Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Aug 1922, p. 2

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, AUGUST 81, 1022. ---- ---------- ---- THE TEACHING STAFF | (Good tato--topemanmre py) Fur Merchants 1880, il 52 eo vi FOR THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS LORD NORTHCLIFFE'S - AND Z those who recognize intrinste [List of Teachers Issued For ' worth. | Opening of the Schools > 9 wo | Tuesday. A Rotary Club is to be organized | ARNING © | | ; at Renfrew { | The teaching staff for the public ' ra : | Good coke iy at present selling at | sek p En On sda hu, rhien open on Teale nem twenty dollars a ton. | 'Beware of Japan! Jt is Yrom the Orient that KATHLEEN NORRIS |2 lst of teachers for the various| THe Woman who is too busy to ore houtle of the ond Jp Sing to il Remarkable "wonian to woman" talk thiat | 3 study the store ads is losing money | e" 1 » is last interview with Cor- | every wife will want to read schools: . every day. | nelius Vanderbilt, Jr., will appear in : Victoria gi 2; Nis Bused: Mr. Swain, pao tuner, orders BUNDAY'S CHICAGO HERALD AND And many other big features, including xr on; . a 2Y » |F. 1V, Miss Gordon; Jr ' el | received at 100 Clergy street w. | EXAMINER WONDERFUL SECTION OF "FUNNIES" i | { from c 3 i ; Miss Hie MeKAY; Stringer; Je oY, Mes lise HT Phone 564w. Also | GREAT ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY FURS Scammer: 3 1s Miss English: Jr. | Jimmy" Kane, of the local post. SIR OLIVER LODGE'S MAGAZINE oo 8 2% y Rg 'ne 81 i office staff, has returned to the city Article on "The Futility of Suicide" and the i ' » S186 Hoppin; II, Miss Hipson; II, after a few weeks' holidays. | Penalty of self-destruction. ON SALE Now, Miss Abrams; II, Miss Spooner; Sr. A. J. Drury, Queen street left | {I, Miss Parrott, Sr. I, Miss McWat- Wednesday to take a special month's | J : : {ers, Jr. I, Miss Laturney; Jr. I, Miss course ina New York hospital. f Macfarlane; K.P., Miss Hughson, The winners of the two sections in , Sydenham school.----Jr. and Sr. the Central Ontario Baseball League | I HE {GL Miss Conley; Sr. I and II, Mise Will clash on Sept. 15th, 16th and | : (Cunningham; Jr. 1, Miss Black. 20th, ' PHONE 919, OPEN NIGHTS . » JOHN McKAY, Limited [| amermiir 3 vk, J me oso st the Hous o | 9 { Beaton. Si ,. |Frovidence is to close at eight | | . Central school.--Sr. IV, Miss Ryd- {5 e100k Saturday morning with the | ---- Manufacturing Furriers er: Jr. IV, Miss Boyd; Sr II, Mrz. | oeromonies of reception and confes- | Filson; Jr. IIT, Miss Volume; II, sion. | 149-157 Brock Street - - Kingston, Ont. { Miss Harqld; Sr. I, Miss Allan; Sr Contractors for the construction of | resrente I and Jr. 1, Miss Compton; Jr. 1, the assembly rooms at Macdonald | -- | Miss McTear. and Frontenac schools have their ma- | | Robert 'Meek school. -- Sr. IV, torial on hand and a start will be | { Mr. McDougall: Jr. IV, Mrs. Galla. Madde Oh 'the Work ot ccs. . o @ her; Sr. Ir, Miss Singleton; Jr. IIT Mournful news reached Kingston | . Miss M. Kelley; IT, Miss VanLuven: Thursday when a circular was re- | { Sr. I, Miss McBroom; Jr. 1, Miss A celved from the Ontario Licenag | { Kelley; Jr. I, Miss Easson: K P joard announcing increased prices | ' Mite Ferrier. Bool... for certain lines of liquor. fontenac school--1Jr. IV, Mr Readers of siore advertising under- | 3 4 0 M. bel! | eke: StL, Miss STeworth! T5. Lond avs secre Savor tgitg ul no | : hs wes finds our Show Room crowded with h a | IIT, Miss Pound; II, Miss Fenning: h tation | a 1 1 1 1 ° A A merchant who values the reputation a nne displa of the 1 > sr. I, Miss Elliott; Jr. I Miss Daw-16¢ nis store will permit the use of fi] play atest creations in Suits and and fiom: J5-1. Miss Polk; KP. Mise 1, jo7, 20 Stove Will p People are edu- u Coats for Fall and Winter wear, { Wilder. cated as to values, Oh H / | Macdonald school.