Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Aug 1922, p. 4

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ICED ; "SALADA" H218 The Summer Beverage "Par Excellence" It's So Refreshing. JUST TRY IT! mens Wn min DAINTY CAFE The place where dining out is truly a delight PRINCESS ST. OPPOSITE BIBBY'S DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK-- THAT no citizen is 80 powerful, none so humble, that the city in which he lives is not an aid to him in some way. THAT some citizens are always boosters for their city. They accomplish mueh in community betterment, and this not only improves themselves but the citizens who are always riding on the waggon that the live citizens are pulling uphill. THAT frankly and honestly, you live in a fine city. Do all your citizens appreciate their city as much as they should? THAT despite the keen competition for trade advantages that is ahead of your eity, your business will maintain its place in the front ranks of industrial and commercial leadership of your section, only through co-operation of all your business men. THAT now is the time for all citizens to Join hands and make your city the most modern city and the most progressive city in your section of the country. THAT you should stop to think and do it now. WHAT KIND OF A CITY WOULD YOUR (CITY 'BE IF EVERY CITIZEN WERE JUST LIKE YOU? WOULD IT BE A LIVE, GROWING CITY, OR WOULD IT BE LIKE A LIVING CEMETERY? E. R. WAITE, Secretary, Shawnee, Oklahoma, Board of Commerce. THE DAILY BRITISH ~ WHIG. { From the Countryside Frontenac McLEAN. Aug. 7.--Huckleberry picking wl Still the order of the day. Buyers ars | coming in from all quarters. The wet | weather makes it hard for the farm- {ers to get cutting their marsh hay. Mr. and Mrs. J. Morris and baby, New York, are visiting at A. Foster's. Clinton and Melville Wagar and Miss Mildred Peters and the Misses Laura and Mary Yeoman's spent Sunday at Edward Brown's. Miss Mafy Wagar 18 home for a few days. Miss Lina Keller and Arthur Wimot were at H. Kellers on Sunday. Miss Mary Raycraft is spending her vacation at her home here. Miss Zelda Cousins is at R. Woods; Mrs. Willlam Hare and Zelda spent Sunday at B. Mec- |Cumber's; W. Hare {is at C. Bab- eock's. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Cronk and Frona were at William Cousins lon Sunday i PARHAM, | Aug. 9.--The Sunday school held their annual picnic at Long Lake on Friday. Mr. and Mrs, H. G. Smith |and Reona, Odessa, visited at J. N |Bmith's. Mies E. Dousley, at J. A. | Goodfellow's, has returned to her | home at Sydenham. PF. Collins and RADIO, EXPLAINED INSTRUCTOR U.S. AIR SERVICE a ATMOSPHERIC At this season of the year atmos- pheric disturbances are so prevalent { | end productive of complaints from radio fans as to deserve special men- tion In these series, * It is safe to say that the man who can eliminate "atmospherics" of "static" in the operation of radio has ] a fortune awaiting him. Atmospheric disturbances show themselves in various forms and are due to innumerable causes, but they are all included in any of the various terms commonly used to denote them, Le.--atmospherics, X's, strays, | static, &c. Although little has been accom- plished in the matter of eliminating this "bugbear™ of radio, a great deal of work has been spent by the brightest minds in the profession in seeking a remedy. In general, these disturbances may be classed In three varieties and may usually referred to as "grinders," "clicks" and "hisses" respectively. "Grinders" produce a sort of con- be readily distinguished. They are { -- SX DISTURBANCES. tinuous rattle, with occasional heave ler crashes, They are most preva. lent In the warm season, on warm days and between the hours ot noos and sunrise the next morning, though this varies in different parts of the earth, Experiments indicate that they are propagated vertically, and advantage is taken of this fact to separate them from signals which