-- = A ; : # THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. THE STOCK MARKET. | ---------- -------- > ; Reported by McKimmon & Co., Royal | FOUNDED 1847. | . ARY | Bank Building, Market Street. NEW YORK STOCKS. des | July 28th, 2 pm." £ - ! . Se N , lam Lose gee ee 118% JEG Bt N S- ---- "A [Baldwin Loco. ... ul .... 120% | : Te Jato Mrs. Macdonald." lg 40, +... Jil #514 | ¢ a Mrs. Macdonald, wife of George A. | BRS... i... 26% | ; } : [MacdonaM, Alfred street, passed' Cosden Off... we ne 2X Rr a 3 : jaWay at the General Hospital, SM EPR. ............ ..0.« 14034 | CLEAN UP Thursday evening, after an iliness of | Crucible Steel Ju two weeks. The d was \CM. &'8t. P. ... ... ~ {Euphemia Frances Alen, daughter of | Brie eon were. 19% | ' i : : {the late Alexander Allen, hardware | Gen Motors 13% | If : . merchant, Perth. She was a Pres- |G.8.T. Ens ssw +e oon + 33M : *. ' {byterian in religion anda member of (ut. Paper ... ... ... ... 54% | f {8t. Andrew's church. Her sympathe- Marae, pM. ... ... ... .. 13% | a Y. S. '. / ° d Ww ith ODD LINES Risen ne Soran of ser erent REC. | (Are You atisfie ! * MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S moc thd the occefior sot deup roc Xordies Fav... "io: I : i 2a Igret, ides her hu » 5 {Re Armia dweiaes an a 5 . i : . J vor by one sister, Mrs. al Me- Southers Pacific , Il oe our ( orsets? | SIXTY-TW , Ont. Th 1 {Sinclair Oil [i ' . LOT ONE 1X o SUITS i ote, Siu "a Sata Saas een vs "|i a I h ] Si 33 7 lremains taken to Smith's Falls for [Union Pac. ... .. If i i is line. e i t. U.S. Steel RB | ; ; i Some Indigo B ues in this ine. Siz a -- Wabash, pd. ... ... ... ., Does the Corset you are wearing at the moment give up to 42. Priged up.to $35.00. . ! | TAKE: YOUR PICK FOR | - | IN MARINE CIRCLES ] ons yy Mines, | you the support and comfort and the proper lines that. i . Yasapika ho. - ||. mean so much to the dress you are wearing ? | THé:steamer Aragon, which went|Wakenda ... ,.. ; jaground at Salmon Point last au- Teck Hughes». JY May <- gtumn, has been purchased by a ! } {Montreal firm, and is expected to JOHNSTON & WARD, |leave for that city on Saturday from Toronto. Members of Montreal and Toronto | The Pyke Company has met with Stock Excbauges. {little success so far in their endeay- on ! jors to locate the anchors and other MONTREAL STOCKS. ; . 5 equpiment" of the steamer Aragon, July 28th, 2 p.m. : |at Salmon Pofnf: / |Abitibi Power ... ... ... $7 LOT TWO--18 HIGH SGHOOL | The steamer Cicoa passed fp lastiBragit .., .:.'... 0.0L. ey ' {night from Montreal, wiih freight Bromptom ... ... ... ..... 3% SUITS for the head of the lakes. Can.Cement ... ... ..,.. 68 12 |. The steamer City of Hamilton | Can, Steamships, pfd. 3 Te i . - | cleared last night with freight for Dominden Steel ... '.. = Sizes 2.04 5: 36; Song Trousers, . [Reroute and Hamflton. Ogilvie , : riced up to 00. -~ Ww The steamer Toronto arrived this|pe Fa ™ {morning from Toronto and Roches- | Dominton Textile =f ter and cleared for Prescott. TAKE YOUR PICK FOR | The steamer Dardanella cleat |genon Tn ¢ ¢ [this morning 'with freight for Rideau IC anaregtide rm ie vay | Canal points. ig i Toronto Ratig™... 