: \ hk 2 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. PIODAT, LY 58, 1028 ap -- ---- 'st. John Canine Hero 5 - | Xo Te ot aaa ~~ TO-DAY |ALLEN | 1 ' 3 I» bx F : | St. John, NB. July 25.--A fin 3 K th ineé ® HE FEO LE S OR UM {collar with cross attached arrived o : da er ne a od ' . { here to-day for "Hero," a New- oo 5 ry ; |foundland dog owned by Wm. Orm . dC Donald | : of this city, in recognition of his 3 - of ' : . 2 [*aving 92 lives in the wreck of the | J : 4 in #*eamship Bthie on December 10, . | P 4 0 . oy 3 r FOR SALS 1919, on the coast of Newfoundland. * ON 2D ADVERTISING RATES: AGENTS WANTED ~ . i { Ki The WC USNDENSED ADVERTISING RATES! Sl rm | ER Aoi son |The dog swam through the big A AVS Sud x Fist irsertion, the r, alt SINE ' { ! v | secutive Insertion thererftes: o tor | A BUSINgy 'OF YOUR OWN, rv FOUND el | + Beal Estate and Insurance Brokers { waves, taking a line from shore to | = gent ni WwW 250: three SLaertlona Ppark iLR Glass name plates, num ' "H, ON UNION STREET | we i008. 2 Re al rein s Phone 539w. TWO {the ship, and by means of this al / The story of a girl who chose » 4 hy © ' 3 daillons, 4 5 > i . | 3 , nw 50 cents. iar cash only, 1 big {llustrated book. Matled ent, Owner SEE DISPLAY AD oN AGE TWO: [heavier line 'was. put aboard and all ) man's weapons to battle 'out The above yales are Ing cash ( E. Palmer, Dept: L, Wooster,!| =~ 69 Arch Stree | PRIVATE SALE, HOUSEHOLD FUR- saved. The collar and cross are from : a woman's problems. he harged they . ; < | dia Zaz ho TR -- | BLUE CROCHETED BiG ON | Slure ar J. W. Ballard, 120 tng Starry Cross of Philadelphia. | ) vs) TOONERVILLE TROLLEY COMEDY HELP WANTED. AN AGENCY FOR A neLiABE NURS. Seamer ie) as { "Goon sivo.| Mayor McLellan of this city added J . . TOONERVILLE BLUES % ery firm ig profitable. You can sell Shin same at 182 Clergy St. SEVERAL CANARIES, GOOD SING-! exemption of "Hero" from the local | " ; HOUSEWORK. AND In Sountry, town or city [We grow] : : , Forma SPiL Done 1 416] ov to J. W.| %%6 | I Are GIRL. FOR LIGHT 217 King and sell the best only, and want re. { BLACK COVERED BOOK WITH Norman, Barriefield. dog tax. . ~~ ------ waiting. on tabje. Ap) Ate out liable energetic agents for unsepres index. Owner may have same PLA TRE seri | . . Strester ¢ Seuted terrilories. Write now, Pel- at Whig Office. ONE BLACK SHETLAND PONY, CITY | 3 = 3 E MONEY AT HOWL: $16 to 390) ham Ndrsery Con Toronto, |. broke; R150 qussy aad jlarness end Denial From Capital. Start in Business ? A aid Weekly for Jug Suare Lime IN A FROFITABLE| FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. Works, 371 and 313 King Street} Washington July 28.---Use of] 2 Make Real Money al, Capita} ¢ ards, - # 1 ve y 18 i s -- : * - » r - ' . # 3 B < d w periting SHON cards ler nd supply Sal a paaslen busitess uf SED x BE ia East. Phone 1961w. " snrachine guns in the war on 'rum GANANOQUE vs are establishi lcanizing Service a ¥ us Sho , BE : 5 - { - : § $ ons Star ne ur town Fok Yo, yori, Samus To- gy) pre ny andre wiSyche noisg an owner may QUEBEC STREET, A 1 COMPLETE smugglers along the Canadian bor- | ; . nu $10 a Shi your $350 Care r ' a s of bh Reg es e to cK-venee ungalow o EK A ¥ on 3 romte and plants No capital needed So 3 aT Eeponting so er - nn angel L pos- der was denied to-day by customs | LAKEVIEWS £oyekt ment = 2 Ine ot You and ISMEN. PROMOTION tomplete equipment and instruc- Linders will. be printed In thls session. Price §3600. Apply, J. K. officials here, Preparations are be-| ra Ey lhe lost Modern Methods WANTED, SALEsy Ro. ean prove Hon free Yrite Dominlon Nurser- | oasmen rani Carroll Agenor oo Broce iliet. INE made for tis installation of a C a NUEBRSOV \ walt a es ontreal, | 4 | 1 | : CRSO . 