are propagated more or less hori- zontally, "Clicks" are heard as relatively widely spaced crashes. and are com- mon during the cooler periods of the day and year. Their Intensity is usually sufficient to interfere with the reception of weak signals. As tb direction they seem to wander In- discriminately and to be true "strays" "Hisses™ are generally due to ac- tual discharges from the antenna Jo earth, They are the least trouble- some and are not present when the antenna has no earth connection. These disturbances are particu- larly bad this summer and will dls- appear In the fall or early winter, | family and H. Clow, are at W, E. {Clow's. A. Barrs, Wolfe Island, a' | S. Barre'. B. Cornwall and family at B Cornwall's, Long Lake. Miss |Jean Smith, Kingston, a. A. {Bmith's. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon | |Smith and Miss Marjorie have re- turned ' to their home in Smith's Falls after spending their holidays with relatives here, B. Steele and wife, Dexter, N.Y. are at George {Cronk"s. Miss M. Griffith, Toronto, | is with relatives here, Mr. and Mrs. E. Barr are In the city. A number from this vicinity went to Kingston for the big pientc at Lake Ontario | Park. R. Clow and daughter, Edna, were at J, Embury's on Sunday. ait WAGARVILLE. Aug. 7.--The heavy rains of late | have made it difficult for farmers to | finish haying on the low land. Mrs. | V. Kirkham and Mrs. W. A. Wagar spent the week-end at Allen Wagar's, Bcho Lake. Ard Jackson and Irvin Gronk, Enterprise, spent Sunday at E. Cronk's. Mr. and Mrs. B. Cronk and Mr. and Mrs. E. Wilson, Enter- A Century Of Banking LL of this Bank's service, all of its knowledge attained in over a century of banking, are dedicated to the interests of all of Canada, Branches in all Important Centres in Canada . Savings Departments in all Branches of Montreal Established Over 100 Years HE world is working at this moment to supply your wants. Every day of your life you must eat, wear clothing, use furni- ture, enjoy recreation, seek health. Most of your money is spent for _things you need; weigh your ex- ~ penditure intelligently. Read the paper. The advertisements in your own Daily Newspaper safeguard your purse. They are the traffic police of the world's commerce, turning the stream of human earnings into well chartered highways. Manufacturers and merchants in their adverse tisements tell you the latest news about the world's efforts to keep you in health, happiness and com- fort. They stake their success, their utation, and their pride on the truth of these publ claims they make for their producers. The fate of an ad- vertised article is in your hands and the maker knows that it is. He must back his statements with honest values or be smothered under competi« aon. -\ Unless you read the advertise- ents in your Daily Newspaper Jou overlook that half of the day's hews which tell you what is being made 'to keep you in comfort and luxury, not ten years from now but to-day. : Issued by the Canadian Daily Newspaper Association, Toronto. Patience and perservance some Some people who have more mon- are so persistent that they call ey than brains are not considered the strong arm treatment. wealthy. , * Don't think always of your ows Many a man has kept his peace of feelings lest you lose all force. mind by not giving advice. Hi 7 |ham"s, prise, spent Sunday at F. G. Kirk- Misses Laura and 'Edna Kirkham, Perth, spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Kirkham. Mr. and Mrs. W. McCumber and daugh- ter, Joyce, are at W. Goodfellow's, Parham. Edward Kirkham has gone to work on the extra gang of the C.P.R. Mr. and Mrs. D. 8ills spent Sunday at Moscow. 'Mrs. Hugh Les- lie, Oak Flats, spent Sunday evening at E, Cronk's. Mr. and Mrs. M. Kirkham and son, Garnet, Mr. and Mrs. M. Cronk, Parham, were at F. G. Kirkham's on Sunday. Mrs. Pearl McKim and children, Vera and Ard, Enterprise, are at her sister's, Mrs. E. Cronk's, for a week. Mrs. Ard Wagar and children spent Saturday at Mrs. George Alton's, Tichborne. Leeds ADDISON. Aug. 10.