'TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1022. Lin ---- a A ------re ee -- DR.AW.WINNETT «+ To Chim DENTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets Phone 363 For moving of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, " | PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF | EVERY DESCRIPTION . one 377. Eveaings 2231. Vibe WELLINGTON STREET Dr. Waugh Dentist 106 Wellington Bt. Phone 256 on Transfer Co. When in Kingston stop at HOTEL RANDOLPH THE POPULAR HOTEL Central location. Rooms with hot and cold running water. Special attention to Transients. Meals served on Daylight Saving Time OGILVIE'S Insurance and Brokerage Office AGENT FOR EXCELSIOR LIFE, ROYAL EX- CHANGE, FIRE, SICKNESS AND ACCIDENT, BURGLARY. G. HUNTER OGILVIE 151 Wellington Street WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street. Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res., 1137. W. R McRae & Co. COAL Cholcest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by us. BOGTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 188 INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brock Street Phone 424 GUNNS MAPLE LEAF COOKED HAM >. Made from Pork Sausage } Put up in one pound net tins, Cooked fresh -- the flavor is surprisingly different to what one § the thing for holiday tri nt i - Firm BON MARCHE GROCERY Corner King and Kar! Streefs, Phone 1844. PA ist FOR SALE Military Tents -- Lelis and Marquees--at reduced prices. Also mew Camp Cots amd Chairs. i. Cohen & Ce. we 3 Ualaro oi. Pusues sob, S07 Had Diarrhoea | Terribly Bad plaints such as diarrhoea, dysentery, { colle, cholera, cholera morbus, chol- era infantum, or any other looseness i of the bowels, will find that Dr. Fowl- | | er's Extract of Wild Strawberry will | | give quicker and more permanent re- [lief than any other remedy on the market to-day. { Mrs. Roy Keith, Chariton, Out. { writes: --*1 am writing to tell you what Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry did for me. Last sum- mer my. children had diarrhoea, ter-| | ribly bad, and they would vomit and {pass a great deal of blood. 1 tried | every remedy we could think of, but i finally bought a bottle of Dr. Fowl- 'er's Extract of Wild Strawberry, and | bout one half of it stopped the diar- rhoea altogether. | eral others about it, and I would not be without it in the house, as I can truthfully say it saved the [ives of my two children." Price, 50 cents a bottle; put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. DR. H. C. MABEE 79 WILLIAM STREET JPhone 286 BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son | 81 Main Street. Phone 1670. PIANO TUNING Plane Tuning and Repairing. Also Organ Work, All work guaranteed, PETER D. BROWN 12 Markland St. Phone 2397m, REMEMBER "If you want dobing done, don't call on us, but If you want first-class decorating, then telephone 2090J. for fainting udiness. W. H, FRANCIS 38 SIXTH ST. Phone 20007. and decorating is our Anyone suffering from bowel com-| I have told sev-| - SORE THROAT COMMON AILMERT 18 FOUND IN D8 THOMAS' ECLECTRIC OlL | The Telgmann School of Music | | | Piano, violin and other stringed in- struments Alida V. Telgmann, BE, | teacher of Elocution and Delsarte sys- tem of Physical Culture. Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on applica- 484 BROCK ST. | Phone 2217). ee Tere Norman §. Wright & Co, Ltd. Soiee Agen, Toreuws, Unters This store prides itself upon the excellent stock of TOOTH BRUSHES. Our customers find the shape and size they desire. We have good values at 25¢ and better at 85c., 40c. and 50c. The better Brushes are guaran- teed to hold their bristles. ' Also PROPHYLACTIC in soft, medium and hard bristles, fully guaranteed--60c. each. Buy your Tooth Brush from: M. R. McColl PRESCRIPTION DRUOGGIST -- Ther: are abou. forty varieties of csler wuiows known to botanists. ll | considerable digging in some places. 1 i ii The members of the local Rlumb- "iers' Unlon- held a very enjoyable pie- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG er i ------ | -- 7 | Kingston and Vicinity | | | na¥atso been placed in charge of the | | tomato plant of the same factory. | Tomato canning begins this week. | Public Schools Renovated. | The public schools are in readiness | for the re-opening on Sept. 5th. Dur- | ing the summer considerable work | has been done on them and several | have been largely renovated. Under | the supervision of John Macdonald, | secretary of the Board of Education, workmen have been making the nec- essary repairs and at the present time | the grounds and buildings are in| splendid shape. | Intends to Move. tion was held as a result of their A report is current that Dr O'Rell- | doughty baseball team winning the | ly, of Calabogie, intends to move to hard-fought Mercantiié champion- {Chapeau in the near future. {ship. The employers gave a holiday {for the purpose and it's a "leadpipe leinch" that the outing was one long to be remembered, Came From Clayton, N.Y. The yacht Dauntless brought a rumber of Clayton, N.Y., people to | | Annual Ball Held, | At Alexandria Bay, N.Y., on Aug. ! Camps Near An End. |25th, the annual ball was given at This week will see a number of {the Thousand Islands Yacht Club. camps being closed for the summer, |The affair was largely attended, and {so as to get the children home in |Was one of the most enjoyable of the time to start school next week. {summer season. The semi-weekly dinner dances will continue until | the city on Monday afternoon. spss I . WOODWORK Sash, Doors, Turned Posts, Balus- ters, Spindles, Balls, Stairwork, Panel- work, etc. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Say and Wetimgtos Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 68. Factory Phone 1415. ' pe ---------- will Change. Determined opposition not only by Belleville but by the township of | Sidney is promised if the Canadian | Pacific and Canadian National Rail- ways apply for permission to sub- | [stitute a wigwag signal for the Motor Traffic Brisk. Sept. 9th, on which date the last A number of motor car parties are [dance of the season will be given in passirg through the city this week to | {he ball room there. attend the Toronto exhibition. The | (service stations are profiting thereby, i A Coal Shortage Recalled. pha an Regarding the shortage of coal, an THE A. B. C. WASHER Let us loan you one free for next washday. "THE ELECTRIC SHOP" F. GRACE Phone 1543 115 Brock Street Bought a Farm |old resident recalled to the Whig on | | {watchman at the crossing in front of | Mr. Edward' Shaw of Toronto, | Monday the fact that about twen.y |St. James' and Belleville cemeteries | lon the Trent Road. It is understood {that the railways are about to apply! {tor ap order of the Railway Board | for substitution. | , |Years ago there was a big strike and {formerly of Pieton, has bought G. |that it was Oct. 1st before the local F. Spaltord's farm dn Athol and Will |, gor, ahie 10 secure coal car Teturn to Prince Bdward county 10(go.. "an; ire resident stated that | reside. {even at this late date the local deal- | |ers were able to get in a sufficient | A Town Park. = ter . "Tha Campbeliford council has pur- supply to meet the local demands. | johased a lot. in the centre . of the Better Than Ever. jio¥n and alter femoving the bulld~| yu, L100 of mun Falls Col- ing therefrom will convert it into 2 | egiate Institute, sadly depleted by park. | the resignatioon of teachers, is now {complete again, and i, is felt by the Board of Education that a strong- er staff has now been secured than Concerned About Her Son. Mrs. Eva Hyderman, Napanee, is | very much concerned about her son, {Charles Ernest Hyderman, who when | laet heard from, had bought a ticket | | bound for home from Mebane, North | Cwrolina This was last April and | {all inquiries concerning him, when | {he failed to show up at hom®, have | Back to School Suits. Our range of Boys' Suits are the | AFTER THE BOAT TRIP Dine at The NEW ENGLAND, Kingston's most ap- to-date Cafe, and nearest to the boats. You are assured of getting real tasty food, daintily arranged and exceptionally courteous service. The New England Cafe 331 KING STREET. Private Phone 655. KINGSTON, ONT, CAN. Public Phone 027 ibest values we have ever bought. See | ,our range at $6.50, $7.50, $5. . All sizes and styles Prevost Clothing | House, Brogk street proved fruitiess. Mr. Hyderman is !a retnrned Canadian soldier and went | overseas with the 155th Battalion, | under command of Col. Adams, of | Picton. | the school ever had before. There {has been a material increase in sal- aries, which range from $3,600 to $2,000. Each teacher is a specia- i Train Did Not Arrive, {Ust. There was very little traffic on the | 3 {return "rip of the steamer Waubie New Manager Appointed. {from Cape Vincent at Monday noon, H. C. Platt has been appointed as the New York Central train failed ,2Cting manager at the Lakeside Can. to put in an appearance, ning Company branch factory, No em re---------- 45, Dominion Canners, Wellington, Toronto, following the death of Gordon Math- well-known | ews. Mr. Platt has been processor at |'"Uver." this factory since 1912 and is a na- No communication or gift can ex- Boyce Wiltsle "haust genfus or impoverish charity. | AA AAA A AA ind ASPIRIN UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you Because there is no equivalent for H in the Russian alphabet, Russian newapapers have to take liberties | with certain names. For instance, President Harding becomes President "Garden," and Mr. Hoover, Mr Has Restaurant at Mar<hall Reid, the (Kingston caterer, has a big resiau- {rant and lunch-room on the grounds |tive of this village. |of the Toronto exhibition, and he has | >" {several local young men in his em- rloy. | 1 ' i To Rush Work Ahead. Another carload of paving blocks {arrived in the city on Monday, and ithe work on 'he streets will now be {rushed to completion. The workmen