Ww H 1 G. SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1928, THE DAILY BRITISH -- pr ifm = for the normal growth and develop- - [ment of young people. In spite of | BIBLE THOUGHT FOR T0-DAY [Grow oid along with me; the best is Yate; Jowever, it has been fowad by THE ONLY SAFE TRUST ntario Departmen of Health --Some trust in chariots, 'hat there is a large percentage of de- jand some in horses: but we will re- fective vision, defective teeth, ade- {member the name of the Lord our Bolds and tiseased tonsils among | God.--Psa. 20: 7 children in rural districts. It fs hard | {to credit this, but on examinations fo.1uraty Who are young loug 10 be | vis was the true condition of {old that they may enjoy the fruits of | aairs Yevoaied. power and place, fruits that are in | One of the ometals of the depses. p associated with | i {the thought of youth associa d | ment. im rebortiug ur, bests 1 rena |} lage, while so many who are old look | gy | 8 | communities, Jays stress on the need | | back ruefully with furile yearning to {be young again phantoms. | '| ALONG LIFE'S DETOUR | BY SAM HILL for edueating the people regarding | No Place To Rest, | There are some at every age who are | the posatble defects in their children, | I never get so tirea | Of standing on my feet, ith the reali. | Meeting he was told that there was | it} pe too much concerned with the rea {1t:1e sicknem iu. the selesoriost 6 THE BRITISH WHIG a, = TOO BUSY TO GROW OLD. i } | yet to be, { The last of life, for which the was made ---Browning first BIBBY'S Fine Quality Clothes Ready-to-Wear and Made-to-Measure YOUNG MEN'S AND MEN'S SUMMER SUITS AT PRE-WAR PRICES ! Fancy Tweeds, Cheviots Homespuns--nicely tailored. One of life's incongrul'ies is that | = alter » | ---- 1 [EE 4 gn -r PE J T= ----r Observations of Oldest Inhabitant. The only thing more hideous than knickers girls ever have worn were | the old-fashioned pantalettes. a That I care to sit on The anxious seat and that the children were all strong, healthy youngsters who did not need | medical or nursing supervision Yet | y | lementation. |the figures for that district showed | uy Such 0 Thomus A. FEBOW, Lyi out of 375 sigponedly Best] | who the other day observed the {children between six and 'welve years | (Classified ad. in Newark (Ohio) Advo- | seventy-fifth anmiversary--at work lot age attending school there, only RANTED are Hap i upun jhe phonograph, the child of his {about eighty were without physical Young sin to wash_ dishes and light! invention, to bring it one step nearer | deteets of one kind or another; None work around the house. 53 East | ito perfection. {of them had had a previous examma- Locust St. Phone 1484. 7-26-3tx. | "It's what is ahead that interests {tion, and their parents never imagin- ks me, not the past," he said. jed there was anything wrong with| «pm standing on my right" the | And that, we may believe, has been {them. They were just growing like |loud talker on the car was sa the thought of Mr. Edison all bis | ~ ! ying to] ) | EXTRA SPECIAL VALUE is : p for { : {weeds, with the physteal Sunditiog | Ne companion... flowed sul I $25.00 y ahog 1 f years, but in {left to chance, without any thought | 1 ch man standing next to him," "y're | i : # oa? oad, nor 3 tens of Years, bu of what the result might be. | standing on the corns on me left" i i 3 --THE CLAUDE. 56 | terms of accomplishment. And if he | | | J i --THE RITZ 6 life. The useful man is ever looking year, if not paid in advance Hn : The pitiful part of this matter is | --~ | 312 be a great man, the day will never that a large majority of these 'de- | Hardest Things In the World To --THE DON. come, while he has health and EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES One jenir, 10 United Sintey \gurerrows REPRESENTATIVES, tects could be put right in early life | plain, Sra, Wien be Will 0008 10 100k ur grven the proper sim, Tf A Vleck eye. ahead, $18.00 y Calder, 22 St, Johm Nt. Melitrasi + W. Thompson ....100 t. W. : . Pw a ron Where you were last night. parents, however, do not know of What became of your money. to, In this sense there is great, under- | thom, and in some 'cases resent the | A woman's whims lying truth in Browning's hnes. If, {insinuation that their children has | ye , ~¢ | i Ne e. as our years increase, our store of | physical defects that were being ne-| weve haa enocgh of knowledge and wisdom increases in glacted. i i | This prejudice must be re- | strife; measure, we shall have little reason moved if the department of health's Let's all be good: to look backward---save