TH E DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1922, . FOXES The new colors, beautiful, fine, fluffy, silky, Canadian. $30 and upwards. JOHN McKAY, Limited Manufacturing Furriers 149-157 Brock Street Kingston, Ont. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | I THE WEEK-END THE PICNIC DESSERT FOR DON'T FORGET Oh Henry! CROTHERS Wherever Candy is Sold Established 1860. KINGSTON --" "FOR SALE Frame House, gas for lights and cooking, toilet, rated, Division Street Brick house, electric lights, gas, Montreal Street Frame House, 9 rooms, 4 bedrooms, electric lights, gas, 3 plece bath, hot water heating, partly furnished, Division Street ..$5,000 i POR newly deco- 3 piece bath, hot air furnace, a 2 3 deco 5. zates. i RH. Waddell 4 terms and further NINE OUT OF TEN QUEEN'S MEN PASS THE COUNCIL Kingston Medical 3tudents Highly Successful in Dom= inion Examinations. { The results of the recent Domin-| {fon cotncil examinations announced | | Friday, show that Queen's graduates are maintaining the high standard of | the college, pract y duplicating the results of last year when a very creditable standing was made. Inj the dominion examinations held] i this year, of the ten graduates of the | | local college who wrote, nine were | successful. Of this number, all who | {took their entire course of medical | |studies with the year of Medicine| {'22 received the standing. There were forty-eight suc sful candid- sates in Canada. These certificates { quality the doctors to practice in {any part of Canada. | The following are those who pass- ed:' C. W. Aitcheson, Lougheed, Alta.; G. Bicum, Sombra; C. M. Ey- non, Ottawa; H. Featherston, Otta- wa; N. V. Freeman, Inverary; A. E. Friend, Wolfe Island; B. E, Knapp, {\Brockville; C. W. White, Prince Al- bert, Sask.; R. G. Yoerger, Hum-| boldt, Sask. | It is understood that the Ontario | department council results' of the { Ontario council examinations, which |are expected to be announced in the course of a few days, will also be] gratifying to the staff of the local { college. . Thirty-two of the local col- | lege graduates wrote these tests. | | KINGSTONIAN RECEIVES LETTER VIA AEROPLANE Wi. H. Norris Has an interest- ing Report on Conditions Around Lethbridge. W. H. Norris, of this city, on Sat- | | | { | { | | | {urday morning, received a letter via | aeroplane, from his son-in-law, Arth- | ur Dowsley, Lethbridge. The en-| | velope was marked, "Greeting via| | the First Canadian Air Mail Plane," {and was dated at Lethbridge, June {20th. The mail went by aeroplane | from Lethbridge to Ottawa, and {came on by rail from the capital to Kingston. In his letter, Mr. Dowsley states that the crops are fairly good, in fact the crops in the south are bet- {ter than the north. ama WR FOR SALE Garage business In village about 20 miles from Kingston with population of 800. Centre of good farming community. Price includes stock, tools, etc. For information SATURDAY THRIFTY HOUSEWIVES TAKE NOTICE ! Creamery Butter Island Rolls (limited quantity) nrkahukahak hahahah apply at office. TO LET Street West -- Frame 7 rooms and toflét, newly ed. Immediate possession. $16.00 per month, includes water Magic Baking Powder (Saturday only) P Shredded Wheat Cholee Piak Salmon .. Kippered Snacks Rolled Oats <6 Ibn. 23e. White Rose Flour (24 lbs.) $1.15 Week-end Cookies 3 Strictly Fresh Egzs (Mathews) Pure Lard Tea, with the flavor Ice Cream Bricks and Cones, Cullen's CASH AND CARRY ALFRED and PRINCESS 8T3. nauk King u 3 for 27e. Adhd Ad lat--Ear] Street--Unfurnished iving room, dining