a T HE DA iL Y BRI TISH Ww HIC. SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1022. OS I RW ATS i mae] JB Dey oo rms wee] Np 20) I SEPTEMBER MAGAZINES | Arrested Ch of brig Mr. Swalne, ptanc tuser, orders FOR received st 100 Clorgy sirest # WEEK-END READING all desirable pelts, at in In pe ts, "I am going to die. Bury my |Pbone 56¢w. William Woods of the C.P.R. of- 1 i ice bones in G Bush cemetery at - . . . . : interesting prices. 0 reen feos, Welliigron aren = proline Good Housekeeping, Woman's Home Companion, Pictor- Picton." These I were written in ink, | Bis vacation at a camp near Brophy's . . . Always the latest _ on AR enrione SRNL WhalPates - : ial Review, Fashionable Dress, Costume Royal, Bon Ton, Ki Industrial Fair, by one| What's the news from your favor- ' . . . hr gn y on known | ite store? You couldn't tell without American, Cosmopolitan, Metropolitan,. True Story, Popular ££ -- creations. a to the Kingston police, and many [reading to-day's advertisement of Scie A . Pi Pl Cl . M . . other citizens, presumably some time |that store! Don't overlook them. nce, American, icture Play, Classic, Motion Picture, Ad- on Friday, and mailed to the Kings-| George F. Henderson, K.C., Ot- ton Standard by the writer. The|taws, has been elected a vico-prasid. | venture, Blue Book, etc. |letter, with the message, reached {ent of the Canadian Bar Association. [the local newspaper office' on Batur-|He is a former Kingstonian. / {day morning and was handed over to Whether you spend all of your |the police authorities. dollar or only a part of it for the THE COLLEGE B | But Thomas did not die, however. | next purchase you make may depend OR E [When his message reached the po-|uponm how closely you read the adver- PHONE 913, or {lice station, it was found that Por |tisements. . ' EN NIGHTS . . [01d Thomas was in the "lockup" on| The Dominion experimental farfi JOHN McKAY [Limited i |& charge of vagrancy, having brn |will have a whole wing in "he hortl- ' . [taken into custody on Friday night [cultural building at the Canadian Na- . . : {by Constable Beaupre. tional Exhibition this year. Eleven Manufacturing Furriers | Thomas David has been before the [different branches will be represent. magistrate a score Or more times, ed. . 149-157 Brock Street - - Kingston, Ont. [on & charge of vagrancy. He has| The American Canoe Association . {been sent to his home in Picton [annual meet for this wear ended on | many times, but, like the old story Friday. There will likely be quite =m | about the oft, he always came back. |s few of the members remain in ; wee He has a warm spot in his heart for | camp for a long time. Some may Kingston, and even though disturbed stay the month out. y |by the police so many times, he Is| The new coliseum which will ba 'always ready to risk being arrested | used for the first time by the Cana- [as long as he can breathe the nice |djan National Exhibition this year [fresh air fn our midst. On one oc-|hag § 1.2 acres under roof. The judg- |casion, not long ago, when Thomas ing ring, which is larger 'han Madi- / (had been sent home -to Pleton on lson Square Garden, has seating ac. aoel. [the train, be started back to Kings-|commodation for 7,600 people. (ton immediately on 'his arrival in - ® } | Picton, and then when he got back DEAN STARR IN LONDON. ito Kingston he telephoned the police . to say that he was back again. For|, Newspaper Man Writes About the and i Oh Henry! ps8) herve, Thomas "takes the he sos gaiae Resor, = die MISSES' and WOMEN'S DRESSES smart styles in Hons. mre "Diary of a Man About T , in th a : > : Got Sixty Days in Jail. LORE Bors ou: Town," 18 the spuns, Serges and Poiret Twills, in light Blue and Navy. Sizes 16, A winning combination--Chocolate bars of qual. Thomas David was arraigned be- fy - I have had the 1 ity that have proved winners in Kingston. fore Ald. R. B. Kent, Who Was on [encountering Dene Bicisurs of again 18, 20. Regular priced up to $19.50. On sale, Saturday, .... .$9.50 | the bench in the police SouMt oh S4% | "yuo Daay 1s 4 yeni! -Waechelor. KHAKI DUCK, 19¢.