THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. a ------ ws MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 1922, In all desirable pelts, at interesting prices. i COATS JOHN McKAY, Limited Manufacturing Furriers 149-157 Brock Street Kingston, Ont. Always the latest creations. FOR CHINAMEN IN TOLS | WERE REMANDED A WEEK| Olgim Two Had Opium and | That Companions Frequent | ed "Dope Joint." Listen in to the good news of the | {police court, when four celestials | py pq Se4w. {faced Mayor Corbett, who was on| yu. Agnes McCrea, Gananoque is {the bench in the absence of Magis- vary 1 of blood poisoning, caused {trate Farrell. Two of the lfrom an ¢ ected tooth. | Chinamen were charged with having | Attend grocers and butchers' pic- {opium in their possession, while the fnfc. Wednesday, Aug. 16th, at fair | | ther two were charged with fre- (grounds. J | quenting the place where the opium, | "Teddy" Green is home from .a| {0 it is alleged, was found. The ac- | holiday trip to Watertown and many {cused were placed under arrest Sun- [pointe in Northern New York state. {day night by Constables Timmerman | Mrs. L. Clark and Miss L. Clark I Learned to Love, | and Fitzgerald, in a shop on Ontario land E. Burrowes, Kingston, reached etc, etc, {street, between Queen and Barrack Quebec on Friday on the S.S. Mel- | Streets. The case was enlarged for | ita. - |& week. It is stated that the police | The steamer Waubic on Sunday, | THE [secured a quantity of opium, pipes | carried thirty-six motor-cars during land smoking parapherpalia. The [her two ttips between Cape Vincent PHONE 919, LATEST SUMMER HITS 40c. Per Copy--Three For One Dollar : Say It While Dancing, Old Fashioned Girl, The F lapper Song, |§ | Monday was Chinese day at tho Flestile] QEvertisoments. oi. orders Pick Me U. dl a M | Blue Monday morning session of the | cotved at 100 Clergy street w. P an y vie Moon, No Use Crying, Meet Me La-Lo, Ka-Lu-A, Koo-Kee-Koo, Jimmy I Love But You, Ain't Nature Grand, The Flapper Blues, Little Grey Sweetheart of Mine, Me Again, Bamboo Bay, Gin Gin Ginny Shore, COLLEGE BOOK STORE Down in Dear Old Dixieland, Swanee River Next Sunday I'll Wait For You, Lo- Just a Little Love Song, In Maytime Georgia, K-K-Kiss Angel Child, By the Sapphire Sea, On the California, Dancing Fool, Some Sunny Day, OPEN NIGHTS i Chinamen were allowed out on $100 | and Kingston, | ball each Have you a number of old time |mama ne Three tipplers, rounded up during costumes? Theatre folk are interest- | the week-end, were in the line-up. |ed in such things. Get rid of them | Michael Williams, a visitor, got | profitably through the classified ad- | | sixteen ounces of "good stuff" on an |vertisements, ] | order from a doctor. It came out jn| The death occurred on Sunday of | OH MABEL! A Candy Bar that has stormed the Kingston market, and one of quality through and through. Oh Henry's Little Sister. Wherever Candy is Sold Established 1869. KINGSTON | the evidence that the order had been | Harvey Joseph, tliree weeks' old son | f ; 28 acting | °f Mr. and Mrs. L. Doyle, Wolfe Is- | secured on July 28th, and the acting | magistrate was surprised over the lend. The funeral took place on Mon. | fact that Williams had waited soda afternoon to Sacred Heart ceme-1 !long to cash it. Williams explained | 'eTY- | by stating that he did not have the| . The remains of the late Lorne w, | | wherewithal to pay for the liquor. |R: Dempsey, aged twenty-six years: | His sixteen ounces cost him a fine ot} he passed aay in yo usa) R 28 {$10 and costs, with the option of one | pital on Sunday, Were » ar pol | month in jail, {nerville on Monday afternoon for | | William McQueen admitted that he | was a lemon drinker. He paid one | dollar for three bottles, tipped them off, and then went under a spell | Just like the good old days of good beer and whiskey. The acting magis- | iin eer) rae { trate had the final word in the case { With a fine of $10 and Costs. ounces, | » { : ocer rade for | | shared the same fate as the o S70uere Ja | citizens over the week-end, but the | {Two men met over a bottle, {than repay them for their trouble. | And the magistrate tacked on 8 |Sunday atternoon. and for an ex- calm, so the trip was greatly enjoyed | effect that one of | emphatically denied. \ BRICK HOUSE--S8 rooms, 4 bedrooms, electric lights, piece bath, furnace, hardwood floors throughout, age--Collingwood Street. SOLID BRICK HOUSE--8 rooms, electric lights, gas, 3-piece bath, furnace--Johnson Street. This home can be purchased on very easy terms, wr Mz P. TRUMPOUR hn gas, 3- Also new gar- | RAISINS | $1800--Hickson Avenue -- J} | } While they last ..2 Ibs. 35¢. 