League. In interests of economy and effi-| clency the Dominion of Canada Rifle| Association, founded in 1868, and the Canadian Rifle League, another organization, formed for the encour- agement of rifie shooting in the mil- itia, have now amalgamated. The Dominion of Canada Rifle { Association will retain its identity, jand in addition to its present func- tions will carry on with and expand the work which has been done in the past by the Canadian Rifle League. The Dominion of Canada Rifle As- sociation has completed arrange- ments for the annual competitions of the association to be held at Con- naught Ranges, Ottawa, during the week of Aug. 14th, and a most suc- cessful meeting of the rifiemen is ex- pected. Competitions as in the past car- ried out by the Canadian Rifle League will be included in the pro- gramme of the Dominion of Canada Rifle Association, and every eacour- agement is being given to cadets to compete in the various competitions. -- Shanghai was opened gar foreign trade in 1843, MEN'S SHIRTS in Silk and Pongee, with or without collar. All sizes ranging in prices $1.35, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50 MEN'S SILK HOSE in all shades and sizes 75¢. d | KHAKI TROUSERS MEN'S OXFORDS Brown, latest style Not long ago | fl J 8 For the Holiday Lumber Bargains We still have a quantity of 1" T. and G. used Pine and 2" used rough Hemlock and Pine, which we are selling at very low prices S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and « = Streets, KINGSION, Ont. Office Phone 668, Xa Phone 1415. Wellington ctory er rn a -- Holiday Attire! It needs Canvas Shoes to be complete. We have them in White, Brown and Combina- tions, high or low, leather or rubber soles, for Men and Boys. Prices from . . .... . $1.98 up. See them at: JACK. JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231]. 70 Brock Street INSURED AND STORED Gourdier's BROCK STREET, bs The only thing in a YH Suit for a boy who is TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) Ny MIDDY BLOUSES with Flannel and Serge Collars and Cuffs; all sizes, From......., ceriiiinn.....$1.25up GINGHAM DRESSES--the kind that look well and give satisfactory wear. At. ($2.95, 93:50 ard $4.00 COOL UNDERWEAR in all the want. ed styles. Vests from 25c. up. Bloomers from 39c., and Combinations special at 79c. a suiz. COTTON, SILK and LISLE STOCK. GS--a great variety, from .25¢. a pair up BATHING SUITS and Children, W. N. Linton & Co. ly Phone 191, The Waldron Store. 3 ---- for Men, Women 4 8