Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jul 1922, p. 2

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TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1923, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SI. LUKE'S BIG PICNIG INTERESTING ADVENTURES | There Were 600 !n Attendance Of Member of Royal Marines, | : --Steamer Had to Make | Who Is Visiting His Bro- | Two' Trips. | ther in Kingston. | | rv : Ideal weather favoured St. Luivsf As worsstias story Sougersing . > |péople on Monday for their annua | the adventures of a young membe i yp' y - | . 28, hap 1 elts at | picnte to Brophy's Point, which Sur-|the famous Royal Marines, who In all desirable P ? Passed all previous efforts in that pens to be visiting his 'brother in direction. Kingston, was brought to light Tues- At 1.30 the first boat cast off Bey day morning, while the Joule sailor lnes at the Brock street wharf, was in conversation with a repres- Laving her compliment of 300 on | entative of the Whig. His Baits aud board, much to the dismay of the |ynit being A. E, Hicks, Royal Mar- crowds left behind who waited pa-|ipe Light Infantry, and his service tiently for the 2.30 steamer. Prompt- | covers a period of eight years afloat. ly at 2.30 this boat left filled to €a- The young sailor has had many ex- pacity. citing adventures, not only during The grounds were splendidly pro- the war, but later, while on cruises pared for this event and Jecn i iu the Mediterranean, around South ladies baseball game was called. t. America, the West Indies, and the Luke's team showed superior conch: | Noten Atlantic. ing and easily defeated St. James' Mr. Hicks arrived in the city on girls by 18 to 8. The Sports were Monday to spend a short leave of then run off, the results being: absence with his brother, Charles Infant class, girls, E. Cooper, A. Hicks, formerly a member of the ex- Webster, B. Kitley; No. 3, boys, 'Ar-loo ive 'Ow VA His ship, the light thur Quick, A. Turpin, T. Kitley; cruiser Constance, one of the units JEIFIS.6 to 8, 5. Webber, V. Coupsr,|or pps Bron rr Atlantic fleet, H. Saunders; boys 6 to 8, C. Quick, | ig now at-Montreal, this port being W. Shepherd, K. Joye; Sirs 8 10) cng of many visited during a cruise 10, F. Webber, G. Murray; boys 9 to which- started in February, 14 GC Hi Cans para it 310 The "vous lor 1 » G gd ; a 0 . | twenty-one--first went to sea in W. Ware, T. Lindsay; girls 14 and | "°0tY 1914, and he was on the cruiser over, F. Rogers, H. McKane; boys sti duty to the fleet 14 and over, (handicap) H, Pen- Majestic on escort y of vessels which transported the Bock, G. Reid; teachers' race, Miss First Canadian Contingent to Eng- McCullagh, Miss Newton; three-leg- land. Though neither wes =ware of ged race, Connor and Thouplon; the fact until over a year later, the | are rg Boneh Batied ladle older brother, Charles, was on the The prizes given were of a very steamer Cassandra at this time as a member of the 2nd Battalion, C.E. THE BEST SUMMER NUMBER EVER PUBLISHED ON SALE SATURDAY CONTRIBUTORS: Cynthia Stockley, Kathleen Norris, Ring W. Lardrer, Arthur Train, Gouverneur Morris, Meredith Nicholson, Montague Glass, Peter B. Kyne, Lillian Russell, George Ade, P. G. Wodehouse, H. C. Wit- wer, Frank R. Adams and Others, ...JHE COLLEGE BOOK STORE KOOLWEARABLES latter vessel figured prontinently in DAYS the Jutland engagement previous to ' this, : ng Hicks saw a great deal of NEW VOILE DRESSES in pretty, flufty styles in plain col service during the war, not the ors, fancy figures and Swiss Dots; made with pretty Collars and Girdles of Organdie; also narrow Ribbon Belts in long waisted interesting prices. Always the latest (0A TS creations, NE EY | JOHN McKAY, Limited Manufacturing Furriers 149-157 Brock Street - - Kingston, Ont, After three years of silence CYNTHIA STOCKLEY has written another thrilling novel--PONJOLA--a story of love and gold and a woman's fight for a strong man's sbul. A treat for lovers of stirring fiction, only } | | | | TRULY A WONDERFUL AND UN. USUAL EATING COMBINATION A delicious nougat centre, dipped in nut taffy, milk chocolate covered. high grade and delighted the win- F. Rather a peculiar coincidence oc. ni curred at the end of the war, when the two brothers returned to Can- ada, one looking forward to civilian life, on the g¢teamer Saxenia, and the other a member of the Marines on he cruiser uke of Edinburgh. This ners. After tea was served, an ex- citing baseball game was played bry the boys' teams. The rector, Rev. J. deP. Wright, then called upon the congregation and children for threo hearty cheers for the officers and teachers of the school, who did so much to make the picnic a spleadid