room, bath room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, hard- floors, electric light. Terms on application. ; Victory Bonds % Bought and sold 1 86 Dreek St ohiuthubahakak And 2 for 28e. J ' | Taylor, solo, Dr. - LEAVING KINGSTON from Randolph Hotel - ARRIVING GANANOQUE LEAVING GANANOQUE | ARRI RINTING PHONE 243 BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO., Limited Of Every Description. RUNNING DAILY--BUS SERVICE KINGSTON TO GANANOQUE TWICE DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY) 8.30 am, 3.30 pm, « 830 am, 430 pm. 10.00 am, 5.00 pm. 11.00 am, 600 pm. H. YEOMANS, PHONE 2233). PLEASANT WATER TRIPS POPULAR STR. BROCKVILLE MONDAY, JUNE 26ih--Nurses Alum Hotel Dien, Moonlight Excursion to Clayton. . time). Leaves 7.30 p.m. TUESDAY, JUNE 27th---Regular trip to Pictes, 5.00 pm. (city time), FRIDAY, JUNE 30th--Regular trip to Picton, 5.00 p.m. (city time). SATURDAY, JULY lst--Regslar trip by time) | SUNDAY, JULY 2nsRegular t fo Alexandria Bay 200 p.m. (eity ud trip, 75¢c.; children, 50e. y, 2.00 pam. (elty )s home 5.00 p.m. Fare: Rou to Alexandria Ba time). Home 9.00 p.m. t Round trip, 75¢.; children, SOc. ¥, JULY Sré--8t. Mary's pic nie to Brophy's Poin "There is quite an oll excitement undercurrent here," says Mr. Dows- ley, "as the Montana oil field is al-| most up ty» our line at Cotts, which | is on the boundary. In the last nine- | ty days, there has been put in about | thirty rigs. In a month there will be others coming in. All the geolo- | gists claim the field extends over this side. If it does, I expect to do very well. We have irrigation, coal and wheat, and oil is the only thing we want to make this a great country." SACRED CONCERT. | At Chautauqua Tent, Cricket Field, Sunday, 8.30 p.m. On Sunday evening at 8.30 o'clock an excellent sacred concert will he held in the big Chautauqua tent on the cricket fleld, in front of the court house. There will be no admission tee, and the public are cordially in- | vited. | The following talent among oth- ers, will take part: Selection, P.W. O.R. band; solo, Miss Jean Chown, selection, PW.O,R. band; plano solos, Harold - F© Packer; selection, P.W.O.R. band; solo, Mrs. L. J. Jerome, address, Principal R Bruce Harold Angrove; solo, Miss Christine Diack; selection, PW.O.R. band. God Save The King. -- Algonquin Days. The indications for a very success. ful season at Algonquin Park this year are gratifying. Many reserva- tions Lave been made at "Ths High- land "pn" and Log Cabin Comps, and inquiries for literature and ac- commodation are coming in rapidly trom residents of the United States, who have heard of this wonderfu! district. It is a territory "Pa; Kx- cellence™ for the summer vacation- ist. 2,000 feet above sea levei, good fishing, boating and bathing. 1t { also offers ideal opportunities for {the amateur photographer, the camper and the cahoe cruiser. Ask Canadian National Grand Trunk ag- ents for a copy of Algonquin Park folder, or write N. T. Clarke, manag. er, Highland Inn, Algonquin Park Station, Ont. ee pet CHURCH SERVICES, Princess Street Mpthodist Church --Rev. John A. "Waddell, minister. Services, 11 am. and 7 p.m. The minister at both services. The Sun- day school 'will meet at 12 o'clock for brief session. Strangers and vis. tors cordially welcomed to all ser- vices, First Baptist Church, Sydenham and Johnston streets--Rev. J. 8. LaFlair, pastor. 10 a.m. Bible school 11 a.m. Sermon Theme, "Spiritual Mountain Climbing." 7 p.m. Sermon Theme, "Seeking Lost Treasure." Services conducted by the pastor. Union St. Church--George. Cowie, B.A. student pastor. 