WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1022. THE DAILY BRITIS H WHIG. DRAW. WINNETT' DENTAL SURGEON, < hnson and Wellington "FRUT-ATIVES" SAVED HER LIF This Fruit Medicine Always 917 Doriox Sr., MovTrEAL. I suffered terribly with Dyspepsia. I had lit for years and all the medi- cines I Look did not do me any good. I read something about "Fruite tives" being good for all Stomach Trouble and Disorders of Digestion, so I tried | them. After finishing a few boxes, I was entirely relieved of the Dyspepsia and my general health was restored; and Iam writing to tell you that I owe my life to "Fruit-a-tives' Mlle. ANTOINETTE BOUCHER. 50c a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25a. FOR Seclce MEATS and FIRST QUALITY WESTERN BEEF TRY PRINCESS STREET PHONE 1182 oz Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning and Repairing. Also Organ Work. All work guaranteed. PETER D. BROWN 12 Markland St. Phone 2307Tm. TRI PNS-TABLES- If | For moviag of REIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, | NY CARTAGE and STORAGE OF | EVERY DESCRIPTION | Kingston Transfer Co. 377. Evenings 2231. ! LLINGTON STREET "1'hone 153 WE Dr. Waugh Dentist ) 106 Wellington St. Phone 256 23¢c Mah Drug REMEMBER | 2 If you want dobing done, don't BUI call on us, but {f you want first-class ° | i decorating, then telephone 20707. for REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by 0. Aykroyd & Son Phowe 1670. painting ana decorsting is business. W. H. FRANCIS 35 SIXTH ST. Phone 2000J. Main Street. WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street. Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763, Res, 1137. SOLD BY LEADING CHEMISTS. RRICE IN ENGLAND. 36 DR LECLERC Med Co. HaverstockRd..N W.5 London SEE TRADE MARKED WORD 'THERAPION = IS on BRIT. GOVT, STAMP AFFIXED TO GENUINE PACKETS. MAGNESIA FINE FOR ACID STOMACH Quickly Neutralizes Acidity, Stops Fermentation, Sweetens the Stomach. Nine people in ten, when food up- gets the stomach causing distress, think they haye indigestion. In reality they are suffering from 'acid stomach." An excess of acid in the stomach causes gas, heartburn, bloat- ing and sourness. To have a strong healthy stomach capable of easily and normally digest- ing three hearty meals a day you simply must keep these stomach acids neutralized and the stomach con- tents sweet. No artificial digestents are necessary. Just get a few ounces of Bisurated Magnesia from any kood drug store and take a teaspoon- ful of the powder or two tablets in a half glass of water right after eat- | ing or whenever the slightest pain is felt. The result is amazing and you will be delightéd with the al- most instant relief it brings. This lamous stomach sweetener combines Magnesia and Bismuth in desirable proportions and is not only splendid- ly effective but perfectly harmless. W. R McRae & Ca. I, lion people who now eat as they | please, in reason with no more fear of indigestion. TIRED AND RUN DOWN |Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound Helped Where Other Medi- cines Failed Choicest quality of Scranton || Coal. No other kind sold by us. BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 138 FOR SALE A beautiful island in Lough- boro Lake .......... $75.00 Vancouver, B. C--*"T took Lydia E. Plokham's Vegetable Compound be- cause I was tired and run down. I {-had nh and no appetite and | Was. troubled for two years with | sleeplessness. I tried many medi cines but nothing did me any real good. While I was living in Wash- ington I was recommended by a | friend to take the Vegetable Com- W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 59 Brock Street Phone 424 SEASONABLE FRUITS and FRESH VEGETABLES Pineapples, Strawberries, To- w matoes, and all the good. things Tork mt Soe Endl Pak Re to therein sym about their work effort because the any women keep it is a great Wn Spring Vegetablen. k rouent nt of tired ousewives by removing troubles BON MARCHE GROCERY | Cor, King and fart Streets A ---- FOR SALE Military Tents -- Bells and || , preserved canoe of the stone Marquees--at reduced prices. |age has been d in a bog near Also Camp Cots and [| the Castle of Cerlier (Lake of Ca np | Bienne), in Switzerland. It is | made out of the stem of an ocak and L Cohen & Co. {is 8 feet long and 3 feet wide, R75 Ontario St. Phones 836, 837 | At Alexandria Bay, N.Y. recently { Rev. O. KE. Raymond, united in mar riage, Edgar Mack, Alexandria Hey. {and Miss I'lessle Serson, Outlet, Oat. Kingston and V icinity ism received his discharge