» Editor of Woman's Page, Tele- phone 243. Private phone 837w. . - - Mrs. W. R. Givens, "Maitland House," entertained at bridge on Thursday afternoon, in honor of ner guest, Miss Esther O'Connor, Al- bany, N.Y. The bridge tables we set on the wide verandah, with | charming view of the lake and riv-| er, and the winners of the dainty souvenirs were, Mrs. Douglas Dew- ar, (Ottawa), Miss Harriet, Gardiner, Miss Gwendolyn Folger, aMiss Helen | Tofield and Miss Isabel Mooers. Mrs. Givens made the tree at the daint- fly arranged table with its decora- tions of sweet peas. * * Miss Henstridge,- Pembroke stree*, entertained on Tuesday for her niece, Mrs. W. Wersen, who, wit: her hus- band, Rev. W. Wersen, Willsboro, N.X., and their three children have bee aying with her for the past week. They left by motor for home on Wednesday. Mrs. Wersen was Gouraud's Oriental Cream vl ACANADIAN PRODUCT - a pr FREE LOIRE WILSON'S - ( Montmorency) Arriving: daily in 6 qt. and | | qt. baskets and prices are 'very reasonable. Leave your order here. Hen Feed 100 bags in, to sell at ' $2.75 Bag Lemons Large juicy. 29¢. doz. Libby's Rose Brand Red Salmo I 1lb.tins . . .... 25, Lite's Social Side ~e-e > | formerly Miss Bessie Ddroche---lived las a girl for sometime 'in Kingston. i . * . b A jolly time was spent at the summer home of Mrs. James Kelley, when MiSs Isabel Kelley entertain-| ed in honor of Misses Muriel , and! Jean Leslie, Toronto. . » . Mrs. Philip Du Moulin, Syden- | ham street, asked a few people to! come in at the tea hour on Thurs- |day. : 1 | . . . os ' - | Miss Mary Cassidy, New York, is | Giaet Rosinal wyer, University the guest of 'Miss Helen Lovett. [ Avenue, ] )n a motor trip to Miss Kathleen Lett, Ottawa, who | Northfield, has been visiting the Bishop of oa Miss May :, Ottawa, has re- tario and Mrs. E. J. Bidwell, at "heir turned from England. {camp at Cantwright's Point, left for {Toronto to-day. Col. G. Hunter Ogilvie, who has been with his brother, Dr. Ogilvie, | : LTT Superior, will return to town on Aug. | What the Editor Hears 12nd. 1 , * + a TR Lev. F. M. Woodsworth, the dean | of the Faculty of English Literature wg) ANY LIMITED a ira Hann ro | That the parents and teachers of {the children bora in England, dur- " cient |p ois | ouseke I Laura: A Kirkman : 2 Eggs in the Supper Menu. Eggs are the housewlife's standby in warm weather, . They are so easy to prepare! They may be a little more expensive than some other foods, but the housekeeper must think of herself as well as of her pocketbook; it is sometimes, on' an exhaustingly hot day, the better economy to serve a dish that takes little time and energy to prepare, rather than a disb that costs a few cents less (it saves 'doctors' bills!). Try this Supper menu with any one of the following egg dishes as the main dish: | Main Dish of Eggs Graham Bread Iced Tea Peach Pie Venetian Eggs: Melt one heaping tablespoon of butter in a saucepan, and add one cup of grated or finely- chopped mild cheese; stir this, over nfild heat, until the cheese is melted, then pour into it/one cup of strain- ed tomato juice. When the mixture [in the Ke be, Japan, Unjsers! Yo. and Mrs. Woodsworth, the latter the | daughter of Mr. and Mrs AP. Chown, University avanue, ware among those a'tending the brilijant | hall given in that ancient city n hon- or of the Prince of Wales | Mrs. John MoHett and her sons will | |arrive in town on Sunday from India | and will be with Mrs. E. J. B. Pense, | West street jStart at the least sound, and abnorm- ing the air raids, are experiencing a great difficulty in training and teach- | ing t They are highly strung. | begins to thicken, add three eggs which have been slightly beaten. Let cook two minutes. Season with salt and pepper and serve on slices of toast, or on crackers, at once. Macaroni-Egg Dish: Break one- fourth pound of macaroni into a faucepan of rapidly boiling water, add one teaspoon of butter, and let cook till tender. Then drain and em. ally mischievous. That the peoplé in Kingston for Thursday's market took advantage of "Dollar Day." - = br That the large shower bouquet ~ running | | and | formerly carried by brides is com- their children, who have been with [pletely out of date in England. In