3 p.m. Bibd- le school. 7 p.m. Public Worship. No University Education Needed. The Ottawa Journal says: "Queen's University wil include folk lore, Interpretative and parlor dafc- ing in its summer course, according to a press despatch. Still, many a gay voung flapper with a neatly turned ankle in the four o'clock fa- shion parade on Sparks street Is quite convinced that ome doesn't need a university education to shake a nifty hoof or be accomplished in thé grace of Terpsichore. ! gy | pa Chautauqua Subscribers. | Miss Albott, M. Amodeo. J. M. Bradshaw, W. Baker. C. W. Barnum. M. Bailey. Mrs. G. Ball Miss Daisy Chowne. Mrs. T. R. Carnovsky. Mrs. 0. CHown. Dr. PF. A: Cay Geo. Compton, Miss Christie, R. A. Caughey, Miss Caughey. Gordon Crawford, Jos. Crawford. B. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Coates. Miss Jean Duulop, M. C. Dunn. Miss Devlin. Miss M. Dainty, Hilda Day. Victoria Day. M. Datness. Miss A. Elder H. Fuller. Mrs. Frost. Mrs. R. A. Fraser, C. Gorden. Mrs. J. E. Gow. R. F. Greenless. J. D. Godkin. Miss E. Gardiner H. A. Harling. A. D, Holton. Miss Louise Kirkpatrick. M. Lemmon. Judge Lavell, C. Laidlaw. Mrs. Lyons. Miss Ruth Lyons. Rev. W. 8. Lennon. Dr. McKee, Mrs. M. Macgillivray, W. J. McCallum. Miss L. McCannon. B. V. McGeein: Miss A. McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. H, Martin, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Muliin, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Miller. Mrs. D. B. Murray Mrs. W. T. Minnes. W. Miller. W. Madden. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. D. Minnes. Dr. and Mrs. Gordon N Mylkes. Gordon N. Mylkes, Jr, Helen Mylks, Mrs. Neish, The Misses Neish, Miss Nicol. Mr. and Mis, W. C. Pitte. Mrs. W. Pollock, W. Prentice. Minden Porter, Miss Edith Pense Mrs Phillips. Fred Reid. Frank Reid. Mrs. Herbert Robinson, Mrs. Robinson. Mrs. James Rigney, Mrs. R. T. Reid, Miss Stronache B. Stacey. J. J. Stewart. Chas. Saunders Miss Phyllis Saunders, Miss M. A. Tierney. G. L. Wheelock. Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Waddell, Jean Waddell. -------------- Get Scared. Get scared out of your scare. Dou't | let anyone know if you are afraid. | Business is rapidly returning to the! merchant who isn't.afrald it win not pass him by. It won't pass any | merchant by if he advertises--es- | pecially if he advertises in this news- aper. Cooked Meats. In A. Martin's Litd., advertisement yesterday the cooked meats were omitted. They have a large variety to choose from, either roast, boiled. baked or jellied meats. Thesé mea's are a saver of time and worry for the busy housewife, -------- The want ads take the tragedy ont of the servant's quitting, the secre- tary getting married, or the need for larger business place. Smoke Poet, 5¢ cigar. "The Hat Store" Holiday Hats BUY TO-NIGHT > ' Celebrate in a new Straw or Panama. We have Summer Hats by the hundreds for Men, Ladies and Children. . 'Store closed Monday SIV ETE EAT SVE HH ERNE 1 E July Magazines rOR CAMP AND HOLIDAY READING Ladies' Home Journal, Needlecraft, Pictorial Review, Woman's Home Companion, Modern Priscilla, Family Journal, Classic, Red Book, Good Housekeeping, McClure's, Adventure, Blue Book, Smart Set, Everybody's, Rod and Gun, Popular Mechan- ics, Baseball, Physical Culture, etc., etc, THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE PHONE 919, OPEN NIGHTS a ---------- » PREPARE FOR THE HOLIDAY A Dip in the Deep 's the Correct Way to Cool Off} BATHING SUITS Ladies' All-Wool Bathing Suits -- one piece, in all the smart, new styles; plain colors and fancy trimmed. "We have the garment you are looking for at the right price. All sizes. TO-NIGHT .. .