7. $ | Ee t------------_-- British Empire, com. .... | PLEASED OVER PICNIC. Moniréal Cotton . .. .. | Mackay . [Children at Orphanage Delighted | Quebes Rails ..,. | With Outing. Shawingan Sian ( : - The executive of the Automobile Wabasso I We Are Showing {Club is dn receipt of letters from St. [Twin Clty .. | Mary's-of-the-Lake Orphanage, thank- | ing the members for the picnic given Trip an Enjoyable One, I A number of special makes suitable for summer wear. {the childyen Ww ednesday, One from The Brockville Recorder me on- ithe Sisfer. Superior and the Sisters ing the visit to Brockville lady - [expresses their appreciation of the ers to Kingston says: 'While Brock- . ® ° 9 |kood time given the children, and one ville was defeated most of the. C i & vin S on S 2 from one of the boys, George Godfrey, | matches were very close. Thel orse S ' & speaks for itself, as follows: Brockville ladies were entertained at 'Dear Mr. Asselstine: luncheon and dinner at the beauti- For Summer Suitable for 75 79 BROCK STREET We: Be Tdren of St Mary's-of- | ful new club Bouse of the Kiagsion - tae-Lake, wish to contri ute our sin- | glub and everything was one to . . If Of Y. R It P T Ww 1k cere thanks to you. AT the children, | make their trip an enjoyable one. | Tall Slender Figures Tall Heavy Figures our Route It Pays To Wa large and emall, enjoyed themselves | It was the first occasion upon which | . : . y - at the point. We also enjoyed the |a visiting team of ladies had played | Short Slender Figures Short Heavy Figures milk, sandwiches, {ice cream, cake, [the Kingston club. A 'réturn match { candy and peanuts. We appreciate | will probably be arranged. : the treat very much. When we got o rer home we nearly deafened the neigh- May Tie Up Work. -- | 5OThOO With the whistles that were | A breakdown at ockville fn a - cn the balloons. The prizes were | car bringing paving Wlocks for the . . . | worth while running for. I was | street railway, thr ns to tie up ese : jswarded a bood for third prize in the | the work for a few days. There is | thirteen year-old race. I appreciate [a sufficient supply on hand for the [the book very much. The other boys | week-end, and it is hoped that the {end girls won prizes which pleased | biocks can be transferred to another. {them well. The swimming was ex- | car. City Engineer Howard Dick |cellent and "he water just right. We [and Hugh C. Nickle are making a Wad a lovely ride home h the [trip to Bell's Corners to ascertain the jeity. We hope that when 'we re a | possibility of another shipment. . ., . little larger, we may be able to give Et t-- mite you a picnic. We also extend our| The summer school students are sincere thanks to al those who help- anxiously awaiting the news of the ed and conveyed us to and from the |date of the visit of Hon. R. H. Grant Phones 458--459. Wholesale | 767. roint." to Queen's, as they intend having the and the Average Figure. We can fit with comfortable Corsets of the better kinds so you may have Comfort with Style. HOSIERY FOR ALL THE FAMILY TO.MORROW We are ready to supply Stockings for Children, Wo-,_ | men and Men, and at prices that: surely will prove inter- | esting. Come to-morrow |! Tee -- group photogreph taken on that oc- BITTEN IN RIGHT ARM. casion_ GRANUI ATED WITH ------ An automobile was stolen from ] | Claire Deylin Suffered Severe in- In front' of an hotel at Lyndhurst on ORDER jury on Thursday. Wednesday night, the property of SUGAR Sing While attempting to separate two George C. Harris, Toronto. fighting dogs on Princess street, on GENUINE. SPRING LAMB Thursday, Claire Devlin, local néws- DAILY MEMORANDUM. z paperman and son of Mr. and Mrs. Sale Studebaker car, Murray's Auc- Legs 38¢ Ib Loins ~ 35¢ Ib Peter Devlin; William street, was | tion Rooms, 13 o'clock noon. Brees vf . « "ee Mw . . ftten by one of the animals in his ey Fronts . .... 