Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Jul 1922, p. 2

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WHIG. WEDNESDAY, JULY 5) ume, ci THE DAILY BRITISH IG. DEC DT THE: 10 Hols me. os ee oo ; aces FRE WIPES OUT THE [ioc Se CENTRE OF BLOCK ., , iercoime Soves. - . »- {7.30 o'clock, after three hours' very } @® {Continued From Page 1) hard work for the firemen. At two -- | o'clock Wednesday alternoon a fire : ; Quite a Landmark. | was smouldering in the ruins. Chief | Finkle's livery stable, which is a | Armstrong and three of his men were | : | total wreck, was quite a landmark, at the scene, ane one line of hose was | all desirable pelts, at {and there 5 aie a teresting his- [in use. FOR CAMP AND HOLIDAY READING j tory attached to it! which was recall- | Dr. G. W, Bell's son managed to | interesting prices. led to a representative of the Whig {get intno his father's office and save . {by some of the oid residents on Wed- | his books, but nothing else. Dr. Bell | Ladies Home Journal, Needlecraft, Pictorial Review, Woman's | Tas : |Resday morning. In the sixties, this carried insurance on his premises. w. est : . ; | . ro . . Always the lat ipaiiding wie used oer sie ras joie akan al NS iN ns Home Companion, Modern Priscilla, Family Journal, Classic, A 1 Dt was: s stable thal ths horses ® ; 2 : . xreations, [it ug 30 his 21avle thu 148 Sores |and this building, with the contents, Red Book, Good Housekeeping, McClure's, Adventure, Blue : 31 ; and Toronto. When tro siapaciiesl | Some of the housss next to the Book, Smart Set, Everybody's, Rod and Gun, Popular Mechan- and Toronto. When the stages arriv- | pipet Congregational church, on |ed in Kingston, fresh horses for the | Johnson street, suffered from the . . Journey were secured at this livery. |fipe, The damage was in the rear ics, Baseball, Physical Culture, etc., etc, -- portion, a A number of small sheds in the im- | Buildings Were Ignited. mediate vicinity of the livery stable | ere ocho the sparks wa the | OT 810 desired THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE | were touched:by The sparks wae the All Wednesday alternopn there |Sarage and shed owned by D. J. was a steady stream of citizens visit- PHONE 919. : , OPEN NIGHTS ' . . Millan 80 Earl street, wach A 1 ' 1 JOHN McKAY Limited |caught fire shortly after the main i sens of fe Bee: w Kee' ® | conflagration had reached its peak 1 . Tear portion o ° to's . th = {Mr. Millan was awakened by the| Bindery wag 11. a very dangerous con . 1 7 - Manufacturing'Furriers | an wi dition, 'and 1t was feared that a por. g | Finglng of his 'door-bell by a neigh- | (0 of the structure would collapse. 148.1K7 Brock Straat - - Kingston, Ont. {bor, and he found that several large | yoo were engaged watching the 'IJ | sparks had started a minor blaze on {damaged property {the roof of his shed. A ladder was| a Scrutton, who owns and oceu- | obtained, and a few pails of water | i es 114 Cla treet, was out of | brought the fire under conrtol. Ther | pies 1 Clarence street, was - Bo the ee ! [the city at the time of the fire, His {t k Sarason started, but after | ioe and children were able to get | considerable anxiety 'was experienc-|.,me of the furniture out of the od, the blaze was extinguished. Mr. | ouse Maun, truck was stanging ind . Finkle's office was saved, the shed, but fortunately, this escap- although .a portion of it suffered as | €d the sparks' . it. | a result of the water poured Into it. Even with the little breeze pre- Thomas Ponting, who works at the vailing during the fire, the cinders Clarence street garage, had 5 f | | and eparks were carried away Past ters over 130 Clarence street. He Ear] Street, and it is needless to | stated that he was aroused by one of mention what might have happened | pq neighbors and had time to gat [1 a strong gale had been raging. his wife =nd two children out to safe- Every householder in the vicinity ty. His quarters were badly dam- | of the fire had a hote spreading wat- | ygeq through water. FOR THE WEEK-END er over the houses and buildings | A number of books: stored in the] Newman & Shaw THE PICNIC DOtSREY OC within their own particular range, | Sunday school room at the First | ; and this aided the firemen a 800d | Congregational church and belong- | ! The Big Dry Goods DON'T FORGET jens in preventing the spread of the ing to the Kingston library ware | . flames. i damaged. Se -- At the First Church of Christ, and Loss of Washings. | Scientist, Johnson street, the shin- . | iti ; ir "waspea' | 8188 On the roof caught fire several | cb f Many citizens lost their "wasnee | fines. | House