and had Deceased 1s five sons and | Taken Findlay's Island. | Mrs. Ernes Fairman, Rosemount | since resided in Perth. {avenue, Montreal, has taken Find- | survived by his wife, |lay's Island in the Thousand Islands i four daughters. {for the summer. | Where They Got Off. A Bounty on Ling. The Khan in the Toronto Tele- Hon. Mr. Parliament is to urge gram says: There is something rot- upon the minister that a bounty be {ten about this old world. There are [put on ling, a destructive fish thef | folks in the Senate who should have |infests Lake Ontario | Bot off at Kingston and a whole slew ! et {of tellers in Kingston who should Bridge Nearly Finished. {have continued their journey to Ot- The new bridge east of Collin's | tawa, Bay, which for some time has been | ------ { under construction is, nearly comple'- Trenton Man Injured, ed, and is a fine improvement to the John Doyle, Trenton, was injured iroad. which isa popular drive with | when his motor went into the ditch motorists. | ne was taken to hospital. It is fea:- led that he has several ribs broken. {about six miles west of this city, and | At dealers or sent postpaid by i Its regular use keeps the stomach | | weet, strong and healthy all the! | time. | Blsurated Magnesia is well known | 10 druggists everywhere and is used | annually by more than a half mil- For The Thrifty Buyer. Our annual summer sale for July iis on, everything in Boys' and Mens' | Ready-to-wear clothing and Gent's Furnishings reduced in price. We | guarantee to save you from 15 per {cent. to 25 per cent. Prevost Cloth-| |ing House, Brock street. Clearing the Debris. The wreckage left by the fire at | the Finkle livery last week is being {cleared up. A considerable amount jof debris has already been taken {away and the framework of the {buildings is being dismantled. Dearth of Pests. After having been troubled for |the past few years with caterpillars {and moths in large numbers, tree lovers are content this year that the pests have not returned in such |swarms. As a result thé foliage is much more beautiful. A Fine Sample. A sample of oats grown upon Som- |erset dairy farm in Tyendinaga town- ship, and was planted on April 27th by P. G. Eastmen, manager of the farm, measured four feet, nine inches {in length and the head is well filled cut. Appointed Bank Manager. P. A. Noonan who has been in the | New York agency of the Union Bank has been appointed manager in Pakenham and took over his new duties. Mr. Noonan commencea as & junior clerk in Pakenham branch a number of years ago. In Home For Incurables. His many Kingston friends will learn with deep regret that Annes- ley Burrowes, formerly of this city, | and for years a noted newspaper writer of Detroit, Michigan, is in {the Home for Incurables, Toronto. In addition to his being quite blind, his left side is paralyzed. | Expired At Perth. Joseph Beadle died at his home in Perth on June 24th at the age of fifty-eight years. Deceased born in Westport, a son of Mr. and | Mrs. Miram Beadle and lived there | until 1916 when he enlisted in the | 156th Battery and went to Barrie-| field camp. He served six months fn the battery, but owing to rheumat- | AGED LADY PASSES AWAY. Mrs. Howie, Aged 00, Died at Odessa Last Week. Odessa, July 10.--Mrs. Howie passed away last Tuesday morning after a long illness. For the past four years she had made her home with her only daughter, Mrs. Orange Babcock, from whom she received constant devotion and care. She had passed her ninetieth birthday anni- versary. The funeral was held from her late home, Thursday morning. Rev. 8. Nickle officiated. The re- mains were interred in Cataraqui cemetery. The pall bearers were, H. J. Smith, Allan Snider, James 'Boyce, James McGueen, Peter Snid- er and William Vrooman. Mrs. John Mancur held a family reunion last Monday. Among those present were her four brothers, ac- companied by their wives, La See Babcock, Watertown; Simeon, Alton; Archibald, Manotick; and Orange, Odessa; and her sister, Mrs. R. Lee, Toronte. Visitors: Mrs. Van Dressen, Wat- ertown, is visiting her brother, George Burnett; Mrs. Lake, Chicago, and Mrs. McHendry, Toronto, are guests of their brother, Albert Boeth; Mrs. 8S. Winters, Yarker, spent Tuesday with relatives; George Allen and daughter, Mrs. German and three children, Roches- ter, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hen- ry Smith; John Munroe and children, Miss Marjorie and Master Howard, Toronto, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Sharpe; Miss Marjorie remained to spend