wr SRE THE DAILY BRITI ---- In all desirable pelts, at interesting prices. COATS JOHN McKAY, Limited Manufacturing Furriers 149-157 Brock Street Kingston, Ont. Always the latest creations. 3 if Letters to the Editor] tmp Magistrate Allinson Explains. Kingston, Aug. 4. (To the Edi- tor): In reference to the article In your issue of yesterday, concegning {American cars speeding on the pro- |vincial highway, there is a poiice pa- {trol officer, employed In patrolling {the highway from Kingston to Gana- jnoque and from Barriefleld to {Smith's Falls. He is in the employ {ef the highway department of On- {tario and it is his duty to enforce the | Motor Vehicles Act on these roads. | Section 31 of the Motor Vehicles |Act empowers any constable $0 ar- |rest any offender for speeding and | take him before a magistrate. In the jcase of Ontario citizens thés is never |done. They are stopped and the | nme and number of the car is taken {and they are released. In the case {of foreigners this is not done, as they would soon be out of the jurisdiction of Ontario law and any prosecution would be fruitless. There is one law for all users of the road and all must obey it, and any found violating the law must pay the same penalty These provincial roads have been constructed at |enormous expense and the highway department {is making an effort to Fn Speaking of Candy Tt-has. been sadd: That the final judgment is reached after the candy has reached the mouth and the discriminating buyer will se fect, for the-future, the Candy that can tickle the palate _ to hisssatisfaction. This 'is one of "OH HENRY'S" strongest points. trial-will' convince you. HAVE YOU MET "OH MABEL?" "Oh Henry's Little Sister." Wherever Candy is Sold Bstablished 1869. A CROTHERS KINGSTON FOR SALE BRICK HOUSE--S8 rooms, 4 bedrooms, electric lights, gas, 3- plece bath, furnace, hardwood floors throughout. Also new gar- age--Collingwoopd Street. SOLID BRICK HOUSE--8 rooms, electric lights, gas, 3-piece bath, furnace--Johnson Street. This home can be purchased on very easy terms. . M. P. TRUMPOUR [I 237 Bagot Stree m------ (#aV6 them from destruction by speed- jers. | Bat the main reason for stopping €Peeding is the danger to human life. The deplorable loss of Kfe arising in automobile traffic is wholly the re- {eult of travelling too fast, The great majority of car drivers comply with the law and it is only fair to them and to all users of the road to stamp out the outlaws. On a few occasions I have extend- ed extra oourtesy to Americars by al- lowing them to pay 'their fines on the road to save them coming back to Kingston and waiting for me to come jover, No money was ever paid to the constable as stated. I regret that the Americans have {found it inconvenient to comply with our speed limit, but a little precau- tion on their part when crossing would save them all the trouble. The customs officers are glad to |give any information and would {cheerfully explain that there is one [Wmit for all Ontario of twenty-five nviles per hour. i | Yours truly, W. L. ALLINSON, | i Justice of the Peace, Frontenae. HEARD VIA RADIO. |Ttems Furnished Courtesy Canada Radio Stores. | Station W.G.Y., the General FEI- |ectric Company, Schenectady, N.Y.. came in loud and clear last evening around 9 p.m. The cencert consisted {of dramatic recitations of the threw | episodes of "The Wolf" by Edwin H. Smith, flute solos, piano solos, and | soprano solos. Station WHAM. i Rochester, N.Y., and C.F.C.A., [Toronto Star, also came in duting | the evening. { The thunder storms interfered | while the storm was over Kingston but immediately, around 9 p.m., a v Vy Thrifty Housewives WEEK-END BARGAINS FireInsurance h p p VY ark hidhk ak. Granulated Sugar ....10 Ibs, 75¢. ar In case of an INS } Belleville Creamery ........ 38e. - b ANCE POLICY is a great satis [ : faction. Jt also saves worry Flour (Pastry) ...... 7 lbs. 20e. ES . ) . '€ when there is no fire. | Shredded Wheat ...... 2 for 23%e 2 Are you sufticiently covered? } Tea with the flavor ......... 43¢. b x ¥ Kippered Snacks ...... 8 for 25e. If not let me write you a pol- Week-end Oranges, 1 dosen 29c. icy. 3 6 * . Pure Lard, Math . : y Reliable companies only rep- athews i resented. Cocoanut, per Ib. ...... : Catsup (small) .............. 10e. Victory Bonds . bought and sol * | RH Waddell Phones 320-806. 