FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1023. T SATURDAY SPECIALS AT VANHORNE'S Silk Lisle Hose, regular 75c... «+s..2 pairs for $1.00 Heavy Ribbed Hose, reg. 75¢. .. . .......2 pairs for $1.00 Rubber belts, regular 76c., Silane nn 2 for $1.00 Men's Cotton Bathing Suis (combinations), regular $1.25, $1.35. Sale price cu ware . $1.00 Men's Cotton Combinations, reg. $1.50, for . $1.00 on Odd line of Men's Caps, reg.$1.50 and $2.00, selling sei mes seu Ber eviiy. $1.00 George VanHorne's Phone 362w. 213 Princess Street. ee ---- 'PERMANENGY- IN FORELCN. | THE DAILY BRITISH W GANANOQUE BEATEN, | | i { LAKEVEEWS WIN, 5 10 4 { } i 1 RELATIONS NEEDED Former Goverpor of Would Have Officer Like English Under-Secretary, | \ i | Watertown, N. Y., Times | "We must give some sort of con- | tinuity and permanency to our for-| eign relations. Every other nation | but ours does this. There are ce--| tain great fundamental foreign poli- cies that all parties agree upon, but | these policies can be given effect only if there is a permanent body ot {officials administering them. Eng- {land has what is called an undersec- retary for foreign affairs, whose place is secure no matter what the political complexion of the govern- ment in power. Why could not the United States adopt some such plan in its state department? 1 believe that the establishment of such an of- J CAN YOU SEE " Small print and sewing with- out eyestrain and headaches? HIGH GRADE } ENGLISH | LEATHER BAGS | § WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A | § SHIPMENT AND MARKED AT | § sPECIAL VALUES, $7.00 to $8.00 It got, you would be well ad- Yised to consult us about your eyesight. Good Glasses if you need them, Good advice if you do not. p L p 3 p p ) ; Registered Optometrist 140 Wellington St. Opp. Post 1 JEWELERS | q 100 Princess Street, Kingston i. Now Is The Time to decorate your Lawns and Cemetery lots with our C Flower Vases. Three varieties to choose from. Kingston Jement Products H. F. NORMAN, Manager OFFICE: 69 Patrick Street Phone 780w. ttt gta The, vbject of all true preaching 8 to tel men how to live and die apy. ol . 1000 PLATES ... We*find we have an excess stock of some lines of Plates and while they last will sell at Less Than Cost Price _ DENTAL "PARLORS .188 PRINCESS ST, KINGSTON X-Ray work. Blue Line Border--Meakin's Semi-Porcelain. Bread and But- TOF usa ns iain aren sow ves: $20 Dog: Blue Line Border--Meakin's Semi-Porcelain--Tea ..8$1.80 Doz. Blue Line Border--Meakin's Semi-Porcelain--Dizuner $2.80 Doz. Clover Leaf--English Semi-Porcelain, Bread and Butter . cseeve.. $1.20 Doz. Clover Leat--English Semi-Porcelain, Dessert ......$1.50 Dos. 2 Gold Lines--English Semi-Porcelain, Bread and Butter ++. $1.20 Dox. Plain White (Meakin's) Scalloped Edge, Dinner ...$2.40 Doz Red and Green Border--Semi-Porcelain, Breakfast --$2.20 Doz. Johnson Bros. Annesley Dinnerware Pattern--Deep Soups-- regular $4.75, for rrrsiisiaieanss $2.40 Doz 1 Setstarsisse sachsavattns prsrernnnans Not Less Than '%§ Dozen Lots 'Phone Orders C.0.D. ALL SALES CASH. ROBERTSON'S Limited / 73 Princess St. | WHITE CANVAS FOOTWEAR _ WOMEN'S SMART AND STRAP PU White Canvas, in one, Tw and three Also Laced Oxfords, fnade with flatand medium Cuban heels, canvas cover- . ed and enamelled. Also the popular two-toned Spon Ox- fords and wide strap and buckle Sl; rs, White Canvas with Patent Tips, Saddle and Back Stays. he fois ng SHOE STORE ORDS : Kinnear & d'Esterre } M.Reid 4 4 4 4 4 4 4! Mr. Lowden has this question ser- i | spirit of Dr. Nash's fice would do gach to solve the prob | lem of our tdfeign relations." | This was probably the most im- {portant declaration made by 'thruier | Governor Frank Orren Lowden ef Illinois during the courze of an in- | terview with the Times at the beaati- ful summer home of himself and h's family at Castle Rest, magnificent residence rearing itself up from an island in the heart of the vacation spot of the world, the. Thousand { Islands. |after a hard pull | fously at<heart, as was made man'- fest by the vigor of his utterances jon it. was speaking of the necessity of the United States foregoing the ' old "splendid isolation" ana | mingling in the = affairs of the na- jeg across the Atlantic. |ly readjust out national life." ex- {claimed Mr. Lowden as he strode briskly up and down the superbly appointed room (a habit of his, by the way, when making a point) *'we | have got to concetn ourselves in the affairs of the world. For that rea- J son we must have a better diplom- j atic corps than we have had in the | past. We have had many able min- |isters from America, and 'we have {them now, but we have