1k it over yA | po * does not in- | Know CW : their Ability. Call and ta see mirc: ete et------ Found articles | border patrol operating on bots | o m. a r re paBOWR the: World Over \ _ n e anager. Royal Bank]|® CRGETIC s 2 3 lost dugs, cattle, horses, . - . | 4 e . We hdve 34 schools in U.S. anc Chambers (top floor), Princess and| AN Biol oh Toreferably' with| | Sto" These, If fost may bo aa: | |e PER Foor FRONT FOR A BUILD=/5i00s 07 Butrals to clicck liquor run-|_"_" P Canada, Ons ia near ok 8 a Bagot sireety, Kingston. large acquaintance, both busjness vertised for fa the "Lost column _s Md eo Tice rar $25| ning across the border. | Fare you §5 per Eintion Syearhing 2 and social, to handle an old estab- cash and 10 monthly, McCann o - 2 OPerate Your sta on. Write for WE WANT A BELIANLE & 8ALLs lished product, in continual uss by | - - -- Shah ama $0 gnehly, Officials here understood that au PIANO TUNING full particulars--TO-DAY. Sent Jor gach ER oatee selling over 50% of the population. Steady - {lomobiles, possibly armored, would | | The Anderson Steam Yitlg anizer Co. Tr . pC . ! i Me a ray b> anergetie rep: fhm 2nd Socd ach PARTIES WANTING ROUGH LuM-|be used on the patrol, but they said | PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING : resentatives. Our agency is valu pias. HE Address: Mr. West, 1§ Sm ber ana shingles Nit do oy oulit was improbable that machine guns | and - ' : 04 FE Cc a i ew lu ir P | SPARE WIRE WHEEL OFF F nal a amber buying. | Would be a part of their armament, | PLAYER PIANO ADJUSTING may obtain at ISS MONTREAL ST, KINGSTON 2 ry Co. ble. rite Pelham Nursery Pear] Street, Toronto. oron . ul ES-- = | v wm mR Coupe. Finder Pledge return tv T WH, Talbot § St conor zl {not only be fiha t 1 ith | - 5 ames' Garage, Colborne street, or . H. Taibot, - Catherine St not only because o e treaty w | NORNAN H. BUTCHER | fe ---- 3 SSMEN, GOOD AP- . Gs James Ga age, Oo ; a . BUT _ WANTED, ¥IX SALESMEN, ¢OOD AD. WANTED GENERAL phone 1321. Reward offered [Canada covering armed forces along || 27 ping: sTREED. = PHONE 1810w hs, { | | s og education. | Peatahce ang eo fon In King- z TWO NEW BUNGALOWS, WITH) : o 0 have a good connection in INS Wa rm oy oi BLACK WALLET, CONTAINING CER. |, NEW -BUNGA , .s| the border, but also because it was i ot splendid proposition | gExs WANTED ALIVE, 23 CENTS 4 ' every convenience; free of taxes | . EE ---- won prelerfed. Splen al a 1 r Pu years. For full particulars| believed machine guns would 'be! -- 1 .. 10Nn I 4 566 rate © ldier's button, bearing eal oppor- pound. Albert Lewis, 666 Dundas tificate of sold y 8 | for men who want a rea : x ber 97284. "Please return to Mr, i ] 3 | =e 4 tion. Mr. 8 p Yo hug y 3 apply to William Bisbikos, 90 Prin- © | tunity and rapid promotio; treet West, Toronto Pitcher, Prince Gecrpo Foto | Ye f practical weapons for bunting B A TH ST A GE | b Wellington St. (Sparks oF --ertaom---- inion $38 We MEN'S"HAI [T> 30e.; -HOYS HAR] = - : liquor runners. Yung). cut 15¢ 1c. G. -W.! ON JULY 25th, FOX HOUND, WITH - - . /ANTED AT ONCE. Curzon, 23 fitvek Street. 