88 Broek St v Mixed Chicken Feea 10 Ibs. 25e. Cullen's CASH AND CARRY ALFRED and PRINCESS STi. Ahaha dd dd Arriah ch dh dh hh A A 4 4 4 4a 3 b i p p A ArvhAARAR AAA Aha A NII 4 Magic Baking Powder ..31e. 1b, tauren great change was noticed and many stations were heard. This evening station W.G.Y. will broadeast two programmes, one starting at 8.45 Kingston time and the second one at 11.30 Kingston time. This is the regular broadcast- |ing as done by W.G.Y. every Fil- {day evening. The first concert this evening will be of the concert type, the second of popular airs and songs. K.D.K.A., Pittsburg, Pa., and W.J.Z., Newark, N.J., had excepi- ional fine programmes last evening also. These stations are improving their programmes very much. This means a continued adding to of the list of radiotelephone listeners: ATTENDED SPECIAL COURSE. Capt, H. E. Law Received Special Instruction in Toronto. Capt. H. BE. Law, physical instruc- tor at the Kingston Collegiate Insti- tute, has arrived home from Toron- to, after taking a special course of instruction during the past month. |The course was one of intensive training on a wide range of subjects. . Scores to choose from--all going at big dis- counts--in fact, many below manufactur- er's prices. Now is the time to buy while the prices are low. ¥ CAMPBELL BROS. Kingston's Largest Hat Dealers There were several branches to the course. About four hundred attend ed the classes, there being about one hundred men, but all of these, of course, did not do the same amount of work or take the same studies. One of the features of the all round instruction was the talks given by Coach "Jack'* Maynard, of Varsity. The work was taken in Hart house, the swimming tanks there being used for the swimming classes. The collegiate boys are assured of new features in their work next term and Capt. Law is already making preparations for the athletics of the school this fall and winter. ---- tects GRANT INCREASE IN RATES. Portsmouth Céuncil Has Agreed to the Advance. Portsmouth council approved the proposal to grant the Kingston, Portsmouth and Cataraqui Blectrie R.R. an increase in rates. There was a full meeting and James Hal. liday, reeve of the village, oceupled the chair. The other members were Councillors M. J. Kennedy, J. Baid- en, Mr. Weller and W. D ratlway. Much information was presented by W. F. Nickls who declared that thé company had been running the cars at a loss, "a loss that last amounted to $23,000," he declared. After hearing a detailed statement of the finances of the railway, the coun- cil voted to grant the increased rates. -------------- There aré so many new things be ing used, worn, and invented these days that to keep abreast of the times one must read the ads. '/A RED ON A KINGSTON STREET FLAG WAVES i] : But Is Mounted on Traffic Policeman. The red flag is waving in King- |ston! Bolsheviks are not responsibie | for it, however. The traffic police- {man which has been bunted and bif- 1ed by countless motorists: at the {corner of Wellington and Brock streets has been replaced by another of sturdier construction. It has a heavy wooden base in place of a pipe-line and bears the sign ,, Keep to the right." From its top waves a regular Soviet flag In spite of the fact that it serves a laudable purpose in guiding erring motorists. WAS HIGHLY PLEASED. Standardization of Hospitals is De- ing Made. Dr. McEachren, late superintend- ent of Vancouver General Hospital, visited Kingston yesterday. He is now in charge of hospital inspection as regards classification, a work which was carried on till lately by the American Association, but is now in hands of Canadian authorities. Dr. McEachren was particularly pleased with progress in records at the General Hospital. Improved methods in keeping records of treat- ments, operations and laboratory tests must. be advantageous 'to tha patients. Several records, locally de- vived, were taken) away by the doct- or as changes heretofore unknown. tion to public wards was particular- ly noted. The whole classileation and co-operation the university is a position rarely found in any other of the 140 hos- pitals. The position of Kingston General of administration and work is unsur- was the doctor's opinion. IN MARINE CIRCLES J ed Thursday night from Buffalo with a cargo of coal and cleared for Card- inal. The steamer Kingston down on Friday mdrning from To- cretia cleared Thureday for an in- spection tour of the lower lake and river. The, hoister-barge Winnie Wing is evnected to be floated from tue Davis drydock on Friday night. Frank T. Norris, district superin- tendant of the Canada Steamship Lines, is in the city to supervise tho repairs to thp steamer Wynona, which 18 now in the Collingwood Shipbuilding Company's drydeck. Seven-Cent Car Fare For Kingston in September In conversation with a Whig re- | porter on Friday morning, H. C. Nickle, superintendent of the street | railway company, stated that it would | be some time in September before the | new schedule of fares will go into effect on the street cars. : The short and the long of it {s--| use the classified ads. "The Hat Stove" BIG CLEARING SALE OF HATS TO-MORROW FOR MEN Panamas to $8.50, for ...$1.50 Sailors to $3.00, for ....