FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1922. THE DAILY BR ITISH W Hl G. FE Hot Weather Suggestions ft Grape Juice .......... 400. Lime Juice . Family-ade Effervescent Magnesia . . .. LAVALIER LT. BEST Prescription Druggist Phone 59. Open Sundays $20.00 We are making the | above offering of the Brushes up quickly; creamy lather || i} ]agt of a series of very and retains its molsture i attractive 50 1 i d White Gold Necklets set with Solitaire Diamond Drops. DR. BELL'S SHAVING CREAM 800 shaves .........35c. a tube | These are beautifully made, and have been priced regularly at | SMITHBROS LIMITED Dominion Meat Store Opp. Y.M.C.A. Phone 1268J Down Again! Belleville Creamery ESTABLISHED 1840 KING STREET, KINGSTON SI'RING LAMB (Real No. 1) DR. S. E. PORTER Corner Alfred and Johnson Streets tt Phone 1072F. BE ------------------------------ PROMPT DELIVERY A REAL BARGAIN IN FURNITURE POLISH 4 doz. 4 oz. bottles Liquid Veneer J .s veo «er: 30c. 23¢. en. 6 doz. 12 oz. bottles Liquid Ve- neer...................60c, 5 1-3 doz. 12 oz. bottles Mop Pol- shu... isa... .i.i.00e 7-12 doz. quart bottles Liquid Ve- neer..................51..25 90c. ea. I 1-6 doz. Junior Liquid Veneer Meps.................51L.25 13 doz. large Liquid Veneer OP8.....vivcoiuvv......32.00 $1.25 Don't miss our special table. You will see something you want. McKelvey & Birch, Limi d I General Contractors, Heating Specialists, Steam Fitters Plumbers, Jobbers of Plumbers' and Gas-Fitters' Supplies, Stoves, Shelf, Heavy and House Furailshing Hardware, Tools, Oily, Beat Supplies, Sheet Metal and Tia Work; Electrie work; Painting ang Paper Hanging. Special work of all kinds undertaken. "se ee "ame seu 40c. ea. 40c. ea. 90c. ea. ® Specials For Aug. Sale This is the 25th Anniversary of our Sale. One Living Room Suite -- 3 | Nine Fibre Chairs, very close- pieces, walnut finish, cane back, 3), aves. nuging 48 pice from I es "4 Gd}. Togo at $9.40 S . $109 00 Be oy eon JRuis, x13. frecial $109: Special $57.00 A great number have taken advantage of our offer to store goods for six weeks, free of charge. Make your fall purchases now and we will hold them. Pianos, Victrolas, Victor Records and Sewing Machines. T.F. Harrison Co., Limited Phose 90 | | From the Countryside do 1 Frontenac OATES. Aug. 19. --Harvesting is about fin- | ished in "his vicinity and the thresh- | ing machine will soon be making its rounds. A number from here attend- ed the ball game at Wolfe lsland on Saturday. A number from Westport spent Sunday with friends here. Mr. | and Mrs. M. F. Keyes, Mrs, E. C. Feurt and 'Jack' called on friends here recently, A party of American tourists are spending some time at Dr. Freeman's cottage. MISSISSIPPI. Aug. 22.--William Olmstead re- turned to his work at Elliott, having | spent a week at his home here. Mr. land Mrs. E. C. Walroth, | Lake, spent the week-end with rela- {tives here. Mrs. Collopp and two | daughters, of the United States were { visitors at the home of Mrs. G. Olm- |stead this week. Willlam King, | Perth, made a business trip to Mis- | 8issippi last week. The steam shov- |el has returned and is busy hauling 'out gravel from the pit. Stanley | Geddes made a trip to Christy's Laka {and Perth last week. Mrs. G. Olm- |stead, John Riddell and Miss Lucy | | Riddell attended the funeral of their | |aunt, Mrs. A. Castle, Maberly, on {Monday 14th August. ARDEN. | Aug, 18.--Miss B. Johnston, Tam- | worth, is visiting at Mrs. H. John- |ston's, Leslie Green is able to be {around again after being ill for sev- |eral months. Harry Alexander, {Frances and Fred Alexander, Jean |and Margerite Fletcher motored to |Deseronto on Friday where they spent the day with relatives. Mrs. Charles Loyst and Mrs, Ellas Parks visited at Mrs. G. Steele's on Thurs- day, Mrs. Oscar Wood fs at Mrs. H. Steele's. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Monds |spent Sunday at G. M. Kirk's Mr, {and Mrs. G. Steele were at Mrs. | James Watson's on Tuesday evening. {Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pringle are spend- ing two weeks visiting relatives in Kingston, Miss G. M. Jeffrey, Ver- ona, {s attending the post office dur- ing Mrs. Pringle"s absence. Miss Jenet Ross, Toronto, who has been | visiting at Mrs. A. Osborne's and Mrs. Is Alexander's, returned to her home on Tuesday. Tamworth, are spending the holidays with their grandfather, John Steele WAGARVILLE, Aug. 21.