ES dai t-------- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 1928. ' ACCUSED OF THEFT | RAMAGE-ALCOMBRACK. | COMMITTED FOR TRIAL . i. In McM University Chapel, T. Mn, eran 7 ACTION! THRILLS! THE PEOPLE'S FORUM [5 | | sous osx = ACTON T = ; = Had Long Chase to Get relatives and friends, the marriage The Big Racing Man. {took place on Saturday, Aug. 12th, {in McMaster University chapel, To- Drama ! Eugene Deforest, whose home is in | FOP!» of Miss Edna Arnott Alcom- fal before County Magistrate J. W . » WO reo y SING MATES : FOR BALR tr y g NE A CONDENSED ADVERTISING | Bradshaw on Monday morning on a Earl Ramage, B.A., son of the late IN d. Zach cons AGENTS WANTED Fitat icasriion, 1c 8 word. Zac Gs FOUND E. W. MULLIN & SON | charge of having on Saturday ron. George Ramage and Mrs. Ramage, secutive insertion thereafter, Tatt 1 1 t 1 kers tawa © Serv: was e . Minimum charge y 3 ny a RS. . ¢ CORNER OF Real Estate and Insurance Droke | 0 TT rvi v cent & word AN AGENCY FOR A RELIABLE NURS. | GOLD LOCKET, ON | bed the home of William Patterson, t he service as taken by Ee ee -------------- er rs mere avon a may scale, 3 1b. Sapacity; sightly | used. Pi . 118 Col-| : rice reasunable after a chase which the owner of tie by Mrs. J. E. Peel, sister of the bride. borne Street, Kingston. e| . : Provincial Con- The bride, who was unattended, was one insertion, 26c; three irsertions, ery firm fy profitable. You can sell Division and Concession Phoue 330w. , t v ; - ts. in country, town or city. We grow streets. Apply 63 Stephen SEE DISPLAY AD. ON PAGE TWO. | ro. Chesney, of clothing and jew- he Rev. F. B. Waters, B.A. a col ¢ . n | lege friend of the groom, to the sented territories. Write now, Pel. Buede Gloves Owner e . ham Nursery Co, Toronto have same at Whig Office. terete GIRL, FOR GENERAL a - street r : bot : : + 'P ON THE : % | rely at i - Apply 172 Johnson large acquaintance, both business, RING, PICKED UF a less separator, nearly new, With|tonk from Saturday night until Sun- |atiractively sititea in a navy krepe | knit s suit th trimmings of tan- he above rates are for cash only. and sell the best only, and want re- Street 5 J v Iry y when charged they are double. liable energetic agents for unrepre- A PAIR OF LADY'S BLACK SECOND-KAND DAYTON COMPUTING elry to the value of $100. 2000 0 Deforest was placed under arrest |. mpaniment of soft music played HELP WANTED, ree eee IN CAR, PAIR OF SHOES THE | tolen goods and ' A N ENEHGE RELIABLE, RE- owner may have same 7 | w 8 8 SEWORK. p 3 nay THRESHING OUTFIT, STEAM, 1 . : : ven away by : v , HOUSEW sponsible man, preferably with Alfred Street | horse power ETF, engine, Peer- Stable Clark indulged in, and which 8 y by her father. She was ? = ara social, to handle an old b- | street Apply Police " " artim COOK. APPLY TO MRS. MACNEE, lished product, in continual use by | stable Thomas Mullinger { Jing stacker, Sherman Wartman)g op corner Union and Bagot Streets. over 60% of the population. Stead BALL OF YARN, ON CORNER i rtsmouth, Ont. |gerine, small blue French hat to The pl od i ei ---- income ood profits. A ! Ss t and Al- || el ! e creat a sens . MAIDS FOR LAUNDRY WORK. AP- Te aio pron, A aulcs nes ner may have | | MATTRESSES FOR SALE, OR MADE Le 444500444404 a¢ 4 00h and carried a corsage bou- Th a. ll Sensation ply at Kingston General Hospital goisumer. Address: Mr." Wea, 3; | same at 198 Frontenac Bt IRS Swot aby Sie. any quan. # |Quet of sweet heart roses. Her only e picture will be the talk of am F $ To INC o MILK TICKETS, || . 