$1.50 Boft Straws to $2.50, for $1.00 FOR BOYS Silk and Cloth Caps om Bale at 2 for $1; each BSc. / LADIES' SPORT FELTS - Another shipment, Sand, Grey, Navy, ete. Special $2.05 LADIES' TRIMMED HATS $10 HATS YOUR $12 HATS CHOICE Ge mar | $5.00 CHILDREN'S STRAWS TO-MORROW -- HALF PRICE of t Is Not a Bolshevik Emblem | The systematic methods now ad-| opted by the regular staff in atten- | organization, | with | Hospital in regards to this new line | passed by any Institution of its kind | The steamer Susie Chipman arriv- | arrived | ronto and Rochester,. and cleared | for Prescott. The steamer Brockville arrived down Thursday afternoon with | freight from Bay of Quinte ports, and cleared on a return trip. The government steamer Con- haying. Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Hunt FRIDAY, AUGUST, 4, 1922. SH _WHIG. 7 = | LATEST SUMMER HITS 40c. Per Copy--Three For One Dollar Say It While Dancing, Old Fashioned Girl, The Flapper Song, }| Pick Me Up and Lay Me Down in Dear Old Dixieland, Swanee River Moon, No Use Crying, Meet Me Next Sunday I'll Wait For You, Lo- La-Lo, Ka-Lu-A, Koo-Kee-Koo, Just a Little Love Song, In Maytime - I Learned to Love, Jimmy I Love But You, Ain't Nature Grand, The Flapper Blues, Little Grey Sweetheart of Mine, Georgia, K-K-Kiss Me Again, Bamboo Bay, Angel Child, By the Sapphire Sea, On the Gin Gin Ginny Shore, California, Dancing Fool, Some Sunny Day. etc., etc. : ..THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE OPEN NIGHTS WASH GOODS SALE A clearing lot of Ginghams, Or- The balance of our stock of ag pe hy) 0 gandies and Voiles -- beautiful i] SUMMER DRESSES, includ- Sarelc and oD 756 ing Organdies, Voiles and Ging- Saturday, on the Bargain Table hams. This is not a job lot, but | at-- 25c. a YARD high-grade merchandise from piace stock, Sanday. | Ei sii he fee DOLLAR CORSET in the trade. All your choice, at exactly-- sizes 19 to 30. | Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. | HALF PRICE ET ------------------ | | | SE HAR ns, : £a -- ---- SALE All Millinery at Reduced Prices, Mats Trimmed snd Remodelled. Parisian Shop 322 Brock Street ------ { Notes From Lee Valley, | Lee Valley, Aug. 3.--Miss | Bell has returned to Ottawa, after | her vacation here. Miss Reynolds, Carleton Place, who has been visit- | ing Miss Florence Mollason hera, {has returned home. Mr. and Mra. | Howard Burteh made a short visit | here. They were returning via the | Soo, after a trip in the United Stat (es, and stopped off to see their | friends in Lee Valley. Mrs. Jewell {and married daughter . and baby. from "Manitoulin Island visited with jLhe former's daughter, Mrs. Byrtle ! Armstrong for a few days. A few | grants have been given by the gov- jernment on the roads here about, LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US | $4000--Garrett Street--8 improvements. $5000--Ear] Street--8 room detached nace, electric light, gas and -------- Co room brick dwelling, electric light, ec! brick dwelling, with fur. garden. $3100--Victoria Street--new detached brick dwelling, 8 rooms, attic floored, oak floors, fireplace; ' all improvements, $3600--Victoria Street--7 room frame dwell Prov ments and garden. : ug Wii . HOUBES FOR RENT $20.00--No, 108 York Street--7 rooms B. and C. $30.00--No. 24 Garrett Street--B. and C., E. light, 8 roomd, $12.00--~No. 96 Barrack Street--6 rooms and toilet, FIRE INSURANCE AT LOWEST RATES, {and the work has commenced. Phone 539w. {| «Mrs. Jerome Buell, who went to Fire Insurance . { Sudbury, for an operation, is report- . EW Mullin&So {ed doing nicely. Mrs. Charles Guiids * |] {has left for Sudbury. Miss Florence Estat | Molleson has obtained a situation in Money to-Loan. Joa Em ie ad ithe store of Shamass Espanola Johnson and Division Streets | Mr. Wellington Coburn has been {working for Mr. McMillan through {and Mr. and Mrs. Willlam McKnight jcontemplate a trip down east fin Mr. Hi car. They are to leave sometime this week. Harry Kirker stopped off for a couple of days at his brother's. He was on his way to the Soo. Saturday Shoe Bargains Faariii $3.95 | 1 00 mir mi fore AOC - S. J. MARTIN 189 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 2216 Examination Results, "Nothing is to be gained by troub- ling me," said Principal Sliter. "with unnecessary inquiries about results." He does not know when they will be sent him; but he is ful- ly aware of the importance of get- ting them to the candidates promjp:- ly, and will jose no time. ladies. Blaek Leather Pumps, high hi eeln, Ladies' White Oxfords and Pumps -- high heels. Ladies' White Running Boots, all sizes. Ladies' Brown Ruzuisg Bost, all sizes Girlie White Running te, all sizes. , Boys' White Running Boots, All sizes in each line. Any ---------------- nia smmtrmmon------ Infants' Black Kid Strap Slippe sizes 3 to © only ---------- Alex. Fitchett passed avay on Tuesday at his home at R'is. De- ceased was born in Marmora In 1835 and for nearly half a ce~ ury had 1ccided at the higresteal 1. Roslin. Mrs. Susan Fr.zzell, wif: of Wm. Frizzell, Cannifton, dled 0. Wednes- day, Deceased was a dauzate* of the {iale John Bovay, Price Edwar] county, and was Lorn i1 184. Just scales and full measure injure 20 man. +P REAL ESTATE | i