--Owing to the fine weather of the past week the farm- ers are busy cutting grain and re- port a good crop. A number went on the excursion. Dr. and Mrs. G. 8. Cronk and daughter, Belleville, spent the week-end at his parents, M. Cronk's. Quite a few took in the corn roast at the home of J. York, Parham, Saturday evening, in aid of the Anglican church. All report a very sociable evening. James Sills, Detroit, at his mother's, Mrs. J. Cox's, Miss Martha Clark, at her home for a few days, has returned to Kingston. Mrs. W. A. Wagar pent a few days at Verona, at Mrs. J. Wagar's. Master Verdene Wagar spent the week-end at his uncle's, B. Cronk, Enterprise. Miss Helen Dykeman, Toronto, at her cousin's, Mrs. F. G. Kirkham. Mrs. Clement at her father's, Clinton Wagar. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Wagar, Wallaceburg, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William McCumber, and other rela- tives. All are glad to see them again, McLEAN. Aug. 21,--Mr. and Mrs. J. Morris and daughter left here on Thursday to return to their home. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wood spent the week- end with her son, Nelson Smith. Miss Mary Raycroft is leaving to-day for Napanee. Service on Sunday was well attended. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Wagar and son and Mr. and Mrs. J. McLaren, Moscow, at J. Raycroft's on Sunday. Mrs. Richard Lily, Mrs. George Redden and son, and Overton Lily, spent the week-end at A. Fos- ter's. Mr. and Mrs. Earl M. Storms, at George Goodberry"s on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kirkham and family spent Sunday at William Cousins'. Miss Alma and Emerson Snider and Wesley Babcock spent Sunday afternoon at J. Raycroft's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Brown and family spent Sunday at F. Smith's. Bert and Darl Brown have been visiting for the past week at E. Brown's. Miss Lena Keller and Arthur Wil- (© FJ SUNBURN n * wish to extend our deepest sympathy Sharbot | Everton and Alma Lott, | 'mot, visiting Miss Lula Asseltine, Percy McCulla and | Syranus KEmbury, visiting Andrew Hare. . { MYER'S CAVE. Aug. 21.--A severe electric storm | passed over Thursday night but mo {damage was done. We were very sorry to hear the sad news of S. ! Drysdale, Cloyne, who was _ killed Thursday by his runaway team. We |to Mrs. Drysdale and family who are | lett to mourn, Mrs. John Grey, | Miss Katheleen 'and Basil, Harlove, | were Sunday visitors at Mrs. J. R. | | Perry's. Harry Levere, Cloyne, R. G. | | Hamilton, Miss Pathena Snider, | {Mrs. D. MacGregor and two boys! spent Sunday at G. Hamilton's, Ar-| | doch. | | Miss Marion Cummings, Cloyne, is | with Mrs. J. Perry now. Sandy | | Perry and brother, George, left on! | Monday for Nodegg, Alta. We were [sorry to see our painter go away. Mr. and Mrs. O. Perry and family, {also Mr. and Mrs. F. Valniff, Fern- | | leigh, were Sunday guests at Mrs. | Tom Perry's. Herby Hawley spent! Friday evening at Plevna. A number ; {from here are planning to attend | Kingston fair. | PARHAM. | Aug. 21.--Black & Smith shipped | {hogs on Tuesday. Mr. and Mre. | { Glover and children have returned to | | North Bay after spending some time | {at Willlam Simonett's. Miss Nelle | {Smith and Miss Luella Smith, West- | | brooke, are visiting relatives here. J. | | A. Goodfellow and family, B. Snyder, | | Mr. and Mrs. Bateman, Mr. Brown, | Mr. Allan and G. A. Smith were in| the city on Thursday. Fred Barr has | | gone to Oshawa. Mrs. G. A. Smith, | | Mrs. T. E. Wagar and children visit- | fed at J. N. Smith's, Clayton Barr, | North Bay, is at W. Simonett's, Miss | | Della Cornwall is visiting at Tich-| borne and Oconto. Guy Wagar has | gone to Dorsett. The English church | {held a corn festival on Saturday | | evening. It was well attended. Dr. | Cronk, Mrs. Cronk, Miss Harriet, | | Belleville, visited at L. B. Cronk's. | (Mr. and Mrs. A. Griffith, Toronto, | | visited at W. D. Black's. Mr. Brown | | has returned to Portland after spend- | ing some time with his nephew, L. B. | | Bateman. Mr. and Mrs. R. Goodfel- | {low, Belleville, are at L. B. Bate-| {man's. Mrs. Barker and grandchil- (dren, Watertown, N.Y., also Mr. and | Mrs. McCumber and family, Verona, | at William Goodfellow's. dred Adair, | | Howes'. Mr. and Mrs. J. Campsall at| | 0. R. Clow's. | | Miss Mil- | Oshawa, at A. B. ADDISON. Aug. 22.