-- Sr. IV, Mr Rev. R. H. Bel, D.D., who has | / / | Seott; Sr. ITI, Miss O'Shea: Jr IIT, returned after spending a vacation | " L enry. [tee Sanderson; IT, Miss Nesbitt: Sr, at Muskoka, conducted the weekly | Y ' 7 I ] SUITS . Miss Coleman; Sr. I ang Jr. I | prayer meeting in Sydenham Stree: | \ / ne \ 3 > . : | Pre 8 e aa Ja Mea. Lowden: Jr. 1, Miss agra, | L107eT, mooting Syjeatam site ude French Tricotine, Broadcloth and Serge, in / & combination--Chocolate bars of q K.P; Misa Greontees : 11 th 1 f : : Ity that have proved winners in Kingston. Ritess oo Mize B. Wirt... | HE a € newest styles-- ur-trimmed and tailored ef- Rideau.--Sr. I, Miss E. Wilder: Acres of paved streets will be given f . Jr. 1, Miss Baxter, over to a community dance af the ects. Colors: Navy, Sand, Brown, Taupe, Rein- TRY THEM TO-DAY! Louise. --Sr. IV, Miss Lovick, Jr. Canadian National Exhibition, this deer $42 50t $85 00 TR ets ent niaicinicinicr. . 0 . IV, Miss Walker: Jr. III, Miss Hay- vear on the closing night. Music wil] ward; II, Miss Danby; Jr. I, Miss be furnished by one hundred bands- | Ohlke. men, | Orphans' Home. -Mrs. Gamsby. A. Henry, well-known Kingston COATS tate citizen, underwent a serlous opcra- | I . . . s Weorever Candy is Sold KINGOTON GEORGE YOUNG LEAVING. |1ion tn the Hineston savers ore Our showing of Coats is a Pleasing one. It includes " s ren tal on Wednesday morning and is c . . Established 1869, | For Detroit, Mich. ~His Good Work |, on a slow recovery. The oper- | Velour, Duvetyn, Broadcloth, Bolivia, with fur or in "Kingston, ation was very successful. fet : : ' . . Hundreds of pergons whose lives | TS ey orwell, eal te | fof zim in ie season s nobbiest creations, were brightened bythe kindliness ef Canadign National Exhibition 1s de- olors r 7 . | George Young, for several years di- signed to commemorate the recent . own, aupe, Reindeer, Sand, Navy; all [ROM OF the Miliary Y.M.CA. here, | Virgo, (UAISMEISo 188 Fecoh: sizes, and priced from . . . . . -+.$16.50 to $95 00 | will regret to learn that he is leaving the best and most elaborate pageant . {for Detroit, Mich., on Thursday yet attempted by the C.N.E. | night. Mr. Young came to Kingston |" gp J. Wilson, general secretary of BRICK HOUSK--7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, eleetrie Hghtn; gas; 3-plece from London, Ont., at the Christmas the local Y.M.C.A., is spending the ' bath; furnace; hardwood floors downstairs; verandah--University Ave. season in 1918 and he started in at week-end in Moroni and will return CHILDREN S COATS Owaer leaving eity, : : BRICK HOUSE--2 story and attic; § 5 bed lectri pice on his work of bringing joy and [op Monday evening. Mr. Wilson is . 5 Hghts) gan; 3-plece baths Rot Water heating) Riera: ano oe | happiness to those who were sadly in combining attention to some busi I'he children have not been overlooked in our range of warmth- ~~NELSON STREET, {need of it after the heavy strain of ness mgafters with the pl t e he: stra as a pleasure o . . No information given over phome. Please call at office. | the war. In all the summer camps Pe ren the fair. producing Coats. All sizes to show at .... "sais varies $5.00 up of the troops as well as in the locel Fred Lawrason, London, is to ad- M. B. TRUMPOUR [military hospitals the appearance or dress the Kiwanis Club at the week- | George Young