Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jul 1922, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. i. ------ ee -- Sasi ee ---- === Ee ---- | MLK ORE OF THE CALSES HIGHLAND CADETS IN cop LA UGH WITH LEACOCK | OF SPREAD OF DISEASE They Feel That Thelr Efficien-| A B E R N E T H Y S cy Depended on a Gath MY DISCOVERY [An Address by or. B. J. Gara . ering. | For a splendid example of deter- OF ENGLAND | . Club. mination and tensity of purpose many | | -- organizations might to advantage "Milk is one of the most prolific Study the success achieved by the St. . r STE IN LEACOCK jcauses of the spread of disease and [Andrew's Highland Cadets, who are BY: STEPHEN - 1.5 : all milk should be obtained from | now encamped near Collin's Bay on This new book is the result of his tour of England, certified herds, or be sterilized or fe ideal place of ground generously | pastenrized," declared Dr. 'R. - | provided by Mr. Galloway, Scotland, and the author has great fun in : Wales and Sc d Inspector, Interviewer [Gardiner, in a most instructive ad- This little corps is held together ag tan Batley Suwon ivan, alin. {dress before the Kiwanis Club at the entirely by the enthusiastic esprit- A Audience, etc. LEACOCK'S fun is sly and penetrating, | weekly luncheon in the Hotel Fron. Janey 0 fe JetMiRic api: but at the same time there are keenness of perception and jtenac on Monday. Dr. Gardiper [only train as cadets in order to fit {quoted from such Investigators as themselves for the defence of their . iting. p just comment as well as entertainment in his writing [Farks and Corbett who gave 'MPOrt- country but also pride themselves on OFFERS YOU MANY OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE | ant statistics showing the relation of serving the community in any good ¢ 3 1 bovine tuberculosis to infant mor- Work where their services can be [tality, The menace is a very real one utilized. The boys glory in the fact > [to infants, who contract such dis- {that their uniform stands for ser- ow 0. {eases as tuberculosis, scarlet fever, vice to the community and to the ® |dlarrhoea, lock-jaw, foot and mouth {country and seem to welcoms the op- | disease, septic sore throat and | portunity to prove by hard work the {t¥phoid. The speaker Was of the [truth of this statement, | opinion that bovine tuberculosis was Notwithstanding the fact that the Very prevalent and it was amly |8overnment has decided to cancel the | through the consumption of raw milk | cadet camp at Barriefield the High- that it was communicated. 'Milk fs | landers considered that the efictency | the only animal food that we take in [of their corps depended on one and | 'S the raw state but it is of all the arti. | providing their own rations have or- ! eo Je p clés of food the most contaminated (ganized a camp of their own. | p - g i 1 4 French Bead and most dangerous to health, said | The corps proceeded to camp 9 He. {Monday morning in automobiles pro- OPTICAL . B "You have in Kingston probably {vided by the Rotary Club, and are | ags the best milk bylaw of any city as far {now engaged in the drills and exer. | was formerly in charge of W. D, J [2s it goes, tor, it Properly carried out |cises which are to increase their effis- GRAHAM, R.O., who 1s now the danger would be somewhat re. |lency as a unit of the Canadian mili- duced, but even then you have. not |iia. Sonnected with this office, $9.50 80t gafe milk. Dr. Gardiner traced | The following is the camp staff: His former patients will be the milk from the herd to the eon. {Camp Commandant, the warrant | looked after by him. All re. Sumer and related instances of dis- officer in charge; Camp Adjutant, | pairing, broken lenses, etc., will eased cattle, bad dairy conditions and Cadet Lieut. K. Bews; Camp Quare be attended to. {showed the constant liability to con- | termaster, C8. M. J. Tweddell; Camp : ee, } |tamination throughout the channels | Sergt.