8 a} brand R. on cach hip, Collar and | MATTRESSES FOR SALE, OR MADE -- : ETE OR A AT have ---- -- --iee | tag No. 44- Name on collar, F. A. fo Jour iden any 3156, 80y quar. | Mer voice was ever soft, gentle and . pen pa Knowledge in manu-| WANTED TO BUY, ONE SLIDE DOOR « Reid, Kingston Fire Department. oraotest Betory Lr © Matiress| loW--an excellent thing in woman, prom, Moutrenl Stree S facturers' office. Permanent posi- and Bowser Gasoline Pump, in good; )SMALL BLACK LEATHER PURSE, ON |' Com any, 317 King Street, Phone] mewn Hawara Theatre. nen 0 r 4 | i | i- repair. Apply to E. O. Ungar, Box | canon 168. tion. Apply, stating speed, exper - ; 4 . street car, or between Princess and 1961J. | HENRY CALVER, PROP. \ enue, references Sng salaty Fequir. 394 Napanes Ont. -- Brock streets, on King. A. Kin- TO LET, i ed, to W. E. Phillips Co, Ltd, fail { -- | | | | | T » e Daily Service, Kingston-Bath f axl Leases Dath . 5 am, standard time. " » i Leavés Kingnton 3 pom, WANTED, BOARD, RY GENTLEMAN {pid's name in purse. Return to COLLINGWOOD STREET, SEVEN E awa, Ontario. nd wife. in nel hborhood of .) Mrs. Kincaid, Portsmouth. nN Cn r id iene collin: | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE LIGHT: | and e, elg ood of King- | roomed, brick-veneered dwelling; | dry and air Apply Mrs. W. GJ a9 Se xpE IL . AN . ule SS ---- -- > r re stric rhts. : WE WANT ACTIVE, ENERGETIC ME ston during August. Quiet place | -- SILYUR ULOSE CASE WATCH: on furnace, elcetric lights, 3 plece | Alena, Ary, DD Street, f | - y clty near river F. Wimberley, Bell's . 3 bat} kitchen : dah; | 24 Hour Da e fo represent us In.every © : 5 t Union Street, near Division Street, 1, Summer chen, Yerandah. La § Canada in the asle oz Be Corners, Ont. street car, or on Princess neat | TRI iso, Apply J. K, Carroll; GARAGES; RENT REASONABLE, APF. DR. H. C. MABEE y Ganadian Corporation; c | Ger IT REPAIRED~LAWN MOWERS | Frontenac. Finder please return to ygency, 56 Brock Street. ply Kingston Apartments, Ltd. 69 | NS -- eee { 8 . y at C- > - 3 pe highly endorsed locally; an attrac | sharpened and repaired; sass filed: 48 Union Street or phone 1315. Re-| =p" . Brock Street. Phone 237. | 79 WILLIAM STREET ~-- leads tive selling proposition; good i . ward | , liberal commission knives and scissors ground. Drop a 5 ako ; : -- | WII HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF aN SE Linn oh 000 per month can card to G. W. Bateman, 27 Upper [== Ea = good 'secon 1-hand furniture and APARTMENT ei 113 ROOMS; Phone 286 be made by the right meh. Address William street. FO, LE stoves. Any person having stoves Sonica) aon, ba elisns.Rea 1416 Royal Bank Bullding, Toronto, | - 2 er : R SALE. and furniture to dispose of, we will "Kate, 139 Welltngton ; all in person. - PHONE 201 FOR, A TAXI OR BAG- | --- pay highest prices. J. Thompson, = N NG STREET : | F Sy Buggies insferring. A number of| FOR AWNINGS, TENTS, ETC,, PHONE 333 Priucess Stieet. Phone 1600w.