to profit by | programme for healthier boys and For life would be more pleasant If] experience--and little reason to look {girls is to be successful. It can only We only would [forward save to plan for ETealer Ihe removed -by a thorough plan of | No Law Agin That. achievement and larger service, The | education on the subject, for no| "You don't have wine with your life that is cumulative in its richness {parent, however careless once this) meals since the advent of prohibi- may calmly, even pleasantly, anidcel- | eondition ds realized, would do any-| "0% 2 my Wife and I bave with] pate the crowning powers thet COME | thing to mar the young child's right ; " bes bd > gid pe 3 ow ras with years, The last 'of life is in- {to have the best possible chance in ou: me pe : 'deed the best of any life that Brows, life --H-they ara neglécied it is be- expands, keeps pace. {cause they do not know, and becauee | [they have come to believe in the farm ! | sm---- A DESCENT INTO CANNIBALISM, |as a health resort, whers the doctor A Ruesian newspaper issued in jcomes in only in case of serious ill- | Paris has published a long account | neg, . Happily, the work of the de- | Emma Calve, according to a weekly | of a study made by Russian p-ychia- | partment, through community nurses | publication, Sayy he audience recog. trists into the conditions which ex- and other officials, is rapidly bearing | Bie oe NE wheeze in that, but isted jn the famine regions during | fryjt, and in some parts of Ontario | you better think it oot for yourself the horrors of last winter, The speci- | the prejudice is breaking down. To : fic object of the study was to investi- { dispel it completely will be a long gate the reports that cannibalism was | task, but by the proper educational rampant in some parts of the stricken { methogs it can be driven entirely area. These reports, according to the [away; and the ignorance which re- investigating committee, were found | sults in neglect of the children's to be only too true. One particularly | health win completely disappear, glaring case which was found by 'he | doctors was that of a young man, | IwWenty-three years old, who boasted | that he had killed and eaten sixteen | § OUF Canadlan Question persons, his first victim being his | And Answer Corner wife. The only reason for this atroc- 3. | lous action was that the pangs of | 'hunger became too great to be- rns, Q---How many fur-trading pasts and then came the descent info | 272 Still conducted by gha Hudson's state of cannibalism which is revolt- = Dompanyt on's B o ing to all civilized people, SOS uy Company, { Which is over 250 years oll, still ccu- Even after taking into considera- [ducts over 200 Tora posts a tion the low state of intelligence in jan Paris of central and western Caa- many parts 'of Russia, and the ignor- | adu. ance and darkness from which the Q. What are Camadian Claps? people there suffer, this descent into| A.--Canadian Clubs have boen cannibalism serves to show how thin |"rned ja pracieally every city in ls the veneer of civilization which Sens, Waunly Junoon meetings covers the social life of human be. | r° D='d, addreceed by leaders c* var ings, It may be, of course, that there Tava Jaws. it 1s Rational sud non wl? were mental defects in those who ota 11 39 form. were gudlty of this practice, but the bald statement of fact is that, faced with a death of starvation, with the pangs of hunger gnawing at their vitals, these men forgot their sacred | o information about Kingston end obligations as human beings, they | cheerfully gives up, information to became as beasts of prey, killed their | strangers about 'he many beauty most beloved ones, and satisfied their |spots and other sights of Kingston cravings by eating human flesh, and how best t6 see them. He knows The question which naturally |ali about the street car railway, arises is:™"Could this have happened | Where it goes, where it passes, how, in any other country but Russia?" 