6 1G. MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 1922. THE BRITISH WHIG Published Dally and Semi-Weekly by THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO, LIMITED 4. G. Ellfott Leman A iid SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Dally Edition) WORTH-WHILE VACATIONS. | An English writer has observed | that there are only two holidays that count--the holiday of adventure among new men and new places, and the holiday of the return home, and : that the greater is the re- e vacation needed by any weary man or woman is a complete change ; from the manner of life being lived. Our Saviour went into the wilder- | ness to rest awhile, We, t00, need to | [get away from the sordidness of life and renew ourselves in body and | mind. We may not have far to go | to the ideal vacation place: | sometimes i{t may be only a few miles {from home, but it is the complete charge and contrast in our mode of life that we need in order to restore Getting nearer to nature vacation for the weary | reach ourselves, is the best man and woman, and our lovely dis- | trict furnishes points innumerable nd beside river, lake and stream for re- tirement, A timely tip was given to women | by Anna Garlin Spencer when she 'old them that the old-time chivalry ie not compatible with the new time woman and that she must not expect to have it and her new freedom both Far too many women, even when they boast of ability to take FIGHTING MAN TO GO? | their 'f I care of themselves, have not learned ¥. W. Thompson ....100 King 5t. W, Toroato. Letters to the Kditor are published Suly ever the actus mame of th. writer. ' ete ee Attached is ome of the best Jon printing offices in Canada. The circulation of THE BRITI>H WHIG is authenticated by the ABOU Audit Bureau of Circulations When in doubt, take your foot off the accelerator. A new star has been discovered No, it's not a movie etar. Many a business finds itself travel- ling back to nommalcy on the rim. The soul of the grouch is simply a morgue where his dead hopes are. Habitual silence isn't proof of wis- dom, however, unless he is a married man, Oh, well; it Europe should smash, it probably wouldn't affect the price of golf balls. The difference botween cuteness and impudence in a child is abou: three years, p Lloyd George will write his mem- oirs, but that is not evidence that he will tell everything. Still, it might be done if we had one soldjér to watch each bootlegger and one to watch each striker. The old swimmin' hole is very en- Joyable if you have a place to take a bath when you come out. The man who keeps the weeds from ripening on his lot has some elements of good titizenship. A philosopher is one who reflects that handling a snow shovel is about as difficult as pushing a lawn mower, The annoying thing about the 80 smart is the fact that he usually -- Americans are 'spending $15,000.- 000 a year in Canada, but does this foelude the revenue from bootiegging sources? Watch the traffic cop's signals and you will be eafe, provided the other fellow is watching the traffic cop's signals. : --------, Some people are joyous when they return from their vacations, and Some discover that they forgot to put "I never had a pair of pants un- usually white and clean, but I had trouble with the jit and wiped up grease and gasoline. The most eloquently descriptive 1ine appearing in print is this: "They "will make their home with the bride's father." ------------ When China hasn't a war or a ine to décimate the population, a oon may appear and destroy a thousands. 