| LODGE ROOMS ON KING EET | | Buggies, Surriles, Single and | 2108. F. W. Cooke. - ------ formerly occupied by the 1.0.0. mn TEACHER WANTED. | Double Harness for sale. Finkle's | -- Apply to Cunningham and Smith. I+ or regaining vim and vigor' Livery, 120 Clarence Street. ¢ , ~ SOFT | lost § rio matter for a la --ee | ldVEr) | QUANTITY OF HARD AND \ I | FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD: Nn ser ous r mens. coc 2 mt - iS ; a or | CL ' JACHER ROR 8. | = mmr | Brick. Apply E. E. Wathen, 143 | all Linprovemenis; centraliy locat- ta. Osteopathy plus right living, NORMAL TRAINED TEAC ! Nelson street. Phone 618 or phone 4 p 1 proper exercise, diet and hygiene in- e150 ¢ ? | | ed. Apply 242 University Ave. VArinbly resuit in . 8. No. 6, Storrington. State salary | . MEDICAL, 1391J. GOOD HEALTH chm rom pn | | FOUR ROOMED APARSMENT, A i * A fe A 3 A Ly - " OWE IS8-| C. IK. ROBINSON, M.D 365 BARRIK| McLAU GHLIN ¢ (J LINDER ROAD-| E LARGE POWERFUL TRU CK, R_BOOMED FARMS a ER CHER TOR 8 i ! St 4 20 9 . 2 3 ire d| convenlences: ho n g ? i | J land, normal tramed, Salary 1 Street. urs 10.20-12 am 2-4 ster, 1920 mod cord tires, 'good | one small light truck, one 6 h Pp} Apply to White's Insurance Agency. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS ! a, Ew 000. Apply R. J. Foley, sec A | Howe Island Ho . : pm. 7-85.80 p.m Phone 1646 as new, just overhauled. Apply | | phone 410J or 457w. stationary gasoline engine. | SEMI-DETACHED DWELLING, SIX | SEALED TENDERS, marked "TEND- | : LEGAL | os . | rooms; improvements. Apply Bate- |'ERS FOR HEATING AND PLUMBING DRS. ROBERT and EDNA ROTES TANT SE En RAYION CunPUAING avis 0 | man's Real Estate, 159 Wellington AND ELECTRIC VIRING, midzesoct ASHCROFT 3 CED PROTES b TR eC ---------- scale, 5 City; P 5t y : > the undersigned, wi re receive AN EXIERIENCED ir class, for S | CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIS. used. Price reasvnable. 118 Col-| . | $irde: this Department until Tuesday, August | - X Sescher, 1ifolte ' borne Street, Kingston. East End Wellington Street | 3 204 King St. between Earl & Gore | f b ) , for Sept. 1st. Lor's | ters and solicitors, 79 Clarence FURNISHED HOUSE, 8 ROOMS, ELEC- Sth, 1922, for Heating and Plumbing of | » % Tg Be Mrs. John Clark, | Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunning- | N\ tric lights, furnace, ete. Apply on | the Eastern Daily School at Kingston, | \ Phone 447 for appointment J . | ham, K.C.; Cyr'l M. Smith. ONE BRITISH PLATE BEVEL MIR | premises between 2 and § p.m. 406 Heating and Plumbing and Electric } | rove. 1 | Mountain G TT ror, 6 feet by 2 nin Ed oak hd | Montreal Street. ire of the Schon] in collection with '0 . 3 g > " 8 rame. Apply Fran 0 8 " e Northern Ac my, ) 2ith, an NORMAL TRA a pacuEn | Sal- | AMBROSE SHEA, 3.A., BARRISTER Shop, 185 Welling fon Stree. 100 ACRE (FARM, THREE MILES FURNISHED, LARGE, FRONT ROOM, | Electric Wiring of thy' Mas. Buliding on r dott Duties begin and Solicitor. Law office, corner of an ar west of city on provincial highway; | electric light: half block from car- | Ontario School for the Deaf, Belleville. ary 4390 Peas Apply Percy Max- King and Brock over Roy: Bank | WHITE AMERICAN PRAM, WITH solid bfick house; hot air furnace; line. A en 313 University Avenue | Plans and specifications of the Dairy Sept: Ist. tary, Odie Ont Money to loan Phone 1999. / white leather hood and pique lin-| Bood water; 75 acres tillable, bal- o AO Tago School may be seen at the office of the fre L Becretary, Eee a ing, in' Al condition. Apply, either ance pasture. For particulars, ap.