Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Sep 1922, p. 15

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3 Por raves relight | particulars OBIT Ay band Sacha i Sept. 23j0ct. 26 .. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1022. . CTS AM AND TRON SEA AGENCY FOR ALL DCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES _ Special attention given your family friends going to or returning from 01d Country. For information and rates apply te 2 P. HANLEY, G.P. and T.A.G.T. Ry.| Kingston, Ont Open day and night, : 'PHONE 99. > | : UNARD & ANCHOR A LE LL EEL Mentreal te Glasgow Sept. 8|Oct. $|Nov. 3 ... +... Saturnia Cassandra Montreal te Liverpool Sept. 16jOct. 14{Nov. 11 . -Ausonis Sept. 23(Oct. 21 Albania Oct. 28 . Tyrrhenla i Meoutreul to Plymouth, Cherbourg Hed Lomdon Bet. 9/0ct. 14iNev. 18 . Sept. 0|Nov. 4 Antonis | +. .Andsnis cesar nenas come. N. Y. te Queenstown and Liverpoo: i Sept. 1410, 13 ... 1a Sept. TO0ct. § « Jaaconia Mauretania' N. Y, Cherbourg & Southampton Sept. 5/8ept. 26/0ct. 19 .....Maureiunia Sept. 12j0ct. 310ck 24 Aquitania Sept, 220€t. 13 ssvcesvveres Berengdria | N. Y. Ply, Cherbourg and Hamburg | Sept. §,0ct. 14 : Saxonial ® Carcnial : Beaton «= Liverpoel «~~ Queenstown | Sept, 20 ...cannvcves Bassires 'fyrrhenia Oct. 19 «vos samnsaraniee "amarial N. Y. to Glasgow (via Moville) Sept. 910th. T . vevennveenns Cameronia Sept. 18/0ct. J¢{Nov. 11 . Columbia Pept. 23 ..ocnsssntnnss Algeria N.Y. to MEDITERRANEAN ; Oct. 38 (Cruise) Tyscania Nov. 21 (Crylse) Laconia Nov, 25 (Cruise) ...ee es vaswe es Beythia | Dec. 8 (Cruise) *.. po «Tuscana | Jan. 24 (Crulse) o.. Bamaria | Feb, 10 (Cruise) «... aronls | Feb. 10 (Cruise) ......s.«.Mauretania THE ROBERT REFORDCO.,Liwiep GENERAL AGEN #0 KING STREET RAST Bilious Attacks An Usually Rue . When you are constipated, | school at 3 pom, | preach. | Christ" IW. W, Chown's Sunday Services in Churches Chalmers Church. -- Rev. R. J. Princess Street Methodist Church Wilson, D.D., minister. Services at|---Rev. John A. Waddell, minister. 11 a.m. and 7 pm. The minister will [Services 11 a.m. and 7 pm. The preach. You are invited. { minister at both services. Sunday --- jechool, 2.45 p.m. Epworth League, St. Paul's.~Morning Prayer, 11 Monday, 8 pam. prayer meeting, o'clock. Preacher, Canon FitzGerald, | Wednesday, 8 p.m.; WMS, Thurs- M.A.; Sunday school, 3 p.m.; even- |day, 8 pon. Strangers and visitors on FitzGerald, M.A. | ing prayer, 7 o'clock. Preacher, Can- fron welcomed. \ ad | St. James' Church, corner Union St. Andrew's. -- Rev. John W,!and Arch streets.--T. W. Bavary, Stephen, minister, Services, 11 a. | rector, the rectory, 152 Barrie and 7 p.m. Conducted by the minis- street. 8 a.m. holy communion; 11 ter. Sunday school, 3 p.m. Strang-|a.m., morning prayer and sermon. ers coydially welcome. Sermon subject, "Let Down the -- Nets." 3 p.m., Sunday school; 7 Bethel Church, corner Barrie and |p.m., evening prayer and sermon. Johnson streets.--Services, 11 a.in. Sermon subject, "The King's Cove- and 7 p.m. Sunday school, 3 p.m. nant." : Subjects; morning and evening, "A| -- Fainting Hero," and "Women's| Queen Street Methodist Church, Rights." Miss Sexsmith will play. corner of Queen and Clergy Sts.-- You are invited. | Rev. W. B. Lennon, B.A., D.D., min- -- » ister, 11 a.m., quarterly sacrament W.T.C.U.~The lar meeting of (81 service; 3 p.m., Sunday schoo! and the Woman's oa Temperance, ible classes; 7 p.m, "Spiritual Su- Union will be held In the\Y.W.C.A. burbanites--A Lesson from Jesus of parlors, Johnson street, Tuesday, | HOW to Rreserve ¢ Buoyant Soul Sent. 12th, 3.30 p.m. AH ladies wel- | Preacher both services, the pas- tor. You are inyited. Piret Baptist Chureh, Johnson and Cooke's Preshyterian Church, Sydenham streets.--Rev. J. 8. La- Brock street.-~The minister, Rev. Flair, pastor. 