Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jul 1922, p. 5

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' TRONBSDAY. STUY 19, Wag THE WHIG. DAIi.Y BRITISH 5 DRA, WINNEIT Corner of Johnson and Wellington Btreets Phone 363 FOR CHOICE: MEATS and FIRST QUALITY WESTERN BEEF TRY B. V. MeGeein 282 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 3182 | i -------- ee = ------ THE HORRORS OF INDIGESTION Relieved by "Fruii-a-tives" the Fruit Medicine Indigestion, Weak Digestion or partial digestion of food, is one of the most serious of present-day complaints--because it is responsible for many serious troubles. Those who suffer with Indigestion, almost invariably, are troubled with Rheumatism, Palpisation of the Hears, Sleeplessness and excessive Nervousness, "Fruit-a-tives" will always relieve Indigestion because these tablets strengthen the stomach muscles, increase the flow of the digestive juices and correct Constipation, which usually accompanies Indigestion. 50¢ a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e. At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tivgs Limited, Ottawa. - > Kingston and Vicinity To Supply at Roslin. Rev. J. R. Coleman, son of Rev, |J. Coleman, Napanee, is supplying for two months in the parish of Ros- lin. [ ------ ey | Vote on By-Law. | On July 29th the electors of the village of Hastings will vote on a by- Jaw for making an additional loan of $7,000 to the Foulds Company, | Limited. Visited The Camp. George Taylor, Toronto, formerly | physical instructor at the local Y. M.C.A., was a week-end visitor at [the Y.M.C.A. boy's camp on Gren- | adier Island. | | | Goes to Smith's Falls. 1 | C. E. Evans, principal of Port ~~~ [Hope high school, has accepted the |ed the call of the congregation, und | iprincipalship of the collegiate insti- For moviag of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAVES, \ PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OW, EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer - Co. "Aone 377. Evenings 2231. 153 WELLINGTON STREET PIANO TUNING Plane Tuniog and Repairing. Alse Organ Work. All work guaranteed. PETER D. BROWN 12 Markland St. Phone 2307m. tute, Smith's Falls, his duties to com- | mence in September. Appointed Principal. Mr:-and 'Mrs. Paschal Shorey and | family, of Twelve O'Clock Point, |nere in Newburgh on Sunday. Mr. Dr. Waugh Dentist 106 Wellington St. Phone 236 CH REMEDY, PION No. 1 ON No.2 ION No.3 DBYL TRICE $2 FRsLann.2y REMEMBER If you want dobing done, don't call on us, but if you want first-class decorating, then telephone 2090J. for ainting ana decorating is our i ie W. H. FRANCIS 35 SIXTH ST. Phone 2090J. NE ---------- | WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street. Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res, 1187, Choicest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by us, ~ BOOTH & CO. " Grove Inn Yard Phone 138 AX 1 FOR SALE A beautiful island in Lough. boro Lake .......... $75.00 W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 80 Brock Street Phone 424 SEASONABLE FRUITS | and FRESH VEGETABLES Pineapples, Strawberries, To- matoes, and all the good things in Spring Vegetables. BON MARCHE GRCOERY Lor. Ring and Earl Sireets avec 1544. FOR SALE Military Tens -- Bells and Marquees--at reduced prices. Alss rew Camp Cots and L Coben & Co. 875 Ontario St. Phones 836, 537 i FRED M. CLOW. , KING AND BROCK STREETS t 1STS. Ba LECLXRCMed Co. HaverstockRd..N WS. London SEE TRADE MARKED WORD °THERAPION ' 1s ON BRIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED TO GENUINE PACKETS. REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son ! Main Street. FOR SCALDS. CUTS AND BRUISES. FOR COLDS. COUGHS AND BRON CHIAL AFFLICTIONS. FOR' STIFF ™ SPRAINS AND STRAINS AND NUMEROUS OTHER AILMENTS COMMON TO MAN AND BEAST, THERE #8 NOTHING SUPERIOR TO THAT OLD 'NTRIED AND RELIABLE REMEDY, D® THOMAS' ECLECTRIC OolL Meat Store Opp. Y.M.C.A. Phone 1268J A DAINTY DISH ! TRY OUR GENUINE SPRING LAMB IT'S DELICIOUS : Prompt Delivery It's a Fact! q Somebody (his name was Dave Holtzman -- his age 18). fl Took a $1000 Endows: ;: ment Policy for which he undertook to pay 9 $761.25--spread over a period of 35 years § But the profits, distri- buted annually, so re. duced his premiums that he paid only § $515.24--in actual cash q So that Dave's net re. sults at the age of 53 were: -- 35 years' protection and $197.67 for each $100. he paid the If that is the kind of re turns you appreciate, see the London Life represen- tative at once. The surance Gompany - * Policies "Good as Gold" W. WALTERS ov i mat BUILDING {Shorey has been appointed principal {of Milton public school for the com- ling year. To Reside n Rochester, The wedding took place recently | |in Lake Avenue Baptist church, To- ronto, of