MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 1028. DRAW. WINNETT EYER FELT DENTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnson and Wellington Larger Phone 363 For moviag of EIGHT, FURNITURE, SAVES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION on Transfer Co. Phone 377, Evemings 2231. 153 "WELLINGTON STREET Dr. Waugh 108 Wellington St. Phono 250 When in Kingston stop at HOTEL - RANDOLPH THE POPULAR HOTEL Central location. Rooms with hot and cold running water. Special attention to Transients. Meals served on Daylight Time THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. THE RHEUMATISM Kingston and Vicinity | Sine Taking "Fruft-a-ives" | 'The Famous Fruit Medicine { P.O. Box 128, Parrssoro, N.S. | "I suffered with Rheumatism for | five years, having it so badly at times Flourishing Is The Word. The Toronto Star in speaking of the oid papers of Canada says: The Kingston Whig was .established in' {1834, "'dailyized" in 1849, and still flourishes. ec ------------ To Remodel School, Ernest Reynolds has the contract for remodelling the Carleton Place high school building and # hard at #. Messrs. Taylor Bros. have the keating and plumbing, I was unable to get up. I tried medicines I saw advertised, and was treated by doctors but the Rheumatism always came back. In 1916, I saw in an advertisement that "Fruit-a-tives" would stop Rheumo- tism and took a box, and got relief; then took "Fruit-a-tives" right along for about six months and I have never felt my Rheumatism since'. Toronto Conservatory of Music. Miss Catherine Wright, pupil of Miss Oliva Woodman, won the silver r i NES cs imedal for the. highest standing in JOHN E. GUILDERSON, junior singing examinations held at 50c a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25¢. |the Toronto Conservatory in June. At dealers or sent postpaid by - Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. PIANO TUNING Plage Tuning and Repairing. Also Orgam Work, All work guaranteed, PETER D. BROWN 12 Markland St. Phone 2397Tm. Was Nine Years Old. The little daughter of W. N. Mun- ro, Palmerston, and granddaughter of Mrs. D. Munro, Carleton Placa, | passed the recent entrance with hon- {ors In that town, and she is but nine years of age. ! Footwear to Be Dearer. { Dearer leather footwear by reason OGILVIE'S Insurance and Brokerage Office A oie. AGENT FOR EXCELSIOR LIFE, ROYAL EX. CHANGE, FIRE, SICKNESS AND ACCIDENT, BURGLARY. G. HUNTER OGILVIE 151 Wellington Street WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street, Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res., 1187, rr, W. R McRae & Ca GOLDEN LION BLOOK. --~ COAL Cholicest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by us. BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 188 FOR SALE A beautiful fsland in Lough- boro Lake .......... $75.00 W. H. GODWIN & SON .* Real Estate and 1 80 Brock Street Phone 434 BE aa 100 one A! e n Cooked Trosh De flavor is surprisingly different to what one hia thing for holiday trips and hurfy-up meals. : BON MARCHE GROCERY King and Earl Streets. Phone 1544. | FOR SALE Also new Camp Cots and Chairs. < 1 Cohen & Co. B78 Untario St. Phones 836, 837 ! ex Of a rising leather market is fore- 'BUILDING P cast in a circular sent by the Shoe ® | Manufacturers' Assoolation to its REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? members. For several months hides tes given by have been advancing. 0. Aykroyd & Son A Real Snap. 21 Main Phone 070. We just received a shipment of | Boys' and young Men's suits, splen- THOMAS COPLEY jae qualhty, al wool, Diack with Telephone 987. w e stripe. Jn sale at a reduce price. Boys' suits worth $12 for $7, Wanting anything dene In the carpen. YOUNE men's $25 for $18. Prevost, tery line. Estimates given on all k of repairs and mew work: alse hb + | Brock street. | wood floors of all kisds. All orders Cg | will recelv: prompt attention. Shop | Released From Jail, 20 BU yreet | Information has been received that Michael Mabo, South Cononto, who was convicted of having a still jon May 23rd, and sentenced to seven imonths, has been released by the De- {partment of Justice on a ticket-of- {leave, Bought a Summer Home. John Hubbs, M.P., has bought W. |W, Cole's summer home, Kenwood, {on the bay shore, Glenora Road. Mr {Hubb's family will spend the sum- {mer there. 'This is one of the most | pleasant spots on the Bay of Quinte jand quite convenient to Picton. mem | REMEMBER If you want dobing done, don't call on us, but If you want first. class decorating, then telephone 2090J. for painting ana decorating Is our business. W. H. FRANCIS 35 SIXTH ST. Phone 2000J, Acknowledging Condolences, When your heart aches for some {one who has gone on you do not feel {like writing an endless list of letters |or even signing the more formal | printed cards. Insert a notice in tha |cassified advertisements. All of your friends will see it, it is over in a few minutes and you are savei needless suffering. WHILE AT CAMP LET US REPAIR YOUR CLOCK L. C. HEMSLEY Ralph Bonter Discharged. 