FRIDAY, AUGUST, 4, 1022. Hot Weather Suggestions Grape Juice .... RQ --S | NORM AN Bers Eos rer... PLATE Box Cameras , ¢ FOR GOING ON 3 Jar Rings ...,.8 doz. for 25c. Parowax .........15c. per ib. ors 400, .4 for Bc. Family-ade YEARS we and cur customers have been attracted by the excellent designs of Norman Silver Plated Goods Made by Messrs. Stanley and Aylward, Limited, the men who contemplate moving their fac- Fly Catehers . .. L. T. BEST Prescription Druggist Phone 59. 'Open Sundays tory to Kingston. DR. BELL'S SHAVING CREAM a display of product, south made firm's in our We hate some of this stock, ushes up quickly; creamy lather and retains its molsture from our 00 shaves window -- IT WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK Also to come in and examine the finish of this line, when thinking of that next annivers- ary or wedding gift SMITH BROS. LIMITED Sp p cial B g : S ESTAELISHED 1840 IN ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES RIGHT TOASTER ... ....8$8.50 KING STREET, KINGSTON AT TOASTER ..... .85.00 RIC IRON ..... . $3.50 DT PLATE . . $5.00 Burke Electric Go re DR. S. E. PORTER Corner Alfred and Johuson Streets Phone 1072F. Princess Street, Phone 423. REFRIGERATOR SPECIAL FOR WEEK-END Only one of each size left. Buy yours now. No. 8 Renfrew, 435" high x 26" wide x 18" deep. Regular price $24. Special Price * $21.00 No. 1 Renfrew; 30" high x 24" wide x 16" No. 8 Barnet, 50" high, 40" wide, 21" deep. Regular price $100.00 Special price ..' $85.00 No. 4, Renfrew, 51" high x 80" wide x 19" deep. Regular price $45. Special Price ? price $16.50. Special Price $39.00 | $14.00 McKelvey & Birch, Limited Gemeral Contractors, Heating Specialists, Steam Fitters and Plumber, Jobbers of Plumbers' a nd Gas-fitters' Supplies, Stoves, f, Heavy and House Furnishing Hardware, Tools, Oils, ont ri oy Sheet Metal and Tin Work; Electric work; Painting and Paper Hanging. Special work of all kinds undertaken. deep. Regular August Sale OUR TWENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL MID-SUMMER SALE-- This Sale will be the means of saving a great deal of money for our custoilers. Everything will be considerably reduced, and it will pay yon to anticipate your needs and purchase them now. "We will store "free of charge" for Fall delivery. A few of our Specials to start with:-- .45¢. .609c. .82¢. 150 yards Floor Oilcloth (regular 55c. and 60¢. «...... 65 Assorted Cretonne Cushions for verandahs .<7.... 36 Medium sized Tapestry Mats .. { 48 Good wearing Jute Mats 4 sets Oak Dining Room Chairs, Leather Seats, 2 Fumed and 2 Golden . Sean $24.00 T.F. Harrison Go, Limited Phone 90 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. THE LAW OF HARVEST. As one gazes upon the golden flelds at this season of the year, he cannot but meditate upon the story of the seed, the soil and the harvest contains a great mystery: ery of life It also great principle, namely, that harvest comes through sacrifice and death. The seed must die if a har vest is to issue from it law of harvest As one travels through the West- ern prairies, towers and elevators herald the approach of every town They tower up over the prairies ae the great treasure houses of the na tion. As Dr. F. L. Patton fittingly asserts: "These are the of the world. This is the annual cor onation of nature, and illustrat? the text cept a corn of wheat fall into earth and die, it abideth it it die it bringeth f« fruit.' " There is such a thing as a fruit less conservation. There is also un expenditure that is fruitful. Take a grain of wheat. Tt is whole and com plete in itself. While it seen dead within it the i 3 of wonderous and. manifold The mystery of life within it It lies as dead because it has not died It abideth alone be cause it has lived to itself. It must die in order that it might really live Its outer form must be broken up it its inner life is to be awakened and manifested. -Unless it goes thror~h the process of prolific decay it the