Mr. and' Mrs. D. A. Cays, Barrie |a picture of the wedding party of street, have returned "o Oswego. | Lord Mountbatten and Miss Ashley, . * a | the bride carries a few sprays of Mr. and, Mrs, James N Clute, Sta- | Madona lilies and the bridesmaids ten Island, N.Y., will arrive this week |sheafs' of garden flowers. {to visit Mr. and Mrs. James T. Suth- | --_-- jerland, Clergy street, who will leave | That the bush' of wild flowering {for their summer home at Emerald, | raspberry, planted beside the Notre | Amherst Island, on Monday. | Dame! cemetery, is blossoming splen- Kenneth Taylor will arrive in town |didly in its new surroundings. on Sunday from England, and will be | with his mother, Mrs. Jeremy Taylor, King stree*, Dr. and Mrs. R. McBride, Wood- bridge, Ont., wil] arrive im shortly to visit the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sutherland, Clergy street, Mrs. Beverly Macdonald is expect- ed to arrive from England on Sus | | Dr. and Mrs, EgeMan Cays That Miss Eileen Caroll, a 21-year- old Minneapolis stemographer, is now a full-fledged patrolwoman in the town | Superior National Forest, and has |been given a ranger's post dn ' the depths of the forest. That the post office garden is a beauty: spot in the heagh of our city; tall holyhocks, great dahlia, poppies {and cosmos are blooming gaily under | the gardiner's care. That the one creditor no man ever ys in full is the woman to whom owes everything. ---------------------- Oldest Boy Scout. day, to visit her parents, Mr. and: Mrs, Arthur B. Cunning * . Lionel McKay, Garrett street, will spend the week-end at Rockport, Mrs. D. A. Cays, Barrie street, and | pa Mrs. A, F. Chown and Miss Dalsy | he Chown, University avenue, leave 1c: Muskoka on Saturday. | Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Anderson, The Earl of Meath is, at 82 {and their son Kenneth, will motor| of a | trom Toronto on Saturday, and will | |be the guests of Mrs: Anderson's | sister, Mrs. Charles McKay, Gar- | ret street. Miss Laura Kilborn, who is with Mrs. Everett Birdsall at Birdsall, will return to town this week. ham, Earl street. * years ge, as keenly interested in all the matters of common interest that bind Britons together the wide world over as he was mafly years ago when he started the empire movement which resulted in the establishment of Empire day. Full of vigor, Lord Meath enjoys the added distinction of being the oldest "Boy Scout" in the movement, and it is not so long ago since he was photographed, In full scout kit, in the act of. shaking hands with a * Mr, and Mrs. N. C. Sparks, also {Arthur Sparks, Ottawa, leave on] {Saturday to spend several weeks at| {Ivy Lea on the St. Lawrence. | Miss Myrtle McEwen has return- ied to resume her, studies in St. Mary's Hospital, Brooklyn, N.Y., af- ter a visit with her mother, Mrs. A. McEwen, 333 Earl Street. Prince Rospigliosi, Rome, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. {Edson Bradley, Wellesley Island, Thousand Islands. A. N. Lyster, Gore street, is home again after a very delightful Ahree weeks In the neighborho t/Bruce Mines. He also visited Major Ed- ward Birkett in that district, * + . Dr. and Mrs. D. B. Mundell, Bar- rie street, who have heen on a motor trip with Mr, and Mrs. J. §. R. Mec- Cann, Ottawa, will réturn to town NS LE | | FEMINISMS ~~ . and Mrs. T. C. D. Bedell, and Miss Beatrice Bedell, King street, will go to Picton on Monday. Mrs. Francis Constantine, street, and her children, will leave next week to join Mrs. J. Bell Car- family . party at Beach, Que: " Miss Perley, a few days at Earl Winnipeg, is spending the Y.W.C.A. -. * - Miss Frieda Peckering, Kingston, Is visiting friends in Brockville and vicinity. Miss Jessie Gordon retary of Queen's is spending her holi brother, Dr. G. le. Mrs. A. F. Chown, Miss Daisy Chown, University Avenue, and rs. D. A. Coys, Barrie street, are leaving on Saturda for Muskoka to remain for a month. MF-Chrown wit 80 up at a later date. Aine B. Deroche, Arpena, Mich., is visiting her sister, Miss Hen stridge, 31 Pembroke street, % 4x . * 9 8 Miss Gwendolyn Woods, who was th her sister, Mrs. W.