SEASON"1922-23 ~~ Fur Coat Specialists ~ We'inyite your inspection of our values in R (OATS - AUTHENT IC STYLES, FINEST QUALITY FURS and : POPULAR PRICES See or write for full information, JOHN McKAY, Limited Manufacturing Furriers Kingston, Ont, 8 Have you sliced these fw favorites for desert at the + ave excellent, sweet and palatable, and sfhing for a hurried mepl. Oh Mabel! {have been THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. A- RELIEF CONTRIBUTION | To Their Fellow-Countrymen | Who Have Been Fight- Ing the Turks. Mobflization orders haye been received by local Gregks to join the army of their homeland to ward off the attacks of the Turks who are now marching Qn Smyrna in Asin Minor. These orders haye came through at regular intervals but owing to the fact that most of them here are Can- adian citizens, there is no necessity for them to angwer the call. Aocord- ing to their ptatements, the calls are largely formal and as the distance is 20 great, some of the local Greeks accorded permission by their government to remain in Can- ada. However, the sympathies of the logal colony are being evidenced in a practical way, and over $600 of sub- scriptions for the relief of their fel- low countrymen. have been raised and forwarded to Greece. The political conditions in their country have aroused the keenest interest her Among those who have Tpalised to the full the meaning of the struggle is Peter Poylos, who seryed for tep years in the Greek apmy fighting the Turks. Mr. Poylos, who is now em- Dployed in Pappas' cigar store, Prin- oegs street, was released from the army thirteen months ago and has been In Kingston for some time. Se interested was he in the recent fight- ing that he declared his inability to slpap for geveral nights. He kep! thinking of his comrades, weary and worn through their struggle against tremendous odds for such a long time, and even wet he cannot keep a mind off the i the strugme. PRINCIPAL GRANT'S VIEW As Far Back as 1876 He Fav- ered Church Union, "Presbyter'! writes in the Presby- terlan Witness: About church union, and epinlons thereof, one has often heard the ny thon--""What would be the attit Principal Grant were he stil ado us? In fopesight, and ia breadth of sympathy and sense he stood with the firs: men of his day, and were he ngst Us pow, it is safe Lo say that dhe would occupy the same rank, The writer heard him address the Kirk Synod of Ontario and Quebec, oR the eve of the Preshyterian union of 1876. He was Moderator of the Kirk of the maritime provinces, and up to the time minister of St. Mat- thew's church, Halifax, a Britisher, Canadian, Coufederationist, Fresbyterian "unite with the Methodists, and after. wards all unite with the Anglicans; but one step at a time, and this must be the first step. "The minority should be eareful that what call their conscientious ob- jections were really matters of con- aclence, as Presbyterians were prone 10 err on that paint. The only reason why Preshyterianism had not become the distinetive church of Protestant Christendom was that men called that conscience which proved Zo be unworthy of the name." Not a few of his own branch of Presbyterianism refused to accom- pany him jute the union of 1875, but he was right and they were wholly wrong. Let his judgement stand, ROADS ABOUT KINGSTON IN FAIRLY QOOD SHAPE of travellers over the ro: they are in comparatively good © dition they certainly show the o fott of the summer's trafic. An of- ficial of the motor league, who had to 3 in the vicinity state that while KINGSTON GREEKS SEND [STUDENTS LOOK FORWARD f 10 SPLENDID SESSION {They Are Hoping For a Lively Time With Amusements. Queen 's students oats 1a the opening of the college the end of the moth are looking forward to one of the bes: gosslons in Jom Aast winter an energetic few ned the sympathies of the Alma 'Society and as a result a numbdy of doings, peculiar- and ly student, will again liven 'the fall |§ snd w months. So now a parade, been 2 yor event by She sit] cit- sens, the students' theatre night which was by the "Frolie' ast spring, the old time of elections, when faculty