11 a.m. Sermog W. Taylor Dale, will preach at' 11 (heme, "The Important Man." Ber- a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday school at 11 'vice canducted by Pastor LaFlair. a.m. and 3 f.m.; bible class, 3 p.in. | 2.45 p.m., bible school. T p.m., pul- All welcome. {pit exchange, Rev. Mr. Burgess, {Zion Presbyterian church, will preach. Unlon street church, Georgo Zion Presbyterian Church, Pine (0 Lo ougent pastor. 3 p.m., bible street __Rev, Edwia H. Burgess, min-' " 14 : ister. 11 a.m., nvinister will preach; Rehowl. £38. Lisi Worsmp: 7 p.m.., Rev, J. 8, laFlair, of First Yirst_ Church of Christ, Sciontist, Bapifst church, win preach, Beats igo; yonnaon street.--Services, 11 free, Everybody Welcome, Sabbath a.m. and 7 p.m. Subject, ""Sub- stance," Sunday school, 9.45 a.m. | Wednesday, 8 p.m., testimon!al St. Luke's Church, Nelson street, | meeting. Public reading room open --Rev. J. de P. Wright, M.A., B.D., every afternoon except Sunday and rector. ~ Thirteenth Sunday after holidays, from'3 to § p.m., and on Trinity. 11 a.m., morning praye:: Thursday evening from 7.30 to 9.30 2.30 p.m., Sunday school and hibje P-M. All are cordially invited to the clashes; 7 p.m., evening prayer. Rey. | services and to the reading room. T. Leach, Sydenham, will preach '=t | --n both services. | St. George's Cathedral. -- Very iRev. G. Lothrop Starr, M.A, D.D,, {dean and rector, 78 Wellington Sydenham Street Methodist street. Phone 2156. Rev. W. E. Kidd, Chureh.--Minister, R. H. Bell], wiil M.A. M.C., curate, 7 Wellington 11 a.m., "Friendship wiih street. Phone 869W. Thirteenth and gacrament of Lord's Sunday atfer Trinity. 8 a.m. holy Supper and Reception of new mem- icommunion; 11 a.m., morning pray- bers. Bible school, 2.45 p.m.; 7 er. Preacher, the Dean. 3 p.m., Syn p.m., "Christians, Where You Are?" |day gehools; + p.m,, holy baptism; 7 class, 9.45 a. um. |p.m., evensong. Preacher, Rey. W. E. Kidd. Come and worship. ' CHURCH MUST TOUCH ALL OF LIFE By the Rey. Charles Stelzle, a ore "Church Life, limited." sion schools and seitlements, and pro- Baton sata re pro- duced in the bowel to keep Jt was a sign painted on an office [fessors in church schools and col- door--- entrance to a religious news- paper "sanctorum"---and it was high- y suggestive, like men and women--individu- ally--the life of the church is limit- ed when it is out of touch with God. the food waste soft and In thelr salarfés--not nearly so much as workingmen. They haven't gone out on strike-- and they won't guite quit their jobs {--they just aren't built that way. igges haven't had much of an advance : |that made Philip great? \ | Well-- If you were conducting immense | meetings in great towns--working {on "big time"--- and you should be {requested "to go to a desert place without mowing why you were sent --would you do it gracefully? And, it after you had been speak- ing to crowds, you were directed to address just one dividual _would you "ake pleasure in doing it? And suppose your position in so- { ctety depended upon the character of your home life--could you make good uot only with "outsiders" but with the members of your own family? These are tests that 'would side- track many 8 man of prominence $o- day. Rut Philip made good in all of them. There may he mechanics and quite unprofessional men in our midst who may be used mightily of Ged in pro- claiming his message. They don't need to be ordained io go out and preach. The way is open to any of them. But-- before they attempt it, they might better ask themselves wh. . like Philip, they are willing to do the little things in religious work, and whether they'll do them gracefully. Then there's another thing about such sorvico--one must bo ahle to hesr Nod speaking, ms Philip 444, al- {though God speaks to meu in count- ways. But He doos }ead end di- rect those whose minds ard hearts are open to His voice. Road ¢he whole story of Philp, the lay-evangchst. in