4 tt | - Kingston. aon : BUNCH OF renovating. Frontenac Matiress|s 4 TRAIN WRECKED ornament was a platinum and dia i SR ALD ANTED. APPLY t office. Apply to ABLE MAID WANTED. APPL} i Left fn post office. Appl : 7 A el i CAP. rs. T. M. Galbrait apanee, Ont | Postmaster James Stewart. Company, 377 King Street. Plone : AND TWELVE KILLED 4 (mond bar pin, the gift of the groom. Le d : R ----reee w----er---- || AN AUTO LICENSE PLATE AND | ALSO = : FOR PART 1 Owner may have > ren +] AR , - port LADY STENOGRAPH ay apply to] = -------- - | tail light ywner GOOD FARM, WELL WATERED ter the ceremony a reception was OF MDE ri Apply > . in t 567 Prin- - " » : Bw Rog y = | : ) Hme WOK a a Co. 126 Princess] youne GIRL, DESIRES POSITION AS gaie DY fallirg u frat class bulldings; sixty-six acres * Moose Jaw, Sask., Aug. 14.-- + held in the university parlors, where JOHNNY HINES : general maid, at ance. Apply Box A BOY'S NAVY BLUE CAP AND Snder taro ation wl & Smythe ® Information has just reached * congratulations and best wishes IN etre Ben : ; ' Ny NA YY BLUE Ovne stock farm. Apply Smythe : : Et } GROCERY A-14, V Tice. = Tweed Nort I% Goat ner 71-78 Clarence St, Kingston, Ont |% herer that train No. 14, Soo * | were showered on the bride and ¢ ' ' > THY erm Smead | may have sa % line, was wrecked last night | I h F U State ability HENS WANTED ALIVE, 23 CENTS A Railway Office. : BICYCLE TUBES av #8100 EACH. , 8. ast nig |groom. The party and guests then orcny s r'rame Up Address pound ert lewis, 666 Dundas ONE SHOE, ON CATARAQUI Agency for Perfect, Columbia and (+ South of Portal and that twelve # [motored to the Queen's hotel, where Street West, Toronto i Road pear Village. Also 2 | Hysllp Bicycles. Baby carriages & persons were killed and a num- + the wedding breakfast was served -- e------ ---- 00 oF Tos : i retired. Muller's Bicycle Works, 4 INFO ap 3 : GIRL TO DO GE out Apply at 170 Nelson 371-373 Kins rect ee 1961w | * ber were injured. Other details % Later Mr. and Mrs. Ramage left on - - - - serienced at MEN'S HAIR CUT, 20c.; BOYS HA Street » 'now | 3 one experienced R e.; B a IR Stree % not known. *|a honeymoon to the Saguenay. On tables. Apply at once t« be. G PARCEL, FOUND ON CORNER | | oreo 1G » See Street, or phone 2257 r i of Division and Princess. The | frame anh EoHY oye : * their return they will make their Now Playin x PIRST WEEK IN Wi - gwner maj have mame 12 I} large lot; good barn. Price $3775 (¢# ++ P+ FF PF +2 + ++ home In St: Thomas, where the 8 Y FI : IN GOOD LOCALITY, §: *ART- Jlgin stre Cash paymen: $00 iat | itd : . cook-generdl; rash Eee hers hi Al le par | AranT. A LADY'S HAP AT fAIORANS possession Ps J LTE diate . ---- _--_-- (groom holds the position of head ot in 1 < ¥ ay ADE 9 A Ofte Grove Apply to Jameg po oc 3 . 