Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Jul 1922, p. 6

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FRADAX, JULY 2%, 1vuas, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. . _BBLE THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY [a= nol ye | fact, the influence of the p COATLESS MEN. | Why is It Poqu; od in summer-|shon wane, {time that a genilem@d wear his coat | The public has been he wictim 'on | {everywhere except on $e golf 3several occasions of bald fakes in believe in God, believe also in me. ! or the tennis court or in the swim- | pa matter of so-called news, put ii {In my Father's house are many man-, {ming pool? for no other purpose than to antiel-| gene. 49 1¢ were not so, I would have Dignity requires it, some say. Also, | pate an event and thBh claim 2**'news told you. I go to prepare a place for {it has alyays been the mark of a | beat" on the item in question. Two |yeu*--John 14: XY, 2. eo ear coat, 10 MAL sycoasses emboidened the PErPelTa: | mnt dane how ridiculous while | tons and they made 'wo more at | he said "no" horse at the same time, | m&Ping his face and brow or famning tempts, both of which resulted in | which by the sudden jerk thee, im | § ri 'raw back against the seat the thug ed at | himself violently with siraw hat or tedlure. 1th | newspaper. It is, altogether probable that re- the same time the Tall glazing his re Sports costufpes have emancipated, sponsible heads of newspapers did Fool Questions. | e el is ; 1 the FM B writes: "If a couple aid! {omen go far as summer apparel is {not know of the fakes, else ¥ inet Tid electric codpe | | vod ) x eir courting 'n 1 ¢ Soncemied, Shem, leaves, io 1: {would never have printed them, but could you call #t an electric spark? | . . {lars, light and attractive materials, {some ome did-- they could not have AX. go on. | . ! X . loose-fitting, straight-iined costumes, | paen perpetrated otherwise. The | * ' j all help the female of the species, be first great hoax was on the death of | Ohloans Ars Great vu Haviag Their | A o . 50 } y» x shtuing ods ». i he Japper or digmted mother, 'o Queen Victoria. The BUBOURCRMONt | 4 wait Township Cor. Alliance (Onhlo) | y \ . feel ds comfortable as possible and to {of the queen's death was scatyered | Review) i : . J g : 100k cool and pleasant in the eyes of | proadeast in this country and else-| Mr. Oliphant, of Winona, 1s putting | 4 8 . Pnblished Dally nud Semii-Wee WY | lghtning rods on the buildngs of C i : A ; v A. Gamble and F. E. Jolley. | ---- | | Musings of a Motor Cop. | aper will | ALL IS WELL: --bet your heart be troubled: SUIT SHIRT | SALE, ~ AY BIBBY'S Men's and Boys' Wear Store SPECIAL We are offering at | ter he looks, an where, and printed in otherwise re- liable papers, nearly six hours before the death actually occurred, How- ever, those sending out the report held to that story, claiming that those attacking it were actuated by jeal- ousy. because they were beaten. On the death of Pope Piux X, in 1914, the same thing occurred, though in THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING Other mortals. ~. €0, LIMITED { Why can't men declage a little in- +++. President dependence in this matter? The re- maging. Directo | turning suspenders are to be worn " - | beneath the shirt, so that digpity Rice 1-17 rr vos ans s1.24| DOC] DOL bo sacrificed when ihe goa: -+2328 [iramoved. As an office wre B' Somethihg particularly good in a pure Wool In digo Serge made up in Men's Regular, Stout and Shim Models. : ~Young Men's new Two and Three Button models. Splendidly tailored; in sizes 34 to 46. Hortense usurped a parking space, Unto the station house she went, And paid two dollars with good grace, | Said she, "I don't begrudge the | rent?' 8 { --Wushington Star. | But when Hortense began to race, | She speeded up to fifty-nine-- Again the Judge she had to face-- coatless outfit should make in- (Daily Edition) | creased comfort, increased effi ency Ome year, in i 80 and good temper. Why cling to the | this case the pope died two hours «so BB 2 " in iq o Sue your, by A tu rural wileen $3.30 coat for any except formal occasions? after notice of his death was publish Hot tide WAP awit ac. was pir