4 wirininsemtecimeaH Life's Social Side Editor of Women's Page, phone 220; Private phone 837w. . : A from the Ursuline Academy of Mrs. George Webster, with her | gic to spend the vacation with Richardson, To-l,., wie Charles J. Corrigan, John. Somerville, Mont- daughters, Mrs. ronto, and Mrs, real, -who were Kingston, Mrs. Webster being guest of Mrs. D. G, Earl stret, * . » . are with the former's sister, Mrs. The members of the local Wom- |p K. Kilborn, King street . en's Institutes lunched together at ""Hazeldefl," the tome of Mr. Mr. A. W. Sirrett, when Miss Chapman, Toronto, stitute department of was the principal speaker. od . . A pleasant luncheon was arrang- ed at the Cataraqui Golf Club to- * day. *« & Mr. and Mrs. George Fex, Kingston, | and their daughter, Mrs. Schabach, | in | Ea Mrs. A. (bicago, spent the week-end Brockville, the guests of Lachapelle. Mrs. Neally and daughter; Toron- | Mc- Mahcn, Kingston, spent Sunday wi h| Mrs. Donald G. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Tooker, Punt to, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pleasant. Rev. W. Ww, Giles, wife and son, their Nttle son ret ed East Orange, N.J., have arrivel to urn spend the summer at their cottage, Charleston Lake. Miss Norma V. Trotter, 'who has been home for the past twelve weeks during the {illness and death of her mother, the late Mrs. C. W. Trotter, bo CT GE at Be As Plump As You Please | Would you like to have a body, deli- ciously alluring in its attractive ctirves? With soft, vel 'cheeks, curving shoulders free from hollows and a beautifully filled-out well-rou nded neck. ese are easily secured. Just take two Qleazant - tasting tablets of Ironized cast three times a day. Yeast, as you know, puts clear, firm flesh exactly where it is lacking at pres. ent, imparting a beautiful, plumpness to limb, bust and neck and bringing rich rosy color to the cheeks. This is be- Cause it contains certain vital elements --essential to health yet lacking in the modern diet. ts have a the yeast to accomplish its results twice as quickl . Get Ironized Yeast today. The ad improvement in your figure will astound and t you. To try , Ironized Yeast entire free, simply mail postal card for amous 3-Day Test. Address Harold F. Ritchie & Co., Ltd., Dept. 98, Toronto. Ironized Yeast is recommended and guaranteed all good dealers. Ev How You Can Remove Every Trace of Hair (Toilet Talks) A stiff paste made with some pow- dered delatone and water and spread on a hairy surface about 2 minutes will, when removed, take every trace of hair with it. The skin should then be washed to free it from the remain- ing delatone. No harm can result from this treatment, but be sure it is delatone you get and you will not be disappointed. Mix fresh as wanted. require nutritious food. but casily digested food. isa spicy, meat paste--thatis whole Some and sustaining. At all grocers. pt in Lansdowne for | the Webster reunion, spent a daw in the |,.. Laidlaw, Earl |... ,, spend the summer a street, and her daughters and their | ston. children with Mrs. George Mahood, Portsmouth, as- | sistant secretary of the Woman's In- | Agriculture, Opp. Tele- Johnson street, returned | York to-day. | Miss Helene Corrigan is Mr son street. Mis L.. M Hy. Crooklyn, N Y.. v€2 in Brockville. | Dr. and Mrs. McRae, New York Miss Margaret Ch ristie, e, Is the guest of her aunt," Mrs. Ir. W. Rowland, Ear] street, i {the Yacht Club. Mrs. William Skinner, | Park. Ex-cadets Osler and Macdonald, town, otored back to Toronto on Monday. Laidlaw, rl street, spent the week-end in who spent the week-end in Mr. and Mrs. D. g. | Toronto, | - - . has left on a-trip to the coast with IR. McPhail Katherine McPhail, Kingston. | Mr. and Mrs. F, W. Jackson and to Oswego | last week, after being the guest of | Mr. and Mrs. P. Daly. | W. A. Bearance, Princess street, | bas left for Duluth, Mich. | . » * { Major and Mrs. Horace Lawson, | Johnson street, have left for Barrie to spend the summer months. A" number of Kingston people will motor to Prinyer's Cove for the re- | gatta, which takes place this week. Rev, J. de P. Wright and family {spent last week motoring in Hastings and Addington counties, visited his old parishoners at Roslin, | Thomasburg and Moneymore. Miss McDougall, Ottawa, who is in town for Queen's summer school, is at 37 Division street. Mrs. Ami and Miss Stewarf, who have been in Kingston, will return to Ottawa this week. Mr. and Mrs: W. J. Renton, Uni- versity avenue, are at their cottage on the St. Lawrence. Col. Bedell, King street, has re- turned from Picton. Miss Jean Richardson, Johnson street, is with the Misses McTear at their camp near Bath. * . * Miss Wright, Kingston, is viisting (at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Weir, Lakefield. Sir Henry and Lady Burstall and their children are spending the sum- mer at Cacouna. Fred White, Kingston, is a guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. White, Bailieboro. H. A. McGrath, Baltimore, and his sister, the Misses, McGrath, Brock street, have left for a trip ta Quebec. RE ---- Travel De Luxe. The perfection that has been reached in the modern transcontin- ental train was recently the subject of much interested comment by those who were privileged to 20 through the private train carrying Lord and Lady Byng to the coast. The drawing-room Was a picturs of summer coolness with fits grey and rose chintz lounges and wicker chairs, and large urns of pink and white peonies. The dining-room has a seating capacity for ten, and four-poster beds mark the varisus bedrooms, "which have private baths attached. Such luxury on wheels starts a train of thought, that runs back to the pioneer days when the only transportation across the prairies was by means of Red River carts, -------------- Don't tiy to warp the truth to fit Y2t--rt yourself to the truth. FRESH BLUEBERRY PIES : CHOICE CAKES, always fresh. Try them! CAMPANA'S TALIAN 1 it will BALM sae. W9fandard Cape Vincent is a gay place this! Year, many Watertown people mot- daily | oring in for dinner and the dance at | Earl street, {has returned from Thousand Island | Mrs. Thomas Bothwell, Perth, and Miss home Ma- McDougall and fam-! are visiting re-| They are en| t King- | known and used all over Canada | fl for more than 25 Years. If has set and maintained the for goods . JOof ifs class." Its | Buse is increasin because o ifs Strength, purify | jond universal safisfacfion « LB %ure food insures | § sood health » | Magic PBaking™ Powder insures | pure food | . ! CANADIAN MADE | EW COMPANY LIMITED | TORONTO CANADA | wnoursa { | ) | THE FARMER AND HIS CAT | | where he The Farmer's cat yowled like the deuce. He chained her up--Dbut she got loose; He gassed her in the vi pound, But when he got back home, he found The cat came out the parlor jet! He dynamited fos aid et, fe cat came sailing bac, again | Wit ten small kittens--count 'em-- a! Moral--This story seems to prove To loose a cat you have to Tt ~d&sop, Jr, ------ There has been talk for several { years of forming a golf club in Ren- | frew and it begins to look as though jit might materialize this summer, | Mrs. N.: " win you kindly give in- | structions for the old-fashioned tuft. | ing--the finish for the top of knitted woollen bedroom slippers 7" | Answer: 1 do not happen to have {these directions, but wonder if any | of my other readers have them? If 80, would somebody just write them on a post card amd mail them to me in care of this paper? I am sure Mrs. N. will appreciate it. A Reader Friend: "Someone re- cently asked in the eolumn for direc- tions for making rick-rack trim- ming. It ig rather hard to describe, but this is how I make it: How to Make Rick Rack Trim- ming: Measure the garment to be trimmed, allow about two inches, and cut braid. Crochet four chain stitchez and put into point of braid: crochet four chain stitches again and put in first point of another row of braid. Put row of chain stitchag across top from one point to anoth- er, for lace. If you want to make insertion, repeat on other or lower edge. Fine for pillow cases. It wears forever." Answer: Thank you , Reader Friend. There is always someone big- hearted enough to take time to ans- 'wer such a request. I hope we' can do something for you, sometime, in Mrs. A.: "My husband has drop- ped some iodine (we think) on his white shirt. What will remove it?" Answer: If it is iodine, ordinary household ammonia should take ft out. But if it is some other medi- cine, you will have to try chloroform, alcohol or ether, Hydrogen peroxids may be mixed with a little ammonis in equal parts, to help bleach" the stain out. "Mrs. K.: "Please tell me the proper way tc decorate a room for a baby shower, and what to serve." Answer: White, "baby blue" and "baby pink" colors. * To-morrow's HOROSCOPE By Genevieve Kemble WEDNESDAY, JULY 12. While this promises to be a very active day for all business and mer- cantile transactions, astrologers do not predict it will be a profitable one, since Jupitor, the planet governing finances, is in unfriendly aspect. Un- {der the Lunar trine to Mercury, the | abilities are splendid, the wit sharp |eved, and all trading and professional instincts are stimulated. With Venus under severe affliction, there is not fro be expected much harmony or prosperity in the household. "Those whose birthday it is may look for an active and possibly a bril- {liant year, but without much in the {way of