myst- storehouses simply 80 many ons of 'pix tho bh ut alone; I much 18 to he there lies pos sleep mains an isolated, unproductive seed, but if embedded in the soil the day lof its death is the day of its germina {tion and birth into large life If the farmers of this country kept {their grain in storehouses, satisfied that they were far from famine and grain in the spring, {how long would we assured of |pbread? Yet men and nations are re- |peating such follies in connection with life. They are practicing day | by day and year by year ness which spells ultimate ruin. Tt failed to sow be civilization into decay. They sought {to realize the ideal of human life by {enjoyment and sensuous luxury. { Their ideals were "to get" and to "enjoy' and they decayed. They Wid not realize thaf g great conquests can Why Not Stop easiest way--and about the | | | {It's the quickest way, the | enly way. Makes Hair Grow, Too set rid of dandruff and your scalp will quickly stop itching. A few rubbings with Parisian Sage will drive every particle of dandruff from 'your scalp. People who know of this remark- able hair nourisher and invigorator never worry about scalp itch, dan- druff or falling hair. People who don't are to be pitied. If you are one whose hair needs at- tention, your one best bet is Parisian Sage. It's a clean, refreshing invigorator that is a joy to use. Scalp itch and dandruff go in a few days and a littla later the hair wiil cease to fall or grow thin. Take care of your hair while you have hair to take care of. McLeod's Drug Store, or at any toilet goods counter or drug store anywhere in America. It costs but little and is guaranteed to give satisfaction. art se ra. A Dominion Meat Store Opp. Y.M.C.A. Phone 1268) PICNIC HAMS We have hundreds BELLEVILLE CREAMERY seen B70" WHEY BUTTER ........83c. LIPTON'S TEA .... .50c. POT ROAST ...........10c OVEN ROAST ........15c HAMBURG (Choice) .. - MINCED STEAK ..2 Ibs. 25c. EE -------------------------------------------------- TRY OUR PICNIC HAMS ! [ In a; way it is a very simple story and yet | enunciates a | every' This is the | a selfish- | was this spirit which led the Greek | Sea Itch Wi Parisian Sage? Get a bottle of Parisian Sage from { | playing with the s8 Beatrice, the second King and Jueen of a 8 I ince of Italy | Tam only be reached by great sacrifice: that glorification comes through {death of self; that the burial of the seed is essential to the harvest | This law reveals itself in every phase of life. We see it in relation nts to children. During the young people are p for an education. They are g to attend school or college In the fall. It beco s a financial ques- tion for the me The parents confer an determine render their accumulated earnings for the educational progress of their children children no doubt will grow up to perpetuate the prin the individual withers, re and more." more expanded life and death is well in. the history of civil {and religious libs and in the pro- gress of all Chris work. The Book of the Acts of the Apostles is full of this noble {ed jin the blood of sacrifice, and the harves century evid- ences the of this principle | We exemplified in the lives of all heroes who have laid down their lives in a great cause. These ciple, and and the world This idea through sac illustrated is n t of that first power see it 1 among the fiercest savag- tes in a most sacrificial life and in looking over those years and {ts harvest, said: 'Give me back these years and I would still be a ary." It was Father Damien, {the grip of the dead disease, | refused to quit his task for | treatment. In this spirit {rome 3 {laid down His life { demption. We are compelled to cotelude that {the destiny of the natural life is not merely to peretuate itself. It be transmuted by a superior into a spiritual life, and to be 21 years | curative for world's re transformed means render: of the life to Christ | must sacrifice th er. That which is not fully surrend- tered to God