oe od (Semi-Weekly Edition) -------- ed. --Sam Hill. Enquizery S20 Fear wy Lowy a The greatest hoax of the century : " One Jean to United States was the false report of the signing of | Hortense paid up without a frown, Ah as ep a istice. Ni 7th 1918--four And showed she was in sporting class, OUT-OF-TOWN the Armistice, Nov. 7th, "| 8he soon was racing o'er the town days before the actual signing. This F. Calder, 23 St, By pyshing hard upon the gas. caused the hoaxers a lot of uneasi- Sb --J. H. Reed, Canton News ness, and took a wonderful lot of ex- plaining. Then came the report of N ry ome of the best oh respondence to women who hate it [the death of Pope: Benedict XV. in Canada, and who are more fitted for most | Sent out about eighteen hours before * |the death, it caused profound sorrow to many, and wheh the real truth be- came known caused a loss of confid- ence in the papers printing the story. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: -~ JUST LIKE A MAN. ted 303 Countless reams of paper have EPRUSENTATIV ES, been filled: with articles commisera- ..100 King St. W.| ing husbands whose wives are poor, housekeepers and poor cooks, and much more paper has been wasted in "trying to teach housekeeping by cor- BOYS' SUITS Sizes 29 to 34. New models, good, honest Tweeds--neat patterns--new models, for $7.50 Misunderstood. "Does your daughter the guest. "Sir ther. "Oh, I beg your pardon; meant was, is she an artist" Daily Sentence Sermon His own business is all that man 1s ever capable of attending 'to --n . . Letters to the kditor, are pawiani| only over the actusi wame of writer. aske paint? a exclaimed the haughty mo- | | any y | | | anything else. But no one ever thinks of pitying {the woman who has to eat her own | poor cooking, or who has to lve in [he house which she so poorly keeps, There is little room for the faker > (although she 1s forced to spend much |i? any line. And the newspapers of more time in it than anybody else. [the country, in spite of adverse criti- News of the Names Club. some' difficulty in [°Sm at times, have been surprisingly | Mrs. Nita First lives @t Springfield. | " in news. | We haven't heard who was second T Iva Wragg lives at Kansas City, and | probably has a powder rag also. | | » BY MOTOR TOURISTS | == what The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the. : ABO Audit Bureau of Circulations ™ SUIT BIBBY'S There 4s always arousing pity for a person forced to | [Tee from serious errors suffer from :their own imefficiency, |AbOVe all, they have been careful that but the time may mot be far distant | the Story as printed was as nearly ac- when we will read articles on how jcurate as possible. Ninety per cent. discouraging dt is to the wife wage {of the fakes are reserved for the The rose by any other name would {earner to go home "0 a house poorly "yellow sheets," and 'he sooner they give some people hay fever. kept by her husband, In fact, one jare driven out of the ranks of news- aa - young wife in London, England, has |P3Perdom the better for the entir | They Use the Washroom, But : ; At any rate, the world war made |uiready complained to q magistrate | Profession, : Do Not Spend Any : | the world safe for ultimatums, about her husband's poor housekeep- -- . Money. : : a-- -- ing, and says she cannot eat the food | § ! | Fable: Once upon a time there yn, nrops pee Our Canadian Question Peterboro', July 28.--The Provin- | was a family that had enough towels. Let the men, who see a just retri- And Answer Corner cial Hotel Commission, consisting of i # . Edgar Watson, M.P.P., North Vie- toria, Chairman; M. Lang, M.P.P., ; FIRST QUALITY. NO SECONDS. : 'ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. It must be fine %o be good and feel superior to everybody, fe | 'When in doubt, tell her she has a fancinating personally: "HOTELS NOT HELPED bution in this for the woman who prefers work outside her home and who can find a job, while her hus- band cannot, ponder the report of a Not every man will admit that his wie made him a success, but every wife will, Cochrane; 8. Clarke, M.P.P., West Northumberland; Joseph Cridland, M.P.P., South Norfolk, and Colonel Q.--How.much do the provinces spend per pupil on education? A.