1 frame house, 6 rooms, shed. § | } 4 Lot 75 feet x 250 fees. $$ TEA $000-- Hickson , Avenue -- | Couage, 4 rooms, kitchen and For this week we open up a new shipment of our Quality 4 4 shed. Lot 66 feet x 84 feet, WAI { 1 . i $5100--Well-located grocery i Blend Te. 80c. quality ] i . $ Sfor............v. 48c¢. 1b. with 7 roomed brick dwelling, | 4 : newly decorated, electric light, 3 BELLEVILLE CREAMERY 4 1 ¢ gas, good cellay, yard and ce- 1 BUNMER ......... 87c. 1b. 1 p > MOE Soured bara, | § STRICTLY FRESH ; General Insurance. 3 EGGS ..... sse..80c. dos ] 3 4 | § Victory Bonds bought and sold. P : i 1 ¢ f {if Cullen's | ? 1 : '# RH. Waddell {|} ! . y CASH AND CARRY 1 ALFRED and PRINCESS ST3, 4 N@ Broek St is Phones 326-890. | CAPS! = For the cool evenings or when go- ing on your vacation, a Cap is a real necessity. We always show a large ge, in the new patterns and shapes. S nin si svneneine $L2G UP BOYS... Dé. up MEN'S, BOYS' AND GIRLS' : - STRAW . HATS At greatly reduced prices to clear. | CAMPBELL BROS, : Kingston's Largest Hat Dealers - Il | course it was a AH {and during the | ' | burial, | | Edward St v i | i as uart, Who said he had | The special committee in charge of | {shared Williams' sixteen Wrer of] the mammoth | | 8 yeni rere -worked | | the bottle. Monday evening were hard-worke ! [success of thie venture will more | i U Ang bau had @ very good time, | The steamer Brockville carried a! | until the "terrible" cops appeared {record crowd to Alexandria Bay, on } fine 1 | { : cursion through the islands. The | weather was hot and the water very | Ly almost everyone on board. | | There wgea report on Monday | 1 Yite-steamer Kingston | had wp-up-On Sun but upon | eng t the local office o! pe Can- | |ada Meamship Lines, the rumos was ~ The remains of the late George C. [JN Wetherell, aged twenty-two years, BACK IN THE CITY. | Dr. A. P. Lothrop Has Returned | who passed away in Sydenham hos- i From Oberlin, Ohio. pital on Saturday, were transferred | Dr. A. P. Lothrop, professor of {to Brockville on Monday afternoon | { biological chemistry at Queen's {for burial. Deceased was married {Medical College, who during the past [and formerly in the jewelry business | year has been on the staff of Oberlin University, Oberlin, O4"%0, has ar- [rived back in the city. In his de- [Pactimen: last year on account of the || change from the five to the six year | both courses progressing at e time biological chemistry taught. In the five year second year subject SiX year course it is {@ third. year class so that last ses- sion happened to be the year the in Brockville, AUTOMOBILE ON FIRE; FIREMEN WERE CALLED A Toronto Car Suffered Seri- ous Damage Late on Saturday Night. [the sam |] waa not | An subject was not in either coure. The | Campbell, Toronto, suffered gerious work howevdr will continue this |damage by fire on Saturday nigh, | year as Medicine 26, the first class [about 11 o'clock, near the corner of | in the six year term, has now reaci- | Princess and Montreal streets. The | ed its third year. Dr. Lothrop ar- [firemen were given a call and sue- | rived home last week. ceeded in extinguishing the blaze, with the use of chemicals. Three or | four men were in the car at the time, | but escaped injury, tomobile belonging to D. | ! ---- BACK FROM SUMMER SCHOOL, NOW READY The Largest Collection of Approved Styles in COATS AND SUITS Ever Shown to the Women of Kingston and Surrounding Country. Prices Away Down! PICTORIAL MAGAZINE for September. PICTORIAL QUARTERLY for Fall, Newman & THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE Shaw There Was a Large Attendance At | The top of the car was burned, and | Sharbot Lake, some of the cushions. ackily the | W. F. Inman, principal of Cent-|fire was kept away from the gasoline | gg oo, ral school, who has been at the sum- [tank or the result would have been Millinery and Supplies mer school vn Sharbot Lake return- |far more serious. The cause pt 186 ed to the city on Saturday afternoon. [fire could not be ascenained. Kingston's Millineria There was a splendid registation for a ' , the professional course, forty-two Left For the West. Parisian Shop students for the third class certific- Two nundred aid 3Mty-afes mon 372 Broek Strewt ate and forty-eight academic stuq- |left Kingston on Friday on the jhar- - ents for model school entrance. T, |Vesters' excursions to Western Lan E. Moffatt, principal of Campbell- |#da. Of this number one hundred GOING BACK 10 AFRICA ford high school and Mr. MoCardie [2nd fifty went by the Canadian Na- of the, Toronto Normal school were [tional and Grand Trunk Fafiways and helping\ in the work at