Bm A hie ok Ww 7 EN FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1922. een. : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG fy i 5 2! 5 | ~ PLAYER'S Rwo pun \ | INSTRUCTOR MEW 'YORK, Y.M.C.A. RADIO ScHooL | NAVY CUT ° | VULCANITE SLATE SURFACED Roorme F our-in-One Slab Shingle .. exagonal Slab Shingle .00 per sq. Rolls, 32" wide .... $3.90 re 3 The highest type of "Beaver Quality Roofing and surfaced with natural colored Crushed Slate, Red or Green. WITH CAPACITIVE FEED RACK. Reaction of a plate elrcuit regeneration would be very - CIGARETTES "Greatest Value in the World" 10 for 20% also ir packages of 20 and int tins of 50 4 100 { | | CASCADE RADIO FREQUENCY AMPLIFICATION { upon a grid circuit to produce regeneration/or autodyne effects may be accomplished by capaci- tive instead of inductive coup- ling of the two circuits. Care" must be taken. however. to have the phase relations correct or there may be a weakening rather than a strengthening ef- fect upon the received signals with increased regeneration. In the diagram the interstage coupling is secured 17 means of resistances. This is more suit- able for long than for short wave reception because of the capaci- tances of the tubes themselves. strong and the process of ampli- fication and regeneration would repeat to produce even stronger effects. ' In this manner a sig: Dal voltage which would be in- "capable of operating a detector tube might be built up to a very great extent and made '. operate the detector to good advantaga. Beat frequencies may be gen- erated If the feed back coupling is sufficiently great and con- tifuous wave telegraph signals are received. The coupling condenser is of very small capacity and usually corsists of but two fixed and one movable plate. The fixed plates CovplingResistances TEAS - rs 2 | In suck a circuit an increase of potential applied to the grid of the first amplifier tube causes An increase of plate cuirent but & decrease of plate potential in that tube 'because 'the drop across the resistance in the plate circuit increases with the cur- rent in that circuit. The poten- tial applied to the grid of the second tube will therefore de- crease fi. this case, as will also the plate current. The plate potential of the second tube will, however, increase. In a third tube tnere would be an in- crease of plate current and a decrease in plate potentia). but in a fourth the plate current would decrease and the plate potential would increase when the potential on the grid of the first tube was increased. In the fond and fourth tubes the ate potential variations are therefore in phase with the grid potential variations of the first tube, but in the third they are are connected to the plates of the first and the last tubes, while the movable plate is connected to the grid of the { -t tube. Regene-ation is then controlled by adjusting the mo¥able plate wih respect to the two fixed plates. The condensers in the grid circuits of the second. third and fourth tubes are to prevent positive potentials being applied to the grid from the "B" bat- tery. Grid leak resistances are therefore required to prevent choking of the tubes and the condensers should have small reactance compared to the grid leak resistances for the fre- quencies encountered. Since the grid ccndensers and feaks cause rectification when the signals are streng it is seen that there is a limiting effect. Strong sig- nals or atmospherics are there- fore suppressed to some extent, while the weak signals are amplified. If loud signals in the head telephones or in a loud- AT THE RICHT dl : (Ol [0] -- Allan Lumb LLL BY) TEL.1092 KINGSTON.ONT F. GRACE THE A. B. C. WASHER Let us loan you one free for next washday. \ "THE ELECTRIC SHOP" Phono 1545 115 Brock Street a - Coal ' ¥ ® § annell finest grade and quality. SOWARDS COAL UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE 811. We have received a car of Ebony Cube Cannell Coal of the Let us have Your order for your Season's requirements, which shall have our prompt attention. Cut Soft Kindling for summer burning always in stock. Co PHONE 1352. NN mt We Have a Lunch That You Will Like A special club dish, changed daily, a | licious Tea or Coffee and a lunch for anyone. THE VICTORIA CAFE JEWLY LEE, Manager. cup of our de- tasty dessert, is sufficient 864 KING STREET TELEPHONE 762. nos on A ---- ? san -- ---- ---- I speaker are desired -udio fre- quency amplification .aay be used after the radio frequency stages. A power amplifier could also be used in case the loud- speaker required a large-amount of power, comparatively, for ef- fective working. out of phase. Coupling back from either the second or the fourth tube to the grid circuit of the first tube would produce positive regéneration and ampli- tication of signals providing the reaction is proper!; controlled by the coupling condenser. The APPARATUS % DEVICES - By RALPH BROWN, RADIO ENGINEER HEAD PLATES LAST INDEFINITELY IN THIS BATTERY: ' The lead plate battery for use Seems especially attractive, as as an A béttery or filament it does away with some of the lighting battery bas many - ad- disadvantages of this type of Big Variety of Gerani See our choice variety of Potted Geraniums and other Plants, Beautify your lawn and home with our plants. Window Boxes and Hanging Baskets made up to your order Cut Flowers always on nd. . P. C. LAWSON THE LEADING FLORIST ~ STORE: Corner Wellington and Brock Streets. p 4 CONSERVATORIES: oe Sn | -- Aluminum Ware Specials - TTT Goodyear Tires | of 3 different types and prices now available for Fords, Chevrolets & Overlands More people can own Fords, Chevrolets & Overlands Those who own them can afford fo drive them more BECAUSE - these Goodyear Tires at fodays prices provide a cost-per-mile lower than heretofore possible 20 QUART PRESERVING KETTLE at 14 QUART PRESERVING KETTLE at POTATO" POTS--regular $2.25, at COVERED ROAST PANS--regular PERCOLATORS--regular $2.00, at HEAVY 14 GUAGE TEA KETTLES--regular $4.00, at . . battery. They are made in these capacities: Six volt 40 ampere hours, 6 volt 60 ampere hours, 6 volt 80 ampere hours and § ° volt 100 ampere hours. A new electrolyte is made use of. the semi-solid type, which does away with sulphation and which nat- urally obviates the spilling of the acid. On tests of abnormal discharge the plates have not buckled and the highest elec- trical efficiency and voltage maintenance was noted. An. other feature is that the battery can stand idlé indefinitely with- out Injury to the plates. . A hardwood case is furnished as stdck, but at a small extra fharge a ay Fabbes case fis rnished. e price compares vantages which commend it as favorably with the oreayy as such. The one described here plate type. Will readers interested in these radio articles kindly communicate with the editor by mail? $3.50,.at Also many other lines These goods are one WARE on the market, and of- the best makes of ALUMINUM are all .rst quality. ~ Lemmon & Sons 187 PRINC ESS STREET ] |} { ] |} 1} ] b ] b |] ) 1} L} li at very low prices. h |] I { { } { | [|] { | 1 ces and Wilima Cofinely, Kingston, are spending the holidays with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Tal- len. Miss Bessie Amey spent a cou- = ple of weeks at Bellrock, Misses =x Louise and Eliza Davy have returned 7 home after spending a couple of weeks with their sister, Mrs. H. Lee. John Wilks, of the Eureka Flint and Spar Company, is spending a few aire sta 4 Sn SL = "The i BACK TO OLD HOME. A Former Residept Came Back After Years. + Many Charlegton, July 24.--T. D. Spence ' lost a valuable hound. The animal > r . i » was poisoned. iss Sarah Hudson \ ® : was called to Jonps' Falls, on Tues- . { "All-Weather"- day, by the illness'af her sister, Mrs. =F 1 onic Value : Tread-Cord Forde Moulton. She returned on . k Thursday. Miss Julia Hudson, days in the village. Mr. Wilks and & . 3 Summit, NJ, is now with Mrs. [R. Wager spent a couple of days on : : TH Moulton, who is much better. Misses | business near Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. : of O'Keefe's Imperial B Bulah and Dora Thurston, Brock-|E. M. Yorke were in town last week. B k th : ville, spent last week With their|Mr. and Mrs. B. I. Martin are spend. 7 ews makes them gousin, Mrs. Harry Webster. A|ing the week-end with her parents, ideal for restoring party from Smith's Fills came to|Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Yorke. depl 1B Charleston and spent the day on the| Mrs. C. Howard ds home from 'the epleted strength of .| lake. Mrs. T. H Spent a few | hospital a Mttle improved. Wildam mind and body. No- days recently with In West-| Carroll has returned home after an thing else is so whole- some or bracing after a tiring day, as a glass i port. \ absence of five weeks at Yarker and A. 8. Babcock, Sydenham, a resi- Kingston. Dr. and Mre. Lawson spent dent here when a mere lad, with his of O'Keefe's Ale, er or Stout. **Non-Skid"- Tread-Fabric "All-Weather"'- . Tread-Fabric 30 x 314 All-Weather Tires are All- Wheel 'Tires -- rough and tough to resist skidding through thousands of miles, Made in Canada in in- Cord economy and Good- year Cord comfort pre- viously enjoyed only on larger ears. creasing numbers f Reduces depreciation and i. or Svar fuel consumption. Has the. ten years. The most used 30 x 3% tire in the world. Vetan raged, All © $15 00. "$1850 4000 | | [hr a Saturday in Kingston. Rev. Dr. Law- wife and family, Son gave a second sermon of a series hers. Mr. Wilson, on "God's Last Invitation." Ethel McMullen, Ottawa, is a vacation. Miss Elsie 4s spending the holidays at , after a busy season of teaching Rev. Mr. and Mrs. H. t a couple of days ds at Deo's Corners. H. i has purchased a new Olds a Ball sold a car last week to J. or. George Tuttle and chilgren, |, and, N.Y. are spending a few Weeks here with her parents, Mr. and The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Corapany of Canada, Limited i a Yo n x 2 1 Ti - i, : y: x ---------------------- : 4 ; : : her| Mrs, Donald D. McDonald, Ottawa, a . pv sister of the late Most Reverend [ Gauthier, Archbishop on Monday, aged 69 wi x lle Council will hana selected dealers sell] |=iiwdt D'SEEPES + TORONTO Goodyear Tires > MW -- Order a case from E. BEAUPRE Distributor for Kingston Fan a a A es AA ENE A aan Martins. Mr. and Mrs. R. Snider tons. Rev. Mr, and Mrs. W. Wilson, pent Sunday with their daughter, | of were recent guests 2 are the order of the Mrs, Byard Snider. Milton Jeftrey, |at John Peter's. & | fay. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark » has returned home at-| RE ed Jha family. and Miss Longm »-Of [ter visiting his brother, ©. W. Jof- Thrice is, he armed that has his velock, have returned home, af- {oer Mrs. Enoch Snider and sister, Quarrel just. ks & week at Edward [spent Wednesday at Walter Comp-| Better quote than misquote. 3 INI i ; Notes. From Florida. Florida, July 27.--Haying ani