'There probably isn't any spot on where you can go to indulge In little wickedness without meeting ody from back home, Announcement that China Is ready a trade revival seems to put that in the same class with a i of others--all on the hope- jul waiting list. ---------- The fine thing about marrying in is thet the honeymoon chivalry be over in time for her to build winter morning fires, satisfied with replacing the the automobile is becoming 0 Its owner complains he: horeeshoe throwers leave pegs the alleys of a western town. . this and still expect their escorts to fight whem a cross-eyed man accident- ly looks at them, as was the fashion in the old days when knighthood was in flower and men loved so much 'to fight they were glad of any excuse to | do so When women really realize they are capable of self-help and that ,the saying the Lord helps those who help themselves is not intended exclusively for men, then the latter, {it they must fight, will have to find | something else to fight about than { women. But if Mrs. Spencer prophesies { truly, the fighting man is doomed to extinction with coming of the economically independent women. For, she, relieved of the necessity of marrying whatever is offered her, | wil} her wise selection a new type of men noted for character | and self-control according to the new ideals of women, a type far removed from the knight of the days of chiv- | alry, who instead of working to sup- port wife and children, rode over the | country on a richly caparisoned steed | seeking out unfortunate damsels | with wrongs to redress, For in the new order, women will | have no wrongs. | the create by | ECONOMIC ABSURDITY. The United States government re- ports for August, declares the New York World, are all that the most lardent optimist could desire. But | without a European market, what do the American farmers think they are going to do with their 3,000,000,- 000 bushels of corn, their 800,000,- {000 bushels of wheat and all the | rest? What is to become of the sur- {plus on the sale of which their proe- | perity depends? While they are engaged in raising | bumper <rops, the congress of the United States is engaged in framing a tariff to exclude European goods | from the' American markets and | | hence excl | | } ude American food pro-| ducts from the European markets. | {No matter how much Europe needs | {"nited States food it cannot buy it unless it can sell what it makes. It | | hag no gold, and even if it had, gold | |is the last thing that the United | | States needs, | With an assured United States | {market the indicated crop for 1922 [ann a complete return of | | prosperity for the United States | [farmer. The ready sale of the. eur- plus abroad would stabilize prices at {home. But the American congress {refuses to have it that way. The |Mmit of economic idiocy has been |reached in the Fordney-MecCumber {schedules, and the August report {helps to emphasize it. Here is a |country whose agricultural prosper- {ity depends wholly on the opportun- nd to market jts surplus abroad, yet |its congress has consecrated itself to {the task of destroying that market | by making it impossible for Europe to pay for food in the only commo- dities it has with which to buy food. | It is precisely as if a manufacturing {establishment divided its energies {equally between speeding up produc- tion and driving away its customers. | | | CALLS IT A REVOLUTION, Canadian Minister of Labor's View of U.S, Strike. Vancouver, B.C., Aug. 14 --FEx. pressing 'the conviction that the ac- {tion of the United States railroad | labor board in "trying to force com- |pulsory arbitration down the throats {of labor" had compelled the railroad workers of the United States to defy the laws of that country, Hon. James Murdock, . minister of labor, told a gathering of Vancouver Liberals last tion in the United States was "a re- volution in the guise of a strike." "The United States railroad labor board," he continued, "has decreed that striking railwaymen have no longer any status to negotiate with companies." The men, he thought, were being coerced to work under conditions which made them reluct- ant to work, and this was something which labor would not tolerate. ------------ At Calgary, Cyril Coaffee did the Ww 00-yard dash in § 3-5 seconds. | were brought to America in turned the whole blamed population | Grans Trunk Agent. 4 Neb. We'll bet she's sharp. night, he thought the strike situa-| THE DAILY BRITISH WH | ALONG LIFE'S DETOUR | i ALWAYS PROTECTED: -- When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall no: overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee Isaiah 43: 2 | she BY SAM HILL Not the Fashion. A flapper of the modern type Of clothes will wear less ought, Which is the reason why You never see her wrapt in than doubt, thought. | Observations of Oldest Imhabitanmt. Our Canadian Question Whit has become of all the vay And Answer Corner the girls used to wear in their hair | | | "You say Sovisise Ie fat of the, Q---How many extradition treaties | land?' of Great Britain apply to Canada? Yes, he makes barrels-of money by A.