|__ 9F phone ---- | local Architects: Wio Newlands &| NORMAL. TRAINED TEACHER (PRO. | WY in mornings or evenings, to 112 RY to M. Polk, R. 3, Kingston FLAT FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPINGf| Son, Kingston and at this Department: "testant), for 8. 8. NG. 6, Pittsburgh. | DENTAL. fl » Barrie Street. Phone 1300 r 1-2. furnished rooms; office pultable for | the Sehoal at Monteith at the office of | » Sept. 1st. team. Somer bonsai , atist. Apply to H. A.| Dr. J. B. McDougal, Assist Ch . Dutles is ane hie bran DR. A. KE. KNAPP, DENTIST, OFFICE | DIVISION STREET, EIGHT ROOMED OTN footer 263 sea stron ° spector of Schools, North Hay, the office Meat Store BY; *R RENO Kinkwton, Ont. 258 Princess Street. Phone 652w. frame dwelling; hot air furnace; CATILE ang Frye CI, HORSES, | . : of the Principal of the School, Soni. y 1S. : . rio aE + i Qi 0 el a. TREN . Plo Tp ae ET CR li eX RT tee eu nen | Tonentmian core tcaturat ent Be aaa 159 Wellington street, corner of possession. Apply J. K. Carroll ouseho urniture, Stoves nearly décorated; handy to business. Ap-| this Department; The School for the | fled teacher, Protestant, for S. 8 B 4 E new, la I, atl b I mence Sept. rock. Phone 346. Agency, 56 Brock Street. tyle BoLBe rural, mail box, late *s Reld, Princess St. Deaf at the offic No. 6. Duties to commence Sep pe Tr 38 Hrock Strent style Buggy, Hay, elo. Apply Henry| Ply James Reid : SoatoL anna ise DP ienias of the bth, Salary $900. Apply C. 8S. i] = 3 - Clark, Sec.-I'reas., Battersea, Ont. | DK. simed practice ac 3 plas ae Miles. Northbrook; On FURNISHED ROOMS WITH. HOT AND | Each tenger sah? accompanied by ' . iy ---- over Bank of Neva Ceorals 5 St cold running water 'n each room; | an accepted bank cheque payable to S a TEACHER HOLDING THIRD CLASS 18027. ne all modern conveniences; good lo-| the Honourable F. C. Biggs, Minister of! " | cortificate, to teach 8. S. No. 13,] o Anti ue callly. 406 Johnson street. Phone| Public Works and Highways, Ontarle, | Storrington. Salary $700. Duties! AT THE HOME OF | 997J. for five per cent. of the tender, and the v voaucuve Bopieuiber, Apply K. VIL E NEE ¢ bona fide signatures and addresses of PICNIC HAMS ....... .25¢, N. Darling, Sec.-Treas., Lake Opini- a ENGIN RING. ° - TWO OR AHRER Rooms oy FATIH tWo sureties or the name of a Guarantee | I 16 edn, Ont. : . . GOOD USED CARS Tene fat, completely furnished for | Company approved by ti. Department | ll PURE LARD ...........16c. g : A " ; PA oot x ESTIMATES or Furniture light housekeeping: gas for cook-! willing to provide a bond for the due! sii : - NORMAL TRAINED FRUTESTANT Inst. 134 Karl Stgeet. Drone Sng r . ing and elcotric light. Apply 380( fulfillment of tre contract. The De-(l PICNIC HAMS .........25¢c. vad CL LT (Ff: Thome #47 13% Ton Rev Truex. Alfroe Birger fewest 'or 'any "temaand to accept .thef PURE LARD 16¢ . \- " : Vv r r er, " a Sesser . Sth. Salary $900.00. Apply to C. VETERINARY Something new arriving--svery HOUSE, ON ORDNANCE STREET, s By order | -- - . week -in old. period Furniture: » . | PICNIC HAMS ...... .28c¢. : | S. Hughson, Secretary -Weasurer, R. near Barrie, clectric light, gas, and F. McNAUGHTON R. No. 1, Elginburg. 