meant that there WAS |1y luncheon in the Hotel Frontenac 237 Bagot Street "Phones 704 or 1461w i la good time coming. He organized | on Tuesday next. Mr. Lawrason will | hundreds of entertainments, movies, represent the district governor, Bev. drives and other pleasant events for Hay. Charles Taylor, of the T. F¥. me. Tr Tw TUT 4 the soldiers and continued the good | Harrison Company, will be the i work until the Military Y.M.C.A. was | booster. ewman aw PICKLING disbanded a few weeks ago. An article by Wells does not secure VINEGAR 1 Mr. Young also took an interest in |a wider reading than our store ad- the cadet camps and the boys were |vertisement. The really popular 200 3 8 J [8lven many a good time through his |authors are the writers of advertis- The Always Busy Store, io lathes oe Finest Quality Cider and J | thoughtfulness, In Mowat hospital [ing--for they appeal to the daily brick, 7 rooms and bath, elec- White Wine Vinegar | [last winter he organized over forty needs of people, 400 Gal | concerts for the benefit of the pa- v, . jLients and his efforts were not con. --- -- SPICES fined to that place, for, with the co- Labor Day Excursion. hd - tric light, hot air furnace, good : cellar and barn. Lot 66 x 182, 4 J | operation of the churches, he organ- Pure Ground, Whole or ] ized entertainments in Sydenham $2,850--2 Frame Bungalows, To the big celebration at Clayton, gfe d S li Vixed a | hospital and any other place where NeW York. Interesting pioframme M ery an upp es Sealers, liings, Paratvax ldie Te ga- | 311 day. Steamer Brockville leaves ; ealers, as, | soldiers gathered. Newspapers maga ferry dock 10 a.m., homo at § pr Riugstin's Millsicela Toronto St--=8 rooms, 8 plece TO LET zines and theatre tickets were sent p } Stone cottage, Front Street, SOCOA | out regularly for the use of the oa Fare, adults 76¢; children, 50c, Parisian Shop NN A ith Portsmouth, $12.00 per month. All This Week | tients, drives were organized and in $22 Brock Street LIVINGSTON AVE.-- Cement $3,000--Ordnance Street--detached brick; modern, Mother's Favorite Cocoa {| a score of different ways Mr. Young A A --------r-- i eB! block, 8 3 plece bath, elec : ; "MOTOR M TORONTO. GH H: Wi oom. J. 4a. 2 Ibs. 26¢ admirably fulilled the purposes of MOTORED FROM T #4,200--Alfred Streot--semi-detached brick; 10 rooms; modern, 1 Ib. Given Free | the Y.M.C.A. : Victory Bonds bough . The departure of Mr. Young win {Local Men Cover the Distance in Six $5,000--Victoria § Dew with ga Sal) ry Bon ught and With 8 Ibs. be greatly regretted for Kip sere un the in treet brick yn James Amodeo, son of M. Amodeo, $5,000 reet--detached-brick; modern, . R. H Waddell has lost a man who did much to pre- t : Princess street, and William Kares, $3,800--Earl Street--semi-detached brick; modern. ; CASH AND CARRY Phones 220-890. 86 Broek 8¢ serve a splendid spirit of morala Cc ho h among the troops. Everyone will of the Superior Ice Cream, who have ps y been spending the past week in To- CHATHAM STREET---a new brick bungalow, at a bargain price, [ ALFRED and PRINCESS STa. Wy | bath, electric light, hot air fur. } nace. Lots 85 x 140. p Akh Aa a Vy wish him success in his new field of : y endeavor in Detroit. p ; ronto, returned to the city on Wed- re nesday evening. They made the trip HOUSES FOR RENT p b p > b - - bp p p 3 p 3 BUYS PULLMAN ISLAND. |in the former's racing Ford equip- $22.00--254 Rideau Street--8 rooms--B. and .; gas --s : d 'were able 5 p ped with a Bud body an $22.00--301 Collingwood 8 - Albert Gilman, Prominent Merchant NL to make the trip in six hours which in Rochester, Purchases It. + is