Sha She hundred and three by be Cana- (poy a, W, Deysdale Spoke in t Sharbot Lake a Pacific ratiwe The movement 5s year. The autumn model school Eo or I ion wis not 50 Bethel Church on © open on August 21st a BY Sarves ers 1418 year candidates have already NS ney large as last year owing to the lack Sunday. tadmission to the Department of Eq-|°f Shemployment in. He slo. ucation, Toronto. In the meantime Mr. and Mrs. Inman are leaving to visit friends in Dundas. ---- Possesses Old Church Records. In the possession of Rev. AL. Mc- | Tear, Bath, is a volume containing ithe records of the Anglican church since 1800. There is also a record of the ministers from the Year 1793 when the church was constructed, and also many interesting accounts of church activities in the early days. The financial accounts contain many curious references to the expenses of former pastors, such as two shillings for the washing of a surplice. A plan is included of the structure of the church and there are some inter- esting spellings of words which have had the consideration of philologists. Stole Brass Jardiniere. A resident of Johnson street, near University avenue, reports that on Saturday night someone stole a brass jardiniere from the front window. The jardiniere was a gift and prized as such. It contained flowers. The theft has been reported to the poliea and the culprit may be brought to Rev. A. W. Drysdale occupied the pulpit at both services in Bethel church on Sunday. In the morning he gave a very helpful discourse on prayer and the results of prayer. At the evening service Mr. Drysdale 'gave an illustrated address on mis- sion work in West Central Africa. | He told of the work being done by the Presbyterians and Congrega- {tionalists in that part of Africa, showing one hundred views of the | mission flelds and out-stations. Mr. Drysdale was, for two years, on missionary work in Africa and told of his personal experiences, and the habits and customs of the na- [tives. The people there are hunger- {ing for the gospel and will sit for {hours at a time listening to the {word of God. Mr. Drysdale expects {to return to Africa shortly to take up mission work again. ° A ----s in pi. Made Trip By Canoe. Duing the past week, two parties have passed through the city who made the trip from Ottawa to King- ston by the Rideau river, J. H. and Mrs. Ramsay, Ottawa, and H. G. and Mrs. Devernay, New York City. They spoke in high terms of the scenery along the route stating that it was most picturesque. Mr. amd Mrs. Ramsay made the trip by canoe and have left to return by Way of the St. Lawrence. > AUGUST SALE OF FURS -------------- . Seven cents a quart or 50c. peck all shis week at Carnoveky's. EE ------------------------------ Q Harvesting has already commene- ed in many districts of Alberta, and the indications are that cutting will be general all over the province this week. In a number of districts the damage resulting from the prolong- ed drought has been so severe that farmers are cutting crops with mow- ers. Horse races, grocers ang butchers' pienie, Wednesday, Aug, 16th, rar ground. Married at Iroquois, The wedding took place in the Methodist church at Iroquois Monday morning of Miss Susie Hulda, eller N. Werte, to Charles A. Louden. i {The newly-weds will 'spend : | honeymoon on the St. Lawrence, | (and will come to Kingston early! . next month to reside. Properties For Sale FULL LIST AT OFFICE. $1500-- Wellington Street, 4 room semi-detached cottage, with toilet, (between William and Earl Streets). 8$1650--Russell Street--frame dwelling, 5 rooms, toflet and 3§ acre land. On easy terms. $1150--Lower Patrick Street--4 room bungalow, terms. N $13850--6tephen Street--a room brick, semi-detached; B. and C.7 easy terms. ( $1850--Detached frame, 6 rooms, toilet, easy terms, we HOUSES FOR RENT : $25.00--Quebec Street, No. 51, Brick Bungalow, E, light, B. and O. $25.00--University Avenue, No. 208, 8 rooms, improvements. $15.00--Portsmouth, Bay Street, 8 rooms, Electric light. Fire Insurance at lowest rates in best companies. Money to loan. with toilet. Easy ---- Phone 580w. ~™\ Fire Insurance. 0 v E bang . Morey to Loan. Brokers 3 : Johnson and Division Streets daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam} ET I, Children's White Footwear AT SPECIAL CLEARING PRICES. Children's White Canvas Lace Boots--wide toes, sewn leather soles, low heels. Shoes made to sell in a regular way at $1.75. All sizes 8 to 103%. ANY PAIR .. 49c. Misses' White Canvas Lace Boots--nice, medium toes, sewn leather soles, low heels. Shoes made to sell at $2.00. All sizes 11 to 1. Your choice, while they last ....... 75e. ~S. J. MARTIN