The Baily British Whig KINGSTON, ONTARIO. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1022 ALLEN | JACKIE "COOGAN in "Trouble" ase YEAR 89; No, 310. . CONSUMERS To own maim coc T. P. LYMAN HAS RETURNED "25% coe 223 me THE SYSTEN FROM TRIP INTO AFRICA ™ = 5==" "s2migeese Aj) WRoNg ' ---------- -- | London, Sepk. 9. Interesting evi-| New York, Sept, 9.--A plan for | dence of British manufacturers' de- lownership and control of coal mines | Kingston Resident Explored Morocco And Went eof mor 5 (hn formation £7 cranny em ene 2 roles | Far Into the Great Sahara Desert | A ar ec 2 A ee = Swe ent Many a As the Guest of the Sheiks of the +24 of October on 3 tour stag Spa fy 3 Ki Lyman's Two Daughters With [vit Barticipaterin ths eThibitio Him In His Travels. fd [PLAN FOR OHUROHMEN TO AVERT WORLD WAR Free Church Cleric Proposes Council of Christian Lead ors in London. A SOLUT, : | London, Sept. 9.-- Following a re- | -- Harshness of Burden of 5s" =a. o2e i As To Directors | (Canadian Nati . Sunday comes a vigorous appeal for . Pension Proof. - [Free Chater rat * pr kaewn Applicant Cannot Come in Contact With Man Decid- who, in The British Weekly, declares that the world 1s drifting again to ing His Fate. Ottawa, Sept. 9.--Harshness of War, He urges the churches, Protes- tant, Roman and Greek, to arise {from their slumbers and ward off the ap- preaching catastrophe, E Dr, Jowett suggests that repregen- tative leaders of the Christian church meet in council; of peace in every ' Yarious Names Are of For the Presidene of Board. - Ottawa, Sept. 9.---It Is well {aaristy of British goods across the dominion, leaving Montreal at the i Or eet Ani. ter, of mixture of racos, and above | yesterday. all of order. The inhabitaats, who firms were exhibiting, are Mohammedans, are 800d moral | Leaf Milling: Company, which lately living people, testified Mr. I'ynwan, opened an office In London: W. and not the debauchees that inany | Clark, Montreal, prepared foods, and westerners believe them to be. !the Gerrard ' Wire-Tying Machinery, Admiration was his predominant | Limited. feeling in relation to the Arabs. sald | the Kingston traveller. They were | (Bpecial to the Whig.) Quebec, Sept. 9. --Tlraveiling through the land of the Moors and tbe Araboc has be:a the pastimes for the last nine months of Theodore P. Lyman, Kingston, who thoroughly erplored Morocco and Tunisia and went far into the griit Sahara de- sert. . He returned to Canada by the 5.5. Empress of Bri'alu. which dock- €d hers yesterday, accompanied by the Maple writes Dr, bis two daughters. "A tempo Tary coal commission," Warbasss, of congress, could Pro machinery, while the organizing to own mines. Such a consumers are commission should he first class, | ------ a fine type, upstanding and strong, | consist of an 1 pre- good horsemen, true friends, and] sentatives or rp Toute: dangerous enemliés, but the French | workers and the mine owners, The government dealt too severely with | chairman should be addi ; When seen by ths correspondent them, and 'did' not respect their re. ed tional and of the British Whig, Mr. Lyman told ligion, Be went on, and the Arabs, who are on a lower level than their | and administer the burden of proof; proper considera- Uon not given to evidence supplied; no proper effort on the part of the Board of Pension Commissioners to created by act {investigate claims or evidence, toge- vide a central | ther with apparent determination not to pension were charges made nation and adds: "Let us have a council of peace in London, with de- legates from every part of the Em- pire; let the delegates be distinguish- ed Christian men, not drawn. merely from the ranks of ecclesiastics, but the wider realm of commerce, art, against the Board of Pension Com- missioners at yesterday's sitting of the Royal Commission investigating charges as laid by the G.W.V:A. lon vice-president of the Tuberculo- als Veterans' Association and presi- dent of the Quebec branch, took the when Victor James Lockie, Domin- | Hterature and labor. Let us have a three day's council at the heart of the Empire, not merely to make speeches, but to visualize and demon- {body which has in its custody the morals and ideals of Christ and to emphasize the Intention to give them strate the existence of the corporate | that the cabinet have been this week with the barrassing lem of the C. N. R, direct Apparently it 'is as far from tion as ever. The prime expressed himself, last night, { guely hopeful that an early nouncéement of the personnel ot {new directorate would be but the Illness of the minister {Ways and the absence of almost | the cabinet, who would nec { have to be consulted about presentation of their own @re serious handicaps to prog The latest rumor is that the j of traveldug up hill