~ "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1922, FOUNDED . 1847 ni ~ Our Custom Tailoring Department Has made a low price on some very i attractive Woolens. ® Suit-to-Measure *45.00 Values up to $65.00 SEE OUR WINDOW ! Then come in and see our. showing at above price. We still have a good selection of odd lines of READY-TO-WEAR SUITS Marked up to $35.00. FOR . $19.75 * eo 2 Livinsston's 7 75.79 BROCK STREET If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk { ANDERSON ~ BROTHERS Limited Phones 458--459. Wholesale 1767. 'Everyday Home Needs SPECIAL MONDAY OFFERING! LAUNDRY SOAPS | 10 Bars Gold : urprise Comfort Sunlight Wonderful CONTRACT 10 RELEASE STEANER RAPDS PRINCE 'Has Been Awarded to the Don- | nelly Salvage and Wreck= ing Company. The Donnelly Salvage and Wreck- ling Company has been awarded the contract to release the steamer Rap- lids Prince from her perilous position {in the Lachine Rapids, near Mont- | real. . The salvaging operations will [the strong current of the rapids, and Ito the position in which the strand- ed steamer is placed. It is under- stood that the steamer will be re- floated by cables running from an ad- jacent island Very little information obtained by the Whig Saturday morning, owing to the fact that Capt. John Donnelly is in Montreal n business concerning the present con- {tract. It was learned, however, that | the tug Frontenac will probably leave | tonight, for the scene of the opera- [tions, and cables and other meces- sary salvage equipment will be tak- len along. A large scow will be used'4n the work alongside the Ra- | pids Prince, while it is the intention of the salvage crew to run a cable {from an island, several hundred } | yards away to the steamer, ~ The Rapids Prince is--securely iplaced on her position between the rocks of the rapids, but it is thought that she is in no danger as yet. No time will be lost, however, as almost i the full force of the current is now Iplaying an her side. She is nearly | broadside of the current, and it is} i only from the lower side of the yes-| |sel that she can be approached. It is considered that the present {contract is one of the most difficult that the Donnelly has ever handled, and local marine men will watch the {result of the work with great inter- | est. AN ADDITIONAL GRANT OF $25,000 DESIRED {In Order to Get Work Started on New Isolation Hos= pital. | { | ---- If the city council approves of the decision of the finance committee reached on Friday evéning, work will {be commenced immediately !new isolation hospital. PA requesi was presented to the |committee to recommend a further [grant of $25,000 for the building. It | was pointed out that the tenders had | been higher than articipated, and [that if new plans and tenders were [called for, the work would be delayed |and the building would not be so well (appointed. The committee believed {that it would be desirable to have | the edifice erected this year to pro- {vide employment during the winter. |A recommendation will be present- ed, therefore, that a grant of an ad- ditional $25,000 be made towards the {construction of the hospital. Present at the meeting were Mayor | Corbett, Alds, Kent, Graham, An- |grove, Chown, O'Connor, Sargent. {McCartney and Richardson, H. C. | Nickle, Elmer Davis, J. M. Caampbel!, iW. F, Nickle, K.C., MP.P., Dr. J. C. | Connell, and Dr, A. E. Ross, M.P. { The city council has been called (for next Wednesday night to deal | with tha matter, |. CAN REMAIN ANOTHER YEAR | - | {In Hope That She Can. Be Perman- | ently Cured. } Washington, Aug. 5.--Mrs. Hap- {na Chaplin, mother of Charles Syd- | ney Chaplin, Will be allowed to re- | main in the United States for an- other year to take special treatment lin the hope of effecting a complete | recovery from a severe case of sheil | shock, suffered in London during | German air raids. An order to this | effect has been issued by the De- | partment of Labor. } | Canadian Pacific Services. 180 Wellington street reports ar- {rivals and departures of their steam- ' ships: P & G, Naptha Handy Ammonia /2c Washing Soda Babbitt's Cleanser | 3 For I5¢ Laundry Starch a TOILET SOAPS Belves (Floating) tr +3 For Palmolive 27c Oatmeal 500 lbs. Sweet Pickled Boiling Pork 25¢ Ib. 500 lbs. Sweet Pickled Cured Beef 121c¢ Ib. Cabbage Free with order. : Dainty Pork and|Hamburg Steak -- Beef Sausages made from fresh lean tetera. 15¢, Ib. Beef cuttings : gd Feit ees i 3 Ibe, 28, - BACON and LIVER SPECIAL ! 500.lbs. Fresh Beef Liver . . . . . . . .10e. Ib. 1000 Ibs: English Breakfast Bacon . 35c. Ib. Fresh stock of Vegetables Monday morning Empress of France, arrived Qae- | bec, Aug. 3rd, 2.10 p.m. Melita, due Quebec, Aug. 10th. | Metagama, due Glasgow, Aug. | 6th. Minnedosa, Aug. 10th. Montcalm, due Liverpool, 4th, 9 p.m. Montrose, due Quebec, Aug. 4th & p.m. due Southampton, Aug. ------ ---- Passed Away In Ottawa. By the death on Friday, in Ottawa, at the age of ninety-two years, Emily Offerd, widow of 'Jonathan Of- (ferd, who' was associated with the | Dominion Methodist church, a few | decades ago, the city loses one of jis {oldest citizens. The family had {moved to Kingston .in the eightios (but Mrs. Offerd returned to Ottawa seven or eight years ago. She was the {mother of Mrs. Charles Powell, Raglan Road. The remains will be buried here. ne The personnel of the British royal