SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1022. v THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. DRAW. WINNETT $0 MANY PEOPLE DENTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets Phone 363 i linn FOR CHOICE MEATS and FIRST QUALITY WESTERN BEEF TRY : | B. V. McGeein | PRINCESS STREET PHONE 1182 282 J For moviag of i FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, | PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF | EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. "hone 377. KEveuings 2231. 153 WELLINGTON STREET Dr. Waugh . Dentist 106 Wellington St. Phone 2356 IRE NERVOUS "Fruif-a-tives" the Greatest of all Nerve Remedies This Fruit Medicine Restores Health The increase in the number of persons suffering from Nervousness is world wide ; due, in a measure, to the reaction following the war. Sleepless. ness, Headaches, Mental Depression, Rheumatism, Nervous Dyspepsia, Bad Heart Action, are the results of a disturbed condition of the Nervous System. N The nerves and the blood are so intimately, so vitally, conneefed that the condition of one is boundto affect the condition of the other. If the blood is laden with impurities, it is impossible to have strong, steady nerves. The first essential in treating nervous troubles is to purify and enrich the blood. This, "FRUIT-A-TIVES" will do. "FRUIT-A-TIVES" stimulates the bowels, kidoeysand skin and purifies the blood. "Fruit-a-tives" improves appetite and digestion and insures food being properly digested, thus enabling the blood to carry wholesome nourishment to build up the body, particularly the nerves. Men and women who take "Fruit- a-tives" for some form of nervous- ness--b: they cannot eat or REMEMBER If you want dobing done, don't call on us, but if you want first-class decorating, then telephone 2090J. for painting and decorating is our usiness. % W. H, FRANCIS 35 SIXTH ST. Phone 20904. WATTS | People's Florist - 177 Wellington street, Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res,, 1137, yt --1 sleep or work or enjoy life--say that this fruit medicine is simply marvellous in its action. B0c a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 256. At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa Ont. PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning and Repairing. Also Organ Work, All work guaramtecd. PETER D. BROWN 12 Markland St. Phone 2397m. NEW FRENCH REMEDY. THERAPION No. 1 ERAPION No.2 TH JHERAPION No 3 N Skin Diseases. No. 3 for Chromic SOLD SYLEADING CHEMISTS. PRICE IN ENGLAND, 88 DR LECLERCMed. Co. HaverstockRd..N W 5. London D * THERAPION' 1S OW . GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED TO GENUIKE PACESTS BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by Kingston and Vicinity McLaren's Dance. Dance at McLaren's platform, Wolfe Island, Monday, July 24th. Boat leaves foot of Brock street, 8.30, new time, Going on Harvest Excusjon. A number of local young men are planning to leave the city in about two weeks on the western harvest excursions. Cheese Sales. Brockville, 3,150 boarded; 15 3-4c. bid and refused. . Stirling, 656 at 16 9-16¢. Campbellford, 5756 as 15 5-8c. Beautiful 'Home Sold. William Fox, of the second line Sidney, has sold his beautiful home to Waller Myers, Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Fox intend moving to Van- couver Among the Islands I'own the Canadian channel, one hour at Alexandria Bay. return by American channel. Steaxe* Brock viii leaves ferry dock, 2 p.m, city time, every Saturday and Sunday. Merchants "Painting Up." The majority of the merchants of the city appear to be advocates of the "paint up' campaign, and their stores show a decided improvement as a result, Passed in Music. Successful pupils of Agnes K. Mc- Callum, A.T.C.M., Sunbury: Junior piano--Mary Jackson. Elementary plano--R. J. McBrida, Helen Aykroyd. For Perpetual Care, The secretary of the Welling on cemetery board has received $1vY) from Mrs. G. D. Warder, of Harbe.h, Fa., for p'ot of her father, the late John Dor- land. Made a Good Catch. While trawling a few days ago ncar the mouth of Jones' creek, M:ss Mamie