1 SC n > 'ol-! a Hugh C. r= ney is oy - is Office ran, Moran's Grove, Pitts- ancy 56 Bn oh gir et. | Centreville News. [She EClente Jepantment in the Col | a---- " |legiat nstitute. ---------- WANTED, TO LEASE FROM NOVEM. burgh , C i 2 he farm- |"® W R SIX y # : entreville, Aug. 12 The farm WANTED, FOR ONE MONTH On 81 ber 'Flrst to March 16th, furnished| | ON BAGOT STREET, FRIDAY COLLINGWOOD = STREET, SEVEN| . : -------- E. ILLIAMS ray Toaniren. Mrs &partment for two adul Apply Pah. Owner may have same Soomed, Diick-venveied dwelling; IS are again lending threshing ma. { 2 COUPER STREET 4 references quir > to E 4 " s wner may V' 1 S. ece!l chi 8 8 ro Qt wi : | > . ing Box T9 Whig Office. -- a RIE furnace, electric Nights, vo alisce chines and their grain is mostly all Stricken while dancing with his| Doctors and Nurses--our Health ; AIRED. SN wowors A LADY'S WRIST WATCH ON | price $4150. Apply J. K. Carrol} Cut. Some have started ploughing wife on Thursday evening at the | and Accident poliey Nill sulrantee 1 of 1 Princess Street. Owner may | 2 r B ok | o 2 a ' rr a ~ : . Fu 1 rome e ckness ! Ty aa repaiied, saws Sie; Prin cas 8 ee ney nay i Agency, 56 Brock § on Miss Lewis, Switzerville, has been | Senneville Golf Club, John H.|]or accident. Fire and Automobile Drum players for Se card to G. W. Bateman, 27 Upper erty at Anderson Bros' store, -. |engaged as teacher for the coming | Thompson, sales manager of the Ga-| far from Kingston. J . William street oorner Princess and Division {term and Miss Helena Cassidy, Mil | 0110 Printing Co., Ltd., Montreal. loyment Service of ads -l nt pt ------------------ streets. y fratket Street : PHONE 231 FOR A TAXI OR BAG. BLACK COVERED BOOK WITH FOR SALE sap, in the West school. Mr. and Mrs. | jieq Sunday night at the Montreal |=---- LABORERS FOR ROAD WORK NEAR age transferring. A Rumber Indes, Owust ay have same i ; L E, Meoill aad family End T. ger General hospital. Gananoque: Jabureys, with wheels, Double Harness for sale. I . FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. Motor Trucks. oy 23 4 Gig Bn a uy At Portland, Maine, Sunday, an opera 3200 i y and DOB a "4 rer, 320 tiarence Street. ATO sive and | Aathgbiles re Boer. on oo cick. lit hi = | £xpidsion of undetermined origin, | DR. H. C. MABEE he Serv © n . : ANC . : Se ---------- y 3 | ] as *e 1 , rreck a bri ve 1s | Joan, reas HOMola Turniture a anim All ang i a bf re Td Gasoline Engines Horton in attendance is Improving |... $9.8 Driggs ove: & gy stream | 79 WILLIAM STREET work guaranteed; eight years' ex- The British Whig. The adver: - Pumps of all descriptions nicely. Misses Bird Kennedy and {ed three coaches of the Weehawken | Phone 286 3 2 800 | ] MAKE MONEY AT HOME, e156 to 4 perience. Work ¥one promptly and | tisement will be printed In this | . 3 " , N.Y | : for us. No can Davis Dock Co Stella Ingoldshy, Brooklyn, N.Y, local of the West Shore railroad, and! . w for nable: 1 2 paid eekly No can-| reasonable Apply Robt. Henry, | coiumn free of charge. writing show cards for us 1 | Phone 786w { oF 2 . av ) after s { their | aes hone 756w | Found articles" does mot in have returned after spending th | caused injury to ten persons. y ly 'wassing We instruct snd supp pr = re arn - . West-Angus Show ems clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, | a 8 es Evans ou with work e } etc. These, if lost. may be ad- | East End Wellington Street holidays here. Miss Frances Evaue, | There is none made so great but | ard Service, 17 Colborne Bid, To- MEDI 4 3 | tor , ia ir g ime EDICAL. { vertised for {a the "Lost column New York, is spending some time he: may need both help ang service, | B A TH ST A GE romto. s | : | Cel fe fs . -- | with her sister, Mrs. Vince Donog- | WE RELIABLE SALES| C. K. ROBINSON, M.D, 365 BARRIER ---- - -- | 100 ACRE