financial return for their splendid efforts. The domestic and |affectional affairs should be cherish- (ed. A child born on this day, ai- though it may be clever and versa- tile, is likely to be careless unless well trained. Play the game with classified ad- | Tesuisements and the odds are with you. | What the Editor Hears | That the lake shore, along the front road, is crowded with picnick- 6rs every Sunday afternoon, this beautiful waterfront with the cer- tainty of a cool breeze and splendid bathing places, attracting many peo- rle from the city. That the Kingston girls who have | visited Alexandria Bay this summer Inave gazed with astonishment at the | Knickerbocker suits worn by some | Americans, but with their usual good sense, will stick to their pretty frocks. That Kingston's "Y" is fulfilling its duty to the young women of Queen' Summer school and serving forty ex- cellent dinners daily et a moderate cost, | = That the latest word from Paris is that" the henna shampoo fs a back number, and dusky locks of the hue of the raven"s wing, are the new de- cree of dame fashion, That as it is not permissible to Wear anything but silk stockings, we want to be able to buy desirable ones, made in Canada. That the slogan of the Child Wel- fare workers is "Swat the fly and save the babies. That the gay sweaters and sports' coats worn this year give the clubs 27 and summer resorts a festive air, -------- At Alexandria Bay, N.Y, on July fth Dr. Donald F. Hutton of Eaton Rapids, Mich, formerly of Gouver- neur, and Miss Stella M. Ackley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence S. Ackley, were married. There is more trouble in havine nathiag to do than in hiving much ito do " of warm water. Stir until smooth. --chill and add one half teaspoonfu serve, allow two tablespoonfuls of t 2\ little chopped ice, and fill with co Fry Seed €hocolale RECIE: Keeponhand a syrup made up of one half cup of FRY'S Baking Chocolate, one cup of sugar, one cup Then boil for 5 minutes I of vanilla extract. his syrup to a glass with Id milk. Stir well. To Try this cooling, delightful FRY drink. You'll want it often, FRY'S Cocoa may also be used as above, Eu rer P We gr L 55¢., 65¢., TON ow it--We blend it We pack it Your Grocer Sells It Sold in Sealed Packets at 80c¢. and 90e¢. ate in the room decorations. Thera are many flowers to be had. in these delicate shades. I would also sug- gest a large picture of stork hung from: lighting fixtures or stood in a conspicuous place. At the refresh. ment table, the place cards might be in the shape of small storks (yon can trace these from a child's story- book). Serve fruit salad, coffee, "pink sandwiches" (these merely have a pink filling made of cream cheese colored with a little ecrah- apple jelly), pink-trosted cup-cakes, and strawberry and vanilla ice cream mixed. You can got the blue note on the refreshments table with crepe paper, flowers, or favors of rattles with blue bows. Mrs. H. E.;: "wil you kindly print a few recipes for cakes, cookies, bread--indeed anything--made with sour milk?" ' Answer: On Monday next---July 17th--I will print a number of such recipes. "June": "How can I keep whita linen embroidered in white, from tarnishing yellow? Aiso silver from tarnishing when stored away?" Answer: Linen wrapped in blue tissue-paper will not -urn yellow, A wrapping of paraffine paper keeps silver from tarnishing. If you pat blue paper outside of the wax pap. er of obsorbent cotton over that, you will make the silver absolutely tarn- ish-proof. Tomorrow--Cookies and Stewed Fruit for Dessert, A ---- All inquirfes addressed to Miss Kirkman in care of the "Efficien: Housekeeping" department will pe answered in these omin-~ | distor, ment on a hot day! R es, or other fresh fruit! 4 v Any professional hero is as tire- Beware of the truth that covers some as any professional beauty. a lie. raspberries! Compare such a breakfast or lunch with a ealize the health and of Kellogg's "WAXTITE" work and play better! And Kell If you want dobing done, don't call on us, but if you want first-class decorating, then telephone 2090J. for ainting and decorsting is our usiness. W. H, FRANCIS 35 SIXTH ST. Phone 20000. A ------" ! he Telgmann School . Music . Piano, violn and other stringed instruments; elocution and dra- matic art. Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on application. Engagements for concerts ae cepted. 216 Frontenac Street. Phone 1325;, Bad education 1s the 'kind that exalts a dollar-and-a-half head You'll feel above two-dollar hands. summer taste thrill! + Kelloggs WAXTITE Corn Flakes hiéavy, greasy cooling r - Corn Flakes and so much be, one's "WAXTITE" Corn Flakes ne h won to appeal wonderfully to finicky .