BRITISH Ww HIG. TUESDAY; AUGUST 29, 1923. THE DAILY DELORME WILL FIGHT ~~ |°="5F wfancemioE coat AGAINST INTERDICTION A Local Dealer Has to Charge $23 a Ton For Lal His Brother-in-Law Wants a it. Curator Appointed to Ad= | sp ; eC | The price of coal is at present In ¥ : minister Estate. la nebulous state. One Kingston deal- LIMITED Founded 1847. Custom Tailoring | ' {er has secured a car of chestnut coal | Montreal, Aug.-29.--It is announc-1 oy oy "oo veq in Kingston next | If you place your Fall tailoring order in our hands you'll make no mistake. Our Blue Suitings are best imported Worsted Botany Yarn, Indigo Dye, guaranteed fast color, *45.00 up to *60.00 FINE ENGLISH WORSTEDS In plain grey and fancy effects. $50.00 up to $65.00. SCOTCH TWEEDS AND HOMESPUNS $45.00 to $55.00 Test our work. Satisfaction guaranteed. eo © 9 Livingston's 75-79 BROCK STREET If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk ANDERSON BROTHERS Limited. Private Phone 865. Public 458-450. Wholesale 1767. NOTE SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Peaches Early Crawford now coming forward in quantities. They are a very fine sample, and, of course, you know the extra good quality. Selling in 6 quart and 11 quart baskets. 18 quart crates, Plums Are all the best preserving varieties, and we have a large assortment for your selec- tion. Damson are hardly ready for immediate consumption. Pears Bartletts are a splendid sample this year. This is the best time to order Bartletts, FRESH MEAT DEPARTMENT Special, 1,000 Ibs. Stewing Beef . . . 6c. Ib. CUSTOMERS, PLEASE NOTE ! Store closes Wednesday 12 a.m. instead of p.m. : fed here that Adelarde Delorme, de- tained in Beauport : um, intends |to make, through counsel, a vigorous fight in the ciyil proceedings which {have been instituted by his. brother- !in-law, Adelarde Tetrault, to have the patient interdicted as being in-| sane. | | The petitioner makes his demand | lon the allegation of "insanity," and | {in his conclusion to request for in-| {terdiction asks that a family councll be called to "advise the court whom | to appoint as curator to administer the patient's estate." | | THE STOCK MARKET. | Reported by McKinnon & Co., Royal | Bank Building, Market Street. | NFW YORK STOCKS. | Aug. 28th, 2 p.m |Amer, Loco. .. . | Baldwin Loco. . |B & O. |B.R.T, {Cosden Oil ICP.R, rs as [Crucible Steel ... |C.M. & St. P, | Erie dew ae |Gen. Asphajt ... ... | Gulf States Steel ... | Int, Paper | Marine, pfd Nye ... ... .. |New Haven ... . {Northern Pacific ... | Reading dt aa [Southern Pacific . .. | Sinclair Off ... | Studebaker { nion Pacific ... U.8. Steel AAR © 00 80.00 UO ~3 DN ~1 ~3 ¢ oo MINES Hollinger ... Wasapika West Tree ... . Teck Hughes ... JOHNSTON & WARD. | Members of the Montreal and Toron- { to Stock Exchange. MONTREAL STOCKS. Aug. 29th, 2 Abitibi Power Ames Holden Atlantic Sugar Bell Telephone Brazil .. Brompton British Empire Common Can. Cement Can. Steamship Pfd. ........ Can. Car Ptd. Can. Steamships Common Dominion Textile Detroit United Gen. Electric | Laurentide .. | Montreal Cotton | Mackay | National | Ogilvie | Penman's .... ! Quebec Rails Spanish River { Smelters Shawinigan .. Steel of Canada Toronto Rails Twin City Tips from the Ticker. President Harding has abandoned plan' to seize railroads and coal (mines and will concentrate on tn¢ | movement of "coal. Following | meeting of Secretary Davis and Lew- | ig" in Philadelphia, the settlement of [the hard coal strike will come witn in a week, acording to information from sources close to the leaders. Coca Cola declared a regular qua- terly $1 dividend. Chairman Brad- ley says the earning for the first har of 1922 are equal to about $5.75 a share on common stock. Governor Miller asks the New York legislature to create a state fuel administrator to assume com- plete control of the distribution and prices of all fuel. Britain has agreed to the French demand for control of German in- dustry providing a moratorium f reasonable length is granted to jus- tify the step. Germany is to send a delegate to | Paris to attend the Wednesday meet. ing of the Reparations Commission. Financial Opinion. New York Financial Bulletin -- The market is expected to continue one of cross currents with a general separation of essential from non- essentials in the industrial list be- cause of the coal scarcity. Rails, equipments, public utilities and cop- pers are still favored as purchases during moderate recessions. Housman & Co.--There has been heavy selling throughout the list yet the market has absorbed it with nothing more than an ocasional slight hesitation . - . Homblower & Weeks--The public has not come into the market in suf. ficient numbers to invite distribu- tion on the part of insiders. Wall Street Journal--Professisn- al operators took advantage of the many uncertainties in the current economic situation to launch a sell- ing movement throughout the list, Arrested at Napanee, Toronto, Aug. 29.--Word was »r. ceived at Toronto police headquar- j ters that D. R. Simpson had been :r- rested on a warrant charging him | with the theft of a suit of clothes from the Teasdale Clothing Co. pa- |tective Sergeant Walter McConnell 'left to fetch Simpson to answer the 'charge. 4 '| mouth, village park, Thursday; August | week. Orders have been taken from | {householders for fifty tons at $23 a| {ton. When asked why the price was | {so high the dealer stated that he was | | obliged to pay a premium of $8 a ton | on the regular price in order to get | this car and he cannot sell it for less | than $23. He does not expect that | this condition will continue long. Only the urgency of the consumers made it necessary to pay the amount § demanded in this case by the coal profiteering sharks across the line. DENY LIVING WAGE AS NEW SCALE BASIS U. 8. Labor Board Will Not Go| Beyond the Transportation Act. Chicago, Aug. 29.