--500 yards of fine, Khaki'Duck--suit- i re Si ane Boh e : 0 si ays i ' of restoring his physical health. He ' 4 ' is 1 ound (oa he wan 2p agua 16, he [oe pose hen, He alle for Men's and Children's wear. This is the balance of the stock | pleade: ard. for a chance to gO ihe war broke out. A member of th i 1 [3a to Picton, bu. thre was to: [Ct on eh haere of Factories Ltd. Regular price 40c. yard. On sale Saturday 19¢. yd. ng doing." e acting magistrate Ing anxiety to be doing something | informed Thomas that after he dia prompted hi p 00 ERS CROTHERS Wherever Candy is Sold KINGSTON {his "Dit" at the county jail, he was |, the Wat Ofte. reat oe BOYS Bl, M ' 75, GINGHAMS, 25. It back to Picton. The accus- ; ' : . Established 1869, 60 to uo hack 12 Picton, Tus sess Thy wero accepted, and Dean tars 15 pairs of Boys' Khaki Duck | Small Checks, Plaid Ginghams | sentence, and as per usual did a lot | "Pretty soon Ms consrepe in or Bloomers; sizes 26 and 28, nice- | and plain Chambrays; 27 inches =! of grumbling. He has had so man% Kingston, Ontario, becam t { : : . . . = a | chances that the authorities have nis spsence ac' mocame, oAtive at ly trimmed, with four pockets, | wide; in fine English and Cana- | used up their patience on him. knowing something of the impres. belt loops and elastic fastener. dian makes. - FOR SALE A visitor who celebrated on Friday | gion the Dean had created among the S with an expensive bottle, had his Irish Guards, wrote to the Bishop of a . ; : [Roliday expenses added to. when the [reek 147d: Wats 10 the Bishop of turday Sale ...... 75c. pair Saturday . .. 25¢c. Yard. HO Faire Aosaroome, Uectile liahis, gas, 3- fil court imposed the usual fine of $10 [should be permitted to remain. How- y y roughout. 80 new gar- *08 : : ' . . . ay age--Collingwood Street. 8 and costs. ever, it was eventually thought better Clearing sale of LADIES CORSETS m Pink or White with SOLID BRICK HOUSE---S$ rooms, electric lights, gas, 3-plece BARD V that he should return to Canada, and : : » furnace--Johnson Street. This home can be Purchésed oh HEARD VIA RADIO. before ha left the Guards presented elastic tops. Sizes 19 to 30. Saturday sieves avavi aL 0 986, pair very easy terms. Lin ith a set of communion vee- PICTORIAL MAGAZINE September aa 15c. British Whig. : M. P. TRUMPOUR [| rie ou B4, ® * | disappointing evening for tha radio 237 Bagot Street i | tan. 'The presence of thunderstcrms TRY THEM TO-DAY! | IN MARINE OIROLES | | in the near vicinity of the ¢ity caus- | § Rr e-------------- ent | 8d 2 10% of interference nately QRM, IN and continued until around 9.80 | The tug Thomson and two barges : When the alr cleared soméwhat and |8frived from Tofonts on Friday ew [ BELLEVILLE CREAMERY several stations were hear. Schanec- |8vening, and cleared for Montreal. : . 4 J [tady, N.Y: was very goo! the last| The steamer Susié Chipman will Friday and Saturda part of the first Friday evening con- [CléAr on Sunday morning for Bodus THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE . J cert and the second concert was Point to iw) <¢oal. heard throughout its entirety. A few é fOsh-boat Bhibley arrived $1800--Hickson Avenue -- Belleville Creamery of the numbers played were "Just |lrom Point Milford on Saturday framv house, 6 rooms, shed. | Granulated sugar .. A Lille Love Song," "Ship of | morning, and cleared with cargo for a n E Lot 75 feet x 280 feet. { Dreams," "'Nuterasker Suite," "Smil. |Cape Vincent. IR Corn Flakes . - § in' Through," "Come to the Fair," | The steamer Edmonton was flsat- aes tanta dommes [ $000--- Hickson Avenue -- Kippered Snacks . J | "Atta Baby,' "Weep No More My |od from the Collingwood Shipbuila- | j]e d s , -- p frame Cottage, 4 rooms, kitchen Magie Daking Powder (1a) 31e.. J | Mammy' and several others. At 1:3 [Ing Company's dry dock, on Satur- ery an ! es Buy R 1 Estate No ¥ and shed. Lot 60 feet x 84 feet. close of this coficert WOY requested |day morning, and will clear for the Faney Package Dates ..2 for 10. q head of the lakes. . Ki on's Millineria $5100--Well-docated cornér Shredded Wheat $4100 1 [0 sungustions fot improving [ead < steamer Toronto Arrived fromm heir roadcast ng programmes. $8200 J -- s Toronto ahd Rochester on Saturday Parisian Shop : AMES STREET -- detached frame dwelling, with ¥ grocery with 7 roomed brick Faney Spiced Cookies .2 tba. 23¢. § | 8urinpnield, Mass, the Westinghouea rOOMS, garage and sta dwelling, newly decorated, elec- Fine Old Cheene "4 | station, WBE, was also heatd test- |mOfning, and cleared for Prescott. 338 Brock Steget ga ia, The steamer Brockville arrived $1650--RUSSELL STREET---Dwelling, * with improvements, ric light, , good cellar, yard Shortening (3s.) ing and came In véry good. KDKA, Sele igi, gs Y [108 2d o Pa. and Wr, Newark, | {fom Picton Saturday morning, and ' large lot. Easy terms. . and cement floored barn. Tea, with the flavor . SAlada Tea .......... 