has the element of death lin it. Had Christ thought only of personal safety and comfort. Te might has escaped much suffering and the death He faced, but He nev= er would have been the Saviour of the world. He suffered that He might conquer; He died that many might live, vindicating the gredt law of expanded life through sacrifice and glorification through death' GIVE HISTORIANS WIDE ATTENTION Canada to Occupy Prominent Place at Brazil Meeting of Archivists. Canada's storied past and her his- torians have come into wide recog- inition, and this country will have a | prominent place at the International {Congress on the History of America [to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in September of this year, Three eminent archivists have been named by the Dominion Government to represent it at that gathering. {They are: Dr. A. G. Doughty, Chief {Dominion Archivist; Prof. Oscar D. Skelton, of Queen's University, and the latest biographer of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, and Gustave Lanctot, of the {Dominion Archives. The purpose of the conference is to confer upon the best means of co-ordinating the archives work of .the various gov- ernments of North and South Am- erion and of unifying the histories of Pan-America. Canada's historical records of her ewn development and expansion and of other North and South American countries have attracted wide atten- tion, and a competent representation from this dominion is regarded as 'he most fitting acknowledgement of that recognition. The Canadian dele- gates will leave for Rio de Jareiro in about two or three weeks' time. Speaking on war debts, Premier Lloyd George says all Allies must make like sacrifices. Messrs, Stewart and Riddell have jrefused to act en the Canadian grain | board, to sur- | spirit and is steep- | It was James | | Chalmers, of New Guinea, who speut | mission- | who, in| leprosy, | the sup-| : : wd erifice was made by Him who must | power | 80 | a voluntary sur-| We | » lower for the high- | PROBS: --Saturday, fine and warm. i [EE [l [1 L: 0 0 SATURDAY Some exceptionally attractive values in wanted seasonable merchandise priced for quantity business. Follow the crowds of thrifty shoppers and save money while you spend it. MEN, ATTENTION! 600 Fine Negligee Shirts $1.00 ea. Reg. $1.50 and $1.75 values. 600 new Percale Shirts secured direct from one of the foremost makers of fine quality Shirts--all swagger new patterns in a won- derful assortment--full. body sizes, with re-inforced shoulders. The sizes range from 14} to 17, This is undoubtedly one of the greatest bargains in fine Shirts ever offered in town. Come early for first choice. Regular $1.50 to $1.75 val- ues. Saturday $1.00 each WHITE WASH SKIRTS, $1.00 EACH--- 120 only, fine Cotton Poriet Twill Novelty Wash Skirts-- a choice of the season's most advanced styles for your se- lection. Regular $2.00 to $3.00 each. To clear-- Saturday, $1.00 WOOL SCARFS, HALF PRICE-- 48 beautiful, new, Wool Scarfs makes, in a nice selection of styles and plain and fancy Regular $5.50 to $12.50. Your «e.....5aturday, Half Price Ea -- imported English color combinations. choice .... .... WHITE SILK SWEATERS, $8.48 12 only, All White and White trimmed Black Novelty Drop-Stitch Silk Sweaters--in sizes 38 to 44--in the new Tuxedo style. Regular $12.50 and $15.00 each. rads nie a 2 Saturday, $8.48 LADIES' VESTS, 4 FOR $1.00 25 dozen fine Swiss Ribbed Cotton Vests; in regular and O. S. sizes; regular 35¢. values . . . Saturday, 4 for $1.00 CHILDREN'S COTTON DRAWERS, 15¢. EACH-- 15 dozen Cotton Drawers, in sizes 4 to 9 years. Sold regularly from 35c. to 50c. each. To clear Saturday 15c¢. CHILDREN'S COMBINATIONS, 69c. EACH "VF 60 fine Nainsook Combinations--in sizes 2 to 9 years -- they give the children the utmost comfort in hot weather --our regular 90¢c. values to clear . Saturday, 69¢. each CASH AND CARRY. NO APPROYALS or RETURNS. Steacy's - Limite The Women's Store of Kingston... --E= m ¢