-- The mainten- ance-of-way men lost the first skir- mish in thelr fight for increased wages when the railway labor board today denied the "living wage' as a basis for fixing a new wage scale. "The board will not go beyond the transportation act," the decision de- clared. "If we find that the living wage is a just and reasonable wage as prescribed by law, we will adopt it. It would be superfluous to an- nounce in advance the theory on which wages would be fixed. We will give every consideration to the arguments of the maintenance men, but we must comply with the law." CEP FIFPRPEIREEPEEE ED & STEAMER FOUNDERS; 150 ARE MISSING Santiago, Chile, Aug. 29.-- One hundred and fifty persons were reported missing today when the Chilean passenger steamer Italia, bound from Val- paraiso to Coquimbo, sunk off Choros Islands. SPE b bP reer hd - CEPR PFEPEORIPPO NOS Offer Good For Wednesday. Basket of Apples given away with Basket of Plums for 60c at Carnov- sky's. A race of giant gorillas which were believed to have become extinct has been discovered by Howard Ross, provincial commissioner in the south- ern province of Sierra Leone, in the course of his investigations in'o cer- tain jungle atrocities. Crops in the maritime provinces have been injured by heavy rains. The Reichsbank has advanced the discount rate to seven cents. DAILY MEMORANDUM, Corn supper, St. John's church, Ports- 31st, supper 5.30 to 8 o'clock. Com- munity singing after. Supper 25c.; grounds only, 10c. PRINTERS HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. : BORN. . MILLAR---In Kingston, at 78 Victoria street, on August 28th, 1922, to Mr. ard Mrs. W, R. Millar, a son. mm MARRIED FRIZZEL--BRISTOW---At Watertown, N. Y, on August 26th, 1922, by Rev T. Raynor, Trinity Church, Norval T. Frizzel to Edith Mary Bristow, {both of Kingston, DIED. HANLEY--In Kingston, on Monday evening, August 28th, 1922, Dr. George Joseph Hanley, son of Mr. ard Mrs. James Hanley. Funeral from the family residence, 73 Gore street, on Thursday morning, at 8.45 o'clock to St. Mary's Ca- thedral, where a solemn requiem mass will be sung for the repose of his soul. Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend. IN MEMORIAM. In ever loving and affectionate mem- ory of Pte. Thomas Henry Bocking, 4th C.M.R, who died of wounds in the Battle of Amiens, August 29th, 1918. Just a thought of sweet remembrance, rem our memories fond and true, Just a token of affection And a junging still for you. When the & es of night are falling, And we are sitting all alone, Ther: ¢ften comes a longing If you only vould come home. --Sadly missed by his father, mother, brothers and sisters. - nt - CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our many friends for their kindness and sympathy, also floral tributes received during our sad bereavement in the death of Mrs Cleary. --Husband and nieces, J. C. Cleary and the Misses Langdon. x KINGSTON'S FAVORITE SHOPPING PLACE Phones 754-755. Store Hours 9 to 5.30. "Get Them Ready For School' CHOOSING APPAREL FOR THE SCHOOL GIRL They start out full of excitement after the holidays, and really their clothés must be Keyed up to the same pitch. Don't you agree? Two br three" White Middies are needed: Bloomers and Pinnies and plenty of Hosiery. White Middies Made from strong, serviceable Middy Twill with Navy Flannel Collars, and are priced at-- $1.50. At many schools the Middy is regulation, so this af- fair if White Middy Twill with the Navy Flannel Col- lar is most popular. It has a three-quarter sleeve, pocket and white band on the detachable Collar, NAVY SERGE BLOOMERS $1.25 and $1.50 For late Fall and Winter wear these Serge Bloomers are ideal, made from all Wool Serge, they are decidedly warm .and comfortable. Children's Pinnies 75c. Every little girl needs at least two of these pretty little Pinnies.. Made from fine quality Print, in a range of pretty stripes, they will wash perfectly, and the excel- lent quality Print assures long wear. All sizes, SILK COSTUME VELVET $4.50 YARD Silk Pan Velxet in a range of pretty shades for Fall and Winter costumes. A beautiful, soft, lustrous quality; fully 34 inches wide, and in the colors--e ROYAL. FLAME, EMERALD. WHITH, BROWN. BLACK. THERE'S A CORSET specially designed for of your figure. All the virtues, with none of thé mistekes, and but a fraction of the cost of made- Corsetry, are available for you in our Cor- We carry ~ ¥ 1) by {/ THE NEW FALL COATS Tailored from handsome fabrics and in such pretty styles, the Coats this year are indeed very striking, Sport models or those more elabo- rate, tailored from heather wool mixtures, Polocloth and Velour. Some are belted, and with manned pockets and notched collars, others hang loosely from the shoulders and are elaborately embroidered. $25.00 up. to-measure set Department. a complete line of the makes, and this enables us to offer an exceptional service in Corsetry, Moderate Prices. Come in and see for yourself what moderate prices we charge tor completely comfortable Corsetry, STYLISH STRAP SHOES 3.48 Three styles of stylish Strap Shoes-- suitable for girls and grown-ups--ex- cellent value at this price. Patent | Strap, low heels, round toe. Patent | Strap, military heel, pointed toe. Kid | Strap, Military heel, medium toe. --$348 LOCKETT'S