--Aoccording to the latest avail- Artistic temperament seems to have much in common with gn aver- n to work. . Choosing between the mountain and the seashore is-largely a matter ot form. + The average man's purse is just a port where a pay cheqpe stops for sailing orders. Correct this sentence: 'I always feel so proud," sad the bride, "when I ask my husband for money." 'We can't all whiz about in automo- biles. Somebody must stay in the- garage to fix the darned things. -- A. woman's suffering is nothing compared with that of the man whose wife calls him "Homey" in public. If Conan Doyle can arrange it, we should like to hear a few cnitical remarks about the spirit of 1912-14. tg ---- The train's delay would be less an- noying if railway employees would Jook a little more tenderly sympathe- An old timer is one who remem- sat demurely neu- man do the love- OF aR Some men make fools of them- solves at intervals, and some never It prohibition bad been a little | More careful about emptyliig the Jas, perhaps there would be fewer D gers. ---------- | Still, the high-priced car has little luck than a jitney when it dés- Pues the right of way with a tele- Phone pole. - Fable: Once upon a time there was girl who received an engagement ming and didn't visit a Jeweller to learn its value. There still are patriots- among us Willing to sacrifice incomes of $800 & year to take public jobs paying a ho fhe. English. farmer, and oot] le went hungry in the cities. *- Age 4 R be that the Irish are leav- 3 stone' untarned to win, tree , but they appear to be making ® use of the blarney stone. - {keepers "they should know how to | When a man buys a newspaver he i4 Days for the news--he hes a right to Woman correspondent fn Russia who says that many men there are de- pendent for support on their wives, éince they can obtain work when the men cannot. But instead of being thankful to be kept in the shelter of the home, it makes the men mad at their wives when they do support them and mad at them if they do not" earn enough. Perhaps this topsy- turvy state of affairs is a needed les- | Jiced figures of census of 1921, is son to both men and women in ap- 8,769,489: 3 preciation of how the other feels. o ---- FACILITIES FOR TOURISTS. | ALONG LIFE'S DETOUR | able figures, the provinces spend the following per pupil on education in |publc schools: Saskatchewan, $60.- 79; British Columbia, 58.73; Alberta [#52.89; Manitoba, $46.34; Ontarjo, $38.73; Quebec, $34.65; New Bruns- wick, $21,564; Nova Scotia, $19.60; Frince Edward Island, $16.25. Q--What is Canada's population now? A.--Canada's population, per re- The Dutirt Soveramcut commis- glon which h en studying the - hotel hb the province dur- BY SAM HILL ing recess has undoubtedly secured, by this time, a.considerable amount of information which should assis* in | building up this tourist trade with its dispensing of wealth in this prov- ince. The commission ds spending the week-end in this district on a survey of our facilities for the reception of tourists from the United States and other parts of Canada. The patural beauties of Ontario, its charming nooks and tiny lakes teeming with fish, have already at- tracted many of the better class of Amenicans who come with their motors for the summer. On the whole, however, the trafic has not been so great through Ontario as the natural conditions would justify and this has been due to perhaps two main causes, First, the roads in this section have not been conducive to pleasurable Tiding. The government has been endeavoring; to Improve this condi- tion through the ood roads policy and ds merely a temporary phase of z "If" Is Right, the condition. 2 Alas, no man can get Much inspiration he he. Josouil bus Ton the tous of 'When he's dripping wet mmissi . With perspiration. ally speaking, the hotels in the smal!