success. $ Wherever Candy is Sold Established 1869. CROTHERS KINGSTON Oh H enry | Arn By Cheques From H. ©. Nickle For Services Rendered on Al was quiet at the police station and at the fire station on Tuesday morning for there was no done in the police cells and no fire alarms Were rung in at the stations. least of which were the unfortunate engagements at the Dardanelles. His ship, the Majestic, arrived there shortly after escorting the Canadian contingent across the Atlantic, and she was one of the three battleships sunk in the Straits. Hicks was one of the few survivors, Mr. Hicks is paying his firet visit to this part of Canada, and he is de- lighted with the country. He leaves Saturday. That effects, with pretty necks and sh Mauve, Sky, Periwinkle and Honeydew. All sizes. ort sleeves. Colors Green, Priced from * $5.50 to $16.50 SMART GINGHAM DRESSES in a variety of pretty styles --Organdie and self trimmed, with pretty Collars and narrow Belts. Green. All sizes, e shown in small Checks and broken Plaids in all the wanted colors: Mauve, Red, Sky, Priced from Black and White and on the 18th to rejoin his ship, © NEW ARRIVALS IN DAINTY SILK UNDERWEAR in Crepe de Chene and Washable Satin, Combinations, Camisoles and Step-Ins, beautifully trimmed with fine lace insertions and tucks. Colors Flesh and White. Priced from. J... sees $2.08 to $10.00 oo $3.50 to $8.50 ey | might have made the men feel hap- Sis FOR SALE py, but in addition each of the or- ganizations had received substantial : cheques from H. C. Nickle, superin- } IN MARINS CIROLES GENERAL STORE AND DWELLING and one acre land, in wood, tendent of the K. P. & C. E. Riy, | % Y thriving village, on Provincial high way, In 1021 turnover wag $17,137.05. Company, for their assistance dur- Also gas tank, oil and automobile supplies extra, Revenue from this ing the fire which threatened the car store tnd of the busi $1080.00, ¥ Fost Yiite wi aii barns on Sunday morning. Mr. Nick- Shon. Oftice $750. a Te 2nd BX ture, Foy ; Ay 910,000.00, This le was greatly pleased at the splen- business can be greatly increased, as it is in good farming section and ne There, was a stiff gale on the lake last night, which reged until early this morning. Considerable debris was washed up on the various whary- es during the storm, and when one of the local excursion steamers return ed to the city at night the heaww seas made the landing 'rather dif- ficult, The steamer Kingston arrived down from Toronto this morning and cleared for Prescott. $ The steamér Glenellah arrived here from the head of the lakes with package freight and cleared for Montreal, The steamer Beaverton arrived up from Montreal with freight for tne head of the 'lakes. The steamer Brockville arrived down to-day with freight frem Bay of Quinte ports. -------- Damaged wheat, 50c. per bag, two bushel bag. Bring your own bags. Apply Jas. Richardson & Sons, foot of Princess street. "Billy" McDonald, son of Prof. J. ¥. McDonald, Stuart street, had the misfortune to meet with a painful ac- cident when he fell from his bicycle and fractured his arm. Every good deed that we do is not did way Chief Armstrong and his opposition. men had confined the fire to the ad- P TRUMPOUR Joining building, and testified his appreciation in a way that will in- Phones 704 or 1461w MOTOR RUGS. For Launch or Car--100% pure wool--pretty Plaids Crease the police and firemen's funds. s,s THE FUNERAL ON MONDAY Remains Laid To Rest~~Was a Masonic Service, The funeral of the late Wiliam Andrew King took place from the family residence, Stanley street, to Cataraqul cemetery at 2.30 p.m., Monday, under Masonic auspices. There wags a very large attendance of brethren from the various Masonle bodies with which the deceased was actively identified, as well as a large representation from the Inde- / pendent Order of Oddfellows. Rey. Handy bath size ...7 for 25c, Dr. Jordan officiated and the rellg- " ious service was very impressive. Sani-Flush (large) The casket was banked With beautt. , small ful flowers from relatives, and ©'Cndlar OM ( ) {riends and the fraternal orders, O'Cedar Oil (large) ..... .48c¢, testifying to the esteem and affec- tionate regard in which deceased was held. There was unfiversal regret over his loss and sympathy with the bereaved relatives, After the service the cortege pro- ceeded to Oataraqui cemetery where interment was made. The pall bear- ors were: Frederick Crozier, Vietor Bryant, Thomas King, Wiliam King, George Van Horne, and Frank Lud- low. R. J. Reld & Sons were in charge of the funeral arrangements. a ---------------- Funeral of Late Mrs, Sova. The funeral of the late Mrs. Dan- iel Sova took place from the resi- dence