FAKM, THREE MILES 4 u | | A or each unrepresanted coun- | Street. Hours 10.20-12 a m., 2-4§ LOST. west of city on provincial highway; hue. Patrick Shannon is able to be | | Lea Sly Services, Ringatoncnath y or territory. Exciusive nung pm. 7-530 pm. Phone 1646 | solid brick houses hot air furnace; around again after his illness. Miss | ' |} Leaves Kingsto Pm. » ne ; §ood pay to energetic rep. | -------------- om . v RV ' IN - good water; 75 acres tillable, bal- : a ho oi} ie wi ng Tetontatives. Our agency is Vasu} LEGAL EE NN aT: ance pasture. For particulars, ap.| Annie. Ingoldsby, Brockville, is visit- | mq, hasten the winding up of the Banaras Hyrear of King able. Write Pelham Nursery Co, fohoen street, silver bar pin Ply to rs Fork. R. 3, Kingston [ing at her brother's. W. D. Kenney business of Finkle & Co. all persons Irelght at reenable Fron and Bartlett returned to Jones' Falls | having claims against said business are HENRY CALVER, PROP. Joronto, Out CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIw.| Sct In brilllants. Finder phone 647 3 4 ; S- | on Monday after visiting his broth- | requested forthwith to send the same === Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunning- bin - to me. . ters and solicitors, 79 Clarence | BETWEEN TETE DE PONT BAR- c ao : i }, C dian . | 1 WOMAN ham, K.C.; Cyr'l M. Smith. | racks and Barriefleld Hill, Canad | . Discharge Papers and Union Due- liv y a - ses H. §. FINKLE, P rietor, | A N( ) U : . AMBROSE SHEA, S.A BARRISTER | Book g2 ap please retturn to 10 & Shen age ha raase Sh » [Yup "p | P T NING . 4 SE LAL, 30 3 'levels io, Aug. 4 em- | erl~ and Solicitor. Law office, corner uf Sixth Street. a eye:and, 310, . | N ININ ~ One having Sip BS : ployees of the Lake Carriers' Awso-| 1 ©NAers Wanted || ruse romive, aeramixa : a Money to loan. Phone 1999 FOR SALE. 3 - cinti ; ET icens For 8. S. No. 4, Bedfo for wa ence in Dry Goods pre- [| __Men sme t Good Used Cars, ciation Welow the grade of leensed| lS 8 ihc vmhalsaion, far wain. PLAYER PIANO ADJUSTING Automobile Used Parts, officers have been granted wage in-| repairs. | NORNIAN H. BUTCHER 'Greenwood, Royal Military College Phone 2344 -------- PIANO, SAXAPHONE, | | | Insurance... Phone or call for infor. | mation FOR AWNINGS, TENTS, ETC, PHONE 2105. F. W. Cooke. month, effective For other information apply to: i - | ferred. CIVIL ENGINEERING. | | v | " New ind voce ry ] ox ! ANSON TIMMERMAN |] 27 PINE STREET - PHONE 1S19w OHN LAIDLAW PLANS--SURVEY S-- 2 A FRENCH POODLE. APPLY TO MRS. ry -- Abii September 1st, it was announced in Sec.-Treas., Hartington, R. R. No. 2.) i 5. Scout, BA : 5 % | F. Schillenger, 148 Haglan Road. » . Me a statement issued by George Marr, | o-------- Aan & SON 134 Earl Street. Phoue 647. Repair Department with best me- || 'retary of th association here SRS ----------=--------------==| CONTENTS OF FOUR BEDROOMS AND || chanie ser a 0 9, - A%E0es ' St - B - N\ FEA . . | other articles. Apply 194 Univer- Thousands of Used Parts to choose | | 10-day. art 1 5) A PHYSICAL INVENTORY VETERINARY, | n usin Do you begin each day with abun- { New accessories, creases of $15 a sity Ave.ue. from, | Make R . 