--The farmers are busy at harvest which is a big crop. Miss- es L. Greenham, Brockville, and Vera Greenham, Athens, spent the week-end at home here. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Watts, Bishop's Mills were Sunday visitors here. Alma Watts has returned home after two weeks visit at Bishop's Mills. Quite a few days here went to Charleston Lake to regatta. MORTON, Aug. 9.--Miss Anna Roontree is the guest of Mrs. 8. Simpson, Jones' Falls. Some from here attended the social at Lyndhurst on Wednesday last. Harry Wykes has brought his bride homo and taken up housekeep- ing over the store. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Somerville, Ottawa, are the guests of Miss Jacob, The Ladies' Guild met at the home of Mrs, H. @. Dean on Wednesday last. Mr. Mo Kinnis spent a couple of days in Kingston last week. William York, Picton, was a recent guest of his brother, H. York. Mr. and Mrs. Al- fred Jordan and family were Sun- day visitors at Alex Bruce's, SHEEP THE VICTIMS. Of Wolves and Lightning in the Den- bigh District. Denbigh, Aug. 10.--Wolves have destroyed some sheep on the pasturss of several farmers and H. Fritsdi haa ten sheep killed by lightning, which during a heavy thunderstorm had sought shelter under a tree which was struck. Great satisfaction is felt by the students of our continuation school, every one of whom passed their last That Dry Cough Is Bronchitis It neglected, it will weaken the throat and perhaps reach the lungs. Nothing surer 'to help you quickly than the healing, soothing vapor of Catarrhozone. It's action is magical, every congested spot 18 healed, irri- tation is pusthored away, phlegm nq Stcration are out, al ptoms weak throat, Catarr Bronchitis Catarrhozone is a genuine, scientific preparation. Sold everywhere in three sizes, 26¢., &0c., and ome dollar for a complete iwo months' treatment. Prepared by In tube sets the grid leak is a highly important part and compo- nent of the tube circuit, hence an adjustable grid leak such as is de- ecribed below proves a welcome ad- dition to the radio apparatus market. The instrument is enclosed in highly' polished bakelite, has a knob and ten tap control and two metal binding posts. The taps are care- fully calibrated, values of leak re- sistance ranging from 3 to| 5 meg- ohms. By proper adjustment of the grid leak the potential of the grid and hence the signal strength fis accurately controlled. This results in the operation of the tube at its Will readers interested In these with the editor by mail? examination successfully. Mr. and Mrs, J. Varney and daugh- ter motored from Buffalo, N.Y, here and enjoyed a week's visit with Mrs. Varney's parents, Mr. and Mrs. BE. Marquardt, and other relatives. They left on their return to their present bome accompanied by BE. Marquardt and his daughter Katie, who intend to enjoy a couple of weeks visiting 1a the United States. Rev. C. F. Christ- iansen also returned to his present field-of labor in Toronto, but Mrs. Christiansen and the children left for Pembroke to visit some other re- latives yet before they return to their city home. Other visitors who have returned to their present places of residence were Mr, and Mrs. W. Chatson and George Fritsdi, Ren- frew; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chatson, Brockville; Mr. and Mrs. A. Chatson, Timmins, New Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. William Both, Cloyne. Visitors who have arrived here are at C. Both's, are their daughter, Mrs. J. Clark, and children, Hunts- ville; at E. Marquardt's, their dau- ghter, Annie, from Ottawa; fF. Falk's, their daughters, Hilda, Erma and Minna from Napanee; at A. Lockwood's, their son Stanley, from Renfrew. BAZAAR AT TICHBORNE. The Sum of $157 Was Realized for Plano , Tichborne, Aug. 7.