the elghth chapter of The Acte-- it's fascinating and mighty interesting, RUN DOWN PEOPLE - WEAK AND NERVOUS | Thousands in This Condition Can Easily Help Themselves. There are thousands of people who bear the pain and discomfort of mi- {nor ills in the bope that the indispo- sition is only temporary and will be out-grown in time. Often such ili- nesses are not serious enough to re- | quire the attention of & doctor, but will respond. to intelligent home {treatment if a reliable remedy used, Women, busy with 3 multi- tude of housebold cares; young wo- men fin offices or gtores, or girls {studying hard in school, easily fall {a prey to that condition of bloodless- | ness known as anaemia. The trouble need not be serious If prompt mea- sures are taken to check fit in fits early stages. Dr. Willlams' Pink | Pills will restore the elements need- 9 'ed to bring the blood back to strength | tics | There are certain obstacles to be | oyereopie ip the fee cream line. Eng- | | and once the blood regains its heal {thy quality the entire body will soon show the benefit. Among the many who haye found benefit through the uge of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills fis Mrs. Albert W. Smith, Miscouche, P. E. 1., who says:--"1 was very much broken down in health, had pains im! the region of my heart, and was so short of breath that if I went up- stairs I would have to lle down. as soon as I reached the top. Then a strange, nervous twitching of the THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. a eee ee ets Ice Cream Shows Signs of Increasing in Favor With English Generai Public SEG0VCCITTOCPVT0OP0V0C0P0L Ice cream is looked upon by the average Canadian as a pure and sim- ple American product, and he gives ! no thought te its capability of creat- ing a demand outside 'of tais con- tinent. The foe cream and seft drink manufacturers have thrived sow for some years, and prohibition bas In. creased the consumption of these all- the-year-round products a thousand fold. Gone are the days when artificial fce was unknown, when great hordes of ice had to be stored during the winter months for future use, after being cut from nearby rivers, or when cakes of ice had io be from the more northerly regions. To- day, with refrigeration brought down to thenth degree, it is even pos sible to make ice cream in the home without the common freezer and its tedious cranking. England is going through a period of ice cream Introduction such as this country underwent some years back. {The ice cream vogue is slowly but steadily inereasing 'in favor in rar { Jone pections of that couatry, but {the demand for it is Mmited almost entiraly to the warm weather months, ! {May to October. Small shops are {springing up. and a multitude of | larger ongs sell plain cream of yar- | | tous favors, as well as ices; but both | the jce cream and the ices, Judged by | Canadians standards, are usually of {inferior quality, being often coarse, | watery and flat in flavor. In time {these defects will disappPear as meth- | ods of production improve. Soda water or "pop" and other | non-alcoholic drinks as yet have a very limited sale. Ginger ale is per- haps the most popular, and there is 'some demand also for carbonated {lemonade and root beer. Iced deli- cacies and soft drinks are gr ug in demand. Usually only plain cream is served; few people are familiar with | other fancy dishes of Canada. No | fountains are to be found in the ho- tels nor in the chemists' and con- fectioners' shop of Birmingham, which may be taken as a typical Eng- iiish city," and there is no adequate provision for supply to theatre | erowds. The ice cream brick was introduced inte Birmingham last summer, was (well advertised and bids fair to be AR great success there during het weather. in a local trade exhibition the soda fountain exhibit atiracted much attention. Advertisements