Furnishings Store, when the laundry of Wah Kee went | y k ® | up 1n 8moke, but tow were more un. | Ihe firemen wish to return thanks , = i istrint . : fortunate than one well known per- [Io several people in ° the distri | Where they say it with ¢ 1 'i- ERS Whereyer Candy is Sold KINGSTON son who Had taken an extra quant- [ohare ing Bie onturred, he supp'i ity of his children's clothes to the | " ' Established 1869, . | The one lone horse that escaped | 3 Mwaany Just before it closed 1st | prom the fire suffered severe burns, | ght. i but it is stated that the animal is re- | -- al -~ ~ " = esses Even at that the luck was not ail {against Wah Kee, as he had orders {cor 7inS YelevinATy Sars #nq wi . ed a ton of coal from James Carl Bell, son of Dr. W. G. Bell, | Swift and Company, but owing to whose house siffered as a result of yt | rush of orders the black diamonds | 4 fire, stated that his wife had | Frame House, gas for lights and cooking, toilet, newly deco- [lf | Were not delivered yesterday. been ill and that he was up attend- | rated, Division Street «vas JS1100 Every lover of animals will be | ng her when he noticed the fire. Ha | Brick house, electric lights, gas, 3 piece bath, hot air furnace, [ll 80rry to hear of the death by burn- | immediat 'y telephoned to "central" Montreal Street ; Ing of the horses in Finkle's livery | and raised a general alarm. Frame House, 9 rooms, 4 bedrooms, electric lights, gas, 3 piece stables. The panic of these Animals| Much sympathy was extended to bath, hot water heating, partly furnished, Division Street ..$5,000 during a 'fire's well-known, and Mr. Finkle, Dr, Bell and all the a 'e the only horse saved, ran out of the sufferers. M. P. TRUMPOUR fre, 1%" When Ka wil cane |" on 'ii siden, much prates was fire. heard for the work of the firemen. If . "Phones 704 or 1461w It is perhaps just as well that the | the wind had kept up the fire would | {fire did not start in the same block have taken in a much larger area. | as the government venders' store, of | Alfred Pierce, or "Alfle," as he is Tr TT the "loss" might have been much, known by his host of friends aroun FOR SALE 1 greater. the city, and former mascot of Fire insurance agents were at the | Queen's football team, and who was | ' 4 §cene in the early hours of the morn- | night watchman at the livery stabla, Wig ey " Kuss Ing estimating the probable losses to [stated that he could give no ante] with population of 800. Centre of the companies they represented. for the fire. Just'a short time prev- | good farming community. Price With the flavor~excellent includes stock, tools, ete. For quality do i a Among the horses lost by Mr. |ious to the fire breaking out, he had | Finkle was a very fine driver which |been on his rounds, he said, and | terms and further information Was very much admired ty Thorse|that at that time everything was all | apply at office. 43¢c 1b lovers in the city, Every morning | right. | : . it was the custom of Mr. Finkle ta The record at the fire hall shows. TO LET drive out to-the west end of the city. | that the alarm was sent into the firs \ King Street West -- Frame > = NAA, house, 7 rooms and toilet, newly SHREDDED WHEAT -- hall by telephone at 4.30. An alarm | decorated. Immediate possession 2 for 25c. was sent in from a box near the | $16.00 per month, includes water PINK SALMON Damage Estimated at $75,000, scene of the fire shortly afterwards. | IN MARINE CIRCLES | rates. 1 tv Wednesday forenoon a conser rat- When Chief Armstrong arrived cn Flat--Bar] Sfrest--Unfurnighed J 3 for 27e, oe ssiimale of the loss through ths] 4he geene ho immediately sized up ; ; re was placed at $75,000, the situation and realized that it| The tug Thompson, towing the $2,800--Princess street, detached frame dwelling, 8 living room, dining fom, bath KIPPER SNACKS isi room, do Dedrooms. i ichen, hard. 3 for Se, A large number of citizens visited was serious, and at once notified | barge Hilda, cleared for Montreal on rooms and toilet, cellar, on lot 35 ft. frontage by the scene ot the fire during the Mayor Corbett in order that he might | Tuesday night. 