0 ake Real Money om Small Capital , p 3 . . LOT OF BRICK AT OLD CURLING || Oficial A. L. A, Garage. "H a All over the U. 8. and Canada we gant Stall 804, a clear. vigorous Club site. Also steam radiators and || CORNER OF BAGOT and QUEEN, The body of Dr. J. C. Greenleese, are establishing Vulcanising Service wrong and you I 3 Something ant real oppor pipes, eis, T. M. Asséistine | Ottawa, aged forty, who disappeared Siations. Star one mr lows, ventory. How soon will ed ao ~ en who want a C= en | " i 3 F Gay on a TF sta t tunity and rapid promotion Mr | QUANTITY oF HARD AND Sor: AY 2% GPR ROUND ovis after attending a local theatre on investment We instruct you and Lhe sick lim? F hy napaint ' 59 Wellington St. (Sparks v Brick. Apply E. E /athen, ' allied SE, | i J 8th, was found urnish the Most Modern Method ee ¥ Rca "20 YO Boning, » . | CHIROPRACTIC | Nelson street. Phone 618 or phone Steam yacht hull, in good shape; the night of August t 18 and Equipment. . afford to ai until then Osteo- | 1391J length 45 feet; beam, 10 feet 6 floating in the Rideau -canal Satur- THE ANDERSON pathic treatments, correct diet and i ; . A. MARCELLE, D.C, Ph. C. Cor-(--t sionGy depth, 4 feet 6 inches.|day by a party of canoeists. Known the World Over Slant Jving invariably result in YOU HAVE OFTEN WISHED FOR A per Princess and Barrle Streets. 3nd | NAVY BLUE ENGLISH BABY CAR- $100 00. Also 'lake yawl, 6 hp |02Y P) bv iho sens ke fi We have 34 schools in U.8. and 4 in 100% emeiency better position. A wish wont noor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingston, | riage; first class condition. Also soline engine, $50.00. Captain Ira| Agreement by the senate to take fi- | | 5.9 ive 3) schools in you. Sehool DRS. ROBERT ana EDNA bring it. It takes ACTION. 400 Unt. Consultation free. Telephones Baby's white enamelled bath. Own- P, r. 23 Earl Street, h.ngston, | nal action on the tariff bill next Sat- pays you $5 per day while learning : a men have been promoted to man- 822]. Hours 9 to 12 ar. 1to § p.m. | er leaving city. Call 32 Wellington nt > An k actment of the mea- to operate your station. Write for ASHCROFT agers in our organization within Street, evenings between 7 and ». | {urday makes enactment ¢ : a full particulars--TO-DAY. Phone 447. Osteopaths. the past 18 months by ACTION : ; ie etree re ; . i sure into law before the election all ; ou are 25 years old or over, A DR, JRORGE F, LUGE, PA. JENVIE A, QUEBEC STREET, A COMPLETE STOVE i ru, 32.50 MW CORD: bability The Anderson Steam Vale anizer Go. Dre Strest, TE el oe | i " wv of . 2 e¢ 3 he 0 y. d . 8 treatment, I - brick-veneered bungalow of e Pp > 0 coke, $10.00 186 MONTREAL ST, KINGSTON [1 piv ; ectrical treat. -- WANTED, SIX SALESMEN, GOOD AP. arance and education. Men Whol pg 1 MURPHY, B.V.Se., VETERIN. ve a good connection in King- ary Surgeon, 680 Princess St, King- | ton preferred. Splendid proposition C 3J. l NOW. A fair education, a n : a ature, Sped ig pearance, and a sincere desire Dr ri oy oy J380L aires | rooms, easy terms, immediate pos- . ear ice Cinders for| Rev. 7. L. Barber, Picton, who is ) \ session. Price $3500. Apply J. K 8 phd garages $1.00 cart, charge of St. George's cathedral what does it. Apply to Room No | r \ J Top Flo Royal Bi Bullding pnane iy 3 oa) snl tel Carroll Agency, 58 Brock Street load; Clinkers for concrete work. ER ERR rrr tr ent nentetneenteneel] mT iii aL Lio) pm. Spinal analyeisf Soc. cart loaq, all Selivered Car dry during the summer month of August, FAN > : A PHILLIPS VISIBLE GASOLINE slab wood just received. Phone ie TEACHER WANTED. _ealls by APPOINTMARL ctinazsg] pump, five gallon measure with 1038w. W. C. Bruton. Yard: 244 | conducted the services in that five hundred gallon tank; just been University Avenue | church Sunday. PS used one year, cheap for quic ale | H. K. Hill was first in the dinghy SECOND OR THIRD CLASS TEACHER UPHOLSTERING. : | for 8. 