are now finishing the foot of Brock street section To Help the Project. At the regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute held in Well = Your Wrap For Next Fall and Winter It is not too early to decide what is to be done about a warm Wrap for the Fall and Winter. There are just two things to do. Either have the present Fur Coat remodelled or fixed up or else see what can be done about a new Fur Coat. It will be a pleasure to advise you whichever the case may be. Gourdier's BROCK STREET are not getting Aspirin at all ington, it was agreed unanimously to guarantee $150 toward the pro- ject of securing two nurses for the | schools in Prince Edward county. Are Growing Anxious. Many citizens are becoming anxious concerning the prospects for buying their winter's coal supply, as the set- tlement of the coal strike remains in- definite, and it {s understood that the sale of cordwood is booming as a re- sult. Road Patchers Busy, \ The road patching gang ave at work on Clergy street west, and con- | siderable patching has been found | necoseary to put the road in good | condition. In same sections nearly the whole centre of the road was worn away. Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," «which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis ~~ Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets--Also bottles of 24 and 100--Druggists. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufact of - aceticacidestar of Balicylicaeid. While ft is well known that Asplri; po Hous manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tablets of Ba will be stamped with their general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross." To Remove To Toronto. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Gracey are pre- paring to remove from Gananoque and take up their residence in To-| ronto with their daughter, Mrs. Ida Low. They expect to leave about the first of September. To Put Up Steel Bridge. The Ontario Bridge Company, Hamilton, will put up a steel bridge across the Salmon River where Wy- man's bridge collapsed some time ag0. The steel has arrived at Lons- dale staiton and will be put together at once. HOME COOKING NO MATTER HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT LUNCH, YOU can always find something to suit your individual taste on our menu. The courteous service which we have al- --Individuality-- | TWEDDELL SUITS are so designed that -dura- bility, style plus individual- ity, are the leading features --Styles becoming to those of the most discriminating taste are the ones to be found at: -- TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) ------------ Attending Court Convention. T. M. Asselstine left Tuesday noon for Toronto to attend the annual meeting of the association of clerks and registrars of the supreme and | county courts, the executive of jewhich he is a member. The meetings will last several days. ways extended to our patrons, plus our real "home cook- ipg," has built our business to its present growth. ROYAL CAFE GRAVES BROS. PLUMBING, TINSMITHING, STEAM HEATING, HOT AIR AND HOT WATER HEATING All work given our personal careful attention. HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE 211 Princess Street Phone 332 157 Princess St. Secure Athol Bonds. W. L. McKinnon & Co., Toronto, have been awarded an issue of town- ship of Athol bonds, amounting to $4,000, bearing interest at 6 per cent., and repayable in twenty vear- ly instalments. The money is to be uesed for the erection of a school. The bid of the McKinnon company was 101,882. Presented a Flag. A flag pole is to De erected at the Gananoque Golf Club building, the work being done by Haymes. This pole and a large Canadian ensign have been generously presented to the Golf Club by Garfield Hood of the Ontario Steel Products Cem- pany. x Isolation Hospital Building. Rapid progress is being made on the isolation hospital building. The contractors are now preparing for the mason work at one end, the foun- dation having beem dug. The work has been going on little over a week, and soon a gang of masons will be st work. The foundation required Thireshers' Supplies Belting from 1 inch to 7 inches. Cylinder and Machine Oils. Belt Lacing Packing Boiler Tubes In fact everything necessary to operate your outfit is carried in Lemmon & Sons ' 187 PRINC ESS STREIET Had a Fine Picnic, : ric at Kingston Mills on Saturday at- ternoon, when an informal celebra- [ii Phone 191. Children's Stockings FOR SCHOOL WEAR Good, heavy, Black and Colored Cotton Stockings, in all sizes. Fast colors for 25e. a pair, : 7 Fine Lisle Stockings in White, Black and Brown, from .........35c. a pair to 50c. Pure Wool Cashmere Stocki wear-well quality; in Tans, Whi Black. Priced according to size, from 50e. a pair up. Golf and Length Sox in Wool, Cotton and Lisle--a big variety of colors and styles for....................40c. a pair up W. N. Linton & Co. The Waldron Store. | ngs -- the ite and $