- On Aug. 2nd the Ladies' Aid Soclety of Tichborne held thelr annual bazaar and cod- cert. The weather was all to be desired and a good crowd gathered both afternoon and evening. All were delighted and declared this to be the best event in this district. The hall and booths were beautifully de- corated and attended by members of the society. The afternoon music was furnished by Harold MeNamara, Toronto, which was delightful and (charming and added much to the enjoyment of the many listeners. From 4.30 to 6.30 a grand dinner was served and nine members of the society acted as waiters, and worked faithfully to make the din- ner all that could be desired. By the hour of 8.15 the hall had been arranged and made ready Jor the evening fun. The programehe selec- tions were varied and comprised solos, duets, recitations, instru- mental music and many selections by the popular warden, G. M. Drew, known as Frontenac's Harry Lau- der, were greatly appreciated. Rev. Mr. Allen gave an address. The good sum of $1567 was raised to- wards the new piano. The Ladies' Aid are deserving of the warmest congratulations. Much credit is due to Mrs. D. J. Homes, who acted as general manager. The out-of-town visitors were from Al- bany, N.Y., Watertown, N.Y., Toron- to, Smith's Falls and Kingston, BATTERSEA BUDGET. ---------- A Cow Fell Over a High Bluff and Dies, Battersea, Aug. 10.--Farmerg are 800n be heard. The Ladies' Aid held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Ralph Sleeth. Ome of the prin- cipal features of the afternoon was the admission of several new mem- bers. A number from here attend- ed the Copservative picnic in King: ston on Tuesday. Baby girls have come to stay et Len Patberson's and Edward Hogle's. Miss Martha Kel- lar, Albany, N.Y, is visiting her sis- the Catarrhozone Co., APPARATUS By RALPH BROWN, RADIO ENGINEER VARIABLE GRID LEAK. --~------ - highest eMciency and with the elim- ination of all #quealing and rupee noises, radio articles kindly communicate IIA cscs fin. A A A Ac A Ay guests' Mrs. George Matthews is on the sick list, also Mre. J. Ruttan, who still continues poorly, Miss Bessie Eby, Toronto, and Miss L. Hopkins, Kingston, are spending their holidays at Mrs, W. H. Jamie- son's, ' . * All are sorry to hear of the loas of William Dixon's barn which was struck by lightning and totally de- sroyed. Ralph Sleeth lost a valu- able cow on Monday. It fell over a high bluff rock and received injuries Which proved fatal. Mrs. Wesley Hartley ang Mrs. Harry Sleeth, Mil- "A Study of Old Age Is always interesting and reveals the fact that the blood is usually thin and lacking in the strengthening properties of young folks' blood. If you want to fill your blood with the fire of youth, build up your strength, restore your nerves, just use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. This wonderful medicine is a grand system regula- tor. Keeps the bowels in good con- dition, keeps the body free of waste and impurities. For young and oid the use of Dr. Hamilton's Pills is recommended. 25c. at all dealers or The Catarrhosone Co., Montreal. a Pa ~~ GOING FARE Plus half a cent a mile toba, Saskatchewar, Al Me. and east. | | | | were in abundance. The races was VULCANITE SLATE SURFACED ROOFING Four-in-One Slab Hexagonal Slab S Rolls, 32" wide h and surfa Slate, Red or Green. SERVICE AT THE RICHT PRIC crf Co SER VICTORIA RE Shingle ingle $0.00 ola The highest type of "Beaver with natural co ce otein . $7.50 per sq. $8.00 per sq. $3.90 per sq. Quality Roofin ored Cras £ -- m -- Sr RN o Co. TEL.1092 1A KING STON,ONT HARVESTERS '$15 to WINNIPEG d to all points in Mani- rta, Edmonton, Calgary, Midlaad, Parry DATES avausTisthe Lv. Lv. OTTA Lv, Restaurant Oars Prices. Special Aug. 2 5.00 nies from Utaner Stations & For Ths Selid log tebe Oars for Women. Convertible For further partic ulars apply to nearest agent Fre Out needs, 269% Princess Street burn, are visiting friends in Belle- ville, -------------- Hartington Happenings. Hartington, Aug. 11.