and down dale, throughout Europ. Although he thought that things hal! not yet simmered down on ihe continent, he longed for a more Piéiuresque coun- ry, and to'be in tha ntidst of a win or and more primitlys people. Hence this trip to Africa, He disembarked at Tuals, known to history as the haunt of the Cor- sairs and pirates, afror a sea trip by their due elgnty in the recon- Tr dus sovereignty ernment, dismayed by the long slon of refusals and the existing uncertainty, haw ADproaches to D. B. Hanna him to resume his old office. Hanna was understood to ha garded the terms of the letter, gave him his conge, as abu final and whether he can be back is very doubttul- even it, Eovernment really wants him, E4099 00¢90000000 0 * stand to give evidence, * ®! Col. Walter McKeown, of Toronto, struction of the world." # ACTION ON #/another member of the Royal Com. The British Weekly publishes num- $ DELAYED UNTIL TUESDAY o mission, towards the close of the lerous letters from leaders of churches * a ® morning sitting, rather warmly com- [enthusiastically welcoming an appeal ® . Montreal, Sept. 9~--Develop- # mented on what he called the wrong [to Christian peoples in the interests * ments in the mooted strike of ¢|system under 'which candidates for |of Peace. - The writers Include the # Canadian raflway shopmen win #| pension were being dealt with. Col. Bishop of London and other Bishops. % be suspended untn Tuesday #| McKeown thought that individuals ® next. The schedule committee, #had tried to be fair, but the system % which 1s considering the eoncil- Was wrong. When Dr. Bond urged Sountrymen .today, were 'almost: fn-| - The: 'Donnelly Wrecking variably men who had been contam- | inated by associations met in the ser- | vice of France. i Mr." Lj knew eeveral of the | Company released Steamer reaps, Fue sins der, of Rapids Prince from Lachine ert were not unknown to him. Many 'Rapids Saturday morning. & night he spent as their guest, and his testimony is that the saying, in Sald ' Bsl the désert way of Blelly. Ths bify' was by no means the dilapidatsq and dirty place that it was some- times drawn. It was a city of glis- DO man meets a friend, is Vessel enroute to Montreal. bot entirely true. On the other hand, | sald he, one found real hospitality | am i 008 the tribes. WINE MOTHER MADE A ---------- nt -¥ A MONTREAL SILVER SENDS SON TO JAIL +. |. . COMPANY IS DEBARRED y; ag » Twenty-six Por Cont. RAIL STRIKE =r RE Hope of Settlement Has Been ; Name Changer, Bridgeburg, Sept. 9.--Reuben _-- Upper, of Allanburg, is the leading Washington, D.C., Sept, 9.--The figure in a test case that is attracting United States postoffice department | interest. Upper's home was recently has barred from the mails the eir. raided, and a quantity of wine that culars of the United Silverware [tested nearly 36 per cent. was tound Conipany, the Roy Silverware Com- in an outhouse, other than a private pany and the Radiant Diamond Com- | place. : i TD Dany, of Montreal, It charges that| His mother claims that sk = made one individual is back of the con- [the wine out of dandelions and i To Be Issued cerns and calls fruits; and that some of it was made a Few : Days, \ Montreal, Sept. 9. --Practically all Bope of a settlement of the wage dis- pute between the railway shopmen . Canadian rallways was id last night, and although Smyrna t the name changer Tu the River" cries 'without her son's knowledge. She world." He advertises pioture puz- [is over 90 years of age, and Is one tles and offers prizes of jewelry. He |of the oldest witnesses to become in- is said to have changed the name of | volved in a case of this nature. the company twenty-five times in| He was fined $300 and given two several months. months in jail following a hearing of his case, but has given notice ot appeal to a higher court. NEW YORK FIREMEN ---- ttt ver reer nne + * 4+ CANADIAN PEACHES * GOING TO ENGLAND The Burning of Fuel Permitted Only to Keep Steam Up 3 on Engines. -- New York; Sept. 9.--Fire Commie- sioner Drennan issued a sppelal order to the 306 engine houses in the great- er city forbidding the use of coal for any purpose except to keep steam on fire engines where necessary. | The purpose of the order, he said, is to make the supply on hand last until the end of the year. The en- forcement of the order will deprive the firemen of hot water. y | The department uses 13,000 tons of anthracite a year, finest & to leave for ¢ week and will ¢ ten days later. ¢ committee," the oficial let. ter to the Hon. James Murdock says, 'are still in conterence deliberating as to what our next step will be but have no hesitats structions will be issued within the next few days for a cessation of work by all railway shopmen in the infon. However, 1 will deem it my job to advise you more fully on this just as soon as the strike call bas been used." The letter bears the signature of Shariee Dickle, secretary-treasurer, 0. 