and exhibitions in London, particularly of American fountains and accessories, | haye greatly stimulated the trade in | that district, and there is no reason |to doubt the success of similar tac- throughout England. i lish markets are traditionally conser- vative, and the sale of a new line of goods is apt to be more dificult than {afternoon tea sstablished that it is certain to inter fers with the introduction foods | served | of the day. "The summer climate, too, has not the sweltering heat which demands i 166d "drinks and cooling foods, as In See a Leader Ahead of a Crowd usually assume that he possesses and ifhgi Mpg Dat he possiass Sans two features od sy Ee RE oad of oll others. 3. The Protected Element--a smooth disk of 2. The Seamless Ovea--round ~cornered--welded --porcelain enameled --eagily kept clean snd sanitagy and most economical, \ M<Clarys Electric Range London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouvet, St. John, N.B., Hamilton, Csigary, Sagkateen and Edmonton the "sundae," the ice cream sods and ' DR. H. A. STEWA Dental Surgeon Wishes to announce that he has resumed his practice, cor. Wel- lington and Princess Streets. Phone 2092. Dr. n ONE RES A RI 2% AEUIEr. 4EDIES AR w HERE ICH HAS FILLED THIS RE. RN MENT, WHE IRNED Al 357142 "THE INFLAMED PASSA (TANT, ost ans LD. in Cpoade. Also, the habit of taking | has become so firmly | [ew drinks that are usually { stween the three chief meals | So' called "stupidity" on the part of school children is often due to eye strain. \ If your child is backward, let us 30x34 ......$12.00 CORD TIRES 30x34 ......$16.00 TUBES .....$1.78 Larger sizes in It cannot have life if it has jost contact with the Giver of Life. Neither can it enjoy lite if it ks out of touch with people. Dead churches do not attract lve people. "Church Life, Limited." Whether it's wise or foolish doesn't matter, They take on extra work ag a side dine with the result that the church oftem gets the services of tired, over- bnrdened workers, who must be cou tent to mersly do their regular work in a perfunctory fashion--and this posed of a cartain measure of truth, and to that extent they have life, but fenormous job which the church should be doing today, it is getting omebow, we pay our bills to the pro kind of a church. . But it you - every muscle in my body would ap-| muscles took possession of me, and | Wesy paris of America. Finally, the ! and stringent regulations compel | leadership from exhausted men. | parently be twitching. I became very emaciated, and my family were much alarmed aj to my condition. At this time I read an article in our home Pills and decided to give them a trial. The resslc was that in a short time 1 felt much improved, and un- der further uge of the pills I felt like a new woman, had guined in weight cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., | the closing of confectionery and food | shops by 9.30 p.m. and all day on | , thus cutting off the most table hours for the soda foun- tain business. As there is consider- able agitation against these closing { hours, however, it seems probable that the regulations eventually will become lesp severe." Death Valleys recorded » on July 10, 1913, is believed by m x to be the year, but the nL san Set ra y en tion being J than two examine it's at once--don't waltl "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" R. ARTHEY, RO. VISION SPECIALIST 143 PRINCESS STREET ' Carry yoursell RB of sell- ar - assurance, and you will nét only jn= spire others with a belief In your strength, but come to believe it yourself. - Sisossmetiiopimamsne ss ey 209-305 Queen Street FROST'S PHONE B26 MOTOR OAR REPAINTING The SBame Superfine Lasting Finish The Best is the Cheapest--The ar Na" Threshers' Suppli "Belting from 1inch to 7 inches. ; t Lacing king. | i Tub % RT -

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