her- holidays with her grandparents; Miss Ray Amey, Toronto, is visiting her. mother, Mrs. Ashton Amey; Mrs. R. Lee, Toronto, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Mancur; Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Booth and Mrs. Clem- ent Booth, New York, visited Mr. Booth's father, for a few days; Miss Stella Graham, Sydenham, spent a couple of days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Graham; Mrs. Hen- Rochester, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Real Hartman; Mrs. Belleville, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. and Mrs. Stanley Mabee, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, spent a few days at the Dominion; Miss Mamie Gardiner, New York, and Miss Tillie White, Oshawa, are guests of the former's sister, Mrs. William Calder; Miss Zita Kenyon, Mil- | brook, is spending her holidays at her home; Fred Bennett, Verona, spent Sunday at William Dougher- ty's; Mrs. Herbert Jamieson and or a dainiy rest room? Ag. rld'to come { | babies," | vertise and invite the wo {and see, . It's a Public Park. | Joseph Brophy informs the Whiz {that Brophy's Point is a public park and that picnic and yachting parties {are welcome there. Sunday schools do not pay anything for the privi- {lege of using the point for their an- !nual outings. Mr. Brophy is hoping | that hydro-electric power will soon | be extended to Wolfe Island so that he may be able to secure good light- | =X | WHITE SALE! He was recently of the light |ing for his park. (appointed in charge | house. at the Point. { Granted Letters Patent. | Dominion charter has been grant- METAL SIDING Used short tin and used galvanized siding. S. ANGLIN & CO. waa) | His companions, Charles Choniker and George Harris, | escaped injury. ed to Code & Tett, Limited, with Both Of Trenton, {ospita) of 350,000 and head ofies in Brockville, for the purpose of taking over the business of Messrs. Code a . | Tett and carrying on the business of |. Mrs. Judson Lalonde, aged sixty,|,joetrical engineers, contractors and {Canton, N.Y. died at her SUmDIET | yanutacturers and to deal in and {home at Olayton, N.Y.. from aeart| n onufacture electrical and radio sup- {failure caused by falling into the piles and equipment of all kinds, The river on Thursday last. The Woman', .orporators are Arthur Graham {suffered a severe shock in her fall | co ge, Harold Benjamin Tett Bea- {from a dock into the river, from trice Eleanor Code and Robért Johu | {which she was rescued by members | priver, Brockville and Charlotte | jot her family, Hazen Tett, Bedford Mills. . Dies Following Rescue. | -------- | To Operate In Trenton. | The Winchester Dye Company, Ltd., has been incorporated with Can-| ladian capital, and | plant at Trenton to manufacture dye | Off the cherry trees but a farmer in| | stuffs. An old brewery has been | the district has this summer carried | | remodelled for the new industry and [On a more or less successful offen- | {the company expects to place the | sive against the depredations of! [first of its product on the market |these birds. He has tried many | this month, methods and it is generally conceded | | { a -------- that he has had some success. | One of the most successful at- | | Causeway Road Needs Repairs. tempt was a bell which he had tied | | Visitors to the city travelling over (1, 4 tree ang connected by a cord | {the La Salle Causeway must be im-|{q pis bedroom window so that he | {pressed with the bad condition of] | { this stretch of road. | to frighten the |ists have been remarking on the | This he started as soon as the feath- | roadway which is in bad shape, mak | ereq thieves got busy in the early | ling it very difficult to travel over. { {morning and kept it up till night. {The roadway certainly does not har- | mpio was a success for a time, dul |monize with the remainder of tha | the robins got used to the novelty | {fine structure. and appeared to consider the bell an | invitation to dine. | Sold the Canadian Rights. | The Lantier Luggage Carrier Co., The Late Sanford Darling. has sold the Canadian rights of the At St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, | company to I. P. Wiser, Prescott, | Brockville, on Monday morning, af-! and Harry Burtch, Alexandria Bay, !ter a brief illness, the death occur. | who will look after the Canadian | req of Sanford Darling, well known | trade. Milton Lantier patented the and prosperous farmer of Seeley's | automobile luggage carrier in March, [near Lyn. The deceased was a son | rece his Canadian patent