--42 ireaties of Great Britain selling quack luction d the | dealing with extradition apply to super stouts | Canada. { Q.--_What staff was required to take the Canadian census of 19217 1 (McCreary Co. Record) | A--1It took 13,000 enumerators to Me Ang Mis Fre a oe take the Dominion census of 1921, the prove De S You working under 247 commissioners | tes, bORk last Sriday | and having 400 compiling clerks to !arrange the returns, Q.--What was Canada's trade dur- ing the calendar year of 1921" A.--Canada's total trade during the calendar year 1921 was $1,602,- 094,418, a. considerable reduction over the fiscal year 1920, which was $2,450,587,000. re pe to A New Hammock at Their Home, eee Safety First. "Of ladies I'm afraid" Remarked old Hiram Wiggers, "For wearing rings fingers Too il] the triggers." often Pa's Idea Of One. a miracle?" asked what "Pa, is Clarence 'Something t of the ordinary. For| on which 1 am not} something by your| Pa | for and Ma day for instance a called do mother," snapped 'Clarence, just into the kitchen dishes," wrted wr that come help you me wash | sn Fool Questions. asks: "Do the dry shine for courtships, too?" laws pro- Warning. don't to A goat Then A want be vou should never sign ote =. | | Write Your Own Head to This One, (Divorce Court Note in Houston (Texae) . Post.) Hattie Texas vs. Squire (Eightieth) Texas, di-| vorce You've Met Him, does Gabley your new bor strike you?' asked Blinks "As a man whose brain had gone on a strike and who had hired his tongue replied Jinks How neigh- BENOTI MUSSOLINE { Leader of the Italian Fascisti, who hag ordered demobilization of his fol-| the | as a strike breaker," a | lowers after serious clashes with Give Him the Alr, | Communists in a number of cities | Oh, keep this bird Out of my reach HARVLSTER'S EXCURSIONS. | He uses learn When he means teach! | --3Sam | | Good Travelling Via Canadian Na- tional-Grand Trunk. | (A fiat rate of $15 to Winnipag and half z cent a mile beyond is fary o! all Harvesters' excursions t» the west ty Canadian Trunk routes west of Quebec Hill Come, take this one From out my sight; He swears all day And snores all night ~--Adam Breede | without change. New convertible (berth) Colonist Cars will adi the comfort of the journey and res- tacrant cars will be attached to th] traine, serving meals and lunchs3 aut! The 1922 Models. Says a news item: "The first slaves 1619 Al boatload of Africans was brought to Jamestown, Va. that year. Well, even in 1922 we hear a good deal about], ..,)1; prices, Special cars will| slavery notwithstanding the Civil war. |e provided for women. Sam Gompers says the laboring man kp Full infor-/ is a real honest-to-goodness slave the |MAai'0L re fares, train service, etc. wets claim the eighteenth amendment |APDIy to nearest Canadian Nationa .-| into bondmen, while the married men insist the prize slave of the bunch is the fellow who wears the yoke of mat- rimony. But still the old world rolls no right along and we manage to get a G good deal of fun out of life. Not Legally Married, Chicago, Aug. 14.--Under, the Ili- is laws, Harold F. McCormick and anna Walska are not legally mar- | ried. They are subject to arrest if | : they return %o this state before De- | Name Probably Was Teo Big a cember 28th---a full year after the | Handicap, divorce of McCormick, Attorneys (Glasgow (Scotland) Paper) said any citizen of the state might Great disappointment was caused in| make a complaint causing tha arrest Prestwick this afternoon when John | ot the couple should they live to- Wilson, the local ayluulululululululu- gether here, dudduuuuuuduS, was beaten on the Da | ee | green. Loved Him For His Liquor. "My friends have all deserted me. not suffer another day with Itching, Bleeding, or Protruding Piles or Hemorrhoids. No surgical operation required. Dr. Chase's Ointment will relleve you at once and afford lasting benefit. 