4 Reo Light Deliv. . McNAUGHTON, -- | DR. MH. MURPHY, B.V.Sc, VETERIV. LESSES ANTIQUE SHOP ¥ Reo Light Delivery Truck. PURE LARD .isvilMee QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR S. §. NO. | ary Surgeon, 680 Princess St, King- 1 MeLaughlin Truck, a a 19, North Frederickburg, salary Ston, Ont. Phone 21937. = » ~ANewspapers publishifig this without lj LIPTON'S TEA $1,000. Duties to commence Sept. nt 507 Princess Street ' | ¥TORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN | authority will not be paid for it). | Aaa) at Apply B. C. Leslie, R. 3, Nap- Phone 1045w.' | Boyd S Garage | dry, aly rooms aad spaces; your Perr ners er------_. CATSUP (LARGE) anee. None but holding 1st class CHIROPRACTIO . g own lock and = Frost's City LAMB, FRONTS certificate need apply. 129 BROCK STREET Piorage 299-305 Queen St. Phone The Meanest Ever, 4AM, Na 526. . 989w. LAMB, FRONTS 1 Reo Speed Waggon, furnace, with a garage. All in good | | i condition. Phone 2128J, or call-32 Secretary, Public Works Department, ! John Street. Ontario: | ---- per eee Ottawa, July 28.--The EXPERIENCED SCHOOL TEACHER - - = ro , € meanest | for Echo Lake 8. 8. No. 10, Hinch- wa pahcuL, ur, EN ots ar | PROPERTY rN a pAGE or HAR. | TENT sPack FOR THE SEASON AT|motorist Las been found. After hit:-! .. inbrooke, Frontenac oun oid reg Barrie Sc. entrance, Ro. 3nd an i vated Od aes U 2 yr anobinson's Point." Terms, etc. on ing a valuable dog belonging to 1. | ing at least third class certificate. unt. Consultation free. Telephone fruit trees, good well. Easy terms AUTOMOBILE OWNERS application to C. W. Neville, '149 : i Salary $600.00 per annum. Apply H. $22]. Hours ¥ to 12 a.m. 1 : Fo . to . to § pm of payment; half cash, balance se- 1 : McLeod, Echo Lake P. 0, Ont. cured by mortgage. Apply to Mrs |" 11 Im trouble it would pay you to pany, 79 Clarence Street. ure cut the animal's throat with gz o 5 ™ It our expert mechanic, PROTEST A? C OLDING | DR. GEORGE ¥. LUUY, DR. JENVIE A, Thomas Dowker, Harrowsmith | consu » . ) ¥ afte y al NN ng Ee is certieate for SE Nos Lucy, Chirovractw Specialists and Ont. MR. FRANK WAFER 106 ACRES THREE MILES WEST oF | Ponknife. It died after two hours i . 8. h y --~ Kingston. Possession March 1st. [of excruciating pain. The police are Proverbs are the condensed wis- 2 | 'HY PAY WM 5 Collingwood Street, or Mills Com-|E. Flack, Ottawa west, the creat-| WHY PAY MORE ? ind ke; ver onvenfent 10- Graduate Nurse, 239 Bagot street, 9 . » y i nchin Salary $860.00 rie tia Between Princess | had Brock. Tele- sToru AD. DWELLING JOMBINED;| We have lantalled a 60 Korve power| -- Fall ploughing wil be pons Shen-| investigating. dom of the ages A Ly 0 one n ction, steel roof, elec- ' 48 : ihe q¥alifcation Tabor aL ence, 4 * to Spm Spinal andiyais tric lights, two telephones.' 'Asch Yesing Truck and can handle any man Wartman, Portsmouth, Ont. | wees AN A IN ratte pae ans am LH : = * : and consultation free. e. 4 o on road. b sideutial store house, barn, two acres and. | jo e AIRY, COMFORTABLE, STONE HOUSE calls by appointme: A yearly turnover of $26,000 Good EXPERIENCED LADY TEACHER FOR rillage: i 4 * If In trouble ring 4107, eight large rooms, fireplaces, back V ge; one-half mile from paper ' ~~ Junior room, Verona Public School, mill; 20 miles from Kingston. $1000 16 Used Cars und Trucks, Fonda, dens, a prot ang RUNNING DAILY BUS SER ILE 1500 oor I ion iary wii jondie. Mes. N. Stedman, Cam- Uscd parts for any make of car, hn oy bathroom. Apply 38 Rideau Street. KINGSTON TO GANANOQUE made to the undersigned by August 'CALL OR DROP A CARD To WwW, 2 a 10th. School opens Sept. bth, 1922. Gavine. upholsterer, 216 Bagot St. | STOVE WOOD SPLIT, $2.00 % CORD GEO APARTMENT OF FIVE ROOMS, SWICE DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY) Ds. T. 8. Genge, Secretary. not split, 32.35 3. Gord: cote, tian] A. PaLmun Bar dy ood oors, electri light, gasill | 1 aving KINGETON from Randolph Hotel ..... 