commission, which will deal with the conferment of honors, is 'described as "highly respectable and eminent- ly sedate." .The commission has to weeks, the crop reports cate thet a good threshed, : | joyed this delightful informal party. could be 1 on the | | ' i 3 | LIFES SOCIAL SIDE. | 3 ! i | Mrs. W. A Jones, Universily| | Avenue, was the hostess of a small | {bridge on Thursday evening. i - . . The social evening given in Grant Hall on Friday evening, by the stud- | ents of the summer school of | Queen's University, was an exceed- | lingly bright event. The guests were | | recelved by Pean McClement, Prof. | |and Mrs. John Macgillivary, Messrs | Lapp, Ault and Sine. the prizes won in the tennis tourna- | ment filled the earlier hours and an orchestra provided music for the | dancers until' one o'clock. Refresh- { ments werd served, ind everyone en- | . . Mrs. W. H. Macnee and Miss Nora Macnee, Union street, will return | from Metis Beach early in (he | week. | Miss Mary Ross, Alfred street, has {returned from Sixteen Island Lake, {in the Laurentian Mountains. | Mrs. Herbert McIntyre, who has ly difficult, owing to| A splendid | be saceptionally Sp | programme and the presentation of | been spending a few weeks with her | sister, Mrs. Richard Cartwright, Un- | liversity Avenue, left for Toronto Friday. | Mrs. J. Benor, Toronto, is a gues: | lof Mrs. Chatles Simmons, Frontenac street. ( ! Miss Millie Ferris, left to-day to spend a week tersea. atti TO-DAY'S GOOD mARKET] ob Albert street, | at Bal- | | Farmers in conversation with the { Whig on Saturday morning stated {that the crops in this section of the country are very good this season. One man has one hundred loads of | hay in his barns and expects to | thresh a thousand bushels of grain. he market easily backed up these | opinions, It was not quite so large |as last Saturday's, but there was an | abundance of everything at quite rea- {sonable prices Prices were: Veal, {10c to 15¢ a pound; mutton, 15c a pound; lamb, 25c to 30c a pound; chickens, $1.25 to $2 a pair, Eggs | | were much in evidence at 33c to 35¢ |a dozen; butter sold at 40c and 45¢c a pound. Sweet corn was much in demand and accesible to all at 15c and 20c a dozen; tomatoes came down a little to $3 a bushel, and new potatoes were offered generally at 75c a bushel, a very reasonable price, Thimb'eberries and raspberries sold at 20c a box; huckleberries at 25¢ a quart and apples from 25c to 50c a peck. Thera was the usual line of cut flowers and greens, with few novel- ties except a few wicker baskets, To Fight Issue Out. "Winnipeg, Aug. 5.--Justice | Ad- company is liable for the full amount of policy when the insured succumbs, following non-payment of a note |given and accepted in payment of { premium. An appeal to the appe-l | court and to the privy council is forecast. --. To Have Doctors' Offices, Winnipeg, Aug. 5.--Work nas been started on a four storey office | building to be used solely for doc- tors' offices. The commutation of fu- ture rentals cost the physicians $21,- 000, every cent of which has been subscribed and paid. : | Under the trades and labor act ot] 1921, the Ontario government has established a provincial employment service council. The chairman is Professor Gilbert Jackson, Univer- sity of Toronto. Come to Rotary Club moonlight to Clayton, Monday, Aug. 7th, 7.30. Gichestra on board. Str. Waublc. er A ce tt DAILY MEMORANDUM. Miss Chown"s Recital, Grant 8.30, Monday evening. _Help the poor by patronizing St Vincent de Paul Society ple-nic to Horse-shoe Island, Monday, 7th inst Str. Brockville leaves foot of Brock Street 9 am, 11 am, pm. Str. Wolfe Islander, 6530 pm. Baseball and chicken supper. Adults, 50c.; children, 25¢c. Supper extra, 50c. Hall, 1 pm, and 3 PRINTERS HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. amson has ruled that the insurance | - TONIGHT =e, ik hn You will find this a comfortable shopping place where many needed things may be purchased at a saving. Store open until 9.30. rte _ Below is only a partial list of the good things to- night. A A tp 75 Women's Nig re gowns Some with V Neck and Sleeves trimmed with Lace and Ribbon; others with Round Neck and Sleeves trimmed with narrow Embroidery. ° ; ¢ SPECIAL 0c TO-NIGHT Made from a good, serviceable White Cotton. F . 0. Ar | 1,500 YARDS OF White Cluny Lace | A number of very attractive patterns--2 and 3 { inches wide. Just secured at about half its regular i value. Worth |5c. and 8c. a yard. YOUR PICK Ye y d | TO-NIGHT A AAA Al A PP APA tPA Pt team ~--r rc, cc , | Ladies' Long Silk Gloves Two shades, Fawn and Grey. Sizes 6, 61. 7: 12 and 16 length. Worth regularly $2.00 pair. SPECIAL $ | 25 TO-NIGHT A Children's White Cotton Sox With Colored Tops. Worth 40c. and 45c. pair. TO-NIGHT 2 5 COOL UNDERWEAR --FOR MEN. --FOR WOMEN. --FOR CHILDREN, J.LAIDLAV & SON LIMITED 4 DIED. OFFORD---At the home of her Jaupnit ter, Mrs. Edward Gibson, 68 Bell Street, Ouawa on August 4th, 1922, Mrs. Emily Offord, relict of the late Jonathan Offord, in her 92nd year, Funeral (private) from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles H. Pow- ell, 103 Raglan Road. Funeral on : Monday to Cataraqui Cemetery. Please omit flowers. : At The Head of The Class in The School of Fashion One of the season's popular styles. Ladies' Patent Sally Sandal, Spanish heel. Sizes 3{ to 6. $5.95 LOCKETT'S