not had any | Intelligent continuous foreign ser- vice in the history of the republic We are the one great nation that {changes its ambassadors every | four or eight years at the longest. | "With our new responsibility and {our new burdens, we must work out |a scheme whereby we shall have a [ toreign service that shall be the | equal of any in the world. It tak- {es experience in diplomacy as in anything else, and the diplomats of | Europe too often feel that ours are [easy prey because of their lack cf experience." The former state executive of II- recently returned | linois has only We specialize on Painless Extraction, | {r0m an extended trip to Europe, and Latest Pyorrhea Treatment and} manifestly he was eager t tell ot | his impressions gained while thera. 3 {| Much more eager to tell of those, incidentally, than to discuss nation- | al. politics or industrial cases. Ac- | cordingly, the interview fastened | upon western outlook. AMERICAN CERAMISTS TO BE GUESTS OF CITY Will Come Here From Inspec- tion of Feldspar Mines at Verona. About one hundred and twenty- [five mémbers of the American Cer- {amie Association will be in King- | ston on August 17th during their an- (nual excursion when they will stop {at Rochester, Montreal, Bucking- (ham, Verona, Kingston, Toronto and | Hamilton. The party is"composed |of men interested in clay products and will be accompanied by several | departmental ministers from To- ronto. | According to plans' formulated at |® meeting of R. G. Segsworth and Everett Townsend of the Frontenac Tile Co., with Mayor Corbett, W. P. | Peters, Elmer Davis and Dr. W. W. | Sands on Thursday morning the icity will be entertained at a ban- | quet on the evening of their arrival {at which Principal R. Bruce Taylor {will speak. Phe party will also pay |a visit to the feldspar mines at Ver- !ona as this product is one of the Illinois Fair Crowd Saw Close Fast Game at Cricket Field on Thursday Evening. . In the close and hotly contested { game at- the cricket field on Thurs- | day evening the Lazkeviews defea'-| ed Gahanogwe by a score of Both teams play- ed to, the top notch and the greasy condition of the field did not seem to slacken their speed any. In spite of the fact that heavy showers had preceded the time of the game by but a few minutes, a good crowd and to give support to the team. 1 The visitors opened scoring in the first inning whep they worked a run secured another ahd two more looked like the winnérs of the ewen- ing. Lakeviews were quiet the third, when they rapped enough to bring in three runs. Un- til the last of the sixth the score that inning and crossed twice for -the victory. "The visitors had 'another try at"it<in the first of anything. Compeau was us- ed as utility man, going from se- - was called in. third and Watts came into the game Sofia, r!: Slack, b; Gananoque--Smith, c: Hauser, cf; Dhal, 1b; Bamford, ss; Lloyd, 2 If; McAuley, p. Lakeviews--Twigg, Rice, 3b and c¢; Purvis, 2b and 1b; 3%; p; Compeau, 2b and cf; Watts, 2h and cf; McCullough, If; The scoring: Gananoque.. 1 2 Lakeviews ..0 0 Umpire--Harol REID MAY BOY CALUMET ISLAND Alexandria Bay Man Said to be Acting as Agent For Other . Parties. Ralph L. Reid, Alexandria Bay, N.Y., conferred with Senator Henry 0 2 0 00 9 Nicholson. 0 3 d G. Schackno, New York, one of the Attorneys for the Charles G. Emery estate, upon his visit a few days ago, regarding the purchase of Cal- umet Island and the Emery brown stone castle, it became known to-day and-it is known that Senator Sch- ackno indicated his willingness to sell the property. Mr. Reid, a member of the con- tracting firm of J. B. Reid & Son. which has built several of the large summer homes at the Thousand Islands, it is understood is acting as agent for other interests desirous of acquiring this property, which is one of the finest in the Thousand Islanas region. Upon being interviewed in regard to the matter he refused to discuss his connection with the transaction, which if carried through will involve a large sum of money. ------ , A Gleam In The Darkness. The Toronto Globe says: Pro- fessor Morison of Queen's says that Sir John Macdonald was the noblest Roman of them all and that Sir Wilfred Laurier was the greatest of Gladstonian Liberals, Living states- men may take heart, even if they have to wait a while for. recogni- tion. ---- Young Woman Drops-Dead. Belleville, July 28.--Mrs. Edward Porter dropped dead at her home in Thomasburg on Tuesday after com- ing in from picking berries. She was thirty-seven years of age and leaves her husband and ome daughter. Heart failure was the cause. | most essential in finished pottery. 