of her daughter, Mrs. John McKegney, 65 Rideau street to St. Marys' Cathedral, on Tuesday meorn- ing, where a solemn requiem mass Was sung for the happy repose of her soul. There was a large attendance Of relatives and friends. The casket was banked with beautiful flowers from numerous relatives and the spiritual . offerings were numerous, James Reid, er, was in charge of the funera] arrangements, and the pall bearers were the four sons of deceased, Frederick, Malcolm and John Sova and Walter Corey. ---------- Struck the Tax Rate. The Portsmouth council met on Monday to strike the assessvient rate Newman & Shaw Kingston's Big House F urnishings Store y p b 8 acres land, beside G. T. R. 4 .and C. P. R. tracks, including b 12 roomed stone house, also a J +7 roomed frame house; very i$ euitable site for manufacturing ' plant. For terms, etc., apply at "office. $3100 -- Toronto Street -- § frame Bungalow, 5 rooms, 3- & Plece bath, cement cellar, hot alr furnace, electric light, hard- Wood floors, large size lot. All kinds of Insurance at 3 lowest rates. Brooms Again Another shipment of fine qual- TOILET ROLLS 1,000 rolls, large size, 6 for 29¢, SALE All Millinery at Reduced Prices. Hats Trimmed sud Remodelled. Parisian Shop REAL ESTATE QUEBEC STREET--3 good properties at bargain prices: 1st--Detached frame dwelling, 8 rooms, B. and C., electric light, hot water heating, for 2nd--Detached Frame Bungalow, 5 rooms, hardwood floors, 3- Piece bath, electric light and good garden. 3rd--Detached Brick Bungalow, § rooms, all improvements. only a present pleasure, but a sup- 3 EARL STREBT--Détached brick dwelling, 8 rooms, all modern, port for the future, Go for ..... ais - + -85,100 Don't try to get a job by radio-- ; JOHNSON STRBEET--Détach. ---- ed frame dwelling, § rooms, electric Use the classified adver- light, improvements, good garden, for *, .. HOUSES FOR RENT New, detached -buhgalow, all modern, hardwood floors, sun parior, for Fn . No. 144 York Street--brick dwelling, all modern, with gar- den, for . $36.00 No. 301 Collingwood Street--frame, electric light, B. and teseserannae. $20.00 CASTILE BOAP._ bought and Victory Bonds SeaRAr Li rare not yet. tisements, EAA AANA AA PA APA. a Poi . Canon W. F. FitzGerald, St. Paul's church, left on Tuesday for Toronto. The county high school entrance results are expected to be published next Monday. Mr. Swalne, plano tuner, orders received at 100 Clergy street w Phone 564w. James Baxter, Winnipeg, is visit- ing in the city, the guest of his bro ther, Willlam Baxter, 15¢ Rideau street. 'The Hat Store" C., to Seconn o Money to loan on first mortgages. Fire Insurance at lowest rates In best companies, Rents collected. "eee Up to the minute Business requires above all else Efficiency A son was born In St. Vincent de Paul hospital, Brockville, on Sun- day, to Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Ar- thur, Toronto. - Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Roblin, Bel- leville, are moving to Kingston, Mr.| =~ Roblin having acceted a = position with Anglin & Co. - Lorne Trotter, Detroit, Mich. who attended the funeral of his mother, Mrs. C. W. Trotter on Friday last, A number of American tourists came over from Cape Vincent on Sunday for motor trips through the surroinding distriot. - Damaged wheat, 50c. per bag, two bushel bag. ' Bring your own bags. You cannot be efficient if your glasses are forgotten and left on the parlor table at home when you need them that minute at the office. Why not have TWO pair, one on your desk for the year. It wil be rections i 3 : the same as last year, viz, thirty- at your place of business an one pair nine mills, divided as follows: Coun- at home ? ty rate, eight mills; public school Let us duplicate the pair you are us- rate, fifteen mills; village rate, six- teen mills; separate school rate fonr. ing. We can do so from your present lenses, : h Miss Jennie Baxter, 'nurse-in-train- ing, Buffalo, N.Y, is spending her vacation in the city, the guest of her parents, Mr. ind Mrs. William Bax- ter, teen mills. James Halliday, reeve presided, and the proceedings were -- ~Girl Guides Off to The Girl Guides leave for their | two weeks camp at Beau Rivage this SAME STYLE ALSO WITH ENAMBLLED HEEL A : J. S.Asselstine, D.0S. | ag te Soe jo que Wind : PRICED ' Se alg ; mEcusTEREDOPTOMETMET © ly in the day. the girls loaving ut ¢ | EP---- ral Ss. J. R IN LAD WHITE CANVAS ONE STRAP, WITH as COVERED LOW HEEL, CED AT , "PHONE 1019w, } iiss What do you need for your radio set? Advertise in a classified. 4 x o'clock. Fifty fn all will go trom |B 343 KING STREET Kingston. ; 180 PRINCESS STREET -

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