was pitiad against tac- uity are all on the bill for the stu- dents to reve] dn. In the few years during and fol- lowing the war'a pumber-of these an- nual events | @ to be regarded as expensive frivojities and legisia- top through the Alma Mater Society changed them sq that students re- turning from overseas scarcely recog- nized the events which had meant much in. the pre-war days. The etu- depts parade, becguse of the expense connected with it, was postponed in- definitely; the election hills for ad- vertising were cuptailed a0 greatly that little campaigning was done; the Dramatic eiub decided to more strict- ly live up to its idespls; and finally the Tush was nothing but a name. Some of the students claimed that thesp ovenis were "dead" and a group of "reformers," prominent among whom were the "Honorable Eolsheviki" moved for a return to pre-war policies In regard to these affairs. S0 as & vesult of legislation last winter a slightly modified form of rush will be the means of initiation uped on the freshmem of this fall's classes. The students parade is aeheduled to be held; a better frolic. if pogwible, than was given last win- ter will be billed for theatre nigh: and elections will likely be filled wilh all the old-time faculty spirit. The students will-also he particu- larly interested in athigties. One of the last things which they did at a pass meeting before leaving the uni- versity last spring was to leyy a sixty per cent. increase on athletic fees so that the Athletic Board of Control might be on a better financial fobt- ing. Any body that will voluntarily fo that ave ceviatnly Interested CROWD TO SEE REX. The Atiendumos 8 the- Grand Is a ant wend on Friday hr. eo yg - jam Yule and the other members of the cast were given g fing veception] by the audience. From the moment the curtain. rises With the scene that gives Frederick Tie (Rex) the am- bition to get some easy money" musing 'situations abound, with all the cast contributing to. the merri- ment. Jog Kelly, 3 new member of the caste, has already become a fav~ orite, while the eld members who were with the company last year, have lost none of their popularity in "Here She Comes," This after- noon and even portunity for see this comedy. Sr dee theatra goers to f % 3 er si £3 1 EE will be the last op-| " LORD NORTHCLIFFE'S LAST WARNING! "Beware of Japan! It is from the Ori¢ng that ec future rable of the world Tien gw» re ii) 5. ne SUNDAYS ot Sel ee HERALD AND Also SIR OLIVER EATHLEEN NORRIS "wonian to woman" talk' pvery wife will want to read. : And many other big fepts tpcinding : WONDERFUL SECTION OF "FUNNIES" GREAT ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY MAGAZINE ON SALE NOW. that \ * THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE PHONE 213. {EEE A CS EE EE ------------ ua ~ SS pe -- ENE iE a -- EE ------ Men's Cashmere Socks--nice, heavy weight, Black or Brown, Special to-night . . 99¢, 2 pair, Children's Heavy Ribbed Cotton Hose--Black all sizes, Special 25¢, pair ow Aaa=gucyd aulity Percale, with o-night 8B¢. Te s.mie vs os t0igie 8 wis oo WN Belt and Pockets. Bays' Balbriggan Drawers--sizes 20 to 32. Regulus 30c. line. To-night, half price LATE ARRIVALS ; Silk Quilts for Baby's Cot-- Pink or Blue, with faney ems breidery ws » $2.50 up Pure Irish Linen Table Claths with Napline ' match. best - quality and low prices. EE REAL BEAUTIES Women's Coats . ; Every garment ia a work of art. Beautiful range of EIDERDOWN QUILT. Newman & Shaw Kingston's Big House Fse Furnishings Stere - "es evn. . $16.50 to §95,00 = -- J IRR FA -- RE er A rt a ------ eS ---- ae ------------ REAL ESTATE $1,000--ftanley Stregt, two storey frame dwelling, 7 wooms, SOFRET PIOperty. With barn 80360. a0 3m Sr, ov omg 1 tm bch age Eee Mga and Sas: gree I -- -- Anderson Bros! Delivery Ani+ mal Nearly Ran Down Two Vvomen With Babies, $12.80--133 Quasn Street, § pooms and tollet; immediate pos- sepsion. £ 3 When one of Anderson Bros'. de- $18.00--87 Phie Strept, 7 rooms, electric lights, immediate page Yocum GE sesslon. Victoria 7 hot air fur O00=Vie Street, brick dwelling, rooms, tm er EW Mulino --_--