$4.50 and $4.95 each BOYS' JERSEYS guiseye, just the thing for the summer vacation. Lasy to wash. rown and Orange, Navy and Red, and Navy. TO-NIGHT ...... ~.. 50c. EACH NOVELTY NECKWEAR We are showing a big range of ~ dainty Neckwear in White and colors; new styles in Collars, also Collar and Cuff Sets and Sports Bandeau ...... Popular Priced LADIES' SILK HOSE in Black, White, Brown and Navy ; all sizes. Regular $1.75, TO-NIGHT Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE Cotton White, SOX FOR TOTS A big range to choose from, in plain colors and with fancy tops. All sizes 25c. to 50c. pair MILLINERY We deal exclusively in models made by the master designers of Canada, Hats trimmed and remodelled. Parisian Shop 332 Brock Street REAL ESTATE LIVINGSTON AVE.--New brick semi-bun- galow, 8 rooms, all modern. Lot 66x132, for ..... cere .. $6,000 ALFRED STREET--Double frame dwelling, with extra lot, 6 rooms each, with deép lot, for ail i von... $5,100 UPPER WILLIAM STREET--Semi-detach- ed brick, with 7 rooms and all improve- mentsfor .............,. 0... 33,800 BUILDING LOT on Upper William Strest-- 30x30, for. ....... ss sins ine + STS0 HOUSES FOR RENT 3.00--43 James Street. 3.00--133 Queen Street. 5.00--83 Upper York Street, 5.00--43 Ordnance Street. Money to loan. Fire Insurance. sss nae BITUARY | Late Miss Emily Cleary. Miss Emily Cleary passed away at {the Hotel Dieu on Friday morning. land the funeral took place from | James Reid's undertaking parlors to $1 | 8t. Mary's cathedral Saturday morn- ing, where a solemn requiem mass $1 | was sung for the repose of her soul, $1 {by Rev. Father Hanley. Interment | was made at St. Mary's cemetery. $1 Late Miss Mildred Hawkins. {| Miss Mildred Hawkins passed | away at the residence of her par- {ents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hawkins, | lon Thursday. She was twenty-two {years of age. The funeral took | place to the Sacred Heart church on | Saturday morning, under the dir- | ection of James Reid, undertaker, {and a solemn requiem mass {sung by Rev. Father Fallon. | casket was banked with floral i spiritual offerings from numerous relatives and friends. Late Samuel M. Irish. Samuel Myles Irish, aged fifty- seven years, passed away at his resi- dence, at the corner of Division and Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords sewn leather soles, Cuban heels. Al sises $1.95 $3.45 Growing Olivia'. New Flapper, wide strap, ope Reis ¥ Mnphents he Seneat style, » t heels; Pat. ent Leather, Black Kid. All shaes 23% te 7 in eneh style THERE sEv nay Ellice streets, on Saturday morning. The remains were conveyed to Ver- ona by James Reid, undertaker, and the funeral will take place there on Monday. ---------------- Among the Islands, Down the Canadian channel, through the Admiralty Group, pass Fiddler's elbow, one hour at Alex- andtia Bay, returning by American channel, passing Thousand Island park and Clayton. Steamer Broek- ville leaves ferry dock every Satur day and Sunday, 2 p.m. city time, Home at 9 p.m. Fare round trip, | {adults 75 cents, children 50 cents. Ladies' Brown Calf Oxfords .. ....... Ladies' Brown Calf Straps Ladies' Binek Kid Straps adios' Black Kia Oxfords $1004 ADIES WHITE PUMPS, HIGH MEBLS Misses' White Canvas Be ota, leather soles. Obiidren's White Canvas Boots, leather soles. $1 00 S. J. MARTIN i8® PRINCESS STRENT _r< . PHONE sie