--The an- nual Sunday echool piomic was held In Fred Denison's grove yesterday. The day was ideal and good things much enjoyed, the baseball game was a failure as the visiting team did not arrive. Those attending the pic- nic at Lake Ontanlo Park report a | good time. Norman Ryan cut his foot. Dr. Geddes had to put in a! touple of stitches. Mrs. Galbraith and son, Toronto, are visiting at her father's, Elijah Bigeworth's. Meta Campbell has returned from Whitby. Mrs. Minnie Leonard, spending a week at Newburgh, has returned. | Miss Connoly, Kingston and Mise Yallon, Verona are the guests of Salome Goslin. Fred Harkness, King- ston, is at Benjamin Campeall's. James Cprool and family and Mrs. Grass, Westbrooke, were recent vis- WITH ONE OF OUR RADIO SETS The dost is no more than Phonograph and thin will have hearing the conoeris from distant cities. Come in an in our store. Complete line of the equipment always curried in stock, JUST IN---RADIO 'D" AND "B* CANADA RADIO STORES RIGHT QOODE AT RIGHT P Phone 1207. Kingston's First and Only Exclusive Radio Supply a good of the fuh vou many free radio Y evening and hear one best Radio e information on anything Radio. -of-city people, write us your BATTERIES, RICES Radle 3AAY, House J an Campbeliford. Canon J, W. Jonee, Kingston, preached in Christ churen on Sunday last. Tamworth defeat- od Adolphustown in an Inter-County game by 16 to 11. Ellis Little, Me- Donald's Corners, is visiting friends here. The lake was dotted with boats on Wednesday, and all hands were fishing. An American visitor caught a pickerel weighing six pounds, The fishing 1s exceptionally good just now, AUTO TOPS RECOVERED and REPAIRED R. H. JONES 800 PRINCESS STREK Y Phone 153. itors at Milton Cloakey's. Quite a number expect to attend the celebra- tion in Belleville tomorrow. Mad- | olla Baboock is away for a week's | visit]. Tamworth Tidings. Tamworth, Aug. 9.--Rev, Mr. and | Mrs, Clark left on Monday morning 1 for a three weeks' holiday at their | summer cottage. Rev. Mr. Scott, Napanee, is to preach at the Presby- | terlan church in the absence of Mr. Clarke. Mrs. Floyd has returned home after spending a holiday at | Rev. Mr. Roark's, Cavan. A number of American tourists are holidaying in the district around Beaver Lake. Mrs, Taylor and darghter, Ottawa, were visiting friends here during the | past week. Mr. Fletcher and amity | have returned home after a visit at 40,000 RETURNING QOING AUGUST 11th and 21st--Toronto, Caledon East, Beeton, LIS NE RAND TRU LESS Harvest Help Excursions Aug. 11th and 21st To WINNIPEG-$15.00 Plus % cent per mile beyond. Pe lurniag a cent per mile to Winnipeg, plus $20.00. Special accommodation from King- ston, connecting at Toronto with through special traing to Winnipeg. Meals and lunches served at reasons able prices, in restaurant cars Special cars for women Convertible (berth) colonist cars of latest design, Tickets and full information from J. P. Hanley, C.P. and T.A, GT. Ry, Kingston, Ont, : Canadian National- Grand Trunk . WANTED FARE $20 from WINNIPEG plus half a cent a mile from starting point to Winnipeg Meaford, Collingwood, Penctang, tario. ng Sudbury. Capreol and east thereof in On 28rd Toronto. Inglewood and all Stations south and west thereof in Ontario I Trane Lonva-- Standard Time) th, 9.00 am. 12.30 2st, 12.30 moon, 1st, 9.00 a.m. p.m, and 11 Big Reduction In All Our White Shoes 6.00 p.m. 6.00 p.m. and 10.30 00 a.m. 1.00 pam, 5.00 p.m, and AB and 10.30 p.m. p.m. 11.45 p.m. pm, €€ Special iran Service Poster Trains to Winnipeg Without Change Traine--Meals and Lunches Served (berth) Colonist Cars Canadian XNational-Grand Trauk Railways, at Reasonable of Latest Design I OR 2 STRAP BUTTONED SHOES | STRAP BUCKLE WHITE SHOES WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS with High or Low Heels ALL WHITE SHOES REDUCED IN PRICE. Phone 159 The Sawyer Shoe Store 184 Princess St.

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