1¢|¥hY. When and where, and is a Boost. is a hard question to answer, but the er for Kingston beyond Price. Amy. one talk " fcem view of the psychiatrist is that men ing wits Sie yoi get a Yor are much the same all the world » Impression of Kingston and be in- over, and that, given the same ©on- Ispired with the desire to see more of ditions, they would all act in very it, in fact I know a party who were much the same manner. Driven back | going out on the afternoon train after to elemental conditions by disaster or |& brief stop but after talking with misfortune, men would againosbegin | tlds policeman on the corner of lower a struggle, in a physical sense, for the en Sa re iho street ur survival of the fittest. With 'he cided to materially prolong their veneer of civilization stripped away, stay, This Bobby speaks with a men would descent to a par with the strong Liverpool accent and deserves savages of ungivilizsed lands; and |a salary as Kingston's Best Booster. even dn this twentieth century it is : apparent tha' this veneer does not go ~--Belleville Ontario. rs very deep. It was penetrated by the lusts of war, it is being penetrated Shortage of Brick. Local builders are being hamper- daily by the struggles of men to crush their business rivals; and the descent ed by an acute shortage of bricks and advices recetved from various manu- into a primal state of existence Is not | facturers indicate that no immediate a very long one, when conditions |T¢Mef Is in sight. Some of the ou'- come such as were prevalent in Rus. |°1"10WD firms manufacturing various sla. The outside world would revokt in horror from the thought ot what lines of fancy bricks are ad agents that as a result of having to took Place in that country, but, after all, there is no telling wha® might use poor grades of coal recently, kiins 'of brick which they were de- have happened had similar conditions existed in any other nation of a much pending on for shipment have been . boasted higher civilization. : spoiled. Some firms are not promis ing anything in the way of delivery before sixty days. Probably the oldest living thing| RT in the world, older than the cecars| THE FARM AS A HEALTH RESORT of Lebanon, or the giant sequold 0 One of the greatest obstacles in the ties of life, too much engrossed ia zeal to do, to waste their days and dull their energies in impatience or Published Dally asd Sem) Weekly by | THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING €O,, LIMITED What Made the Light Work Dirthy? and Editor ang Managing-Director TELEPHONES: ness Oftlee ... itortal Job Oftice SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Duily Edition) One year, in city .... One year, if paid In advance .... $e year, by me year, to ' (Semi-Weekly Kdition) One One Nobby Homespuns Made in the new Sport or Golf Model Suit for THE ASTOR. ~THE ROY. ~--THE CLINTON. --THE STANDARD. year, by mall, cask Something very classy! Letters to the kditor ars published ORiy over fhe aciusl mame of the writer. Attaghed fs printing offices one of the best job in Canada, REAL CLASSY SHIRTS New colorings, new fabrics, new designs-- at new prices. SEE OUR --31.95-- SHIRT SPECIAL SHIRT SALE 50 dozen mew Shirts--regular $1.50 to $2.00 values. Your pick for $1.00 EACH. The circulation of THE BRITIsH " WHIG is authenticated by the ABC Audit Bureau of Circtulations I SEE OUR $2.98 SHIRT SPECIAL BIBBY'S De ---- aa Heresy: The act of being a min ority. Foal Questions. T E, M asks: "Is it proper speak of a dashhund as a low down | dog? { | to At that, the birth rale of suckers is no greater than the birth rate of Fords. 0] Ee -------- EE ---- RE SPECIALS] DURING OUR AUGUST TIRE SALE ' CORD TIRES | Absolutely guaranteed--First Quality, QO! Ee TI Ho, Hum. The chief objection to the plain people is that some of them are eo darned plain. The fly in the ointment of a per- fect 'plente is the one in the mayon- alse dressing, Gems From Guide Book to Success. A showing of authority is about all the claim some people have to atten- re seme tion--J. E. F. It 1sn't what a woman says that is shocking, but the fact that a woman could say it, Isn't He a Bouncing Baby, Too? (Barthell Cor. McCreary County Record) Mr. and Mrs. Vess Ball are proud parents of a large baby boy. Heavens! It may yet become fasliionable for the mfiuch divorced lady to list her six nicest husbands. Ot the Yn Away With Them, Oh, into space He should be huried, He always says "I'l tell the world* Another disadvantage about obey- ing the traffic laws is that it makes one so conspicuous, $24.90 $31.70 $33.60 $40.95 $41.90 $42.95 $45.15 . $53.55 $56.30 --Sam Hi As the fishing season flashes by, we wait with ever-growing impatience for a strike vole of paragraphers. You've said her, Sam, Now get Nell Toots, Her choicest slang the modern Is, "Bet your boots.