Pergau and her brother, James Pergau, Lyn, caught a large matgkinonge. It weighed seventeen pouncs. Chain Letters Received. A number of "chain' letters pur- porting to bring good luck to those vho do not break the chain have been in circulation in the city lately. {Some of the superstitious have forg- | ea their link in the chain. the perpetual care of the health for some time. There sur- vive, his widow and one daughter, Mrs. J. F. Wellman, Sidney. Mrs. Stanley Passes to Rest. Having passed the allotted span of | | McGuinness, Mary Clarke. jthree score and ten, Mrs. Charis {Stan.ey, Carleton Place, sank quie'ly ta rexl on Monday, after a fortnigh.'s wivere, of heart trouble. Deceasnd | was before her marriage Mary Aan {Allcn, a daughter of the late Will. 1m Allen, one of the early settlers of Ramsay. Was Formerly of Lyn. Rufus Sawyer Hudson, joint gen- eral manager, vice-president and di- rector of the Camada Permanent Mortgage Corporation, Toronto, and a former resident of both Brockville and Lyn, in both of which places he tavght school fifty years ago, is dead. He also became manager of the Lyn tannery and mills, when they were owned by Messrs, Cassels & Co. Black and White Party. Henry Samson, manager of Mur- Tray Hill hotel, Thousand Island, has invited residents of cottages and guests of nearby hotels to attend a black and white dancing party in the ballroom of the hotel this evening. The ballroom has been decorated in black and white, and costumes will also be of the same colors. Music will be furnished by the college or- chestra of Princeton university stu- dents. Successful Pupils. The musical department at Notre of the following pupils at the recent Toronto Conservatory of Music ex- aminations: . A.T.C.M., Miss Helen McGuinness; intermediate, Miss Marie McDonald; intermediate school grade, Miss Olive Smith; elementary (honors) Miss Frances Lower, (pass) Misses Aileen Kane, Rita Wynn; introductory (honors), Misses Marie Lumb, Mary Dame Convent announces the Success, i No. Dockrill, Bernadette Cooper, Mary | Meagher, Doretia Donoghue, Helen | Lumb; (pass) Miss Ermegarde Dunn. | Theory examination; primary rudi- i ments (first class honors) Miss Marte | McDonald; (honors) Misses Helen Boy Scouts In Camp. No. 1 Troop of Canadian Bow Scouts connected with Queen street Methodist church have been in eamp | at Gibson's Point, about four miles | above Gananoque under the Assistant Scoutmaster, Eric Len- on, since Tuesday last. The boys of camp at the same place on the same day. There are between forty-mve and fifty scouts in the two camps, the larger number being from Gan- anoque. Youngest to Pass. Probably the moet youthful student | in the county to pass the entrancs | examinations is Willlam Leonard, Collin's Bay, who is but ten years of age. Master Leonard wrote the ex- aminations at Cataraqui and was sue- cessful in winning honors in Group I subjects. He is the son of George. and Mrs. Leonard, Collin's Bay, and attended the echool at that place be- Ing under the instruction of Miss Eva McCullough of this city, He is re- ceiving the congratuletions of his friends young and old. / / Rebuilding His Plant. Dr. G. W. Bell, V.8,, has started to rebuild his plant which was wiped out by the fire of July 5th. Bigger than ever {is the ambitious pro- gramme of this well known local company. The building will be on the same site as the old structure, but will be larger and more modern Other places which were damaged 2 Troop, Gananoque, went into | their | Scoutmaster, Rev. Dr. Lennon, and ! are being repaired, but Dr. Bell had | the old building, which was badiy damaged, torn down and now work- men are digging the foundation for the new building. AspiRIN UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you | SQUARE TIMBER Two carloads of Douglas Fir Timber now on the way from the Coast. Sizes 10 x 10 up to 16 x 16, lengths up to 40 feet. May be sawn again to order, S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Weington Streets, KINGSTON, Opt. Office Phone 66. Factory Plone 1415. . Clearance Sale! Men's Black and Brown Oxfords-- Calf up- pers, Goodyear Welted and solid leather throughout. Toclearat ...... 