8,30 am. 3.30 pm. Fy W. HAROLD FUR TOUR up. ton, last year's price. ' Cinders for Used Car and Salvage Co. Lid. Ear Bly Kingston Aparis ARRIVING GANANOQUE «+ 930 am, 4.30 pm, 9 . .\ : holstering and genera BUSINESS CHANCES, Bate eA : ge el repairing. roadways and garages $1.00 cart Cé¥mer Bagot and Queen Streets Jignts Ltd. ¢ rock Street,. Phone LEAVING GANANOQUR Sessa ae . 10.00 a.m., 5.00 p.m. & card to load; Clinkers for concrete work, - 104 Clergy street 0c. cart load, all delivered. Car dry 3 ARRIVING KINGSTON . ve 11.00 am, 6.00 pm. MOTO ON we AUTOMO- slab wood just recelved. Phone Ni Ln orl Canad 1038w, W. C. B Yerd: 2 \ e ga 880¢! on of Canada, . w, . C. Bruton. ard: 4" ES . COVERED BUTTONS MADE To on. g DURING AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER, Loo. / Limited, offers motoring protection, for In all popular shapes and sizes | __ UBiversity Avenue, For Sale beautiful furnished house, in best ||] RATE--One way $1.90, Return . SLT One Ford Coupe with starter, One I'ord Coupe without start er. rept e---- 8 355 Wellington atreet. W. Clinton, Avenue. Phone 1833). AT PALMER'S FOR Nou Sitidren. Apply Box K-27, > \ AUTO PAINT) | sons OF ENGLAND HALL, © - > PERSONAL . ING. ] Montreal and Princess streets, can - Tr ently. and farms after Queen street, rear of Aber- 10 rooms; central location; in best 1 ti . I Garage residential district; hot water fur. Of Every Description. PHONE 243 Jenkins & Davies, corney York ang 4 Tracks, lght and heavy SEEING taste ng; Hyslop and Bl- tion guaranteed. Business or ple : eycies. Value 542, 272 Bagot St. Sure cars. Prices moderate. COR. BAGOT AND QUEEN sTs, MRS, H. CRUMLEY, FIRE, avTos| Rs rush ators Na DONE BEFORE PLEASANT WATER TRIP, ? -- mobile and Casualty Insurance. 20 Quick and clean work guaranteed. ! : y x . . agents; established In 18 TE Freight carried to Picton, Be leville, DOMES I | COKE : FOR SAL ule mda Telinble companies' pra PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING ~ peintn --" tie Trenton sud all fusermeatate ¢ : > $3,000--FOR DOURLE ME; TOILET ented. oe oh street, | mee T_T TANGING JULY 28th--Regular rip to 5.00 City Time. 1 floors: electric light; 8B. and C.; hot policy will protect your salary, 8. R. "Lyons, 314 y T Street. SUNDAY, JULX 30th--Regular trip to Alexandrian Bay and among the In. Highest quality, Nee Rew. Dr Sih t+ . --- Ss $7300--BRICK; TWELVE ROOMS; ir liams. 2 Couper Stree. AT A GING, DECO- t d the § W. floors; B. and C.; hot air: ier: -- » vg He.Joun iio jae Picton one hast are Ll Enon dh < i small stock, good business; cv A r : Foot of Johnson St. location; dwellithg attached, Hora: Yeatiod" on sity" apa 2 : ! t -- coun: AINTING A REPAIRING. SEVERAL FARMS FOR SALE : : 'gees purchased, »; 2 aND ha } : ~ wil faterest Milowsd | PATYTING SiNGLING Ax OXY-WELDING SEVEN wmoohs:| (ENS, 20d interest " of ail kinds La B AEPAIRY - y : - - S1 ov ES : rooms, TO Aion n a acticy Woon a i » r A n an ¥ 4 X . B. and. C, electric