520 ft. depth; large barns and stable, driveway on application. MATHEWS PURE LARD day. ecure all the help possible. The steamer Mapleton arrived up dw 3 : secur P [trom Montreal last night, and clear $3,600--Alfred street, brick dwelling, 10 rooms and : 0 o s 18c¢. Ib. The ruins of the livery stable pre ap : ; Victory Bond Sento a diazial spent lll, Small Fruit for Canning. | ed for the head of the lakes mits oo bathroom, hot air furnace, gas and electrie Bought and sold lights, good yard and right of way, outbuilding. the pile of twisted iron and lumber, Raspberries, strawbertics, blue- | barge Davy in tow. partly burned, could be seen the berries, gooseberries, cherries and | The steamer Kingston arrived $4,700--Victoria street, new detached brick bungalow, 4 <4 9 i u en 5 §|carcases of the horses burned to ourrantseat Carnoveky's. [own this morning from Toronto to 7 rooms and bathroom, hardwood floors theough- 1 ---- ' § [their quarters on the second floor, Fretfulness takes the fragrance| The steamer' Brockville cleared 1 ts; . J |and the stampede among the animals | i all modern conveniences. . ESS 4 out of life, | last night with a cargo of package Phones 2uc-806. 86 Droex St ALFRED aud PRINC STi. ] When the fire brcke out was terrible. sma | [reight for Bay ef Quinte ports, and EASY TERMS, IF DESIRED, Aan nuk thu. Ariba Kingstonians acquainted with tha > is due here today. HOUSES TO RENT: amy | SUTTOURdIngs stated that the stable The government tug Loretta arriv- {was ohie of the most sanitarg in the "The Hat Store" Phan, Yel AR as trip of tha|| $12.00--138 Queen street, 6 rooms and toilet, newly city. It was well equipped in every : | Rideau canal last night, and cleared decorated. way, and was regarded as a first. {this morning from Swift's wharf. $16.00--267 Ear] St., 6 rooms and toilet, newly decor- "Campbell's, the Store for Head Comfort" [class livery for both horses - and Millinery --_-- soon 134 Stephen autos. death in the blaze. The horses had Prescott. t ic li R. H Waddell CASH AND CARRY ont. hot water heating, gas and electric lig : LINES : g 8 St., 7 rooms and bath li i KINGSTON Is CHOSEN. ' , 848 lighting AT POPULAR PRICES | $28.00--382 Broek St. 8 rooms and bath Black a Fire Trap. or{ithe Dominion Postal C13 ks' August 1st. ? » Possession Chist Armstrong, in his plan of [N--"""Convention Next Year. . the city, had this Clarence street | @esrge B. Scott, of the local post $36.00--95 Queen St., 9 rooms and bath, hot air furnace block noted as probably the most ah | office staff, has returned from HMHim- E. WwW. M Jmgerons in the eity. It was a verit- J h I{lton, where he r~srresented K ae . N & SON able fire trap, and was a nightmare fod 4 s'on office at the srnual conven (in EXCLUSIVE AGENTS to the chief and his captains, When \e = the Dominion *ostal Clerks' As- Corner Johnson and Division Streets . * the word reached the stations that f sociation. Thera were nearly ine -- ibis block wae on fire, they knew |[ : z hundred delegatas . in attendance, that a big job was ahead of them. 5 ; {und a very busy week was spent die- More than once, residents of the Jusss.ng matters for the good of 'uc block were privately told that if a , scrvace and the employees. real blaze started in the centre of It was largely through the E the block, with the livery stable in- ized «floris of the Postal Eniploves: For all outdoor MEN'S STRAW volved, to pack up their things and [ttat the cost of living bonus wis SAILORS move out. That the fire brigade was . grented ta dominion civil serva iis sports, we have Sble to confine the conflagration as for snother year. This is the place to come for 1lhe Dominion Postal Clerks' coa- your hat. in the les fre gen- your mew Summer Hat. We M|¢-:iior will be held in Kingston asst > gr sty om of the past two weeks were of pate 4 big variety of all kings J} vest. : 50c. up $1.50 up help, as the wooden structures were [Ji ¢ Ver¥ moderate prices. : : ¢ . not wholly dried out. Trimmed Hats ave on sale at HAD A PICNIO. THE NEW CLEOPATRA SANDAL tMrs. Willlam Nichol, who resides balf price and at three-seventy- NEW SUMMER CAPS aL the corner ot Bagot five there 1s & big choles Junior Chiutanqua Went to Lake , their breakfast, Sport Hats in Panama, &c., A hundred carefres glfls and For Men and Boys from ..........50c. up rn. To it Bao uniost cureres - nifiety five. : : nesday morning for Park, i More White Milan Hats were Bi, ionic at Lake Ontario "They ; ' Just put in stock at threes were surprised by Miss Ruth Hib , bell, junior director, and Miss Isabel e Hole in an Awning. Leslie, Nelson street, and a day of . : Some Idea of tho way in which the g 4 rare enjoyment was spent = g 8] were carried trom the scene nenee 11] MIRE | 12keside resort. Ball games, swim. Kingston's Largest Hat Dealers of the fire, is gained from the fact |§ BRA | | ming and other features of the en. that a large bole was burned in an gan ps dp tertainment were much enfoyed 4s, awning at the front of the home of needless to say, was the lunch pro-; | Mrs. Hanley, at 81 Wellington street, - vided on the lawn, :

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