- --Sam Hm er towns and districts in tario, . where tourists might be attracted, are not of such a standard as to be wholly appreciated. Many of them are Jacking in the essentials neces- sary for the comfort of the guests. Of course, hotel expenses are high > - : but too many of the proprietors have rr Eves a BN rowied not taken advantage of the fact that | night work." ot LT there are no longer large profits from do you wish that?" Ssked his their bars to learn that as hotel-|™other. gu A Ha! Ha! What Next? That fashion's fads are funny there Can really be no doubt, For now we hear that legs are going in And ears are coming out!!! 5 Sen Dhecrvatipny of Oldest Inkabitant. The old-fashioned mother didn't know any more about bridge than she did about the theory of relativity, but she certainly was a humdinger when it. came to ralsing a family, even if she never did raise her part- ner's bid. No Shipping Board in Those Days. "Pa, what caused the wreck of the Hesperus?" asked Clarence. "She probably was a schooner and ran afoul of prohibition, son," replied his dad. Sounds Like a Lot of Bull To Us. (Classfiled/ad in Milan (Ind.) Commer- i clal) 3 FOR SALE--AT PRE-WAR PRICES, pure-bred milking shorthorn bull calves. WM. L. HUTCHESON & sons, Ever-Green Farms, Milan, In- diana. "40-tL, PL Well, inspiration You can get If you've got the prices To buy, you bet. ~-Adam Breede. -- Good at ran a hotel at a profit, Stinting or overcharging a guest without any idea of hotel service is the basis for driving tourists from Ontario NEWS FAKING. ny ES Vanity, Egotism, and Self Glorifica- receive what he pays for, and to feel | ton always ard true of| confidence that the news, as printed, rt » i8 true eo far es lies in the power of Did a: Ball Ever Glaze Your Hand? that paper to secure the facts. When (Summit Cor. Newark (Ohio) Adwoeat the impression gets abroad that news- k Sr naaaugh papers are engaged in the business of Publishing fiction under the guise of Littleness, never Greatness.--J. 4 W. H. Price, M.P/P., Parkdale, Tor- onto, arrived in the city on Wednes- day and met a number of local ho- telmen. at a noonday luncheon, A town is known by its hotels, C. G. Graham, manager of the Em- press Hotel, stated in discussing the 'mattdr which has brought the com- mittee to Peterporo'. As a panacea for the present situation, which makes it just possible, he said, for a hotel to break even, Mr. Graham suggested that hotels be exempt from business tax. The hotel business maintaining service there is no revenue, Mr. Graham sald. The advent of the automo- 'bile has Increased the cost of main- taining wash rooms and writing rooms, and instead of helping the business the automobile was having the reverse effect. He estimated was poor, from © which Stop off at the hotel wash rooms, for a meal. _ 8. Clarke,' M.P.P., West North- umberland, asked if any of the ho- telmen were making money, and Mr. to use the but they do not stop that each week fifty cars of visitors! Graham declared that if they were making expenses and a living they were doing well. FOR SALE First Class Grocery Store and BWELLING, exceptionally well-located; will sell store and dwelling combined or store only; splendid trade. For par- , ticulars, apply: Tod. © _Real late and Insurance Phone 3221 or 1797, y §8 BROCK STREET 185 Princess Street. Phoie 343 Tires and Tubes. wrapped. The most sensational Tire Sale ever launched in King- ston--Cord Tires -- Fabric Every Tire carries the manufacturer's guarantee. Fresh goods and "You have no reason to hesitate." The quality of these gonds and our reputa- tion is behind every Tire and Tube. and our desire in cone nection with this sale is to bring us in contact with new customers and maintain that same contidenc: with our old customers that we have en- joyed in the past. . We are the Pioneer Tire Dealers in this district, as well as the largest dealers, and our quantity buying em- ables us to offer you these . Tires at such reduced prices. Guarateed 30x3Y% TUBES 1% i 30x 3% Non-Skid' CORD TIRES 32x31 .- $24.90 32x4 .. $31.70 34x4 .. $33.60 32x43} . . $40.95 33x41 .. $41.90 34x43} .. $42.95 36x43 ...$45.15 35x5 ...3$53.55 37x5 ...$56.30 @ OPEN EVENINGS OPEN EVENINGS MAIL ORDERS | | | | | | | McCLARY'S "CANADA" BRAND wag, \ ENAMEL WARE PRESERVING KETTLES in finest grade made. Mottled Blue out side and white lining. A complete assortment and low priced. BUNT'S HARDWARE King St. for Kitchen Ranges and : Furnaces Ideal Summer Fuel Cheaper than Coal Try Half a Ton Crawford a Cl Sane ma

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