4. - i ---- Qirl In United States . * Nea A vo NL dh i -- ch Coamue Bept. § Hospital, they hope to save her eyesight. jClough, after throwing ed from amother and mil} * lation board * decided to defer ® are under way Vulara and action. Smyrna, Sept. 9.~Political tary authorities of began evac- Yesterday uating the town. Embarkations % from . Smyrna, - a ------------ + New York Detective Then Shot Him. self Through Bran. Sept. 9.--Detective Al of the Bast Thirty-nfh » Sent two bullets into she award, yesterday ¢ + » $2640 0400000004 0 * Evacuating Smyrna. London, Sept. 9.--The Greek high commissioner at Smyrna, M, Stergiadis, Yesterday hand- ed over the town to the Allied consuls, according to a despatch from Smyrna. " that in a certain case the man came In contact with the district officer who actually saw him, Col. Me Keown replied: "But you over ruled the district doctor." Col. Me- Keown was emphatic in declaring that something was wrong with the System that prevents a candidate for pension coming into contact with the man who decides his fate. ee THIS PRINCE RETURNS AND WORRIES THE KING Who Wishes, That His Indolent Brother Would Go Far Away. Belgrade, Jugo-Slavia, Aug. 15. dance.) Prince relationship "0 this government de- finitely fixed. How abouw* it?" And of course George has friends, some of whom have interpellated par- George presents a knotty problem. King Alexander is credited with wish- ing that he would go ¢0 the United Sates, or some other distant land, and refrain from embarrassing the government, The Price of. Anthracite Still To Be Decided Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 9. In the matter of anthracite coal distribution SEIZE DRUGS AND LIQUOR INA NEW YORK HoTEL Quest Became Hysterical as an Army of Officlals Make a Rald.. New York, Sept. 9.--A raiding party of twenty-eigh internal revenue agents, twelve police detectives and two assistant federal attorneys swooped down on the Hotel Long Acre, in the theatrical district last night, arrested ten persons and seiz- od quantities of narcotics and liquor, Assistant United States District At- torney Connolly who carried a search warrant issued by Federal Commis- sioner Hitohcook, said that the raid eotss was made as a step in a campaign to widespread traffic Yast put a check to the In drugs in the white light district. A police cordon which was estad- lished about the hotel during the raid attracted throngs to the scene In such numbers that it was necessary to eall Out the reserves of two police sta- tions. 'Windle the raid was still in progress Mr. Connolly emerged from the hotel to announce: "We are finding hypo- dermic needles, stoves for cooking barcotic drugs and all sorts of paras phernaiia all through this place, and we aren't through yet." The entrance of the ralding party in the hotel caused the greatest ex- yr [eitement not only in the main lobby but throughout the whole building, From floor to floor the word was Quickly passed that the place was in charge of government agents and hy- steria come in its wake. In several instances unsuccessful attempts were made to rush the po lice guards placed at the hotel doors. The raid lasted an hour, Mr. Con- nolly said that plans for, its accom- plishment had been under way for more than a month, He said that a Woman agent was brought here from Seattle, Wash.; a man from Denver, Colo, and &ncther from Salt Lake city, Utah, for the purpose of getting evidence, registered at the hotel In the usual method of obtaining drugs and was to "get next to the bell boys." he feposn.s they sald, "usually transaction." 'After making this deposit, > fap iy Eo Sursurs These agents he said, who had been | * . * + fe » * > Some of the new directors been decided upon bat other do not command unantmity cabinet » by birth and has relatives in Ottas He 1s known to have been ap; ed on several occasions with ress to the position but has she luctance toward relinquish, Present somewhat comfo: tion 'for the more oners Jerstive, task of pulling the | an National system slough of defeat. Tos od no readiness ply Invitation. The eyes of the ment have aiso been turned 8 'Prominent official on the FP vania road. SHIPPING BACK GOAL FROM CANADA TO Momber of Oongress A; That Such Fuel ls Soild Enormous Prices, Washington, Sept. 9. (ha that United States coal is ped to and later sold Ino the United States at "ope; 1 Prices," were made in the honss. Representative Steenerson, Re can, Minnesota, In a statement issued later. Steenerwon submitted a letter ed trom P. H, Kens Plying not only their own © on that side of the line, but ing or oftering ere tof to sell to Bt, Vines tesb00e E* 4