light a le} PIANOS, NOGRA PHS, FURS CARPENTER AND CEMENT WORK MACHINERY REP AIRS While they ust, you may have semi-detached, central location. ished; also new TK | mee ] 3 : one: 8 \trial solicited:| BY CONTRACT Om DAY. "FIRST. . QUICK SERVICE cl motoring courtesy, motoring ser- Upholstering and repatrin a rb ---- part of city, one block from 'street Special ratey Gananoque Canoe Clad I m. vice to autol ingston office: as dad. rep University car and lake front; $75 per month 'MOLES, WARTS, ATH. | AUTOMOBILE PAINTING AND Fin. G D U At ba rented Sona anion. va- 'marks, skin 8 S0ALS, otc. re. ishing A 2peclalty. Also Plano and cant nights, apply 8. Hinchliffe, 12 . - Satisfactory Furniture Polishing. Gordon Young, Clarence Street fhat highte, a . # : 150.00 up. ' A riatce. Be Bimars | hetay's Shee store. or Step 4 cre y .» ™ SEPT 1st, SOLID BRICK DWELLING) 4 Ford Touriugs, v & : nace and all other modern con- AUTO AND CARRIAGE PAINTING. 4 McLaughline. Phoue 1994. veniences; reasonable rental _Ap- BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING Co Li ----e . - AUTO AND CARRIAGE FINISH 4 Chevrolets, d Bir 13E Earl Street : .y mited ILNE, ELECTRIC VACUUM AND Raglan Rcad. elepfione 453M. : PAINTING, Ae leaning, aging and Se Entire new equipment. satisfac. 5,000 Used Parts, ete. FINANCIAL, 4 BATEMANS mzar ESTA TE, Earl street. Phone 1762M. Phone 164. H. Ralph, 274 Ontario STEAMER BROCKVILLE --- STRANGE & STRAYGR, INSURANOR - TUESDAY, JULY 25th--Regular trip 10 Picton 5.00 p.m. ony Time, and electric Hght, FOR PAINTING AND FAPERHANG. ight carried to Plcton and. all Intermediate ra -- ie my prices; complete line of N : . DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS, A Paper. Special prices SATURDAY. JULY 2 th-egylus trio to Alexandria Bay ECG and NUT SIZES. $C060----BRICK; NINE ROOMS; mu, w. now. Our B8likness and col wal ni TR ry ae Sy hia slands, 2.00 p.m., City - Fare: Round Trip, 78e.; XY, ¢ air heatin Fire, Insure your nouse or furniture Phone ds, Pam. City Time. re: Trip, 73¢c.; Children, ; so-day. Phone or consult E Wil. MONDAY, JULY 3ist--Clvie Holiday, Special (rip to Pleton and Lake on 3 ° . we = "tele alent conn A - N § James Swift & Co., Limited rv oront avn recroans | "OAS OAY, Ave pera prices, Mailoaper a oad Salinas > BD GROCERY STORE AND FIXTURES Fresident Wp. i5orporates "136 5. , -- resldeat W. F. Niele, K.C ; aa pL Yioe 8 Al Strest. Phone 356m. ¥ bt farm |" -- a $3,200°-- FRAME; C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clar- Wa Mowers sharp- x Oo ve te long x glectric light and gas: hardwood ence st 1 foe ned tne only way, : . . a Auory throughout; lot 43133, == Cok Kinewion ===) "Foascnable in tows. "ae ] ELECTRIC : ; -- - 367 King Street W. ey, ch sme reasounbie, an that 1g | elon? es Hebert, 26 Plum Stree: lacs work at reasonable prices. aI . wy AME DWELLING, Telephone 3070w. y a - Xd Smith, 37 York reer Phone e -~ LN ched; north end; 7 rooms: B & Gi Seotzie lights: aw. floers; lot = : ° eo x » ose ro street ca 4 - J £ : 1h Suh Dares 4 AS 4 CARPONTERING FURNITUKE FINISHING Bishop Machine Shop WER, SON AND DRY ARCME- | -- : CARPENTER tl : "Es Merchants Bank Chambers BATEMANS REAL ESTATE WHEN ny TAN yn re 311] CALL AND SER w, DRISCOLL, 23 . G AND Ber of Broza aud Wellington, 130 Wellingign Street University Avenr's. Phone 1888w. John Sirest. Phone 3965 - \