Eva Cameron, only daugh- {ter of John Cameron, Cataraqui, to | Adams Wells, Toronto. The couple 9 will reside in Rochester, N.Y. | ° | | Returned on Tuesday. M. and Mrs. C. W. Cole, Cape {Vincent, NY., who have been visit- Ing Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Howell, Phome 1670. Princess street, returned home Tues- day afternoon on the steamer Waub- | le. | In Operation At last. Once more the people on the street will be able to quench their | thirst but only with Lake Ontario brand for once again the water foun- {tains on the streets have been at- | M tached, and are now running. -------- For The Thrifty Buyer. Our annual summer sale for July | is on, everything In Boys' and Mens' Ready-to-wear clothing and Gent's Furnishings reduced in price. ' We guarantee to save you from 15 per cent. to 25 per cent. Prevost Cloth- Ing House, Brock street. -------------- Placed in Cemetery, M. B. Trumpour, Toronto, and R. H. Trumpour, Wellington, took the remains of Paul and Catherine Trum- pour, their grandfather and grand- mother, from their burying place on the old homestead in Gilead, and placed them in the Wellington ceme- tery. . ------ A Noisy Cargo. The steamer Brockville had | noisy cargo on its arrival in the city Tuesday afternoon as it had eeveral cows and pigs on board. Consider- able excitement prevailed while the { frightened animals were being un- [1oaded. James Baker Was Killed, During the terrifi¢ storm of Wed- nesday evening last, James Bak- er, a natve of Maitland, was killed by lightning when Ye accidentally {touched a wire fence while walking {Rear his home at Madrid, N.Y. The deceased was a son of the late | of Mrs. Baker, born thirty- James Baker and Maitland, where he was four years ago. : The Army Worm at Work. An outbreak of the army worm is reported 'near Roblin. The larvas have only started work, but consid- erable damage done to the second crop of alfalfa, potatoes and cabbages. As the lar- vae is not in sufficient numbers to warrant the trouble of trenching, it 71s recommended that poisoned bran | be_broadcasted over the areas af- | fected. ee, First Time Ever Scen One. When motoring to Tweed from | their home near Flinton, Mr. and '| Mrs. Moses Lessard passed on ex- | tra large timber wolf about ten mil- | © north of the village. The remark- | able part of it is that it wag the first time Mr. Lessard had aver | seen a wot at large although he had | Hhant all of his sixty odd wears in I north country. Some Lettuce! Eas Slater, Picton, shows a head of lettuce which for size has any- thing beaten we have ever heard of in that Mme. The plant, when stand- ing measured eight feet in circum- | fc rouee and when out it weighed three younds. The leaves were nd crisp, growth having rapid. The outside leaves measu from twelve to fourteen inches across, and the s'ams were 30 brittie they would break at the slightest touch. ---------- St. Swithen Fair and Warm. Friday last was St. Swithen's day and according to all the traditions whereby this venerablesaintisrever. enced it should be fair for the next 40 days for Friday the sun shone clear and warm. Adherence to the belief, however, that the weather for the next month and ten days depends on what sort of weather was handed is entirely at your own Te are no guarantees at- tached to the weather nowadays. Yacht Broke Share. has already been | later accept another commission in | tbe medical corps. He left the army several months ago and again return- ed to Cape Vincent. He has beep | prominent in civic and fraternaj | affairs, | 1 jafternoon, was brought to Kingston | early Tuesday morning and entered {at the Davis drydock. The Donnelly | Salvage and Wrecking Company were | notified immediately after the aocid- |ent, and the tug Shibley was sent {to the aid of the yacht. The WTeck- {hg crew made a fast trip, leaving {the city at 4 o'clock Monday after- [noon, and arriving back at the dry- | dock at 8 o'clock Tuesday morning. Having a Great Time, The members of the boys' division, YMCA, who are encamped on Grenadier Island, across from Gan- anoque, are having the time of their ves, according to several citizens who visited the camp the other even. | | Baptist church and is now visiting [108. Water sports of all kinds ate [in Toronto with his brother before itdulged in every day, to say noti- | [taking up active church work |I0€ of the peculiar enjoyment brought | lagain. Rev. T. Hunter, a former |@POUt by open-air sleeping. The boys evangelist, who conducted the ser-|%ill arrive back in the city on Thurs- | vices in the Baptist church during |98Y afternoon at: 5 o'clock, via a the latter part of June, has accept- | Private motor boat. -------------- | Pambroke Baptists Call Minister. Rev. J. A. Lowes has resigned {from the pastorate of the Pembroke will take