° A Jones, D. Jones, University Avenge, | returned to London, Ont. F iss Katherine Malone, who was W. J. B. White, Cove, , assistant sec- Medical Collegs dafs with her D. Gordon, Kempt. When you scoured ent" to trim your new and this unique decoration pions a ONE OF LIFE'S MOST your home town to find a linen dress and triumphed is an overall button] put a layer of it into a thickly-butter- ed baking dish or casserole; add a layer of sliced hard-boiled eggs, dusting the eggs®with salt and pep- per; follow with more of the macar- oni, then more of the eggs and sea- sonings, alternating these layers till the-dish is full. You will need four cr five hard-boiled eggs for the one- ron Ao prs, years of age, When he was going through his qualifying course ue a SCoutmaster he indisted upon being known as "Scout Meath," and took his part with the rest in all the work of the camp--cooking, tree-felling signaling, physical exercise, and ne enjoyed every moment of the ex- perience. A year ago, being compert- ed by high taxation to make certain economies in connection with the administration of lig estate in Ire- land, Lord Meath called his tenants and werkpeople together and talked to them about his finances with the frank intimacy of an old friend. "My father," he sald, was al- Ways a poor man. His income never was more than £1,600 to £2,000 Year. In his time £1,500 a year lhe | equal to t £4,000 a year now, and he never knew anything about i the present heavy tamation of 6s. in the £ income tax and of supertax He was, therefore, able, by strict economy, to live on his estate and to pay his way." He then proceeded to place actual figures before them, Ziving in detai] a record of his per- scnal income. That ig the sort of landlord tenants can get of with. It was of Lord Meath, by the way, | ' brothep, scout "or 8|the whole that Lord Rosebury once said," "If he had his way he would pull down of London and convert it fourth pound of macaroni. Finish with a macaron! layer. Make a white sauce by heating one cup of milk to the boiling- point, seasoning it with salt and pepper to taste, adding one teaspoon of butter, and thickening ft with one tablespoon of flour mixed | tc a paste in a little cold water. | Pour this hot white sauce over the macaroni-egg layers, and sprinkle | finely chopped mild cheese on top. Dot with bits of butter and bake in a 'hot oven ten minutes. Serve hot. | Potato-Egg Dish: Follow the above | given recipe for Macaroni-Egg Dish, | |simply substituting six medium-sized potatoes, boiled and sliced, for the one-fourth pound of macaroni. A little chopped parsley may be add- ed between the layers if liked. Eggs in Tomatoes (fine for a guest supper): Wipe large, ripe tomatoes and cut a round piece from the stalk end. Remove enough pulp to leave room for one egg. Drop the eggs |carefully {nto these holes, first | sprinkling with a very little salt and | pepper into the tomato. Put a small plece of butter on top of each egg, sprinkle chopped cheese over all, and slip the tomatoes into a hot oven, on a buttered pan, until the white of the eggs are set. Serve hot. (To-morrow---Answered Letters). -- All Inquiries wddressed to Miss Rirkman in care of . the "Efficient Housekeeping" department. will pe answered in' these columns in thelr turn. This requires considerable time, however, owing to the great aumber received. So #f a personal or quicker reply is desired, a stamped and self-addressed envelope must be enclosed with the question--The wditor. PA AA A A A re pnd into an open space for the inhavi- tants"--a noble tribute to the vet- eran's public spirit. -- r Sut Baken Brank Custard--1 cup Kel- logg's Bran, 2 1-2 cups hot milk, 1-2 cup sugar, 1-4 teaspcon salt, 1-2 tea- spoon vanilla, 3 slightly beatep eggs. Mix all together and bake in a butter- ed dish until custard is firm. The yolks of three eggs may be used in pudding, and/the whites used for a meringue to be browned slightly on pudding. % -- Mrs. Obadjah Watkins is our color- ed Jaundress. When I called to pay my bill last Thursday, she addressed her latest -born as "Onyx." "Onyx!" I exclaimed, "I have heard little girls called Ruby and Pearl, bu: never Onyx until now." "Yes, ma'm," said Mrs. Watkims, "it's short for Onyx- Dected!" It must be interesting to inspect a city built to order like Gary, Indiana, and see how far its plans improve upon our