'The Princess Thee ' ---- hi oY 5 ow daughters of Prince Andrew of Greece, || maids at the wedding of Miss Edwina batten. Bagh 5 to 4] turned out to witness the exhibition | home | In without hits." In the second they | in | thé fourth, and .for some time they | until | out | stood 4-3 in Gananoque's favor but | the local team pulled a comeback in| the plata | the seventh but failed to accomplish | Several changes were made in the | Lakeviews' lineup during the gamue. | | Briceland broke a finger and retir-| y hs vhile | Al | The topic. came up while he ed to right field. cond to centre field and then to the | bench in the fourth, when Blomely | Rice replaced Brice- | "Unless we are willing complete- , }and behind the bat, Twigg went to | to take over second. The teams were" | 3b; | Jacques, | Brice- | land, c and rf; Bird, ss; Chadwick, | Blomely rf. x--5 6 2| HIG. ° | oh oy To pep up a man this hot weather there's nothing lik a new pair of OXFORDS. They set a fellow on his feet again just when he feels all in. They give him confidence in his appearance, at a time when a good many men look down at the heel. GOOD-LOOKING ONES at. .... "rs That sold at $6.00, $7.00 and $8 during the e ....$4.85 arly season. ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE Pn a -- na DALY'S GOOD TEA is used in more Canadian homes than any other brand, It has a peculiarly delicious' flavor and strength that has never been successfully imitated. If you love a cup of really fine Tea order from MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE APPOINT SOLDIER DEEDS REGISTRAR Omar Kilpatrick Will Be in Charge of Brockville Office. The provincial government has formally sanctioned the appointment oi Omar Kilpatrick, aged thirty-one, to be registrar of deeds in the town of' Brockville, The new registrar is a returned soldier with an exception- ally fine war record. He had charge of a battery in France, and was wounded the day before Vimy. He is still suffering from the effects of his war wounds. Escaped Perils of War to be Drowned in North Dane, Ont, July 28. Robert Shields, twenty-two years of age, employed at the Argonaut as a cookee, was drowned yesterday, ac- cording to a report received here. Details are lacking. The body was recovered. * The young man served with the Imperial forces on the Western Front and at Gallipoli, and on one occasion, when being carried from the trenches, after being wounded, was blown out of the stretcher, es- caping without further injury, al- though the bearers were killed. Wanderers From Shelter Are Located in Frontenac ------ Belleville, Ont., July 28.--Eph- raim Sweet, aged twelve, Lula Sweet, aged nine, and Elsie Martin, aged seven, who some days ago escaped from the Children's Shelter Home here, have been located &t Long Lake, in Frontenac county, north of Kingston, They came to a farmer named George Babcock, who gave them shelter. How they reached there is not yet known. An official of the institute left for the young "| wanderers. "an TSophic, Ashley to Lord Mount- _ Borrowings From Britain, London, July 28. Replying to a question in the. House of Commons, '®r P. Lloyd:Greame, assistant under- secretary of siate for'foreign affairs, ing the first six months of 1922, for- eign governments had borrowed from Great Britain only £13,000,000, com- pared with £41,000,000 by the gov- ernments within the Empire. OM Resident Passes, - Campbeliford, July 28.--The death joccurred on Friday last of Jessie Bry- don Watters, wife of George Ander- son. Mrs. Anderson was long a resi- dent of Campbeliford, having been born a short distance morth of here: in 1855. ' A Board of arbitration is to hear who were the brides- [the Canadian Railway shopmen's grievances. Premier Lloyd George promises to deal with the esttle embargo soon. sald it had been computed that dur-| growing up. If it is new and smart--WE HAVE IT. James Reid; THE LEADING PHONE 147 FOR AMBULANCE. Sesviarsineanstants. EE LLL TL I TTI IT UNDERTAKER 'THB LINDSAY PLAYER AN INSTRU Perfest in tone PIANO .. . MENT o¥"ADDED 'QuaLITIESR :, perfect In construction fi Reasonab! in price and within the means of every person. Styles range in price from $745.00 © BASY TERMS ARRANGED. /o mld IN wi . FSSA Weber Pianos T, KINGSTON This Name REI os Notey People who pay little for their Furniture can least afford to be careless in the buying of it. It's the quality behind the price tag that tells whether or not you receive a bargain. Particularly is this true of the Furniture you buy in this store, which aims at providing the kind of F urnishings that will be in good service when your grandchildren are Reid's High Quality--Reid's Low Prices. le