A £ : | THE DATLY BRITISH WHIG." PRIAY, x 38, 10mm -------- Le ---- T---- er -- QUEENS SINNER SCHOOL "SCD MAL 10 ~ : JED MNUAL METI WES. MRSA" {| § A TRG SUMMER HITS | A. Lapp, Ottawa, Elected Telegram Conveys First News J > P De f \ er Copy--Three For One lar ; President--Report on | of Wedding of Well Known vIn all desirable. pelts, at Say it While Dancing, Old Fashioned Girl, The Flapper Song, - »Curtis Fund. Clayton Couple. | EE : . | ~The anvual meeting of Queen's Miss Delia Paige, daughter of Mr. | » 2 . interesting prices. |S8mumer Sehog! Association was held |and Mrs. David Feige, Clayton. 1 | Pick Me Up and Lay Me Down in Dear Old Dixieland, Swanee River {In Convocation hall, Thursday even- was married in Couneaut, Ohio, on | Moon, No Use Crying, Meet Me Next Sunday I'll Wait For You. {ing, at which the annual elections of [July 25th, to Holly R. Marshall, ac- | { | La-Lo, Ka-Lu-A, 1 Always the latest |officers took place, and important cording to a telegram received by | ee- } . : | th | resolutions regarding the J. K. the bride's parents. " IL Koo K Koo, Just a Little Love Song, In Maytime creations. Curtis memorial fund were passed. | The wedding comes as a complete | easned to Love, Jimmy [ Love But You, Ain't Nature Grand The ' -- tf of Sa } EE -------------- | ke le. | { The election resulted in C. A. Lapp, (surprise to the relatives and friends | . . . Ottawa, being elected president, and |of the couple, who are both well | Flapper Blues, Little Grey Sweetheart of Mine, Georgia, K-K-Kiss - } |W. J. Stewart, Ottawa, the secretary- | known. Mr. Marshall has resided in 1 VL : ; . \ treasurer. The Neadduariete for the Clayton all of his kfe with the ex- Ne Again, Basing Bay, Angel Ch ild, By the Sapphire Sea, On the school this winter will be at Ottawa, ception Uf summers when he has in i 1 i ry Toronto having had the executive sailed on the Great Lakes. Miss Paige | n my Shore, California, Dancing Fool, Some Sunny Day, officers there last winter. worked there and two days ago she | etc., etc. { : * | The report of the Curtis memorial (left, stating in a note which she left ' a . | fund cqmmittee was given by C. RB. [that she was going to Syracuse, 2 9 | Duprau, who assisted by an energet- Nothing had been heard from ber THE COLL OHN M KAY, Li . 8 (lo commflittee, have this summer |and her parents were becoming wor- PHON Fy K STORE raised the fund from $400 to |ried when they received the tele. ONE 919, : J C ' mit > $1,260, at which the fund now gram asking them to address all mai] OPEN NIGHTS | stands. The districts have respond- [to Mrs. Holly R. Marshall 'at Con- A -- Manufacturing Furriers [ed well to the appeal for the fund Leaut, Ohio. * : {to establish a scholarship in mem- ------ a + 149-1567 Brock Street - - Kingston, Ont. ory of the late J. K. Curtis, who was COMMERCIAL COURSE. y ? , t \ one of the most loyal advocates and -- | workers for the success of the |The Nesvite of Examinations !n ihe ea aV [8cho0]l. The British Columbia and Collegiate, subscribed one The results of the graduation ex- y ® : * {Alberta - districts i ) : a |hundred per cent. while a number |aminativas in the Comm-n.cial . | fot districts have donated 90 to 97 |Course ot the Collegiate Ins'i ute $x On Henry means {per cent. ars 8 loliows: i g . | Conditions to control the award of o Happiness and : the scholarship were suggested hy Full Commercial Diploma, 8 * fine committee, and approved by ths | Sylvia E:unke. i : ? . - | meeting.. The most important of §rauces Crawford. i? : ; | these was that the revenue of the 'va Dyascn, 4 y & Health for everyone who ifund as deposited with the registra: ick Basten. A For Saturda Sho I'S : : : f : of the university should constitute orothy Grant. . ; Enjoys this delightful confection. the ward. "The scholarabip shall bo| Ktaseeo Healey JHE awarded by a committee of mem- én rermiston. | INGE LR ; Not out of I Ee ar ie semi : } 96.50 GINGHAM DRESSES ...... .. . $395 [school and also students. It shali| Alice Mughson. - A Reach of the