haphazard cities, built piecemeal from year to year. None can be wise and safe but he BRAN RECIPES. { ieved from Serve Kellogg's Bran, cooked and krumbled, to aged sufferers from con. stipation--and results will prove as- tounding? Here is nature's most wonder: ood --not only sweeping, cleansing and purifying - the bowel! tract without any irritation or dis- comfort but stimulating and energiz- ing brain and nerve cells! Give the aged Kellogg's Bran with every meal. Serve it as a cereal, sprinkle it on other hot or cold cereals or make it up into the most delicious muffing, raisin bread, gems, macaroons, pancakes, éte., you ever tasted. Ang, all the time it is doing wonderful health work. The value of Kellogg's Bran cannot be overestimated ! Bran is a vitally necessary food on every family table. Its regular use --at least two tablespoonfuls daily; in chronic cases with each meal -- will Aged people r { ------ta "AAA anna To-morrow's » HOROSCOPE By Genevieve Kemble 3 3 SATURDAY, JULY 29th. This day is under most excellent augury for success and progress in all business matters and for happy and flourishing conditions in domes- tic, social and affectional affairs. Things promise to be livel¥.and en- terprises are favored under the stimy- lus of Mans sextile Luna. With Jupi- ter in conjunction, the financial} ros pects are splendid. It is a tide for engineering new plans and projects, especially with large corporations, can be permanently constipation worries ! not only free you from the dangers of constipation, but it will ward off disease! Authorities tell you that 90% of all illness is caused by constipation] Remember that! Don't wait for constipation te "get" you or some loved one! Start with Kellogg's Bran tomorrow. Serve it every day as a cereal, sprinkled over other cereals or in countless bakery batches. Bran will add years to anys one's life! Children grow strong and robust when_given Kellogg's Bran in their diet. ' eeps the little ones in prime health, allowing the organs to perform normal funetions .gind the body to grow ind healthy way. Bran will sweeten an offénsive breath and elear 2 pimply complexion. Buy Kellogg's Bran, cooked and krumbled," at afl grocers. Ia the "WAXTITE" package. { WHEN SHALL WE EAT. Sr What shall we eat? How much should women eat? These questions arise from a sur- vey of advice submitted by various eminent physicéans, not only in this country, but abroad. "Women eat too much," is the opinion of Ceceil, Webb Johnson, cele- brated British doctor, ~ "Women likely to eat too little," declares Sir Maloolm Morris, a Lon= don surgeon and authority on health. "Eat what you want," offers Sir James Criclikon-Brown, well known Eritish dietitian. ; So There you are. Three distinct prescriptions. Which is right? Ss 'Tht highest triumph of style is '0 say what everybody has been thinking in such a way as to make it Lew; the greatest triumph of art is to make us'see the poetical side of the commonplace life around us."-= Leslie Stephen. your depth with the prospect of raising mpney and achieving financial success, | Those whose birthday it is have the assurance of an active and prosper- Ous year, with increase in busihess and financial rewards assured to those who 'are deserving. A child born on this day may look forward to success in its undertakings and 21so a rapid rise. Never venture out of ill you can swim, = 'Farup the sunny 7, slopes of Ceylon the nimble fingers of the native women select '/ only thosc green and tend- * er leaves fit for the World's finest tea--Lipton's.) If you want the BEST tea Go to the firm that GROWS It that is honest. By Annette Bradshaw| "t 4 Ne ame 3 a CHIRP nS R: Sold in maled packages S5c. 10 $1.00 por pousd. BARNUM'S | BAKERY BANNUMWMS _DBAREKRY FRESH BLUEBERRY: PIES button that would be absolutely "differ. , and then out on the farm discover that CHOICE CAKES, always fresh. Try them! The Man In Overalls' Depends Upon Bread or hard whrk there is nothing so sustaining and stimulating as 'MALTANA BREAD ' 'It makes muscle, and for hom work it is equally stimu- lating and strengthening. y "MALTANA BREAD - is made from whole wheat flour and i not only healthier, but has that delicious "homemade" taste, TRY A LOAF TO-DAY. LACKIE'S