'Ralph Bonter, Trenton, charged Watchmaker from R. J. Rodger | with criminal negligence, as a result {of his motor car having struck and 149 Sydenham St. {injured George Seams, aged eleven | Just off Princess {on Sunday, June A8th last, was found {not guilty by J e Deroche and ac- quitted of the charge. Has Become Sole Owner, The Canada Steamships Lines has bought the minority interest in the Century Coal Company, Montreal, in _{ whieh it already owned the majority and conirolling interests, This stép bas been taken on the direct recom- mendation of President Coverdale. FOR SCALDS, CUTS AND BRUISES. FOR. COLDS. COUGHS AND BRONs CHIAL- AFFLICTIONS. FOR STIFF PRAINS AND STRAINS AND NUMEROUS OTHER AILMENTS COMMON TO MAN AND BEAST, THERE 18 NOTHING SUPERIOR TO THAT OLD TRIED AND RELIABLE REMEDY Df THOMAS® ECLECTRIC _OlL EVERSHARP PENCILS REPAIRED We are equipped to make any repairs to above pencils. ; We carry a supply of parts. Prompt service. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston, Bissell Family Re-Uniom. On Tuesday some fifiy members o! the Bissell family, incluling 7. k'seell, Elora, Ont., and Mrs. Cum- ot ngs, Wellsvia, N.7., a nded a f.mily re-union at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs, -C. £. %Uisia'!, Lily Bay. The oldest member of the par- ty was®Lyman Bissell, North Augus- ta. Canoe Camp Open. The American Canoe Association camp opened on Friday on Sugar is- land for a two weeks' meet. The association was organized in 1880 and this is its twentieth year at Sugar island, The camp this year is in charge of Comiaodore John McKay of Kingston, Ont., who is a member of the northern division. "\ Dr. James Locates. Dr. I. W. James, Carp, will be with Dr. Smith, Carleton Place, during the month of August and on Sept, 1st will take over the: practice, opening an office in the" house occupied by John Darou. Dr. James is a gradu- AUTO TOPS RECOVERED ate of Queen's University, and serv- ed overseas during the war on the : staff of the Haslar Naval Hospital and eight months as surgeon oa board a destroyer, an, It Is the City's Duty. A writer says: "I join with you in complimenting Dr. Gardiner for making the street on his house look presentable I do not agree with you that house owners should shine up the signs unless so minded, The city should do the work and re. move the dingy appearance so many street signs have. stands have been just painted, why not the name plates of moeets?" -------------- They Will Do It, At about fifteen minutes to six on Friday evening, a belt line s car in charge of Conductor Ken: was running up Princess street between Chatham and Alfred, when a lady Passenger, without warning, sudden- ly rose from her seat end jumped off the moving car. At the same time 8 motor car, travelling at a fairly 800d rate was pr / ding the car and the ghards just sched the lady's dress. A fraction of a second either way woul have meant a fatal accident . cost more than they those we don't Lnow plays cards, while professional works them, Or at least a very serious one. People = will jump off moving cars in spite of would avoid duplication as would be possible if no check, beyond wori of mouth was permitted. The occu- pant of a house would alone be | given a card, warnings. Educational Requirements, The sum required by the Perth Board of Education for school pur- poses this year was made known at the regular meeting of the board by the finance commitiee and the figures are: Public school $22,053.59, col- légiate institute'$17,014.25, a total of $39,067.84. Last year the amounts required were: Public school $17,.- 007.17; collegiate institute $3,330. 40, a total of $25,337.57. The in- crease required this year is there- fore $13,730.27. There is a Wideness, To the world that you don't gei | uness you are the owner of a car. A car tha: will Take you' spinning | over roads and through country that you never dreamed existed. Another ! thing, you can go through the coun- | try at this time of year and get the | most delicious fruits and vegetables freshly pioked. Ever think of that? Don't say you can't afford a car, At least don't say it until you have tried Advertising vs. Signs. tc find one through our classified ads The time has long past when ad- [They are sold often at surprisingly | vertising was merely a sign. One |low rates, . painted it on the door of one's store, | or business. More progressive busi- | Appointed to Perth. ~ | bom. [a Fibre Board Solid Fibre Board makes a very. stiff, strong Board for Walls, Ceilings, etc. Itisa good, sound-deadener. Sheets are 4-0 x 8-0, and the reduced price is now within reach. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, i3ay and Wetitngton Strects, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Iactory Phone 1415, THE A. B. C. WASHER Let us loan you one free for next washday. "THE ELECTRIC SHOP" F. GRACE Phone 1543 1g Brock Street wii ness men had cards printed that were | Rev. H. H. Bedford-Jones, M.A. sent about in the mail, a few adver- | D.D., until recently Principal of the } tised, The greatest amount of busi- | University of Bishop's College, Len- | ness came to those who advertised. |Noxville, and former rector of St. | It came easily, naturally, ang quick- | Peter's church, Brockville, has been | ly. Those merchants expanded=in [a@PPointed by the Bishop of Ottawa | leaps. Merchants who advertise ex- (70 be rector of Perth. Rev. Dr. Bed- | pand in leaps. Those who depend |ford-Jones, who is a graduate of | upon signs, sort of stop--or go out | Trinity University, Toronto, and a of business. {former fellow and lecturer there, is | {now supplying for Rev, Canon F. G. | Died at Forest, Ont. |Scoit in St. Matthew's Parish, Que- | Mrs. David Anderson, Forest, sis- | bec. He succeeds at Perth Rev. | ter of Messrs. J. H. Ferguson and D. | D'Arcy Clayton, who goes to Smith's R. Ferguson, Carleton Place, passed | Falls. | A SUMMER MENU FOR ALL hot weather it is very difficult to get food daintily arranged and tasty enough to tempt the appetite. ther dine at-- Summertime is the hardest time of all the year. During the The new England Cafe prides itself on its cuisine and service. Real home cooking, yet put up in dainty form. During the hot wea The New England Cafe 331 KING STREET. Private Phone 60% KINGSTON, ONT, CAN, Public Phone 537 away Wednesday evening, after a rm lengthy illness. Mrs. Anderson was | Plevna News. sixty-five years of age and is surviv- | rlevna, Aug. 3.--Berry picking is ed by her husband. Mrs. Anderson, {now the order of the day. Mr. and whose maiden name was Mary A. {Mrs. John Flake made a flying trip was the eldest daughter of the late |10 Perth on 'Monday last. Roy | White and Arthur Breen returned Dugald Ferguson, Beckwith, and was | born on the homestead. This is the | home on Saturday last after spend- first break in the family in fifty-five |!N& sometime in Napanee. , Sunday | visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Levi Kring years, {and little Harold, and J. Lemke and {family at Robert Lemke's: Mr..and Apportioning of Coal, | Mrs. Thomas Kring and little daugh- Ald. C. Graham has thought ou: a | ters, Berenice and Agnes, at Henry plan for coal rationing if it becomes Gunsinger's; Stanley Kring and Miss necessary. Coal should be given out | Etta Lomke also Harold Ohlman at | at rate of one ton a month for ordin- | John Gunsinger's; Masters Floyd | ary houses He would have cards | White and Nelson Cousins at D. printed with the days of the months | White's; Mr. and Mrs. William Mec- on them, given out by the city clerk | Dougal at G. Lomke's, end when coal is secured from any dealer he would punch the date, and | so every other dealer would know | the consumer had had his monthly portion. This the alderman thinks { | The height of Lake Ontario above | level is 246 feet. Boston was named after a town in England. ---- FP -- A AAA AANA AANA, rl Pl rf stl Ni. ~-- Be -- Your Wrap For Next Fall and Winter It is not too early to decide what is to be done about a warm Wrap for the Fall and Winter. There are just two things to do. Either have the present Fur Coat remodelled or fixed up or else see what can be done about a new Fur Coat. " It will be a pleasure to advise you whichever the case may be. Gourdier's BROCK STREET Be ------ IGLE - + The only thing in a Suit for a boy whois Fi continually on the go. AB They are "Made to wear where others tear" TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) Soothing, thirst. Why ory Take a policy instead with The: : . ¥ : : e London Life Insurance Company © * "Policies Good as Gold" HEAD Orrices at LONDON, CANADA Agencies in all principal cities District Representatives: Fred M. Clow. 3 W. Walters. - - King and Brock Streets 0 r | CottonSheeting For Single, Three-quarter and : * Double Beds. BLEACHED SHEETING in the best Canadian and English makes, at 60c., 69c., 75¢c. and $1.00 a yard, UNBLEACHED SHEETING -- will bleach in very few washings, and gives splendid wear at 45c¢., 50c., and 60c. a yard. PILLOW COTTONS-- 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches wide, circular, at 39c., 45c., and 50c. a yard. W. N. Linton & Co. { Phone 191. The Waldron Store.