pocket of {go to students who graduate in arts| Jeon Irwin RAE Gi h : . : |atter an ektra inural course includ- Say yarrow. ga ne mngham Dresses In a nice assortment of Checks, ckey. + { Youn or old. ing a summer course. The scholar- b Sa g ship shalf be awarded on a basis of| Daisy iicddy. g Organdie trimmed, some Vest effects, short sleeves A DOUBLE FOR TEN CENTS [sixty-five per cent. for scholastic at- Sieace fe1ds. . / ; . [talnment, twenty-five per cent, for atle Shomberg. (ri with and 3 \ i 5 | service as exemplified in the life and | Al2rion Sheppard. DA . without collars, narrow belts, Colors: HAVE A SEEN. OH MAREL) id of the late SIs. AB rum in StenoRraphy and pe. |S Red, Mauve, Green, Blue. Sizes 16 to 38. Regular " ittle Sister. , ide that na. writing, \ Oh Henry's |The Yolen: maw tects tie iy Nancy noyle. up to $6.50. Saturday, to clear «orien $3.98 A" prize has been offered By the ent Halpin, {director of the school, Dr. W. T. fs0C Rey, |MacClement, for. the best essay on -- rr ; [is subject, ~The soivicas. of the! COLIN MeINTOSH AT REer. $4.75 BATHING SUITS ONLY 25. = =1/late J. K. Curtis to Queen's summe- { FOR $3 69 jack) hh i be swiricd a And the wn - Greatly Saddened All Wool Bathing Suits ve Plece style--tri BOYS' BALBRIGOAN DRAWERS--sizes | : ® > is Loss. S ee m- {be given this fall, the award being | Carleton Pe Bowed . era fancy. colored stripes around bottom 82--8horts--nice quality -- former price 39¢c. made to those who graduate in 'eith-| After an fliness of some length, Purple. Priced at, son Black, Navy, Green, and boc. a ni Ei | [ffi er fall or spring examinations, and |the last ten days under specialist | Satucday BE Jute, Saturday Snap BRICK HOUSE--8 rooms, 4 bedrooms, electric lights, gas, 34 have filled 'the other requirements. tox ment at Ottawa, Colin Men. Aturday, to clear plece bath, furnace, hardwood floors throughout. A156 new gars Hl! The report of the nominating |tosh, arrjeter, passed away in the t Broken sizes in Kiddfes' s oe saLinfiic Street. {committee was adopted after much [early hours this morning. Deceased n es Sox. To Glear CROTHERS Wherever Candy is Sold KINGSTON Established 1869. ok 22 to _ ~SQLI RICK HOUSE--8 rooms, electric lights, gas, 3-plece | discussion ofi the method of elec- : . Thi be: pur : , J bath, far os Jonson Street. This home can be purchased on [tion. The following is the executive . ; CHILDREN'S COTTON DRAWERS -- good very easy terms, | for the ensuing year: : quality, hemsti:ched frill. Sizes 6 to 14. $1.00 PER PAIR i | Hon.-president, C. B. Leppard, [education fn bis native 3 Saturday snap 3 for $1.00 M. P ® TRU OU / ll Codgary, Alta; Past president, W. [then went to Toronto atid Brantford, WOMEN'S LONG SILK GLOVES _ Tan or : : : |J. Brown, Toronto; president, O. A. stidied law. About the WOMEN'S COTTON VESTS--good size--short " Black--sizes 6 to 8. Fo : ; 237 Bagot Street ; "Phofies 704 or 1461w : [Lapp, Ottawa; vice-president, C. A. : 0 the bar he came sleeves and sleeveless 8 for $1.00 Saturday Snap il E. Hensley, Winnipeg; 2nd vice. h» Over thirty years | -- rt Arriba 4 4 4 4 t Victory Bonds i bought 'and sold. Vey Adah d aa a v TAN Y YY Yay | 1! tatives are, British Columbia, presentatives are Tage, Trooper Curson, of the IG a. [ Well located corner groc- : . € such _ ; Fancy Seedless Raisins + } | Partridge, Toronto; Quebec, J. W. 2 2 high dive, suf. ARM BADLY MANGLED, | Save Bo Nfucnce and dow J. Corneil, Toronto; Men's Athigt- |[eeding the planer when in some un- for $4,300. Possession at onde. lustrated address on missionary help immediately and the machine and barn for $5,100 on the lawn in front of the Princlp- the hospital at Almonte. Strange to P. H. Sheffield, Fernie; Alberta, (. ; : a. y A. while swimming with ¢ | W. Crome, Calgary; Saskatchewan, [f: CR pire with ray of) THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE L ery with 7 roomed brick a EL dwelli newly decorat- Shredded Wheat Brunf Quebec, New Brunswick, S. f2uy spell, and went under, § dwelling, newly 311 mache aca... 3 (5; Nason, St. Johns: Nova Scotia, A. |p," wp tr 'DE down for the third], Muscles Were Exposed and Ten- ||| : ed, electric light, Ras, Magic Baking Powder (1s) Sie, | V. Rudolph, Lunnenburg; Prince companiors M as saved by three =" dons Severed. Fresh Pack Soda Biscuits --14¢ 3 | Bdward Island, L. V. Copp, Char- | Gioa H2. Rellow, oar. Carleton Place Herald. forget your guess, . ae - | les, G. W,. Matthew, Woodstoek® or | accountable way he got his left hand [Soetal, 0. E. Ault, Ottawa; Music, {caught between the mller and the GOOD BUYING ON LIVINGSTON AVE.