™ One explanation of the --N. K. Bowman, Bodwil, Ohio. girl is that she learned how to handle a typewriter instead of a frying pan. This Calls For Snappy Judgment. Dear Sam: "How's this for Voi- Stead days--Rev. Will B. Campbell lives at Winchester, Ky. --D. Snapp, Paris, Ky. Affer a Week at a summer resort, one understands that it isn't neces- sary to go south to study the palms. When the book agent confesses that few families have sufficient cul- ture to appreciate the work, the set is sold. k Daily Sentence Sermon. A man who refuses to discharge his duty is sume to "Wet h'meelf dis- charged. - An Ideal Bobby. Down Kingston way there is a poifieman who comes nearest the ideal Bobby possible. He is a mine Newsy of the Names Club. G. 0. Farr, of Huntington, W. Va, is a travelling salesman, so we sup- pose he does. . L M. Bhapely, of Richmond, Va. weighs 200 pounds and is & shapely as & hogshead. Ond good thing about summer fis that it reduced the butter to a state where a butter knife can make a dent in it. ---- ol} "Another reason why there wae fess sex interesd in the old days was be- cause people stayed at home once in a while. These Tires are selling very fast. We advise to buy NOW. Our prices to-day are lower than at any time since we have been selling Tires, and we are the Pioneers. . Zz. MOORE McCLARY'S "CANADA" BRAND 'ENAMEL WARE PRESERVING KETTLES in finest grade made. Mottled Blue suis side and white lining. A complete assortment and low priced. BUNT'S HARDWARE King St. Civilization has reached the point where almost any barber can bob a woman's' hair without feeling self- conscious. First Class Grocery Store and DWELLING, exceptionally well-located; will sell store and dwelling combined of store only; splendid trade. For par- ticulars, apply: T. J. :Real Estate and Life Insurance Phone 3213 or 1797J. 58 BROCK STREET An old-timer is one who can re- . Open member when mothers of a commun- Evenings ity used the livery stable loafer as a horrible example. % A -------------------------- We would have the meashre of Adam's repentance if we knew how many apple trees he planted after leaving the Garden. Genuine Imported e Kitchen Ranges and Furnaces ---------------- Booze on board ships flying the United States flag may yet do much to encourage development of that country's inland waterways. Although the ocean is the com- mon property of every country, and a8 such is free to all, yet, according to generally recognized international law, every country exercises Jurisdie- tion over the sea within three miles ot its shores. i TRy Ss A complete line of Trusses, Abdominal Supporters, Elastic | W. KENT MACNEE Bank of Commerce Buliding, Brock aug King Streets. . Phone 701 or 36M. Fire. Accident Burglary, ete. Reliable Companies KIA-ORA ORANGE SQUASH. LEMON SQUASH. ng: --~Automobile, Sickness, Fiat ; LIME JUICE CORDIAL. . Hepresenting On ------------ Formerly of Middleville. _ California, is a cypress tree recently discovered by a naturalist in tho The sad tidings were received at Lanark, of the death of James Mit- * churchyard of a small town in Mex- ico. The diameter of its trunk is 50 feat, 15 feet more than that of the large known sequoia Judging from o -#imilar cypress, which was found "when cut down to have 200 year rings for every foot of growth, this big cypress must be 5000 years oid. It is still flourishing, although it Was well grown when the pyramids were being built, way of child welfare work, particu- larly in rural districts, is the ignor- ance of the parents regarding the de- fects of their children, and the re- fusal to take seriously any suggestion | that sund defects might exist. It is generally considered that there is no better environment than thé farm for the upbringing of healthy children. It is usually thought that the healthy life, close to nature, with plenty of food, plenty of fresh air and outdoor exercise, constitute ideal conditions chell, Tulisville, Sask. at the early age of forty-one years. Deceased was 2 native of Middleville, having been born on June 1st, 1831, and remain- ed there till he reached man's estate child. ------------------ It is betler to eink in the sea than to sink among men. | | Hosiery, and an ex- pert fitter with many 'years' experience, at Dr. Chown's Drug Store 185 Princess Street. Phone 343 [DAVID SCOTT | Pivmber Plumbing and Gas Work a spec laity. All work guaranteed. Ad. dress 145 Frontenac Street. 1277. Pa ---------- Harry Payne Whitney, on Friday | denied the story that he had sold Whiskaway buf admitted he was Guaranteed, made from fresh Fruit and Cane Sugar only. Ideal summer beverages, Mix with plain or Soda water. Jas. REDDEN & Co. The House of Satisfaction Phones 20 and 990. {considering an offer made by C. M. |" Clark and would decide in a few days. ¥ The better the day the beter the deed is good in a classified ad. Ideal Summer Fuel Cheaper than Coal Try Half a Ton Crawford Scranton Coal Fugue 9. Foot of Queen St.