-Major, Sergt. E. Pigeon. We hope to serve you in the These are exceptional value | J [ot delivery. It is noteworthy that 'the day's There were methods, however, of [work commences and ends with and regularly sell at $16.00, rendering milk safe. The first w (prayer, and this alone testifies to the | $18.00 and $20. |to take it from only certified herds {high ideals which govern the training | © catile. THis called for most of the cadets, who, it is confidently | : : . Six only to clear as worough inspection. But the surest | expected, will develop tots manly Special money-saving bargains in Men's, Women's and $0.50 BACH Way to deal with milk was either to |loyal, God-fearing, broad-minded Child ' S F sterilize it in the bottles in whieh it {Canadian gentlemen. lidren s ummer ootwear. is dellvered by placing them in water eet or : " Cram snd Xeepag em a a omperacun| sal WATCH OUR WINDOWS 140 Wellington st. Opp. Post Of from 140 to 160 degrees. It the PLEASED W we temperature is 140 degrees it should " » 60 de- |Dr. G. W. Kerby, Calgary, Foresees | | Kinn & d'Est remain 30 minutes and if 1 a Pow for Tu auth ------ ear grees 20 minutes, This kills'all bac. reat ure for . 2 . [ ere teria. Another safe method is pas- While in the city on Friday last | , : TEwhLERS ene oales one of these tno Dr. 0. W. Kerby, Calgary, epent th ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE J [Methods is employed, the danger wil) |afternoon at the Royal Military onl A \ ow S e me 100 Princess Street, Kingston always be in the milk, The objec- |lege and had a comprehensive Sew | tion that certain vitamines are de- |0f what Major-Gen. Sir A. C. Nar) stroyed in the procnss is overcome hy |donell was planning to make of the | to decorate your Lawns and tly impressed Cemetery lots with our C AAAAAAAAAAAAAA A iving the child or chil ittle [institution. He was greatly CASO | -------------- SE -- ev 3 me o ANE a litle with the scheme and felt that if the AA " Flower Vases. Three varieties A Ne orange juice or tomato fuses to choose from. | N. h' One of the strange 2 jes 'brought government stood behind the pro- DALY'S GOOD TEA ; "" ) ofS as 5 out by the speaker was that the On- Posgls of a amasdant # Would The Dal Tes. Lhe a a grea elp in * aly ea Company, m . Kingston Jement Produc ENT AL tario Dairy Standards Act makes the the widest vison for Canada's | modestly saint har rsasy, L H. F. NORMAN, Manager Pasteurization obligatory in order totes Ho was. Brestly eness tea" vet there tn » : that the whey fed to calves and 1 ure. t. | ble in Cannda at any OFFICE: 69 Patrick Street PARLORS might be rer, re but Fie with 'the democratic spirit manifest- | you will say so too. Phone 780w. is no law compelling all dairy tg |ed in the work of the college and he MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE 183 PRINCESS ST, KINGSTON pasteurize the milk that is to be eon. | felt that it would be a splendid place | ~~~ We would live in a vastly moro fumed by human beings. He felt [for hundreds of bright-eyed Cana- Tcofs must be laid with ashestcs, fongenial 'world if only we wera | We specialize on Painless Extraction, [that the gravity of the whole milk [dans to get the proper perspective of | mortar or fire proof sheeting. This looking among our fellow men fcr | Latest Pyorrhea Treatment and question called for some action on [the need for stalwart manhood In the , iv done in view of so many roofs likenesses instead of differences. . work. h ; upbuilding of the country, Dr, Ketby | blocks away catching fire last week a iin ok : A near a a ten {felt that he conld strongly advocate | when the Finkle livery stables were dered to Kiwanian Gardiner by Presi. [the work of the Royal Military Col- |ablnge. ) 1 ; he had the fullest: confidence | == lent Noble St lege; he o oole Sraucy that it was an institution of which ---- Dr. Gardiner was als the booster : : S00 DOZEN CUPS |.5iiiif woe Bi SESE ------ : fine prizes that were won by the fol- : Mrs. Joseph Bottomley, East i X lowing members: EB. G Sd Ww. Another Council Meeting. Liverpool, Ohio, announces the mar- ore pec a es and SAU( ERS K. Macnee, Dr. A. W. Winnett, Gen. | Another special meeting of tha [riage of her daughter, Marian, to Sir Archibald Macdonell, H, BE. Rich- | city council is to be held on Friday Sherwood Hall, on June 21st. Both - : |ardson, Willlam Moore. The prizes |®Vening. Ald. Chown intimates that Mr. and Mrs. Hall are well known in ome u ts To be sold mn the next few days at less than [were thermos bottles and toilet fe recommendation will bs made tof. Athens, the latter being a £raa- | la increase the area in which shingle | uate of the Athens High Scheol. i 5 > gh 8 { WHOLESALI E PRICES | raran Gardiner ° pace)ved A Mt srt ---------- oa | The selection of the home outfits has Such an important Bearing upon vy Hughie, Sora ase or y Har cee | the future happiness and contentment ot every young couple. . . i. : : hes, , N.Y, \ The First Furniture should be selected with more than usual care, English Semi porcelain (plain) ca Cups and During the roll call, the following . -- \ N because 'it is your initial investment together. Let your choice be such aucers., , ............ aL 1.50 doz. guests were announced: Samue; = i asm ) that when the golden wedding rolls around your Furniture will still be with Sutherland, Harry Sutherland, I} you. Eng ish Semi-porcelain (plain) Breakfast Harold Hughes, Dr. Ely, Ottawa. The Ro Qur Staff aud long experience are at your service. 7 president was particularly vigilant Cups and Saucers BIE ae. ee .$1.80 doz. and the fines were numerous owing to English Semi-porcelain (plain) Ten Sipe revives amber of htentees on the g J ames Reid, SHOMIY oi. sien cars oS ; sities : ; English Semi-porcelain' (plain) Breakf ast ~ SELECTING A SITE. | | PHONE 147 Fon ED LEADING UNDERTAKER Cupsonly........ .<" . . $1.20 doz. [jana Great Care is Made by the Man. - . . agem Nippon China Gold Line Tea Cups and tthe por Arm follow the example CQL ol e ndon ¢ Insurance Com- UCers ...........) . "ie snes .$2.40 doz. pany of London, Ont., the day fs nb ) 3 3 2 far distant when sites for office Nippon China Bridal Rose Tea Cups and Ea. i 0h Sites Toe SIGHT SPECIALS p ; >» p ly chosen COTS aieie:s.. 0... i erie. . $3.00 doz. for quiet and beauty of surroundings Not less than } dozen lots at these prices, re aa Saivertitio and schools i ow | All sales for cash. The purchase in London, Ontario, bo PHONOGRAPH of a residential block in the down- "Do NOT Miss Tie cys EEE ESCAPED OPERATIONS | || Sif] "ETUDE" which faces on one of Canada's most beautiful parks, within two short ROBERTSON'S Limited § ines males disses ot Doctor Advised Use of Lydia iN 73 Princess heart of the city. E. Pinkham's Vepetable n $125 The «cost of the property will be realized when it is known that three ompoun large residences with spacious lawns and gardens at present occupy the space. The London Life Insurance Com- v 4 pany selected this site for the new - AS F J head offices because it is free from \ . dust, smoke and noise, as well as be- ! i ing fn a beautiful and convenient part » ef the city. WOMEN S SMART OXF ORDS The present plan is to retain one of AND STRAP PUMPS the residences as a club-house for the 4 Staff of the head office. Bullding ; operations will not likely comience for a peri of three or four years. The new bduliding will be erected in sections, the first unit being planned to take care of the requirements of - the business for ten or fitteon years. Also the popular two-toned Sport Ox- [I ted 10 Soh he structure wil be fords and wide stra and buckle lip lel arise White Canvas with atent Tips, Saddle and ; | IN Back Stays. Lif ie or | 0 day ; : a On Our Terms of Easy Payment $15.00 ensh, 310.00 monthly, The "Etude" model 1s of exceptional value and tg ® combination of all the " exclnstye features and tone of the world fam. ous Sonora, 4 ; th fs Fer iE LITT x H MADE IN CANADA. The completeneds of our «tock of styles makes selec. tion a pleasant occupation for all intending purchasers. anoes of ether models range from $05.00, and every Instrument is of the highest srade and perfect finish, gos et HEE ¥ a) Het : : k i | § Ii £ i i i ! fl

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