--New trame dwelling with Miss Meikle, Calgary, Alta.; plenic oO ay [boara that he was planing and his 7 rooms, E. light, improvements, good cellar, lot 33x 182, with work in Africa, where he spent some BIG BARGAINS was stopped, the roller raised and the ' time, and will ghortly return, FOR MEN arm relemsed. First aid was givin HOUSES FOR RENT al's residence bh August 9th. i say no bones are broken, although One of the Interesting faets, ¥ some tendons were severed, but the , president, Miss H. HB. MeAllister, an office here, and | nr Welland; Secretary-treasurer, W. I. |as been a continuous resident ever SALE Stewart, Ottawa; Assistant Secret- [since. R. Gillis, Vibank; Manitoba, Miss M. 3 G PILE OF SOAP ' ; ' a Nun 10 Ibs. 75¢ § | Anderson, Winnipeg; Northern On- Sy a thé Sitawa iver : . ranulate ugar .. .. Cc. Ie , of a ------ smn ' ] | tario, Miss J. M. Séott, North toot divici Burd, and got ny a ------ dst en -------------------- E good 'cellar, . 'yard and h TE p £9 fl d y Fousy Rive lottetown; Newfoundland, A. FE. MW 2nd Uisen. An unfortunate accident ocoutred sement floored barn, th en "48%. R [{Bdgecombe, St. John's. \ ; ; in the Nichols planing niill on Tues- . ; - "§| The convenors of committees are day morning, by which Danlel Nich- A BARGAIN ON ALFRED STREET--Semi-detached brick dwelling, and excursion, V. McLeod, Swastika. &rm was drawn under the roller to barn, on a corner, for The "sing song" Sunday evening . the elbow, tearing the skin off the : will be a special attraction, when 4 Hats back of the hand and arm and ex- GOOD INVESTMENT ON ALFRED STREET---Double frame @well- posing the muscles, His cries brought ing with extra lot. Each house has 7 rooms, E. light, deep lot | The summer school studesits have : and medical aid called. Mr. Nichols $50.00--Albert Street--new semi-bungalow, hardwood floors, hot | been invited by Principal and Mrs FOR LADIES {was removed to Dr. Preston's sur- water heating. Bun room. { Taylor and the staff of the summat (gery, where temporary, relief was $20.00--Montreal Street--g rooms, with toflet, ! brought out at thé meeting was that a {wound is a very sore one and will Fire Insurance, o the summer school this year had A 8 take a long time to' heal. a made the largest increase In attend- . ear. It made an advance anes of any y ARNPRIOR MAN DROWNED. | Money to Loan. w ary-treasurer, J. 8S. McDonald, Ot- -------- > tawa; publicity manager, A. H. » Carr, Kingston..The Provineial re- Had a Close Cail. o At Petawawa Camp, on sat irday $5,100 Belleville Creamery * 4 (Bay; Southern Ontario, J. A Salada (Green) 2 Ih 1.00 4 .l {as follows, Womens' Athletics, Miss "The Hat Store" {ois has a very sore atm. He was "with 9 rooms, 3-piace bath, furnace, gas, B. light, good yard Rev. A. W. Drysdale will give an il- school to a garden party to be held iken and he was at ogge hurried to { | Bie $20.00--Collingwood Street--s rooms, E. light, B. and q, of 25 per cent. He Had Gone North Only a Few Appleton Lad Killed N : = SA ER -- ---- Some Ou Many Shoe Bargai te who was beloved by young and old ops He wag this year in the ; 1 00 ~ class and next term he o\, i Scores to choose from<--all going at big dis- to bowpltal oven a a Amprios, rer be Putnpe, High noe, a cle" counts--in fact, many below manufactur. : : ; : ; er's prices. Now is the time to buy while the prices are low. : EF tr | Donald, widow of the late D. D. Me !Densld, and mother of Rev. Father : McDonald, Toledo, Ont.