in|qe the late Wells Darling and was | | Ma he carrier is considered the born at Lyn sixty-two years and one best on the market and 'is selling {month ago. He resided all his life | very rapidly in New York State. In the vicinity of Lyn and was held | HE -------------- [tn high esteem. Besides his wife the | Advertise The Features. late Mr. Darling is survived by one Have you a radio installed in your ison and two daughters, Soe] store? Do your employees give a Sanford Darling, home; Mrs. concert for a few minutes each day? James Curran and Mrs. William Have you something especially worth | Kalb, both of Syracuse, N.Y. "Four while in your building? Have you [brothers and one sister also mourn. |invited some fine musician to try | They are Messrs. John Darling, Vien Out one of your imstruments? Isn't (na, N.Y.; Wells and Harry Darling, there something particular to your | Seeley's; Frank Darling, Lachine, | business that will appeal to the pub- 'Que., and Mrs. James Simpson, Lyn. lic? Have you a place to 'check the He was a Methodist in religion. Bell to Scare Robins. | Robins have spoiled more than one | at Queen; Mr. and Mrs. James Den- yes left, Wednesday, to visit (heir daughters, Mrs. Ketcheson, Belle- ville, and Mrs. Fred Johnston, Mill- brook; Mrs. Tagg, who has been vis- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wiil- lam Frink, left Tuesday for her home in Rochester; Miss Olive May Kanny, who has been spending some time vith relatives, left Sunday for her home. in Brighton, She was accomn- panied ty Jockin Kenny and daughtar, Miss Vera Kenny, and Mr. and Irs. Frank McCormac, who spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. James Kenny; Mrs. O. D. Lewis left Wed- nesday to evisit her sister, Mrs. Frank Mor-ison, Toronto; Mrs. Al- bert Baker is visiting Mr. and Mrs Chester Nicholson, Parrott's Bay; I'he L.A.S. met at the home of M-s. Courtland Snider, last Wedneslay alternoon with a very large at'snd- ance. A Sculptor's Golf Model. In the window of George Horne"s store on Princess street there is shown a replica of the fam- ous Golfing statuette by Petruccy, | the Italian sculptor. The pose for) this work of art was made by an| English amateur champion of world- | wide reputation, and the gentleman | was wearing at the time an lish Golfer" suit tailored by Semi-ready Company, of Montreal! and Bradford. The "caddy" typical lad one sees at St. Andrew's | by the Sea, or at any of the English | or Scotch golf links. This replica | Was presented to the Semi-ready | Company by Oscar Petrucci, and was | sent by them to George Van Horne. Some people are more learnad | than wise. To be useful all learning | must be blended with much commun | sense, | » is equipping a | farmer's sleep by eating the profits | « Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wetitngtos Strects, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 08. Factory Phone 1418. To clear this week, we offer Men's White Canvas Boots and Shoes at 20% off regu- lar prices. Half Price. ' Boys' Brown Canvas Boots a 3 These are leather soled and heeled. JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231]. 70 Brock Street 7 FURS INSURED AND STORED Gourdier's BROCK STREET A oe The only thing in a 7, Suit for a boy who is continually on the go. ' Ak ? p 2, They are "Made to wear where others TWEDDELL'S " 131 Princess St. i (One door below Randolph Hotel)' tear' A ---- - You're Not Well-Dressed --unless your shoes are shined. To be immaculate, insist on a "NUGGET" SHINE. : rGrecToey we THE A. B. C. WASHER Let us loan you one free for next washday. . "THE ELECTRIC SHOP" GRACE Phode F. 1545 115 Brock Street | Ew] | Dine and Be Merry ENGLAND CAFE However you're fecling, whether you're leisurely or hurried, festive or just plain hungry, this is just the right place for you. In an atmosphére of cheerful dignity, you will find good food, polite service, plus a degree of sociability that sends you out much cheerier than when you came in. The New En 331 KING STREET. little son, Hardington, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- KINGSTON, ONT. CAN. il Im] ------ FOR WOMEN, in Cotton and Wool--a variety of colours and styles, from.......,. ceviie... $1.50 up FOR MEN---In Cotton and Wool-- one piece with skirt, a big range of col- ors, from ceveen....$1.50 a suit up FOR CHILDREN -- Cotton and Wool, nicely trimmed with contrasting colors, at .........75¢c., $1.00 a suit BATHING CAPS -- many novel styles in all the new colors. From W. N. Linton & Co. _ Phone 191, The Waldron Store.