exceptionally good time. Numer- $12.00--Lower Patrick Street--Bungalow, Albert Gilman, One of the most ; | ous detours and speed regulations in tov Prominent merchants in Rochester, y | the towns along the way delayed the FIRE INSURANCE--at lowest rates. Kas recently purchased Pullman Is- j trip but the little blue racing car, land in the St. Lawrence and is build- | which has attracted considerable at- Phone 589w, ing @ summer home there that will tention since it was purchased sev- rival some of the most beautiful AUGUST joel weeks ago, stood up splendidly Money to Loan at E Ww Mullin & Sop While in Toronto, . Places in the islands, under the test. bar mclaand ctuaed on SALE Nl cast eae. os Be maa the old Pullman Bi pe Ends Saturday PRUpment Joy Jee cream parion, Johnson and Division Streets a Junie la the, been rebuilt, Rather than end our August oni At Sydenham Bake. left 'for ; he home being butid by Mr. Gil- | coo of Furs the middie or J, WHINE Armstrong ha wondins man is on the of a Cali bungalow, being le luis 3 the week, and by the request of three weeks the guest of George design. The entire front of the many, we will continue it until Connor, "The Breezes," Sydenham C ° 9 S F Lake. Miss Sarah Hendricks, Tren- hildr owe is monde a Sipe Saturday night. Hundreds of ton, is the guest of Miss Helena Con- en S ummer ootwear : ; 5 pleased patrons both in and out nor, "The Breezes," Sydenham Laks > y ingston taken advan- Mr. and Mrs. Edgar To y C 3 g-rooms, and back of these are 5X have reol, were guests a "The Breezes," AT CLEARING PRICES Headache of the most painful and per- the kitchen and servants' quarters. |[j "6° Of the summer discounts camp. . : Misses' Brown Leather Bare- sistent kind is a Very common symptom of The rear of the house is built in the |] WO Bow offer on our entire ack : Bh empon, Now Jor, 2 : & foot Sandals -- sizes 11 to 3 form of a huge enclosed plazza and stock of Furs. People every. Ji fpending A . strai This is ic will George Connor, "The Breezes," Syd- , eye strain. particularly true of the be used for sheeping purposes. where bave long known that [Jl 05078" er LE hildrew's Brown Leather 2 Besid h h e one gets from atten th Mitchell, oF ue oy Fextus when we advertise a Sale, it Mr. and Mrs. W. Jones, Dr. Lock- y A ., at coe... $1.00 3 . ridge, Tamworth, Arthur Beddows, TTT - ours ofl read or sewing, meaus a genuine cut in the Kingston, epent the week-end af Hl BOYS' AND GIRLS' BROWN * correction of this de ect 18 to relieve the hy price. The appreciation of "The Breezes" camp, Sydenham. RUNNING strain i i asses, "MILLS FURS"--their su | Miss Helena Comnor returned to : with gl . > : fority over all others in pa, | "The Breezes," after spending a g ; Has Not Secured Counsel. > week the guest of Mrs. Frank CANVAS LACE Consult: Interviewed by the Hamilton Her- and quality--has been a mark- ams NHL oan AS J Eh. at. d, Dr. Archibald T. Eaton, of that ee The same in sizes 11 to 1, at = ® . city, defendant in a breach of prom- Watch Fivecent Coins, sé ; ise action for $7,000 brought by Miss According to reports made to the oe ® *Welde Mildred M. Heasler, ; {| Whig, some of Canada's t stated athe tad not { 3X f H ( {cent pleces are being . mistaken * A : counse! whom to } BAAS RH ACRE | twen'y-five-cent pleces, end care Registered Optometrist | tion. . = ' , (feeds to be taken, One Kingston 343 KING STREET - "PHONE 1019w. --_-- : Rb lady reports having been given one of \ : : : The worst swindler is the one who Al 'he new five-cent pieces for a quar- cheats himself, er, Ahhh ad i5.

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