8 IS, From Leeds and | pee eee _ Apply to J H. bEabeock, Udes |races at Sugar Island on Saturday Of Every Description. PHONE 243 Lansdowne. Apply, siating salary, CTO DROP A CARD T0 Wo 4. R} EE See to Charles McDonald, R. R. No. 4 Gavine; upholsterer, 216 2 sc 4 PER Foor FRONT. FUR A BY LD. - FOR S |and other local dinghies were among 3 a pad ne - [ sewer and water connection. $25] ithe first to pass over the line. BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING Co Limited QUALIFIED EXPERIENCED TEACH-| pw, HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. cash and 310 monthly. McCann | M. Neville, baggageman on the .y + er for 8. 8. No. 8, Sheffield. Salary holsterin and general repairing Agency, 88 Brock Street. 1 o « s a Duties to commence 1st. of De Ea Sy Tonia] Iepairjng ne Chevrolet Sedan. |G.T.R. International Limited, was taken ill on Saturday and had to be : : | EE m-- -- Apply to John Garrett, | 104 Cler street VULCANIZING BUSINESS, GOING | y . Erineville, Ont. { 8Y concern, including Vulcanizer, com- | Two Chevrolet 490 Touring Models removed at Kingston A eres preasor, electric motor and buffer. | One Reo 4 T 8 . . 8 . . rice right for cash. For particu- | ourtn | lio who overlooks one orime in- OCHER HOLDI A LIMITED | COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR | TEA NG % 3 . F : Nore: a te ro 00 Be ti popular shapes ana ase jars 2rpiy Boz Y 13, Weis Oftice Ome Oldsmobile 8, good as mew-- |/Vviles the commissions of another, Y ' % % § 3 4 : i intversity || used only 5,000 miles. | annum. Duties to commence E J Yoodriage, Mt University Wi HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS oF | en. A et a Natl - TO LET. 9 tember 4th Apply to W. R Avenue. « - -- good second-hand furniture ana ry Box mo EE ---- stoves. Any person having stoves B ' | 5 = WOOD FINISHING. rr uit pee poss BB oy d's Gar. age | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, LIGHT. The parade of decorated floats, delivery wagons and automo- ITBACHER WANTED FOR R. C. 8. 8. 333 Friucess Street. Phone 1suuw. 120 BROCK STREET Sry 350 AS OIPly Nits. W, biles under the direction of Sergt. Fowler, will leave the Market © Section No. 1, Wolfe Island, the NOS, PHONOGRAPHS, FURNI - -- Square and proceed to Princess, Bagot, Patrick, Montreal, Princess, holder of a4 decand Flass profession. PIANOS, JHoNoG also new work| HOUSE ON SIXTH STREET, SEVEN- | -- EE -- een LODUE. RUSH ON i RING STREET University, Union, Barrie, King. al certificate. uties to commence roperly done; a trial solicited. roomed frame dwelling; electric] | On 4 . | : HOP eR a IR Charles Hebert, 26 Plum Street light, three-piece bath, polished DENTAL. APP? to Cunningham and Smith. | Grocery and Butcher Shops close at 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday, ary 5 1 Not Telephone 2070w. floors throughout; Colionade arch- FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD | for the Picnic at the Fair Grounds. e rast} + es, four years free taxes. Built by | DR. A. BE. KNAPP, DENTIST. OFFICE all lmprovemeuis; centraliy locat- ADULTS H ; = | i owner, who is leaving city. Price 258 Princess Street. Phone 653w. ed. Apply 243 University ave. X teres. 