60c a box; all dealers, or manson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Sample box free. --- Sald Mister Johnson, with a sigh, "Of course the reason why is plain, You see my cellar has gone dry." | --Sam HiIl | "The thing that makes it hard to bear," Said Mister Johnston, looking blue, "Is that they never seemed to care To sample my brand of home brew." --J. H. Reed, in Canton News. SE ------------_-- FOR SALE First Class Grocery Store and DWELLING, exceptionally well-located; will sell store and dwelling combined or store only; splendid trade. For par- ticulars, apply: T. J. Lockhart Real Estate and Life Insurance Phone 322J or 1797J. . 68 BROCK STREET Rear Shoulder All Right? (Syracuse Post-Standard) The force of the collision knocked three of the four iron shoes from the horse's feet and probably fractured the front left hip. Daily Sentence Sermon. A big gun isn't the kind fired. that 1s News of the Namea Club, Speaking of color schemes Green and' Violet Brown, of City, were married last week. Harry Gaskill, of Wilmington, was a candidate for office in the recent Ohio primaries. There ought to be a wheeze in that. Eva Knife is vis'ting in Blue Hill, "Red" Kansas Tit for Tat, His darling wife Is in an awful rage, The foolish man Has gone and told her age. ~Sam Hill His darling mtae Is in an awful state, The foolish man-- He did forget a date. --Charleston News and Courier. --------s Soft Coal Production Increased During Week Washington, Aug. 14.--Produec- tion of bituminous coal during the week ending Saturday is estimated by the geological survey at approxi- mately 4,800,000 net tons, or 500,- 000 tons more than the output for tha previous week. To Rug SEg A complete line of Trusses, Abdominal Supporters, Elastic Hosiery, and an ex- pert fitter with many years' experience, at BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TO-0AY [3] Nationa'-Gran-. | city. | | Solid trains run through to Winnipeg | to] Dr. Chown's Drug Store 185 Princesse Street. Phone 843 | i 'BIBBY'S Ready-to-Wear and ------ Made- to-Measure Clothes NEWEST HATS PURE WOOL SWEATER COATS _--_---------- PURE WOOL GABERDINE COAT A Beauty for English Gaberdine Top Coats Good rain or shine. Several new shades just in. Don't miss seeing our MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S $18.00 SUITS Neatly tailored; all sizes; good looking, good wearing Tweeds and Cheviots. FALL SUITS Masterpieces. NEW HATS Something good $2.50 STANFIELD'S AND PEN. MAN'S UNION GABERDINE Splendidly patterns, Tweeds, Cheviots and Blue Serges. FINE SHIRTS UNDERWEAR TOP COAT Something Special $16.50 Don't miss seeing our MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS at $25.00 tailored; pure neat wool NEW HATS Something good for $2.50 ~ i tS ey = RR ---------------- i -- AEA lOO I =r -- 00RE'S TIRE First quality--absolutely gua rantéeed--every Every Tire reduced in price-- CORDS and Buy now while we have your size in stock. 1/ Non . 2 Skid You'll be sorry if you do not attend our Tire - Biggest Tire Sale ever held in Kingston. =. MOORE' & 9.60 SALE size--every style. FABRICS. 4 Sale, which is thé " Open Evenings McCLARY'S "CANADA™ BRAND ENAMEL WARE PRESERVING KETTLES in finest grade made. Mottled Blue out" side and white lining. A complete assostment and low priced.- BUNT'S HARDWARE King St. W. KENT MACNEE Bank of Commerce Bullding, Broek and King Streets. Phone 701 or 36M. General Insurance Ageney --~Automobile, Fire, Aceoideat es Plate Glass Burglary, ote. Representing Only Reliable Companies DAVID SCOTT Picmber Plumbing and Gas Work a spec ialty. All work guaranteed. Ad- dress 145 Frontenac Street. Phone 1277. SEE AND TASTE THE LOVELY CAKES The "Magic" Way AT OUR STORE ALL \ Jas. REDDEN & Co. The House of Satisfaction Phones 20 and 990. John Haffle, Mallorytown, has re- ceived a message notifying him of the death in Cheteck, Wis, on Aug. th, of his brother, Levi Haffie. The town and was fn his f%ty-fourth Genuine Imported € Kitchen Ranges and Furnaces Ideal Summer Fuel Cheaper than Coal Try Half a Ton Crawford Scranton Coal Mr. Haffie was born at Mallory- year.