25¢. Ib. eas tse . Ib. arm. He went i b. { Racks ... 28¢. Ih Shoulder Chops 30s rus sare to remem una et ID S el) returned to his desk. In the late 2% : . afternoon his arm became very pain- HANSON, OZER EDGAR ™ 300 lbs. Loin and Rib Chops 38c. Ib. ful and, after examination by Dr. (R & EDC = JLAID AV & SO Kane, he was taken to the Hotel Dieu MARKET SQUARE, KIN is a oi CHICKENS--YEARLING F OWL hospital for treatment. "Pete's ' host 'of friends in the city including i DIED. .. LIMITED B E E F the local journalistic fraternity will MACDONNRLL A \Eizgston General 5 : wish him a speedy recovery and even 11, beloved wif ~ - - . 3,000 lbs. Stewing Cuts, per Ib. a "scoop" upon his return. . SCG Macionnert Jas Kiired's¢ 7 Deliveries X Store Homo, Boiling Cuts, per Ib. poet "July Toth, thence to GIR Bay Dail . 9to 5.30 > .CALLING FOR TENDERS Interment at Smith's Falls, y 2 to 3.30, Meaty Pot Roasts, per-lb. ---- = : - : \ For the Erection of the New Isolation N MEMORIAM. L 5% > LARD. Totdors toile | ch IRTG pon sf Wiig Saves 3 » 4 : os : 'enders for erection of 'the = And spure=3 Ib. pail .... . 58. here jeolaion buikting at ene Kings. et Tout HAL Hone Sefore. ni on era OSD. ! een e lives with us in memory ure Be f Dripping, peflb..... ... 10e. fo, us the building comics dure | ALA $11 fore mer ¥ oh + to proceed 3 y er, 3 POTATOES (Work. Local contractors who are IN . . . vor feel that as the was In lovin, SM EHORIAN, Saund- tendering money Good size--dry and white--full 15 Ib. appropriated by the city of Kings. | 7 who Sica Jancacy Tyiliem & . 25¢ tom for, this building, the work should | A loving husband, good : * 3 be confined to Kingston labor and AR ae aT triand 30 earth we fing; SAUSAGE ois May God grant him Wie rest, iy. Oxford --Beet and Pork ....... 12%c.Ib. " -- ¥ % a Lockett's Shoes 1 Ib. 60c. auali Black Tea-- cone took place from her late resi. R <x ' ' N * I ipGaibEdEho [ls RENEE --ll | Sim. For Children Jf > be. Granulated Sugar .. ....... $1.00 acid by Rev Mr. Charter os : Po | there was a large attendance of wi AZ . JELLY POWDERS friends. The casket was banked with : | Funeral on Wolfe Island, ttle Pig=All Pork ... ~~" . 20c. The funeral of the late Mrs. John eee _ i... ~ Any brand, all flavors _ «+v...3 for 25¢. py Ta. undertaken t ; eful fitting. - he right shapes ; SOAP The pall-bearers were: Wiliam Eood- : moderate prices. : . man, Grimshaw, Thomas ogers, : She : Wonderful brand, for laundry use © Cs Jog Hall and Wiliiau: : Ua Wi Mather De snd Me. Pat. Straps, Brown Straps, White - er dog EB «+++....8 Bars for 55¢. [I+ Soratacin Cane . Ambulance Phone 599 ab Ber best bib and tucker Canvas Straps ........ $1.50 . . : + Enterprise a opened camp : 1H TH Yo duct Yuet, bon- { P : » OUT-DOOR MARKET ~~" J§jI%ly 220d and got off toa good rg net : | Featuring new season's Fruits and Vege- Sort Tae cathe - gs . 289} YO he Dew shost on Ber" |' TT _ tables. Cree ea 7 to 10 p.m. Kooch 18 to shor, 24 Arthur w. | Gall nigh ~ 5 iy LOCKE S harge of the camp. The fishing is fine and the boys are en- Joying catching them in large num- bers, :