280 CHILDREN ...........15¢. OCA L ACHING | URNITURE FINISHING $2,800. Apply to 10 Sixth Street. - TAL TnavaIvel yon 5 : : ng SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS,| FOUR ROOMED APARTMENT; ALL HELEN PATTERSON, ASSO-! CATT AND SEE W. DRISCOLL, 23 BATKMAN'S Hiai, ESTATE, 159 Wellington stree:, corner of conveniences; hot water neating. Brock. Phone 346. Apply to White's Insurance Agency. of Royal College of Music John Street. Phone 296F. Si, 1 chi Ee ron Esme roan] EL SES HE east noe rn nook | PLEASANT WA te fvingston Avenue, be- INTING AND PAPER HANGING | $3,000-- D AME; TOILET . ncess St, electric light; half block from car- 2 Lvingnon Avanu roy. | FAINTING AND ER u and electric Mght. 9yer, Bank of Nova Scotia. Phone line. Apply 313 University Avenue : erson teaches classes at private] ron PAINTING ARD FAFERHANG, W-- ee or phone 852w. STEAMER BROCKVILLE homes, where six can collect ng get my prices; complete line o $0000--BRICK; NINE ROOMS; H. WwW. . = . as Phone 1252F. Wall Paper. Special prices this floors; electric light; B. and C.; hot FINANCIAL * CRN NED LA Or IEE Boon} TUESDAY, AUGUST Sth--Regular tr = 'month; workmanship te Se air heating. REx inn bly Bara mr ight earried to tom a INTIN 8S. R. Lyons, 314 Barrie Stre --- 0 Avro r. a Phone uw, $7300--BRICK; TWELVE ROOMS; m.| ® bile Whig Office: FRIDAY, AUGUST 1ith--Regular trip fo Picton 5.00 pam. City Time. W. floors; B. and C.; hot air; elec- 783M Freight carried to Picton and intermediate ports. oF 5 specially. Also Plano and| PAINTING, PAPERHANGING, DECO- tric light; central. % & STRANGE, INSURANCE| FURNISHED SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE (|| SATURDAY, AUGUST i13th--Regular run to Alexandria Bay and among ng a Specialty Also Flan a: rating, glazing, hardwood floor fin. REC agents; established in 1860; only in desirable locality, for the winter the Islands 2.00 p.m. City Time. Fare, round trip: Adults, 78e.) Fura ne n street, rear nf Aber-| ishing, ts ain work. fea: | GROCERY STORE AND FIXTURES -- ihe most aliabie companies repre- mouths of longer, Rent reason. ot xp ugrss. Ble. - v h Ss. . ae A enc % w e 78 y thy's Shoe Store, or Phone 1575w. Estimates submitted. A. Mounieer, Jul stock. Sond business; central anaes Dice 45 Clarence strve:, able. Apply 113 er rt At BUSY Buy -Reguine Bins Alesnnaria Poros vwny the FURNISHED ROOMS WITH MOT AND ren, Soe. hla 20% Alfred Streel. Phone 86m. -- ¢ ' h : AND CEMENT WORK $2,100 -- FRAME, SEVEN | ROOMS;| FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. er 7 KINGSTON NAVIGATION CO. LIMITED CARPENTERING toilet and lavatory, n and gar- ment Society, Incorporated cality. 406 Johnson street. Phone OCT OR DAY age. For immediate sale. President WF Hlcale, K.C.; vice 997J. NTRA FIRST. So work at Feasonan prices. F.| WHEN you WANT THE CARPENTER -- resident, A Cunningham. A ith, 37 Yor reet. hone see James Selby, contractor, 53 100~FRAME BUNGALO ney u on And farm SIQRAGE FOR FURNITLRE, CLEAN What 8 83, W, FOUR roperties. municipal and count pias airy rooms and spaces; your DING 5 ~~ : f & ry » Livingston Avenue. Phone 1130J. rooms and 3-plece ba electric 2 . . ebentures; mortgages purchase: key. Frost's City jeu Piped. for gay; woud investment bonds for sale: deposits rads 295-308 Siison St Phone received and interest allowed R. 526. Hes. 959W. It will mend any break or leak in C. Cartwright, manager, 37 - Hager, Clar FLATS. FURNISRED AND RTCA steel, iron, brass, bronze, or other DOMESTIC COKE EL ns an nished, with use of verandahs, ten- hard-tempered metal. That is what ICK VEN) 2 . 