--The farmers are nearly all through harvesting and the sound of the threshing machine is to be heard in the neighborhood once more. Misses Mary and Flora Watts are spending a couple of weeks at Elgin and Chaffey's Locks, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hill, Bellamy, spent Sunday at R. A, Hill's, Some farmers from here attended the farmers' picnic at Delta on Wednesday. J. Freeman, New Dublin, spent the week-end | here. Miss Mildred Hill is visiting in Brockville, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bigford, Mallorytown, visited their daughter, Mrs. Herbert Brown a day last week, Miss Marjorie Giles and brother have returned to their home at Harlem after a week's visit at J. Pattermore's. Rev. Mr. Merdithe oc- | cupied the pulpit in the Methodist | church Sunday evening. Robert Watts, Soperton, spent the week at H. Watt's, CHARLESTON. Aug. 21.--Miss Yates, Miss E. Lyons, Miss M. Lyons, Miss Nina Mulvenna, Athens, Miss Drum- mond, Brockville; and Miss Code, Smith's Falls; enjoyed a week here at the lake. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slack and three small sons, Lyn, were visitors here over Sunday. Some of the cottages are being vacated. Guests continue to arrive daily at Cedar Park. On Friday evening they held a masquerade dance when a number of the guests and several others took part. Some from here at- tended the farmer's picnic at Delta on Thursday. Mrs. Glenn, Westport, is spending a few weeks at T, Hefl- erman's. T. J. Foster, Brockville, spent a few days here last week. C. Marne and wife and Miss Leggett, Owen Sound, Miss Barnum, Brock- ville, Miss Dixie and Mr. Elmer Mer- ron, Brockville, were recent visitors at W. Halliday's. There was a small runaway here on Monday morning when E. Latimer's horse took fright throwing the two boys out. However, little damage was done. FALLBROOK. Aug. 22.--The farmers have al- most completed their harvest. The hum of the threshing machine will soon be heard. James Lister left for Oshawa to-day, where he has secured a good position. Miss Mary Keays, Ottawa, is visiting at T. J. Ennis'. Mr. and Mrs, Benjamin Wil- lis, Lanark, spent Sunday in Fall- brook. Mrs. White and little daugh- ter, Florence, are leaving for their home in Powassau to-morrow. Mrs. Peter McDonald is much improved. Mrs. Elliott and her son, Michigan, visited at Frederick Buffain's last week. Miss Anna Darow is spending & few weeks with friends in Perth. There are twenty entries in the Canadian National Exhibition band competitioon this year, against sey- en a years ago. The judging will take place on Music Day, Aug. 31st. | SATURDAY Zelda Cousins.| pee PROBS :--Saturday, cloudy and cooler. See Enumerated herein are some exceptionally attractive val- ues that should command the attention of all thrifty shoppers. From 9 to 11 O'clock Double Discount Stamps ! Shop early Saturday and save 10% on all your regu- lar cash purchases. This should also prove of exceptional interest to our many out-of-town customers, who come to town Saturdays. August Sale New Fall Coats Saturday ] 7.50 Values sold up to $25.00 each. 50 smart, new, Fall and Winter Coats --developed in all wool American Ve- lour and Checked Backed Burberry Coatings. All of the season's most advanced styles and colorings-- in sizes 16 to 42. This is without doubt the greatest bargain op- - portunity on regular merchandise ever offered at the opening of a new season. We invite any comparison--in or out of town. Any coat will be laid aside until wanted by the payment of a $5.00 de- posit. New Fall Dresses PRICED AT .....ceininsunns.. $10.05 2nd $15.95 Worth regularly .................$13.50and $22.50 100 attractive, new, Botany Wool Serge Dresses, in a host of beautiful, new styles. The colors are Black, Navy and Brown. There are many new trimming effects of Braid, Rib- bon, Silk and Buttons--with a good sprinkling of novelty sleeve effects. Altogether this showing bespeaks of all that is fashionable in the new cloth costumes for Fall, SATURDAY ...... $10.95 and $15.95, Home-Sewing Week Specials In Dress Goods, Suitings, Silks and Cottons contin- ued on sale for the last time to-morrow, teacy's - Limited | The Women's Store of Kingston