charge of the field here | . Value of Godmother, joe m ihe first Sunday in August, | Godmothers, especially tle fairy TTT | kind, were handy in the old days. | Purchased an Island. . | Every once in a while one would bob | Albert N. Gilman, Rochester, N. | up and bestow a lap full of favors {Y., has purchased from M. A. Hud- 14 they 'were whimsical old ladies, |8on, Syracuse, N.Y, the island near | {Grenell on which some years | was the Pullman hotel. Mr. | | | | | | mother could dn .as much for yoy as | {Plants to build a California Wl [our classified advertisements. {bungalow on the island. He wiil | waste any time wishing for the good | 'have a connecting bridge from his | gq days. To-day is full of opport- | {island to Crenell and has already unities. You'll ind many of them in | engaged a landscape gardener who the want-ad column. If sou Jo not | {Will make the place one, of the find what you want, : [ | beauty epots of the river. want there. | | A yacht | {house will also be built to house Mr. | ------ To Fight the By-law. | | Gilman's new speed boat. ---- Renfrew council passed the Wed- | { Doctor Enters State Hospital. nesday half holiday By-law by a ma- | Papers have been issued by Judge jority of seven to two. The by-law |J. Frank LaRue committing Dr. Pafl- | wil come into effect on July 19th. | | Hp E. Rossiter, Cape Vincent, N.Y., Those who opposed it were Council- | | to the St. Lawrence Siate hospital at | ions Easton and Millar. All 'he other i | Ogdensburg, N.Y., following an ex- members voted for the by-law, includ- | {amination by Dr. Henry G. Dawson, ing the mayor, who included himself | |Cape Vincent, and Dr. H. M. Buch- (on the count, { |anan, Watertown, N.Y. Dr. Roaster | Mr. Pedlow, asked what action he | {hes suffered a nervous breakdown. |intended fo take with regard to the | |He served in Germany on a health [half holiday by-law passed by 'the | |miscion before the war and later on- council, stated, "My answer is that | |listed in the army, serving for a time only when forced to comply by 'he last court of appeal will I submit to | a law 80 arbitrary and so unjust, | Sy 3 Pract PE, | "Nugget" Them WHITE DRESSING ET -------- Q A A Rrr sey of fei {in 'Russia, He was discharged and {returned to Cape Vincent only" to | | --it makes white shoes stay white. | A substitute will disappoint you, Hot Water = for the Home Some use a large Electric ater-heater and turn it { on when needed. Others use a small one and adjust - the three-heat-switch for the needs of the family. They keep it going all the time, giving hot water day and night. Moffats' new improved Electric Water-beater is made in three sizes, suitable for any home. Write at onge for all particulars to Moffats, Limited, of Weston, Ontario. Electric Water Heater . FOR SALE BY | | Cedar Wood Shingles will cling to the roof until they rot off. They will not blow off. They do not rattle and roar in a wind storm. Cool in summer, warm In winter, and durable--they make the most satisfac- tory roof. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yaris, Bay and Weinngtos Strects, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 68. Factory Phone 1415. pr put what you |° Clearance Sale! Men's Black and Brown Oxfords-- Calf up- pers, Goodyear Welted 'and solid leather throughout. Toclearat .... . 3.95 JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231], 7@ Brock Street FURS INSURED AND STORED Gourdier's BROCK STREET The only thing.in a 4 Suit for a boy who is continually on the go. A : They are "Made to wear where others tear" TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. ~ (One door below Randolph Hotel) The Public Utility Hydro Shop |" 268 Princess 8t., Kingston, Ont. Phone 844 "Banish Biliousness, Constipation and other dyspeptic disorders by a Make short course of Beecham's Pills--the your unfailing remedy for all irregularities of the digestive organs. For eliminat- ing waste products from the system, improving the appetite, strengthening the stomach, and in other respects keeping the bodily health in a sound condition The yacht "Amorita, which broke A shaft near Belleville on Monday: However you're feeling, * whether you're leisurely or hurried, festive or just plain hungry, this is just the right place for you. In an 'atmosphere of cheerful dignity, you will find good food, polite service, plus a degree of soctability that sends you out much cheerier than when you came in. 3 331 KING STREET, 45 We are showing a splendid assort- ment of pretty patterns in the newest styles -- Block Checks and Plaids Specially priced at $2.95, $3.50, $4.00 and $4.25, LIGHT WEIGHT SWEATERS Fine wool, Mohair and Silk, in Slip-over and Tuxedo s yles-- beauti- ful colors and many novelties, from $275. gi

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