4 oy i, . nis lawn, garage at 23 Mack street, Fo 2 . ome, summer. Nitonen ara atic] BUSINESS CHANCES. facing Victoria Park. APpIy 0 J. Bo other melting and mending pro- B. and C, electric light and gas, W. Clark, 35 Mack Street cess will do with the efficiency of our EGG and NUT SIZES. Semi-detached, Sentral josation. RoTORIST Toor SONU. - Oxy-gen-acetylene process. Let us -- Phe JLesal Association of Canada, my MFORTABLE, STONE HOUSE . 4 im! offers motoring protection, | AIRY, CO. A : : BSFRAME SUELLING, _asur motoring courtesy, motoring. ser: eight large rooms, fireplaces, back . figure on any metal repairs you may Highest quality. ; nor ; 7 rooms; B. & vice to mutoists. Kingston office: verandah. trees, grounds back and have. We can save you money. C.: electric lights; h.w. floors; lot 188 Wellington stree:. W. Clinton, front, furnace, gas, toree piece T3251 Sivas 10 street cars. A snap district superintendent. bathroom. Apply 35 Rideau Street. \ . ue . 0 » : James Swift & Co., Limited I TEN ROONED BRICK HOUSE, YON. Machine 9 ' BATENANS REAL BITATE tenac Sireat; Birdwood Juors: all ! " 'ellington Street conveniences. ossession plem- . ' + Foot of Johnson St. LES, WanTh, mimgm.| ber Ist Apply H.W. Wate 85 KING AND QUEEN STREI 4 . TER eo Pg I Danae pons aity Pe -------- ee i AAA eA Ame oe eer. stern etl rmanently. Satisfactor: < lasses Otted and F shed a SIX ROOMED APARTMENT TO RENT, ANTIQUE FURNITURE Saar have ailea Sore meres heated, "electric ights, gas tof RUNNING DAILY---BUS SERVICE ars' experience. . Eimer J : y, excellent loca- lak . Eye, or, one. tion. Fossession September 1st. Ap- One old Rosewood English Up- 755 Dagor Streer Toadnroat, Skin Diy 430 Princess Breer onan. KINGSTON TO GANANOQUE no in Al condition. -- 2215F. TWICE DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY) : bea only. sold walnut 4 poster A Chinese t ity & collect- | SEPT. 1st, SOLID BRICK DWELLING) LEAVING KINGSTON from Randolph Hotel ... . £30 am, 3.30 pm, Po ed 170 varieties of silkworm 10 8; central location; in best ARRIVING GANANOQUE 9.30 am. 4.30 pm. 3 large buffets, six seven feet 8 eggs residential district; hot water fur- LEAVING GANANOQUE + 1000 am, 500 pm. long, in walnut Roi lps Losi for use in connection with a course nace and all other modern con- ARRIVING KINGSTON . 11.00 6.00 Chests of Drawers. + |ot sericulture. This is believed to be TE mar Atonable rental. Ajp- : ym 4M 44) pau. Genuine Rosewood Spinet Desks, | the most complete coBection of the . ve ROMER. ..oovuir, uruuanis. SATS etc, ete. kind ever made. FROM SEPTEMBER 1st OR OCTOBER Special nanoque Cance Dance, Gleaburate, 1st, well furnished House for win- utes Gu Clap Sydendam. LESSES ANTIQUE. SHOP There may be room at the top, but ter months; all § ; gar. H. YEOMAN HO. POW aay AND DREYER, ARGH! S07 Princess Street. 'Phone 1045w. | | the security is greater at the other ise it necessary' two "blocks from | . S, P NE 2233). incess 8 hy of Brock and Wellington. # extreme. Fo Rincesb rest, Apply. Box 8-4]