3.95 ' JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231]. 70 Brock Street FURS INSURED AND STORED 'Gourdier's 'BROCK STREET] Practically Completed. are not getting Aspirin at all The laying of the stone pavement between the street car tracks from King and Brock streets to King and William streets has been practically completed. The other line will be paved in the course of the next few weeks. ~~ O. Aykroyd & Son Main Street. Fhowe 1670. Remove Dead Trees. The Board of Works should cut down the many dead trees that stand as sentinels on the streets. A con- spicuous one is the former fine tree in front of the First Congregational church. It has long gone to its final rest. ctr aon W.R McRae & Go. RRR, COAL Chojcest 'quality of Scranton Coal, No other kind sold by us, , © BOOTH & Grove Inn Yard THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. Married at Smith's Falls. The home of Mr. and Mrs, William Horton, Smith's Falls, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Tues- day, when their daughter, Ruby Ol- ga, was united in marriage to Car- men Warren, son of Mrs. George Warren. Queen Says This Doctor Qissases of the soap le to be Sionte pr. i Randal: Sovendubie abe The only thing in a 4 Suit for a boy who is continually on the go. Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by Physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache ¢ Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia » Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets--Also bottles of 24 and 100--Druggists. Aspirin is the trade mark (vegistered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono- aceticacidester of Salicylicacld. While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, to assist he Bubile against imitations, the Tablets of Bayer Company will be stamped with r general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross." 7 oo where others tear" TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) They are "Made to wear For The Thrifty Buyer. Our annual summer sale for July is on, everything in Boys' and Mens' Ready-to<wear clothing and Gent's Furnishings reduced in price. We guarantee to save you from 15 per cent. to 25 per cent. Prevost Cloth- ing House, Brock street. known to be 00. Phone 188 A Splendid Record. The Portsmouth public school put up nine pupils for the high school entrance examination and all pass- ed, two of them with honors. The teacher. of this school is Miss Elefe Jones, Kingston, who is receiving congratulations on her excellent work. Wise men believe in Insurance. FOR SALE A beautiful island in Lough- boro Lake .......... $75.00 Wiser men get insured. Wisest men insure with THE DOMINION LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY ARCH THOMSON, BRANCH MANAGER, Box 282, Kingston, Ont. , Office: 58 Brock St. Phone 68. 3 - ! : _ Our Motto: "Cleanliness and Civility," and we try to lve up it In every way, "W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 9 Brock Suroet Phone 424 For To-Night ES : : WOMEN'S COTTON VESTS SEASONABLE FRUITS Pineapples, Strawberries, To- matoes, and all the good things Vegetables. : BARBER PARLOR 183 WELLINGTON STREET (Next te Bank of Nova Scotia) Fine elastic rib, Lisle finish, Cumfy Cut; no sleeves, for ov oe. .25¢, each WOMEN'S SUMMER BLOOMERS Full, large sizes, in Pink and White, for..................3% cach MEN'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR Shirts and Drawers, fine Balbriggan, for ..............69c. a garment ---- - -- WOMEN'S SUMMER COMBI- Hot Summer Evenings Noslecves and short sleeves, are most enjoyably spent when out for a paddle on the water. jor,....... sven ee. 09 a Suit CANOES and BOATS for hire. Quick asd efficient service. : THE NEW ENGLAND CAFE 're leisurely or hurried, e right place for you. In iI find good food, polite sends you out much Dine and _, However you're feeling, whether festive or just plain hungry, this is just an atmosphere of cheerful dignity, you service, plus a degree of sociability tut y cheerler than when you came in. The New England Cafe Private Phone 635. I > ! » : - 31 KING ¥ ; LEE Sw