2 Ihe. $1.00 3 I N.J, came in for a lot of praise tow. |8ftef unloading freight, will clear | Memories } / General Insurance. SAVE THE DIFFERENCE | ards the end of their concebt. WHAM | for Alexandria Bay. | 3 $8400--DIVISION STREET, NO. 855--detached brick cottage, 1 : 7 rooms, Fireplaces, E. light, gas, hot water heating. . ' ' 4 Rochester, N.Y., were also on hand te crime FIYONY outs Vought 481 sua, {at 8 p.m. With the baseball scores, | Last Saturday evening, the Pres: |[ git, in the quiet evening, On caty terms. : this station was not heard very plain- [@ing ceremony in which Miss Stella Ere its trials had begun. CABM AND CARRY 1y. Viola Sly was unjted in holy matri-| And out of the echoing silence, HOUSES FOR RENT AAA AAA AAA AAA Et - vary good concsria on. An opers ts. tied, $17.00--35 Pine treet--6 rooms and tollet. . ¢ y Amy Qrant will be the fea. (§ "The Hat Store" Cherish the scenes of the long $20.00--301 Collingwood Btrest--8 rooms, E. light. instrumental music including "Hap. Oh, the happy years of childhood! v py Diya," "Little Boy Blue," "My They passed like a summer's . FIRE INSURANCE fn best companies--iowest rates. dream! . Don't Overwork Them KDKA will have Radio Chapel! at.f Comes the voice, with a tone of ead- ; . p.m. and 7.30 the community Open WON'T BOTHER YOU IN A ness, Money to Loan " Real Estate and Alr Services from the Wilkinsburg SUITABLE HAT As the breezes softly blow, - Soe 9 bedtime stories, ete., but on account |byterian church at Franktown wit- When the work of the day is done Cullen & | of the interterance mentioned above, | essed a pretty and interesting wed. | And think of lifes' fair morning, $1850--RAGLAN ROAD (near Barrie) -- detached 7 roomed a e frame awelling with improvements. Easy terms. * ° i ALFRED sad PRINCESS STW. | WGY does not transmit this even- | mony to Hugh B, Perry, Franktowa. Comes a whisper, soft and low, Phones 520-806. 46 Dreck Se 3 Ing but both KDKA and WIZ have | mamas. "The years have sped, and youth has $12.00---96 Barrack Street--5 rooms and tollet. ture at 8.15 from WJZ while KDKA ago. .l - will have thelr 9 p.m. programms of $35.00---196 Ordnance Street, 7 rooms, E. light, gas, B, and O, 1-Be Kind to Your Eyes, [™u secon. a Da a te) - The Sunday programmes will in- And th 0, with dance and : yes, clude WHAM, Rochester, with A WE ATHER Fv y Fire Insurance. . church sermon and music at 8 p.m, As I drifted down life's stream. * Federation of Churches, Wilkins- "The years have sped, and th has burg, Pa, WJZ will Rave radls BUY TO-NIGHT iy di 2--Remember your eyes are living Bn van dua as % Prion Ji Cherish the wanes of the long . : Prayer, Newark, N.J., at 6.30 p.m. : 9s things, very much alive and ac- , [| readings and records from the ""Bub- Where now are my- loved Comptes . ble Book that Sings" by Ralph May- fons? tive. Do not overwork them, and her, at 7 p.m., reading forsthe older The wave sous. to le "Siinmt . : boys and girls, including backwoods \ 188d." if they feel strained give them your tales by G. D. Roberts' book, "The : 3 y gt y Feet of the Furtitive," at 8.185, a ARM my Beast groms sad with long ' X : ] i . musical programme by Gertrude v " : immediate attention. They are fusesl program Soran, Bagon _ "ouch of a venished : Dereaux, pianist and accompanist. band. the best friends you have, and you Ey Bt iad steompantel But ove. while life remaioeth, 'cannot afford to neglect them. OR Tas Sie a syioned " _ Thoush gears hare @ed, aod youth (Il 48.4s--sten's Fine Mack Gun Morn Lace B ivy. pair ry : has fled Vos. Teepe SaleetWo Myles: wide toes, medium The Westinghouse station KDKA, nalts Satish the scenes of the "toes. Regular $4.50 values, sises 8 to 10. , Pittgburg, Pa., has just installed an L171 L Apimer. Out. 3--DO IT NOW. Aeolian orchestralle for church ser : P| vices and sacred solos. This organ a -------- - $4.43--Men's Fine Brown Blucher Lace Boots with Goodyear welted soles; wide toes and rubber heels. Shoes sold Consult: PER has already been heard in tests and = t llest expectations. W. J. Healey Finishing Volume. everywhere at $6.00. All sizes Tr ens ho Mntest _-- Waiter J. Healey, Watértown, X. 3% | $3.95 The recitals will be given quite often Y., is at Westport, fo¢ a fow weoks $3.05--BIG SALE MEN'S FINE BROWN AND BLACK OX. i - D 0 S. {for the purpose of putting the finish : ® ® e, «Ue : : ing touches to a volume of verse : v we | eititled "Celtle Mist and Sunshine" FORDS, ALL STYLES, ALL SIZES--§8.95. | which he purposes publishing. Hea- S. J. MAR Registered Optometrist ! | | 1&y, whose stage name Is Barrymore listen 1 . 018%. 1 has played in the subport of Frafk 341 XING STREAM. PHONE 1018 a ---- Keenan, Amel'a Blaghem, John Don't forget that it is always the iazon and others ang jor thres years bottom dollar that counts, Saded a moving picture company.